DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Chicken 100

    Pork 134 1

    Pork 100 2

    Chicken 101 1

    Chicken 181 1

    Chicken 166 2

    Fish 102

    Veggie 100

    Roast 101 1

    Fish 103

    Roast 102

    Chicken 103

    Pork 101 2

    Fish 126 1

    Pork 102 1

    Steak 117 2

    Steak 126 1

    Chicken 207 3

    Chicken 167 1

    Chicken 209

    Pork 103

    Pork 141 1

    Fish 127 1

    Chicken 224 1

    Fish 124 1

    Chicken 111 1

    Steak 102 2

    Pork 143 1Chicken 105 1

    Chicken 107 1

    Chicken 108

    Chicken 109 2

    Chicken 156 1

    Chicken 112

    Chicken 174 1

    Chicken 171 1

    Appe !!" Chicken

    Appe Cherr# Pork Chops

    Appe $a%e& Roast Pork

    Apricot $a%e& Chicken

    Asian !ar'ec(e Chicken

    !ake& Chicken )o*atio

    !ake& Sa*on

    !ake& +iti


    !ar'ec(e& Sa*on

    !!" !ee, San&-iches

    !!" Chicken . Chees# !isc(its

    !!" P(e& Pork San&-iches

    !!" Shri*p

    !!" Spare Ri's

    !ee, A&o'o

    !ee, Fa/itas

    !eer Can Chicken

    !(e'err# Chipote Chicken

    !(e'err# Chipote Chicken

    !o(r'on Spice& Pork )en&eroin

    !reak,ast Casseroe

    !ro-n S(gar !ake& Sa*on

    !(,,ao Chicken Pasta

    Ca/(n Scaops

    Car*ei%e& nion Chicken

    Carne Asa&a !ee,

    CarnitasChicken . (*pings

    Chicken Asa&a Fa/ita

    Chicken Cacciatore

    Chicken Cor&on !e( Casseroe

    Chicken Fa/ita Saa& -ith Crea*# Ciantroi*e Sa(ce

    Chicken in a Pot

    Chicken o ein

    Chicken arsaa

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Chicken 136 1

    Chicken 219 1

    Chicken 177

    Chicken 118 3

    Chicken 119 3

    Chicken 123 2

    Chicken 208

    Steak 103

    Chicken 186

    Fish 104 2

    Roast 111 1

    Roast 104 1

    Chicken 178

    Chicken 129

    Pork 104 1Fish 122 2

    Chicken 197 2

    Roast 105 4

    Pork 128 2

    Chicken 226 1

    Chicken 130 2

    Steak 104

    Chicken 131 2

    Chicken 114

    Steak 105

    Steak 106 2

    Veggie 110 1

    Roast 108

    Roast 115 2

    Roast 107 2

    Fish 125 1

    Fish 105 1

    Fish 119

    Chicken 134

    Chicken 137 1

    Fish 106 3

    Pork 107

    Pork 108 1

    Pork 131 2

    Fish 107 2

    Chicken iano

    Chicken o/ito San&-iches

    Chicken Parisian

    Chicken Par*esan

    Chicken Pesto

    Chicken Santa Fe

    Chicken -ith o*e*a&e Pesto

    Chi*ch(rri Steak

    Citr(s $a%e& Chicken )highs

    Citr(s $rie& Sa*on

    Coa Roast

    Corne& !ee, . Ca''age

    Cornish $a*e ens

    Corn*ea Cr(ste& Chicken

    Co(ntr# !ake& a*Cra' Cakes

    Crockpot a-aiian Chicken

    Crockpot taian !ee,

    C('an Pork

    C(rr# !roccoi an& Chicken Casseroe

    C(rr# Chicken

    i/on Pesto Steak

    as# eicio(s Chicken

    Fa/ita Saa& -ith Crea*# Ciantroi*e Sa(ce

    Fank Steak

    Fank Steak Spice& p

    Fo(rCheese St(,,e& Shes

    French !ee, ip

    French ip Roast !ee,

    French Roast !ee, Cheese ip

    $aric . er' en Frie& )iapia

    $aric Shri*p

    $inger $a%e& Sa*on

    $a%e& er' Chicken

    $rie& Ca/(n Chicken

    $rie& Fish

    $rie& Pork Chops

    $rie& Pork Chops -: taian Reish

    $rie& Pork )en&eroin San&-iches

    $rie& Sa*on -: a%en(t !(tter

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Fish 118 1

    Roast 118 1

    Roast 106

    Steak 118 3

    Pork 125

    Chicken 138

    Fish 108

    Chicken 210

    Chicken 187 one# Pecan Chicken )highs 1

    Chicken 227 1

    Roast 117 1

    Pork 110

    )(rke# 103 1

    Fish 109

    Chicken 228 1Chicken 180

    Pork 136 1

    Chicken 102

    Pork 112

    !ee, 138

    Chicken 139

    Veggie 107 1

    Chicken 220 2

    Steak 124 1

    Fish 115 1

    Pork 113 4

    Pork 129 1

    !ee, 112 2

    Chicken 152 1

    Steak 122 1

    Chicken 144 2

    Chicken 145

    Chicken 146

    Veggie 106 1

    Pork 114

    Chicken 222 1

    Chicken 147 2

    Chicken 150

    Chicken 128

    Fish 101 2

    $rie& Shri*p Spice arina&e

    $rie& )ri)ip Roast o*pocSt#e

    $rie& )ri)ip Roast -:Ciantro

    $;s Steak

    a* an& Scaope& Potatoes

    a-aiian Chicken

    eath# Fish )acos

    one# !!" Chicken

    one#Sesa*e $rie& Chicken )highs

    ot !ee, San&-iches

    taian Sa(sage

    taian StirFr# -ith )(rke# Sa(sage

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Chicken 179 3

    Steak 113 3

    Veggie 109 1

    Veggie 108 2

    Pork 116 1

    Pork 117 1

    Roast 112

    Chicken 212

    Chicken 211

    Fish 117

    Veggie 104

    Steak 112

    Chicken 153

    Chicken 154

    Chicken 155Steak 121 1

    Fish 116

    Steak 115

    Chicken 157 2

    Roast 113

    Pork 138 2

    Fish 113 1

    Pork 139 1

    Steak 114 1

    Steak 107 2

    Steak 108 1

    Fish 111 1

    Fish 128 1

    Veggie 111 1

    Veggie 105

    Steak 125 1

    Steak 109 1

    Pork 121

    Pork 135 2

    Chicken 160

    Pork 122

    Pork 142 1

    )(rke# 101 2

    Steak 111

    Chicken 223 2

    Part# Chicken

    Peppercorn Steak

    Pesto asagna -ith Spinach an& (shroo*s

    Pi%%a Pasta Saa&

    Pork Chop . (shroo*s

    Pork Chop Casseroe

    Pot Roast

    Pot Stickers . Stir Fr# ?Costco@

    Pot Stickers . Stir Fr# ?Sa*;s@

    Rasp'err# Chipote Sa*on


    Re& ine Fank Steak

    Rice =rispie Chicken

    Roaste& er' Chicken

    Rose*ar# Apricot ChickenRose*ar# )ri )ip

    Sa*on -:i*e R(*(star& $a%e

    Santa aria )ri)ip

    Sesa*e Chicken

    Shish =e'a's

    Short Sharp Chops

    Shri*p A,re&o

    So- Cooker Char Si( Pork Roast

    S Steak R('

    So(th-estern Fair

    So(th-estern arina&e Steak

    SpiceR(''e& Roaste& Sa*on

    Spic# Corn an& Shri*p Cakes

    Spinach Crescent Ros

    Spinach Raiois

    Sri ankan !ee, C(rr#

    Steak )eri#aki

    Stick to Bo(r Ri's Ri's

    Stick# r(nk Pig on a Stick

    Stick# Roast Chicken

    Stir Fr# Sa(sage


    S(n rie& )o*ato eatoa,

    S-eet ot Steak

    )aco Chicken an& Rice

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Pork 126 2

    Chicken 218 1

    Chicken 188

    Steak 110

    Chicken 168 1

    Pork 140 2

    Fish 120 1

    Chicken 163

    !ee, 115

    Pork 137 1

    Chicken 165

    )en&er . )ang# Ri's

    )e(ia i*e Chicken

    )eri#aki Chicken

    )eri#aki Steak

    )hai Chicken an& Sesa*e Doo&es

    )haiSt#e Pork Ste-

    )iapia -:i*e R(*(star& $a%e

    hoe Roaste& Chicken

    Ba* D(ea Bang ?Spic# !ee, Saa&@

    +est# arinate& Pork Chops

    +est# Roaste& hoe Chicken

    E o,



    s 4e







  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    eat'a San&-iches EasySerings 1 Participants 11

    1 ' *eat'as 11 ' G 11 '28 o% spaghetti sa(ce 308 o% G 308 o%

    1 c(p cheese> *o%%area> shre&&e& 11 c(p G 11 c(p

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H P(t *eat'as in gaon 'agH

    2H P(t sa(ce in (art 'ag an& p(t cheese in san&-ich 'agH

    3H Pace a s*aer 'ags insi&e gaon 'ag an& ,ree%eH

    Cooking a#

    1H !ro-n *eat'asH

    2H Po(r sa(ce an& *eat'as into cooking pot an& heat to &esire& te*perat(reH

    3H Pace *eat'as in -ar*e& hoagies an& top -ith cheeseH

    Ioagies not proi&e&H

    p&ate& Doe*'er ;07

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



    Ba* D(ea Bang ?Spic# !ee, Saa&@

    Serings 1

    1 po(n& Steak> Fank 8

    1 stak onion> green sice& 8

    4 ta'espoon ciantro> ,resh choppe& 32

    3 ta'espoon i*e /(ice 24

    1 ta'espoon ,ish sa(ce 8

    2 teaspoons Chiies> Re& 16

    3 each to*atoes> ,resh 24

    1 packages noo&es> gass:ceophane 8

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H C(t to*atoes into 1:4in thick -e&ges> sice onions> an& chop ciantro

    2H Co*'ine an& 'ag sice& onions> ciantro> i*e /(ice> ,ish sa(ce> chiis> an& t

    3H !ag ,ank steak

    4H Pace 'agge& ingre&ients> an& package o, noo&es into gaon 'ag an& a'e

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Foo- cooking &irections on package o, noo&es3H Pace steak on gri or 'roier grease& -ith cooking spra#H Cook approJ 6 *i

    4H eat skiet an& a&& contents o, the re*aining 'agH Cook (nti hot

    5H Re*oe steak ,ro* heat an& et rest ,or 5*inH Sice &iagona# across the g

    6H Sere steak oer rice noo&es an& po(r to*atoes an& sa(ce oer the top

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



    Participants 8

    po(n& G 8 po(n&

    stak G 8 stak

    ta'espoon G 32 ta'espoon

    ta'espoon G 24 ta'espoon

    ta'espoon G 8 ta'espoon

    teaspoons G 2H66667 o%

    each G 24 each

    packages G 8 packages


    n(tes per si&eH

    rain into thin sices

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    asagna EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1 each asagna> Fro%en 9 each G 9 each1 each !ag(ette 9 each G 9 each

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Free%e asagnaH

    Cooking a#

    1H Preheat oen to 350H

    2H Pace ,ro%en asagna on cookie sheet an& cooke& coere& ,or 45 *in(tesH

    3H Re*oe coer an& 'ake an a&&itiona 2528 *in(tesH

    4H Sere -ith 'ag(etteH

    p&ate& ece*'er 06;

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



    Appe !!" Chicken

    Serings 1 Participants 9

    4 o% !!" Sa(ce 36 o% G 36 1: 4 c(p Appe t(rning o,ten

    3H !r(sh -ith sa(ce &(ring the ast 15 *in(tes o, cooking ti*eH

    p&ate& a# 07;

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)





  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Apricot $a%e& Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 10

    4 each chicken 'reast 40 each G 40 each 1: 8 tsp sat 1 1: 4 tsp G 1H25 tsp

    1: 8 tsp pepper> 'ack 1 1: 4 tsp G 1H25 tsp

    2: 3 c(p apricot preseres 6 2: 3 c(p G 6H667 c(p

    2 ta'espoons *(star&>&i/on 20 ta'espoons G 10 o%

    1: 2 teaspoons garic po-&er *ince& 5 teaspoons G 0H833 o%

    4 ta'espoons ketch(p sice& 40 ta'espoons G 20 o%

    2 teaspoons ginger> gro(n& 20 teaspoons G 3H333 o%

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Pace chicken> sat> pepper> 1:3 c(p apricot preseres> 1 ) *(star&> 1:4 tsp garic po-&er> 2 ) ketch(p>

    an& 1 tsp ginger in gaon 'agH

    2H Pace 1:3 c(p apricot preseres> 1 ) *(star&> 1:4 tsp garic po-&er> 2 ) ketch(p> an& 1 tsp ginger ins*a 'ag an& insert into gaon 'agH

    3H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-

    2H $ri

    3H !aste chicken -ith s*a 'ag o, ga%e &(ring ast 5 *insHo, cookingH

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



    #eo- *ince& 2 each

    1 ta'espoon S(gar> -hite 8 ta'espoon

    1 ta'espoon Pepper> re& gro(n& 2 teaspoons1 1: 2 po(n& Chicken )highs ?!oneess an& Skiness@ 12 po(n&

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Co*'ine ,irst 10 ingre&ients in a arge 'o-H

    2H A&& chicken> tossing to coatH

    3H Free%e in a +ipoc 'agH

    Cooking a#

    1H eat a gri pan oer *e&i(*high heatH

    2H Coat pan -ith cooking spra#H3H A&& chicken to panK cook 4 *in(tesH

    4H )(rn chicken oerK cook 6 *in(tes or (nti &oneH

    D(tritiona n,or*ation per Sering ?*akes 4 serings@

    Caories 187 ?27L ,ro* ,at@

    Fat 5H7g

    Sat 1H4g

    ono 1H7g

    Po# 1H4g

    ron 1H6*gChoester 115*g

    Caci(* 21*g

    Car's 5g

    Fi'er H5g

    So&i(* 503*g

    Protein 27H5g

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)




    G 2 each

    G 8 ta'espoon

    G 8 ta'espoon

    G 2H667 o%

    G 2H667 o%

    G 0H333 o%

    G 0H667 o%

    G 0H667 o%

    G 0H667 o%

    0H333 o%12 po(n&

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    !!" Chicken . Chees# !is(its EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1 1:2 c(ps !!" Sa(ce 13 1: 2 c(ps G 108 o%1:2 c(ps Cheese> che&&ar> shre&&e& 4 1: 2 c(ps G 36 o%

    3 each Chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each

    1 each !isc(its 9 each G 9 each

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H P(t chicken in (art 'ag

    2H P(t cheese in s*aer 'ag an& p(t !!" sa(ce in another s*a 'ag

    3H Pace s*aer 'ags an& the chicken 'ag into gaon 'ag

    4H Free%e ,at . re,rigerate 'isc(its

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha- 'agsH

    2H Preheat oen to 400 an& treat 13 J 9 -ith nonstick spra#H

    3H Pace chicken 'reasts in pan an& top -ith !!" sa(ceH

    4H !ake (nti chicken is no onger pinkH

    5H Sprinke cheese oer 'isc(its then 'ake as &irecte& on 'isc(it container ?a'o(t 8 10 *in(tes@H

    p&ate& Septe*'er 07;

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



    Chicken . (*pings

    Serings 1 Participants 9

    3 each Chicken 'reast 27 each G 271 1:2 c(ps !rea& Cr(*'s> seasone& 13 1: 2 c(ps G 108

    2 c(ps !is(ick 18 c(ps G 144

    1 can !roth> chicken> in&ii&(a cans 9 can G 9

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H )ri* ,at an& pace chicken 'reasts in (art 'agH

    2H Pace 'rea& cr(*'s in a san&-ich 'agH

    3H Pace 'is(ick in a san&-ich 'agH

    4H a'e can o, chicken 'roth ,or each ,a*i#H

    5H Co*'ine a 'ags into gaon 'ag an& ,ree%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H Bo( -i nee& to hae '(tter or oi> 1 egg> an& *ik on han& ?not inc(&e&@H

    2H Preheat oen to 450 &egreesH

    3H ine cookie sheet -ith ,oi an& spra# -ith cooking spra#H

    4H ip chicken in egg then coat -ith 'rea& cr(*'sH

    5H Pace chicken on cookie sheet an& &ri%%e 3 ) o, *ete& '(tter oer itH

    6H !ake (nti no onger pink in the center> t(rning oer ha,-a# thro(ghH

    7H !ring chicken 'roth an& 14 o% o, -ater to a 'oiH

    8H Stir 'is(ick -ith 2:3 c(p o, *ik (nti so,t &o(gh ,or*sH

    9H rop spoon,(s o, &o(gh into 'oiing 'roth an& re&(ce heatH

    10H Cook (ncoere& ,or 10 *in(tesH

    11H Coer an& cook an a&&itiona 10 *in(tesH

    14H )o sere pace chicken in a 'o- an& a&e hot 'roth an& &(*pings oer the chickenH

    Cooking a# ?Aternate@

    1H Pace chicken 'reasts in a stock potH

    2H Coer -ith can o, 'roth an& po(r in -ater (nti -ater is at east an inch or t-o a'oe chickenH

    3H !ring to a 'oi an& cook chicken thoro(gh#H

    4H Stir 'is(ick -ith 2:3 c(p o, *ik (nti so,t &o(gh ,or*sH

    5H rop spoon,(s o, &o(gh on top o, the chicken an& into 'oiing 'roth an& re&(ce heatH

    6H Cook (ncoere& ,or 10 *in(tesH

    7H Coer an& cook an a&&itiona 10 *in(tesH

    p&ate& Fe'r(ar# 10;

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)






  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



    Chicken Asa&a Fa/ita EasySerings 1 Participants 11

    4 each chicken 'reast 44 each G 44 each

    1:8 c(ps oi> oie 1 3: 8 c(ps G 11 o%

    1 ta'espoon e*on

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Chicken Cacciatore EasySerings 1 Participants 11

    3 each Chicken 'reast 33 each G 33 each

    1: 2 each nion> #eo- 5 1: 2 each G 5H5 each

    1 each Pepper> green 'e 11 each G 11 each

    1 can )o*atoes> taian> &ice& 11 can G 11 can1 can )o*ato Sa(ce sa(ce 15o% 11 can G 11 can

    1 &ash Sat 11 &ash G 11 &ash

    1 &ash Pepper> 'ack 11 &ash G 11 &ash

    1 &ash regano> &rie& 11 &ash G 11 &ash

    1 &ash !asi> &rie& 11 &ash G 11 &ash

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Chop onion an& green pepperH

    2H Pace a ingre&ients into gaon 'agH

    3H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H P(t a ingre&ients in crockpot an& cook on high ,or 6 ho(rs or (nti chicken is &oneH

    2H Sere oer hot cooke& rice or ange hair pastaH

    p&ate& cto'er 07;

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



    Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole EasySerings 1 Participants 6 M

    2 po(n&s Chicken ?C(t into Ch(nks@ C(t into ch(nks 12 po(n&s G 12 po(n&s

    1 each !rea& Cr(*'s ?15 o%@ 6 each G 6 each

    8 o% Cheese S-iss c('e& 48 o% G 48 o%

    8 o% a* &ice& 48 o% G 48 o%1 can Crea* o, Chicken So(p ?10o%@ 6 can G 6 can

    1 c(ps ik 6 c(ps G 48 o%

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H C(t (p chicken into ch(nksH !agH

    2H Pace &ice& ha* an& c('e& s-iss cheese into 'ag -ith chickenH

    3H Pace *ik an& 'rea&cr(*'s into separate ,ree%er 'agsH

    4H Pace three 'ags into arger gaon 'ag> an& a'e cans o, so(pH

    9H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-

    2H Pre heat oen to 350 &egreesH

    3H *pt# 'ag -ith chicken> ha* an& cheese into 'aking &ish

    4H Co*'ine *ik an& so(pH Po(r oer chicken> an& top -ith 'rea&cr(*'sH

    5H !ake a'o(t 30 *in(tes or (nti ten&er an& '(''#H

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



    Car*ei%e& nion Chicken

    Serings 1 Participants

    1 po(n& Chicken !reast )en&ers 14 po(n&

    1: 2 teaspoon Sat 7 teaspoon

    1: 4 teaspoon !ack Pepper 3 1: 2 teaspoon

    1 each nion> s*a sice& 14 each

    1: 2 c(p See&ess Rasp'err# inegar> so# sa(ce> ginger> an& rose*ar#H Free%eH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    3H eat oi in a arge nonstick skiet oer *e&i(*high heatH

    4H A&& onion> an& sa(te 2 *in(tesH5H A&& chicken to panK sa(te 8 *in(tes or (nti chicken is &oneH

    6H Re*oe onion an& chicken ,ro* panH

    7H A&& /a* an& re*aining ingre&ients to panK cook 2 *in(tes> stirring constant# -ith a -hiskH

    8H Ret(rn chicken *iJt(re to panK cook 4 *in(tes> stirring occasiona#H

    D(tritiona n,or*ation per Sering ?*akes 4 serings@

    Caories 246 ?10L ,ro* ,at@

    Fat 2H6g

    Sat H5g

    ono 1H2g Po# H4g

    ron 1H1*g

    Choester 66*g

    Caci(* 19*g

    Car's 28H5g

    Fi'er H5g

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    So&i(* 521*g

    Protein 26H6g

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)




    G 14 po(n&

    G 7 teaspoon

    G 3H5 teaspoon

    G 14 each

    G 7 c(p

    G 14 ta'espoon

    G 14 ta'espoon

    G 14 teaspoon

    G 7 teaspoon

    G 14 teaspoon

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Chicken n A Pot EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    3 po(n&s Chicken hoe 27 po(n&s G 27 po(n&s1 &ash Sat to taste 9 &ash G 9 &ash

    1 &ash Pepper to taste 9 &ash G 9 &ash

    1 &ash !(tter 9 &ash G 9 &ash

    1 &ash !asi 9 &ash G 9 &ash

    1 &ash nion 9 &ash G 9 &ash

    1 ta'espoon $aric 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    1 each e*on ha, 9 each G 9 each

    1 stak Ceer# 9 stak G 9 stak

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H !ag chickenH

    2H Free%e ChickenH

    3H ii&e a ingre&ients into 12 arge pre a'ee& ,ree%er 'ags

    Cooking a#

    5H Sprinke -ith 'asiH

    onNt ,orget to prepare st(,,ing as a si&eH Bo( can aso thro- so*e ,resh potatoes or carrots ha, -a#

    1H ash chicken thoro(gh#H Pat &r#H

    2H Sprinke cait# -ith sat an& pepperH

    3H Pace in so- cookerH

    4H ot -ith '(tterH

    6H Pace in so- cooker an& coerH

    7H Cook on high 1 ho(r> an& then on o- 810 ho(rsH

    Dote o not nee& to a&& an# ,(i&s> -i cook in o-n /(ices> co*es o(t er# ten&erH atch so as to not

    oer cook> -i co*e o(t &r#H

    thro(gh into the chicken potH

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Fa/ita Saa& -ith Crea*# Ciantroi*e Sa

    Serings 1 Participants

    1 1:2 ta'espoon i> oie 13 1: 2 ta'espoon

    1 1:2 teaspoon C(*in> gro(n& 13 1: 2 teaspoon

    1 1:2 teaspoon Paprika 13 1: 2 teaspoon

    1 1:2 teaspoon Chii po-&er 13 1: 2 teaspoon

    3:4 teaspoon Sat 6 3: 4 teaspoon

    1:4 teaspoon Pepper> 'ack 2 1: 4 teaspoon

    3 each Chicken 'reast 27 each

    1:2 c(p Cheese> *ontere# /ack> shre&&e& 4 1: 2 c(p

    1 can !eans> pinto 9 can

    2 ta'espoon ies> 'ack 18 ta'espoon

    1:4 c(p So(r crea* 2 1: 4 c(p

    1:4 c(p a#onnaise 2 1: 4 c(p

    1:4 c(p ik 2 1: 4 c(p

    1 1:2 ta'espoon i*e /(ice 13 1: 2 ta'espoon

    1 ta'espoon Ciantro> ,resh 9 ta'espoon

    1:2 ta'espoon Vinegar> 'asa*ic 4 1: 2 ta'espoon

    1 teaspoon $aric> *ince& 9 teaspoon

    6 c(p ett(ce> ro*aine> 54 c(p

    1 each Pepper> green 'e> 9 each

    1:4 each nion> re&> 2 1: 4 each2 each )o*atoes> ,resh> 18 each

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Co*'ine oie oi> c(*in> paprika> chii po-&er> sat> an& pepper in a *e&i(* 'o-H R(' on

    2H !ag the cheese> oiesH

    3H Free%e ,atH

    4H a'e can o, 'eansH

    5H Co*'ine so(r crea*> *a#onnaise> *ik> i*e /(ice> ,resh ciantro> 'asa*ic inegar> an& g

    6H !ag an& re,rigerate so(r crea* *iJt(reH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H $ri chicken then sice into thin stripsH

    3H ice to*atoes> re& oinion> 'e pepper an& ett(ceH

    3H Pace egeta'es> cheese> an& 'eans in 'o-s an& top -ith chickenH

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    4H Sere -ith Crea*# Ciantroi*e Sa(ceH


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    ce Easy


    G 13H5 ta'espoon

    G 13H5 teaspoon

    G 13H5 teaspoon

    G 13H5 teaspoon

    G 6H75 teaspoon

    G 2H25 teaspoon

    G 27 each

    G 4H5 c(p

    G 9 can

    G 18 ta'espoon

    G 2H25 c(p

    G 2H25 c(p

    G 2H25 c(p

    G 13H5 ta'espoon

    G 9 ta'espoon

    G 4H5 ta'espoon

    G 9 teaspoon

    G 54 c(p

    G 9 each

    G 2H25 eachG 18 each


    ricH hiskH

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Chicken Par*esan EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    4 each Chicken 'reast 36 each G 36 each

    10 o% Spaghetti sa(ce 90 o% G 90 o%

    1 c(p Cheese> *o%%area> shre&&e& 9 c(p G 9 c(p1 c(p !rea& Cr(*'s> itaian seasone& 9 c(p G 9 c(p

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H P(t three chicken 'reasts in (art si%e& 'agH

    2H !ag separate# sa(ce> cheese> 'rea&cr(*'s an& pace a 'ags into gaon 'agH

    3H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H Bo( -i nee& 2 eggs not proi&e&H !eat eggsH

    2H Preheat oen to 400 &egreesH

    3H ip chicken in egg> then 'rea& cr(*'s> coating -eH4H n 13J9 inch gass 'aking &ish> arrange chicken> coer -ith so*e o, the spaghetti sa(ceH

    5H !ake (ncoere& 30 *in(tesH

    6H Po(r re*aining spaghetti sa(ce oer chicken> then top -ith cheeseH

    7H !ake an a&&itiona 10 *in(tes or (nti chicken is no onger pinkH


    Sere -ith hot cooke& pasta> an& *ore sa(ceH

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    p&ate& A(g(st 2009

    Chicken Parmesan

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    Chicken Pesto easySerings 1 Participants 8

    1 1:4 c(p Pesto sa(ce 10 c(p G 10 c(p1 c(p Cheese> par*esan> shre&&e& 8 c(p G 8 c(p

    3 each Chicken 'reast 24 each G 24 each

    1:2 ta'espoon $aric> *ince& 4 ta'espoon G 4 ta'esp

    1 ta'espoon inegar> 'asa*ic 8 ta'espoon G 8 ta'esp

    1 teaspoon sat 8 teaspoon G 8 teaspo

    10 o(nces Pasta> Spaghetti 80 o(nces G 80 o(nces

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H P(t pesto sa(ce into san&-ich 'ag an& p(t par*esan cheese in separate san&-ich 'agH

    2H P(t chicken> garic> inegar an& sat into gaon 'agH

    3H Co*'ine 'ags an& ,ree%e ,atH4H !ag noo&esH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha- . gri or skiet the chickenH

    2H Cook noo&esH

    3H hen chicken is &one> sice chicken an& *iJ -ith hot noo&es an& pesto sa(ceH

    4H $arnish -ith par*esan cheeseH

    p&ate& A(g09

    Vita*in A

    Amount Per Serving


    Sering Si%e 1 sering ?akes 4 serings@

    12H6 L

    Vita*in !12 4H7 L

    Vita*in !6 4H2 L


    Vita*in C 0H5 L

    Total Fat 39H4 g

    Vita*in 0H0 L

    Sat(rate& Fat 11H1 g

    Vita*in 0H4 L

    Po#(nsat(rate 0H5 g

    Caci(* 51H3 L

    ono(nsat(rat 1H9 g

    Copper 7H5 L

    Cholesterol 94H4 *g

    Foate 25H2 L

    Sodium 1>853H4 *g

    ron 14H6 L

    Potassium 67H7 *g

    agnesi(* 9H0 L

    Total Carohydrate 53H0 g

    anganese 21H4 L

    ietar# Fi'er 4H9 g

    Diacin 12H2 L

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    S(gars 5H0 g

    Pantothenic Aci 2H7 L

    Protein 46H1 g

    Phosphor(s 22H5 L

    Ri'o,ain 12H3 L

    Seeni(* 50H2 L

    )hia*in 19H9 L

    +inc 9H4 L

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    Pesto sa(ceCheese> par*esan> shre&&e&

    Chicken 'reast

    oon $aric> *ince&

    oon inegar> 'asa*ic

    n sat

    Pasta> Spaghetti

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    Chicken Santa Fe EasySerings 1 Participants 8

    4 each Chicken 'reast 32 each G 32 each1 3:4 c(p Corn> -hoe kerne> ,ro%en 14 c(p G 14 c(p

    1 c(p Sasa> *i& 8 c(p G 8 c(p

    1 c(p Cheese> che&&ar> shre&&e& 8 c(p G 8 c(p

    1 can !eans> 'ack> in&ii&(a cans 8 can G 8 can

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H )ri* ,at o,, o, chicken an& &rain cornH

    2H Pace chicken> corn an& sasa into gaon si%e 'agH

    3H ii&e cheese into s*a 'aggie

    4H Co*'ine 'ags an& ,ree%e ,atH

    5H a'e 1 can o, 'eans Chicken Santa Fe an& pass o(t at eJchangeH

    Cooking a#

    1H Rinse an& &rain 'ack 'eansH

    2H (*p chicken> sasa> corn> an& 'eans into the crockpot on igh 23 ho(rs or on o- 56H

    3H A&& cheese the ast ten *in(tes 'e,ore seringH

    p&ate& Fe'r(ar# 2010

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)



    PanRoaste& Chicken an& Vegeta'es EasySerings 1 Participants 8

    3 each Chicken 'reast 24 each G 24 each2 each potatoes> -hite 16 each G 16 each

    1 each %(cchini> ,resh> -hoe 8 each G 8 each

    1 each s(ash> #eo- 8 each G 8 each

    1 each pepper> re& 'e 8 each G 8 each

    1 each onion> re& 8 each G 8 each

    4 ta'espoons oi> oie 32 ta'espoons G 16 o%

    2 each garic> coes 16 each G 16 each

    1 teaspoon rose*ar#> &rie& &ii&e& 8 teaspoon 8 teaspo

    1 teaspoon sat &ii&e& 8 teaspoon 8 teaspo

    1 teaspoon pepper> 'ack &ii&e& 8 teaspoon G 8 teaspo

    1: 2 c(p 'rea& cr(*'s> seasone& 4 c(p G 4 c(p

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H C(t %(cchini> #eo- s(ash> 'e pepper an& onion into ch(nksH

    2H iJ -ith oie oi> garic> 1:2 tsp rose*ar# an& 1:2 tsp each sat an& pepperH !agH

    3H !ag chicken separate#H

    4H !ag 'rea& cr(*'s an& re*aining rose*ar#> sat an& pepperH

    5H Pace eer#thing in arge 'ag an& ,ree%e ,atH

    6H $ie 2 potatoes to each person separate# &o not ,ree%e potatoesH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H C(t potatoes into ch(nks an& *iJ -ith other eggiesH

    3H Arrange eggies aro(n& si&es o, arge pan> eaing center openH

    4H ight# 'eat one egg ?not proi&e&@ in a 'o-H

    5H ip chicken into egg an& then into 'rea& cr(*' *iJt(re> coating co*pete#H

    6H Pace chicken in center o, panH

    7H !ake at 425 ,or 2225 *in(tes or (nti chicken is no onger pink in centerH

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    Corn*ea Cr(ste& Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    3 each Chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each 1: 2 c(p !(tter*ik 4 1: 2 c(p G 4H5 c(p

    1: 2 c(p Corn*ea 4 1: 2 c(p G 4H5 c(p

    1: 2 c(p !rea& Cr(*'s> itaian seasone& 4 1: 2 c(p G 4H5 c(p

    1: 2 c(p Cheese> Par*esan> grate& 4 1: 2 c(p G 4H5 c(p

    1 teaspoon Sat 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    1: 2 teaspoon Pepper> 'ack 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    2 each ggs 18 each G 18 each

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Coat chicken pieces -ith the '(tter*ik an& pace in %ipock 'agH

    2H n a s*a %ipock> co*'ine the corn*ea> 'rea& cr(*'s> Par*esan Cheese> sat an& pepperH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H !eat the eggs an& &ip the chicken into it an& coat thoro(gh# -ith the corn*ea *iJt(reH

    3H Pace the coate& chicken pieces on a rack> set onto a 'aking sheetH

    4H Spra# the chicken sight# -ith '(tter ,aore& cooking spra#H

    5H !ake at 425 &egrees ,or 3545 *in(tesH

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    C(rr# Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 12

    3 each chicken 'reast 36 each G 36 each3 ta'espoon Fo(r 36 ta'espoon G 36 ta'esp

    1 each nion> #eo- 12 each G 12 each

    1: 2 c(p orange /(ice 6 c(p G 6 c(p

    1 each pepper> re& 'e 12 each G 12 each

    1 teaspoon sat 12 teaspoon G 12 teaspo

    1 ta'espoon C(rr# Po-&er 12 ta'espoon G 12 ta'esp

    1: 2 c(p ik> eaporate& 6 c(p G 6 c(p

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H C(t chicken into 1 inch pieces an& p(t in gaon 'ag aong -ith oie oiH

    2H P(t ,o(r> c(rr# an& sat in san&-ich 'agH3H P(t < in san&-ich 'ag an& p(t eaporate& *ik in separate san&-ich 'agH

    4H nion an& re& pepper proi&e& ,reshH

    5H P(t a 'ags insi&e o, chicken 'ag an& ,ree%eH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha- an& coat chicken -ith c(rr# *iJH

    2H Sa(te eggies in 3 t'sp oie oi> a&& chicken an& stir (nti a*ost cooke&H

    3H A&& < ,or 1015 *in (nti chicken is cooke& thoro(gh#H

    4H A&& eaporate& *ik an& stirH Re*oe ,ro* heat an& sereH

    p&ate& Septe*'er 06;

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    )a' Do Chicken 131


    as# eicio(s Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1: 2 c(p !roth> chicken 4 1: 2 c(p G 4H5 c(p4 each Chicken 'reast 36 each G 36 each

    1: 4 teaspoon )h#*e> &rie& 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1: 4 teaspoon !asi> &rie& 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1 packet taian Saa& ressing iJ ?&rie&@ 9 packet G 9 packet

    1: 2 can So(p> Crea* o, Chicken 4 1: 2 can G 4H5 can

    4 o% Crea* Cheese 36 o% G 36 o%

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H P(t a ingre&ients in gaon 'ag an& ,ree%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H A&& sat an& pepper to tasteH2H P(t a ingre&ients in crockpot an& cook a &a# on o- or ha, &a# on highH

    p&ate& Fe'r(ar# 10

    1 gaon

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    )a' Do Chicken 131



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    )a' Do Chicken 134

    $a%e& er' Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    6 Chicken !reasts 'oneess> skiness 54 0 G 54 014 1: 2 o% Chicken !roth 130 1: 2 o% G 130H5 o%

    3: 4 c(p range resere 1 c(p o, *arina&eH

    2H $ri chicken an& thro- o(t the rest o, the *arina&eH

    3H n a sa(cepan> co*'ine resere& *arina&e> cornstarch> an& hone#H !ring to a 'oi an& stir ,or 2 *in(tes

    (nti thickene&H

    4H Sere -ith orange sices oer riceH Spoon sa(ce oer the topH

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    )a' Do Chicken 134








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    Chicken iano

    Serings 1 Participants

    3 each Chicken !reast 'oneess> skiness 27 each

    1: 4 c(p Fo(r not !rovided 2 1: 4 c(ps

    1 each ggs not !rovided 9 each

    1: 2 c(p !rea& cr(*'s> taian seasone& 4 1: 2 c(ps

    4 ta'espoon !(tter 36 ta'espoons

    1: 2 c(p Spaghetti sa(ce 4 1: 2 c(ps

    1: 4 c(p Cheese> *o%%area> shre&&e& 2 1: 4 c(ps

    1: 4 c(p Cheese> s-iss> shre&&e& 2 1: 4 c(ps

    1: 8 c(p Cheese> par*esan> grate& 1 1: 8 c(ps

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Co*'ine cheesesH !ag chicken> sa(ce> 'rea& cr(*'s an& cheeses separate#H

    Cooking a#

    1H Preheat oen to 350H Ro each chicken 'reast in ,o(r> &ip in 'eaten egg> then ro in 're

    2H eat '(tter in arge skiet oer *e&i(*high heatH Cook chicken (nti 'ro-ne& on a si&

    3H Po(r sa(ce into a 'aking &ish '(t resere 2 )H Pace chicken in &ish an& coer -ith chee

    4H !ake oose# coere& (nti cooke& thro(gh> a'o(t 30 *in(tesH

    1 gaon

    1 (art

    3 san&-ich

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    G 27 each

    G 18 o%

    G 9 each

    G 36 o%

    G 18 o%

    G 36 o%

    G 18 o%

    G 18 o%

    G 9 o%

    & cr(*'sH

    s> a'o(t 10 *in(tesH

    e *iJH )op -ith resere& sa(ceH

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    $rie& Ca/(n Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 17

    4 each Chicken 'reast 68 each G 68 each3 each Pepper> Re& 'e see&e&:sice& 51 each G 51 each

    1 ta'espoon Ca/(n Seasoning 17 ta'espoon G 17 ta'esp

    3: 4 c(ps a, an& a, 12 3: 4 c(ps G 102 o%

    2 teaspoons $aric> *ince& 34 teaspoons G 5H667 o%

    2 ta'espoon )o*ato Paste 34 ta'espoon G 34 ta'esp

    1 teaspoons !asi> &rie& 17 teaspoons G 2H833 o%

    4 teaspoons i> oie &ii&e& 68 teaspoons G 11H33 o%

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Pace chicken 'reasts> Ca/(n seasoning a&& 2 tsp oi in gaon 'agH

    2H Pace peppers in (art 'agH

    3H Pace 2 tsp oi> garic> to*ato paste> 'asi> an& ha, an& ha, in (art 'agH4H P(t a 'ags in -ith chickenH

    Cooking a#

    1H $ri chicken an& peppers on '' (nti &one

    2H n sa(cepan heat ha, an& ha, *iJt(re ?&o not 'oi@ . po(r sa(ce oer chickenH


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  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    a-aiian Chicken

    Serings 1 Participants 9

    1 c(p !!" Sa(ce 9 c(p G 9 c(p3 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each

    1 ta'espoon hone# 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Co*'ine a ingre&ients in gaon 'ag an& ,ree%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H $riH

    p&ate& Septe*'er 06;

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  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    e*on Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1 teaspoon )h#*e> &rie& 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo1 teaspoon sat 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    1: 2 teaspoon pepper> 'ack 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    1: 8 teaspoon $aric> po-&er 1 1: 8 teaspoon G 1H125 teaspo

    1: 3 c(p e*on a&& chicken an& ,ree%eH

    2H !ag rice ,or the pantr#H

    Cooking a#1H )ha-

    2H Preheat oen to 450H

    3H Arrange chicken in a grease& 8J8 'aking &ishH

    4H Po(r i(i& oer chickenH

    5H !ake 20 *in(tesH

    6H )(rn chicken oer an& 'aste itH

    7H !ake 15 to 20 *in(tes onger or (nti chicken is ten&er an& no onger pinkH

    8H Prepare rice accor&ing to package &irectionsH

    9H Sere chicken oer riceH


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    ontere# Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 8

    1 c(p !!" Sa(ce 8 c(p G 8 c(p1 c(p Cheese> che&&ar> shre&&e& 8 c(p G 8 c(p

    3 each Chicken 'reast 24 each G 24 each

    1 staks nion> $reen> ,resh> 8 staks G 8 staks

    6 sices !acon 48 sices G 48 sices

    2 each )o*atoes> Ro*a> ,resh> 16 each G 16 each

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Pace 'acon in san&-ich 'agH

    2H Pace chicken an& '' sa(ce in (art 'agH

    3H Pace cheese in gaon 'agH

    4H P(t a 'ags in gaon 'ag -: cheeseH5H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-

    2H Cook chicken in skiet -: '' sa(ce on stoe top a'o(t 9 *in or (nti cooke& thro(ghH

    3H hie chicken is cooking> thro- 'acon in *icro ,or 45 *in

    4H Sice ,resh ingre&ientsH

    5H P(t cheese on top (nti it is *ete&H

    6H $arnish -ith ,resh ingre&ientsH

    ptiona Cooking nstr(ctions


    p&ate& A(g09

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    (star& Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    3 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each1 teaspoon garic> *ince& 9 teaspoons G 1H5 o%

    1 ta'espoons *(star&> &r# 9 ta'espoons G 4H5 o%

    16 ta'espoons oi> oie 144 ta'espoons G 72 o%

    1 1:2 teaspoon parse#> &rie& 13 1: 2 teaspoons G 2H25 o%

    1 teaspoon Pepper> 'ack 9 teaspoons G 1H5 o%

    12 ta'espoons So# Sa(ce 108 ta'espoons G 54 o%

    1:2 c(p inegar> re& -ine 4 1: 2 c(ps G 36 o%

    12 teaspoon orcestershire Sa(ce 108 teaspoons G 18 o%

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H P(t a ingre&ients in one arge 'agH

    2H Free%e FatH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-

    2H $ri chicken> &iscar&ing *arina&eH

    p&ate& Fe'r(ar# 07;

  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    i . Vinegar Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1 each Chicken c(t (p> ceane& 9 each G 9 each 1: 2 c(ps i 4 1: 2 c(ps G 36 o%

    1 c(ps inegar 9 c(ps G 72 o%

    2 teaspoon Sat 18 teaspoon G 18 teaspo

    1: 2 teaspoon Po(tr# Seasoning 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    1: 4 teaspoon Pepper 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1 each gg 9 each G 9 each

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Co*'ine *arina&e ingre&ients an& *iJ -eH

    2H A&& chickenH

    Cooking a#1H )ha-H

    2H !ar'e(e chicken ,or 25 to 35 *in(tes> or (nti /(ices r(n cear> t(rning o,tenH

    p&ate& A(g(st 06;

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    regano e*on Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 12

    3 each chicken 'reast 36 each G 36 each1:4 c(p e*on /(ice 3 c(p G 3 c(p

    2 ta'espoons hone# 24 ta'espoons G 12 o%

    4 1:2 teaspoons i> oie 54 teaspoons G 9 o%

    2 1:2 teaspoon regano> &rie& 30 teaspoon G 30 teaspoon

    1 teaspoon $aric> *ince& 12 teaspoon G 12 teaspoon

    1 teaspoon Sat 12 teaspoon G 12 teaspoon

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Co*'ine a ingre&ients in gaon 'agK ,ree%eH

    Cooking a#1H $ri or 'ake in 'aking &ish on 375 ,or 45 *in(tes 'asting occasiona#H

    p&ate& a# ;07

    Aternate Cooking etho&


    C(t (p the chicken an& cooke& it in the pan -ith the i(i& ,ro* the 'agH )hen thro- in ,resh spinach an& c(tto*atoesH Cook spaghetti noo&es an& a&&e& the* at the ast *in(te an& toppe& it o,, -ith par*esan cheeseH

    p&ate& Fe'10

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  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


    chicken 'reaste*on /(ice


    i> oie

    regano> &rie&

    $aric> *ince&


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    en !ar'ec(e& Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    3 po(n&s Chicken Pieces 27 po(n&s G 27 po(n&s 1: 2 c(ps =etch(p 4 1: 2 c(ps G 36 o%

    4 ta'espoon Vinegar> -hite 36 ta'espoon G 36 ta'esp

    1 ta'espoon e*on 'ro-n 27 ta'espoon G 27 ta'esp

    1 teaspoon Sat 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    1 1: 2 teaspoon (star&> &r# 13 1: 2 teaspoon G 13H5 teaspo

    1 teaspoon Paprika 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Rinse an& pat chicken &r# an& 'agH

    2H Co*'ine re*aining ingre&ients an& 'ag separate#H

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Sprinke chicken -ith a itte sat an& pepper> an& p(t in a shao- casseroe &ishH

    3H eat sa(ce separate# an& po(r heate& sa(ce oer chickenH

    4H Coer an& 'ake at 350 &egrees ,or 1 1:2 to 2 ho(rs> 'asting occasiona#H

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    o/o Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 12

    4 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each1:2 c(p orange /(ice 4 1: 2 c(ps G 36 o%

    1 ta'espoon oi> oie 9 ta'espoons 4H5 o%

    1 ta'espoon i*e /(ice 9 ta'espoons 4H5 o%

    2 teaspoon garic> *ince& 18 teaspoons 3 o%

    1 teaspoon paprika 9 teaspoons G 1H5 o%

    1 teaspoon oregano> &rie& 9 teaspoons G 1H5 o%

    1:2 teaspoon sat 4 1: 2 teaspoons 0H75 o%

    1:2 teaspoon Pepper> Cr(she& Re& 4 1: 2 teaspoons G 0H75 o%

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Co*'ine /(ices> oi> garic> an& spices in a (art 'agH

    2H !ag chicken in (art 'ag an& pace insi&e gaon 'ag -ith 'ag o, sa(ceH3H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha- an& a&& chicken to *arina&e ,or 1 to 3 ho(rs an& re,rigerateH

    2H $rease a 9 J 13 'aking &ish an& 'ake chicken coere& ,or 20 *in at 375H

    3H ncoer an& *ake an a&&itiona 25 *in(tes or (nti &oneH

    p&ate& a#10

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    Rice Crispie Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1 ta'espoon re&(ce& caorie '(tter 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp1 teaspoons re&(ce& caorie '(tter 9 teaspoons G 9 teaspo

    1 1: 2 o% corn ,akes 13 1: 2 o% G 13H5 o%

    1 ta'espoon Par*esan cheese> grate& 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    1 teaspoons garic po-&er 9 teaspoons G 9 teaspo

    1: 4 teaspoons sat 2 1: 4 teaspoons G 2H25 teaspo

    1: 8 teaspoons gro(n& re& pepper 1 1: 8 teaspoons G 1H125 teaspo

    3 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H n ,oo& processor> co*'ine corn ,akes> cheese> garic po-&er> sat an& pepperK process (nti corn ,akes

    are coarse# choppe&H Pace cr(*' *iJt(re in pastic 'agH

    2H !ag chicken 'reastH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Preheat oen to 400 &egreesH Pace 1tsp '(tter in 13OJ9O 'aking panH Pace pan in oen ,or 3 5 *in (nti

    (nti '(tter *etsH Re*oe pan ,ro* oenH

    3H Coat chicken> 1 piece at a ti*e in 1)' *ete& '(tterH Pace chicken in 'ag -ith cr(*'s an& shake to coatH

    Pace chicken in prepare& panH

    4H !ake ,or 30 *in(tesK t(rn chicken oer an& cook 15 *in(tes onger> (nti cooke& thro(gh an& crisp#H

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    i# in their socketsH

    045 *in(tes or in a 375 &egree oen ,or 2030 *in(tesH

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    Rose*ar# Apricot Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1:3 c(p apricot preseres 3 c(p G 3 c(p3 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each

    2 teaspoon garic 18 teaspoon G 18 teaspo

    1:2 ta'espoon e*on e*on an& *(star&H

    5H nsert s*a 'ag into arge chicken 'agH

    6H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H $ri (nti chicken is ha, -a# &oneH

    3H !r(sh apricot *iJt(re oer the chicken an& contin(e cookingH

    4H !aste o,ten -ith ga%eH

    5H Can aso 'ake at 350 &egrees ,or 45 *in(tes then ga%e an& 'ar'e(e or 'roi to ,inishH

    p&ate& cto'er 06;

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    "CCC Chicken 156

    Chicken Fa/ita Saa& -ith Crea*# Ciantroi*e Sa(ce Easy

    Serings 1 Participants 15

    1 1:2 ta'espoon i> oie 22 1: 2 ta'espoon G 22H5 ta'espo1 1:2 teaspoon C(*in> gro(n& 22 1: 2 teaspoon G 22H5 teaspoo

    1 1:2 teaspoon Paprika 22 1: 2 teaspoon G 22H5 teaspoo

    1 1:2 teaspoon Chii po-&er 22 1: 2 teaspoon G 22H5 teaspoo

    3:4 teaspoon Sat 11 1: 4 teaspoon G 11H25 teaspoo

    1:4 teaspoon Pepper> 'ack 3 3: 4 teaspoon G 3H75 teaspoo

    3 each Chicken 'reast 45 each G 45 each

    2 o% Cheese> *ontere# /ack> shre&&e& 7 1: 2 c(ps G 30 o%

    1 can !eans> pinto 15 can G 15 can

    2 ta'espoon ies> 'ack 30 ta'espoon G 30 ta'espo

    1:4 c(p So(r crea* 3 3: 4 c(p G 3H75 c(p

    1:4 c(p a#onnaise 3 3: 4 c(p G 3H75 c(p

    1:4 c(p ik 3 3: 4 c(p G 3H75 c(p1 1:2 ta'espoon i*e /(ice 22 1: 2 ta'espoon G 22H5 ta'espo

    1 ta'espoon Ciantro> ,resh 15 ta'espoon G 15 ta'espo

    1:2 ta'espoon Vinegar> 'asa*ic 7 1: 2 ta'espoon G 7H5 ta'espo

    1 teaspoon $aric> *ince& 15 teaspoon G 15 teaspoo

    Saa& ingre&ients> not proi&e&> '(# on o-n -hen #o( -ant to eat

    ett(ce> ro*aine

    Pepper> green 'e

    nion> re&

    )o*atoes> ,resh

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Co*'ine oie oi> c(*in> paprika> chii po-&er> sat> an& pepper in a *e&i(* 'o-H R(' on chickenH

    2H !ag the cheese> oiesH

    3H Free%e ,atH

    4H a'e can o, 'eansH

    5H Co*'ine so(r crea*> *a#onnaise> *ik> i*e /(ice> ,resh ciantro> 'asa*ic inegar> an& garicH hiskH

    6H !ag an& re,rigerate so(r crea* *iJt(reH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H $ri chicken then sice into thin stripsH

    3H ice to*atoes> re& oinion> 'e pepper an& ett(ceH?these #o( -i '(# on #o(r o-n -hen #o( are rea to eat saa&@

    3H Pace egeta'es> cheese> an& 'eans in 'o-s an& top -ith chickenH

    4H Sere -ith Crea*# Ciantroi*e Sa(ceH

    Aternate Cooking etho&

    )ha- chicken an& cook on skietH a,-a# thr(> a&& sice& onion an& 'e pepperH ? cooke& -ith a i& on to keep *oist(re in so

    chicken -o(&n;t &r# o(t@H Sice chicken -hen a*ost cooke& an& contin(e& to et it cook (nti &oneH A&& 'eans ?an& aso a

    can o, 'ack 'eans@H Sere& -ar* oer saa& -ith cheese an& &ressingH

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    Sesa*e Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9


    4 each Chicken 'reast 36 each G 36 each1:4 c(ps S(gar> 'ro-n 2 1: 4 c(ps G 18 o%

    1 ta'espoon Sesa*e See&s 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    1:2 teaspoon $aric> po-&er 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Co*'ine a ingre&ients -ith 1:8 c(p o, -ater in one arge +ipoc 'agH

    2H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-

    2H $ri or crockpotH

    p&ate& Fe'10

    1 gaon

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    Stick# Roast Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    3 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each1:4 c(p hone# 2 1: 4 c(p G 2H25 c(p

    1 1:2 ta'espoon inegar> 'asa*ic 13 1: 2 ta'espoon G 13H5 ta'esp

    1 ta'espoon oi> oie 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    1:2 ta'espoon garic> *ince& 4 1: 2 ta'espoon G 4H5 ta'esp

    1:6 ta'espoon paprika 1 1: 2 ta'espoon G 1H5 ta'esp

    1:2 teaspoon sat 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon Pepper> 'ack 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon Pepper> Ca#enne 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H A&& a ingre&ients eJcept chicken an& *iJ sa(ce in gaon 'ag

    2Hnce *iJe&> a&& chicken to gaon 'ag an& ,ree%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha- an& pace into crockpot on o- a &a# or on high ,or 4 ho(rsH

    p&ate& arch 07;

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    +est# Roaste& Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    2 ta'espoon chii po-&er 18 ta'espoon G 18 ta'esp1 ta'espoon oregano 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    2 teaspoon garic *ince& 18 teaspoon G 18 teaspo

    2 ta'espoon oi 18 ta'espoon G 18 ta'esp

    1 ta'espoon e*on /(ice 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    1: 2 teaspoon sat 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    1: 2 teaspoon Pepper> !ack 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    1 -hoe Chicken> hoe 9 -hoe G 9 -hoe

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Co*'ine chii po-&er> oregano> garic> oi> e*on /(ice> sat an& pepper in san&-ich 'agH

    2H P(t chicken in gaon 'agH

    3H P(t spice 'ag in -ith chickenH4H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H Re*oe gi'ets ?i, an#@

    2H i,t (p the skin o, the chicken at the neck an& si&e #o(r ,ingers 'et-een the 'reasts an& skin a the

    -a# (p to the egsH

    3H Pat the chii *iJt(re on the 'reast an& on the o(ter skinH

    4H )(ck the -ings (n&er> tie the egs an& pace chicken in roasting panH

    5H Roast 15 *in at 500 &egrees then o-er to 450 &egrees ,or 30 *in or (nti /(ices r(n cear -hen pierce&H

    6H et sit 10 *in a,ter cookingH

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    +est# Roaste& Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    2 ' Chicken skinne&> 'one& 18 ' G 18 '4 coes $aric 36 coes G 36 coes

    1 each nion> s*a 9 each G 9 each

    1: 3 c(p Ciantro> ,resh choppe& 3 c(p G 3 c(p

    1: 4 c(p i> ie 2 1: 4 c(p G 2H25 c(p

    1 1: 2 teaspoon Paprika 13 1: 2 teaspoon G 13H5 teaspo

    1 teaspoon C(*in> gro(n& 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    1 teaspoon Parse#> &rie& 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    1: 2 teaspoon Sat 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    1: 2 teaspoon Pepper> Cr(she& Re& 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    8 each Ske-ers> 8inch oo&en 72 each G 72 each

    )o prepare ,or gro(p1H C(t chicken into 1 inch c('esH

    2H Pace chicken pieces an& *arina&e in arge ,ree%er 'agH

    3H Free%eH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-

    2H Soak 8 ?8inch@ -oo&en ske-ers 30 *in(tes to preent '(rningH

    3H Re*oe chicken ,ro* *arina&e> &iscar&ing *arina&eH

    4H )hrea& chicken pieces onto ske-ers> eaing 1:4 inch space 'et-een piecesH

    5H $ri> coere& -ith gri i&> oer *e&i(*high heat ?350400 &egrees@ 6 to 8 *in(tes on each si&e or

    (nti &oneH

    6H Sere on pita 'rea& -ith ett(ce> to*atoes> an& hot sa(ceH

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    !ake& Chicken )o*atio EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    4 each chicken 'reast 36 each G 36 each1:8 c(p oi> oie 1 1: 8 c(p G 1H125 c(p

    1 teaspoon Chii Po-&er 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspoon

    1 c(p sasa er&e 9 c(p G 9 c(p

    3 o(nces Cheese> "(eso Fresco ?cr(*'e&@ 27 o(nces G 27 o(nces

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H P(t chicken> oie oi> chii po-&er> an& sasa er&e in gaon 'agH

    2H P(t (eso ,resco in san&-ich 'ag an& pace 'ag in -ith chickenH

    3H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#1H eat oen 375 &egrees

    2H Pace contents o, arge 'ag in 8 J 8 'aking &ishH

    3H !ake approJH 20 *in(tes or (nti chicken is &oneH

    4H Sprinke -ith cr(*'e& "(eso Fresco an& sereH

    p&ate& A(g09

    Baked Chicken Tomatillo

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    !(e'err# Chipote Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 12

    3 each chicken 'reast 36 each G 36 each

    1 1:2 c(p !(e'err# Chipote Sa(ce 18 c(p G 18 c(p

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Pace chicken in 'ag -ith 1 c(p o, sa(ceH

    2H Pace 1:2 c(p sa(ce in a separate 'agH

    3H Co*'ine 'ags into a gaon 'ag an& ,ree%eH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H $ri chicken an& 'r(sh on sa(ce eer#ti*e #o( t(rn oer chickenH3H se the s*a 'ag o, sa(ce ,or a &ipping sa(ceH

    10H !ag pasta an& 'ring -ith ,ree%er 'ag to eJchangeH

    p&ate& A(g09

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    )hai Chicken -ith Sesa*e Doo&es EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1 each $oo& Seasons Asian Sesa*e ressing i 9 each G 9 each2 ta'espoon so# sa(ce 18 ta'espoons 9 o%

    3 each chicken 'reast 27 each 27 each

    2 ta'espoon pean(t '(tter> cr(nch# 18 ta'espoons 9 o%

    2 ta'espoon hone# 18 ta'espoons G 9 o%

    1: 2 teaspoon Pepper> Cr(she& Re& 4 1: 2 teaspoons G 0H75 o%

    1 po(n& pasta> spaghetti> thin 9 po(n& 9 po(n&

    2 each carrots shre&&e& 18 each 18 each

    4 each onion> green 36 each G 36 each

    8 ta'espoon ciantro> ,resh choppe& 72 ta'espoons G 36 o%

    )o prepare ,or gro(p1H iJ &ressing an& so# sa(ceH Po(r 1:3 c(p oer chickenH !ag an& ,ree%e chickenH

    2H A&& pean(t '(tter> hone# an& cr(she& re& pepper to re*aining 1:3 c(p o, &ressing *iJt(reH !ag an& ,ree%eH

    3H !ag re*aining ingre&ients an& ,ree%eH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Cook chicken on skiet> *e&i(*high heat ,or 8 *in(tes or (nti cooke& thro(ghH

    3H Cook pastaH

    4H Pace chicken> *iJt(re an& re*aining ingre&ients in 'o- an& *iJ ight#H

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    Chicken arsaa EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    3:4 c(p !roth> chicken 6 3: 4 c(p G 6H75 c(p3 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each

    1 c(p ine> arsaa 9 c(p G 9 c(p

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Po(n& chicken to 1:4 inch thickness then 'agH

    2H !ag *arsaa -ine

    3H !ag chicken 'roth

    Cooking a#1H )ha-

    2H n a arge skiet oer *e&i(*high heat> heat 2 teaspoons o, oie oiH

    3H Cook chicken on each si&e ,or 5 *in(tesH

    4H A&& the -ine an& cook ,or a'o(t 4 *in(tes (nti the -ine ooks s#r(p#H

    5H n a s*a c(p> &issoe 1 t'sp cornstarch in the 'rothH

    6H A&& to the chicken an& cook (nti sa(ce is thickene&> a'o(t 2 *in(tesH

    7H A&& pepper an& sat to tasteH


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    Chicken o ein EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1 po(n& chicken 'reast c(t into strips 9 po(n& G 9 po(n&1:4 c(p So# Sa(ce> ight 2 1: 4 c(p G 2H25 c(p

    2 ta'espoon garic> *ince& 18 ta'espoon G 18 ta'esp

    1 c(p pasta> spaghetti 9 c(p G 9 c(p

    1:4 c(p =RAF) Asian )oaste& Sesa*e ressing 2 1: 4 c(p G 2H25 c(p

    16 o% nions an& Peppers> ,ro%en 144 o% G 144 o%

    1:2 c(p 'roth> chicken> ,at,ree> re&(ce&so&i(* 4 1: 2 c(p G 4H5 c(p

    1 ta'espoon pean(t '(tter> crea*# 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    2 ta'espoon pean(ts choppe& 18 ta'espoon G 18 ta'esp

    2 ta'espoon ciantro> ,resh choppe& 18 ta'espoon G 18 ta'esp

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H !ag together chicken> garic an& &ressingH

    2H !ag together peppers> onions> 'roth an& pean(t '(tterH

    3H !ag separate# spaghetti> so# sa(ce> ciantro an& pean(tsH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H !reak spaghetti in ha, an& cook per package &irectionsH

    3H Stir ,r# chicken> garic an& &ressing ,or 3 *in or (nti chicken is no onger pinkH

    4H A&& peppers> onion> 'roth an& pean(t '(tterH

    5H Stir ,r# an a&&itiona 34 *in (nti chicken is cooke& thro(ghH

    6H rain spaghetti> ret(rn to pan an& a&& chicken *iJt(re an& so# sa(ceH iJ -eH

    7H $arnish -ith ciantro an& pean(tsH

    p&ate& Fe'101 gaon

    3 (art

    2 san&-ich

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    Chicken Parisian EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    2 c('es 'o(ion> chicken R 2 c('es 18 c('es G 18 c('es3 ta'espoons !(tter 27 ta'espoons G 13H5 o%

    3 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each

    1:4 c(p Fo(r 2 1: 4 c(p G 2H25 c(p

    1:4 teaspoon paprika 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon Pepper> 'ack 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon )h#*e> &rie& 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    2 teaspoon Parse#> Fresh choppe& 18 teaspoon G 18 teaspo

    1:4 c(p ine> hite &r# 2 1: 4 c(p G 2H25 c(p

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Pace chicken 'reasts in gaon 'agH2H Co*'ine ,o(r> paprika> an& pepper into a separate gaon 'agH

    3H nsert ,o(r 'ag in chicken 'ag an& ,ree%eH

    4H Co*'ine -ine> 'o(ion> parse#> an& th#*e into re,rigerator 'agH ?r pace c('es in *(shroo* 'agH@

    5H A&& 3 ) o, '(tter into 'agH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H Re*oe 'ags ,ro* each otherH

    2H !r(sh &irt o,, *(shroo*s an& siceH SRS AR D) DCH

    3H Pace '(tter in skiet an& heatH

    4H Shake chicken in ,o(r 'ag one at a ti*e an& pace in skiet -ith *ete& '(tterH

    5H !ro-n chicken an& re*oe ,ro* pan keeping -ar*H6H n sa*e skiet> a&& 1:2 c(p -ater -ith -ine an& her' sa(ce an& sice& *(shroo*sH

    7H Si**er 3 *in(tesH

    8H A&& chickenK si**er coere& 20 *in(tes or (nti ten&erH

    p&ate& cto'er 06;

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    Cornish $a*e ens EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    2 each ens> Cornish $a*e 18 each G 18 each1:4 c(p hone# 2 1: 4 c(p G 2H25 c(p

    1:3 c(p (star&> $rain# 3 c(p G 2H997 c(p

    5 ta'espoons i> egeta'e 45 ta'espoons G 22H5 o%

    1 teaspoon )h#*e 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    1 1:2 teaspoon cinna*on> gro(n& 13 1: 2 teaspoon G 13H5 teaspo

    1 each e*on 9 each G 9 each

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H iJ seasonings> 'ag> an& ,ree%eH

    2H Pass o(t ,ro%en seasonings an& ,ro%en hensH

    3H e*on -i 'e &istri'(te& '# ,resh shopperH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Re*oe the -ing tips ,ro* the hensH

    3H Ro the hens in *arina&e an& *arina&e oernightH

    4H Preheat oen to 450 &egreesH

    5H Season the 'ir&s insi&e an& o(t -ith sat an& peperH

    6H C(t e*on in ha, an& s(ee%e oer each 'ir&H P(t a (se& e*on ha, in the cait# o, each 'ir&H

    7H )r(ss the 'ir&sH

    8H Set a rack in a roasting pan an& 'r(sh the rack -ith seera ta'espoons egeta'e oiH

    9H Pace 'ir&s 'reast si&e &o-n on the oie& rackH Roast ,or 30 *in(tesH

    10H )(rn the 'ir&s 'reast si&e (p> re&(ce the heat to 350 &egreesH11H Roast an a&&itiona 1520 *in(tes or (nti cooke& thro(gh an& skin is 'ro-nH

    11H Ao- hens to rest 10 *in(tes 'e,ore seringH

    p&ate& ece*'er 06;

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    "CCC Chicken 179

    Part# Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    4 each Chicken 'reast 36 each G 36 each1 'ag Pasta> gg Doo&es 9 'ag G 9 'ag

    1:2 each ipton nion So(p Packets 4 1: 2 each G 4H5 each

    12 o% French ressing 108 o% G 108 o%

    8 o% hoe Cran'err# Sa(ce 72 o% G 72 o%

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H iJ a ingre&ients ,or sa(ceH

    2H P(t chicken in ,ree%er 'ag -ith sa(ceH

    3H Free%eH

    4H !ag noo&esH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-

    2H P(t in chicken . sa(ce in 'aking panH

    3H !ake at 350 ,or one ho(r (ncoere&H

    4H Sere oer noo&esH

    p&ate& A(g09

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    Po-&er 18 teaspoons G 3 o%

    1 teaspoon onion> po-&er 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    1:2 teaspoon ginger> gro(n& 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    1:2 teaspoon )h#*e 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    1:2 teaspoon Aspice> gro(n& 4 1: 2 teaspoon G 4H5 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon sat 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon D(t*eg 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon pepper> re& 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1:8 teaspoon Pepper> 'ack 1 1: 8 teaspoon G 1H125 teaspo

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Co*'ine spices in a 'o-H

    2H R(' spices oer chickenH

    3H Free%e ,at in gaon 'agH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H $ri or cook in skiet oer *e& high heatH

    p&ate& Doe*'er ;07

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    Citr(s $a%e& Chicken )highs EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    1:2 c(p orange /(ice 4 1: 2 c(p G 4H5 c(p

    1 ta'espoon So# Sa(ce 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    1 ta'espoon hone# 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    1 teaspoon garic 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    1 teaspoon ginger> gro(n& 9 teaspoon G 9 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon i*e Rin& grate& 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1:8 teaspoon pepper> re& 1 1: 8 teaspoon G 1H125 teaspo

    4 each Chicken )highs ?Skiness@ 36 each G 36 each

    1:2 ta'espoon Fo(r 4 1: 2 ta'espoon G 4H5 ta'esp

    1:4 teaspoon sat 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Pace a ingre&ients eJcept ,o(r an& sat in gaon 'agH

    2H Pace ,o(r an& sat in a s*a 'agH

    3H Co*'ine 'ags an& ,ree%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Ao- chicken to *arinate ,or seera ho(rs> at eastH

    3H Pace chicken on a ,oiine& pan coate& -ith cooking spra#> resere the *arina&eH

    4H !roi 8 *in(tes on each si&e or (nti &oneH

    5H hie chicken cooks> pace resere& *arina&e an& ,o(r *iJt(re in a s*a sa(cepanH6H !ring to a 'oi an& si**er (nti thickene&H

    7H Sere sa(ce oer chickenH

    p&ate& Doe*'er 06;

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    one# Pecan Chicken )highs

    Serings 1 Participants

    1:2 teaspoon !ack Pepper> gro(n& 4 1: 2 teaspoon

    1: 2 teaspoon Re& Pepper> gro(n& 4 1: 2 teaspoon

    1: 2 teaspoon )h#*e> &rie& 4 1: 2 teaspoon

    8 each Chicken )highs> 'oneess> skiness 72 each

    3: 4 c(p one# 6 3: 4 c(p

    3: 4 c(p i/on (star& 6 3: 4 c(p

    2 coe $aric> *ince& 18 coe

    1 c(p Pecans> ,ine# choppe& 9 c(p

    1: 2 teaspoon C(rr# Po-&er 4 1: 2 teaspoon

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Co*'ine ,irst 4 ingre&ientsK sprinke een# oer chickenH

    2H Stir together 1:2 c(p hone#> 1:2 c(p *(star&> an& garicK po(r oer chickenH

    3H Free%e *iJt(re in a +ipoc 'agH

    4H Free%e pecans in a +ipoc 'agH

    5H Stir together 1:4 c(p hone#> 1:4 c(p *(star&> an& c(rr# po-&erH Free%e in a +ipoc 'agH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Re*oe chicken ,ro* *arina&e> &iscar&ing *arina&eH3H re&ge chicken in pecansK pace on a ight# grease& rack in an a(*in(* ,oiine& 'roi

    4H !ake at 375 ,or 40 *in(tes or (nti chicken is &oneH

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    G 4H5 teaspoon

    G 4H5 teaspoon

    G 4H5 teaspoon

    G 72 each

    G 6H75 c(p

    6H75 c(p

    18 coe

    9 c(p

    4H5 teaspoon

    r panH

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    )eri#aki Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 10

    3 each chicken 'reast 30 each G 30 each1:2 c(p So# Sa(ce 5 c(p G 5 c(p

    1:2 c(p S(gar> hite 5 c(p G 5 c(p

    1 1:2 ta'espoons inegar> re& -ine 15 ta'espoons G 7H5 o%

    2 teaspoons i> egeta'e 20 teaspoons G 3H333 o%

    1:2 teaspoon garic 5 teaspoon G 5 teaspo

    3:4 teaspoon ginger> gro(n& 7 1: 2 teaspoon G 7H5 teaspo

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Co*'ine a ingre&ients in a 1 gaon 'agH

    2H Free%e ,atH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Preheat oen to 350H

    3H Po(r chicken an& *arina&e into a 'aking &ish that has 'een coate& -ith nonstick spra#H

    4H !ake ,or 35 *in(tesH

    5H Sere oer rice ?not inc(&e&@H

    p&ate& ece*'er 06;

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    Crockpot a-aiian Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 6

    3 each chicken 'reast 18 each G 18 each2 c(p pineappe> sice&> canne& &raine& 12 c(p G 12 c(p

    1 each an&arin range> in&ii&(a can &raine& 6 each G 6 each

    1:8 c(p Cornstarch 3: 4 c(p G 0H75 c(p

    4 ta'espoons s(gar> 'ro-n 24 ta'espoons G 12 o%

    1:8 c(p So# Sa(ce 3: 4 c(p G 0H75 c(p

    1:8 c(p e*on gro(n& 3 teaspoon G 3 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon Pepper> Ca#enne 1 1: 2 teaspoon G 1H5 teaspo

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Pace chicken in ,ree%er 'agH

    2H iJ together cornstarch> s(gar> so# sa(ce> e*on /(ice> sat> ginger> an& ca#enne pepperH

    3H Po(r oer the chicken in 'agH

    4H Free%e ,atH

    5H a'e cans o, pineappe an& *an&arin orangesH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Pace in crockpot> coer> an& cook on o- ,or 45 ho(rs or on high ,or 23 ho(rsH

    3H rain cans o, pineappes an& *an&arin oranges then a&& to crockpot 1 ho(r 'e,ore seringH


    1H , &esire&> a&& green pepper ch(nks one ho(r 'e,ore sering ?not inc(&e&@H

    2H Sere oer stea*e& rice ?not inc(&e&@H

    p&ate& A(g09 1 gaon

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    !eer Can Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 12

    1 ta'espoon s(gar> 'ro-n packe& 12 ta'espoon G 12 ta'esp1 ta'espoon paprika 12 ta'espoon G 12 ta'esp

    2 teaspoons Pepper> 'ack 24 teaspoons G 4 o%

    1 teaspoon sat 12 teaspoon G 12 teaspo

    1 teaspoon Chii Po-&er 12 teaspoon G 12 teaspo

    1:2 teaspoon $aric> Po-&er 6 teaspoon G 6 teaspo

    1:2 teaspoon onion> po-&er 6 teaspoon G 6 teaspo

    1:4 teaspoon Pepper> Ca#enne 3 teaspoon G 3 teaspo

    1 each Chicken> hoe 12 each G 12 each

    1 can !eer 12 can G 12 can

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H )o prepare the chii r('> co*'ine the 'ro-n s(gar an& a the spices in a san&-ich 'agH

    2H Free%e chickenH

    3H !ring chicken> chii r('> an& can o, 'eer to eJchangeH

    Cooking a#

    1H Co(nt on 1 1:2 ho(rs o, cooking ti*eH

    2H )(ck (n&er the -ing tips o, the chickenH

    3H se #o(r ,ingers to oosen the skin aong the 'reast an& thighs o, the chickenH

    4H Pace a'o(t 1 ta'espoon o, the r(' (n&er the skinH

    5H Resere 1 ta'espoon o, the r('H6H Sprinke the re*aining r(' oer the o(tsi&e an& inner cait# o, the 'ir&> r(''ing it a oerH

    7H Coer -ith pastic -rap> re,rigerate at east 20 *in(tes> an& (p to 6 ho(rs ahea&H

    8H Pace the oen rack on the o-est setting> preheat the oen to 350 &egreesH

    9H ash the (nopene& 'eer can -ith hot soap# -aterH

    10H Po(r o(t ha, the 'eer in the can ?&rink it> &iscar& it> or resere it ,or another (se@H

    11H se a ch(rchke# 'otte opener to *ake 2 *ore hoes in the top o, the canH

    12H Po(r the resere& r(' *iJt(re into the can ?it -i '(''e (p@H

    13H o&ing the 'ir& (pright> -ith the opening o, the 'o cait# at the 'otto*> o-er the 'ir& onto the ca

    14H P( o(t the egs so that the 'ir& stan&s (pright> -ith the egs an& can ,or*ing a tripo&H

    15H Pace the proppe&(p chicken in a ,oiine& roasting panH

    16H se a ong strip o, a(*in(* ,oi an& *ake a tent oer the chickenH

    17H Fi,teen *in(tes 'e,ore the 'ir& is ,inishe&> re*oe a(*in(* ,oi to et the skin 'ro-nH18H )(rn oen o,, a,ter ti*e is (p an& et it stan& ,or 10 *in(tesH

    19H Care,(# i,t the chicken o,, the can an& careH

    p&ate& A(g09

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    Chicken -ith o*e*a&e Pesto EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    3 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each

    1 ta'espoon garic 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    1 ta'espoon inegar> 'asa*ic 9 ta'espoon G 9 ta'esp

    1 teaspoons sat 9 teaspoons G 1H5 o%

    2 c(ps !asi> Fresh 18 c(ps G 144 o%

    1:2 c(p oi> oie 4 1: 2 c(p G 4H5 c(p

    1:3 c(p Pine D(ts Can s('stit(te -an(ts 3 c(p G 2H997 c(p

    1:4 teaspoon Pepper 2 1: 4 teaspoon G 2H25 teaspo

    1:2 c(p Cheese> Par*esan ?$rate&@ 4 1: 2 c(p G 4H5 c(p

    1 c(p Cheese> Par*esan ?Shre&&e&@ 9 c(p G 9 c(p

    10 o% Pasta> Spaghetti 90 o% G 90 o%

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H P(t chicken> 1H5 teaspoons garic> 'asa*ic inegar> an& 1:2 tsp sat into a 'agH

    2H ith a 'en&er or ,oo& processor a&& 'asi an& pine n(ts an& p(se a ,e- ti*esH

    3H A&& re*ianing 1H5 teaspoons garic an& p(se a ,e- *ore ti*esH

    4H So-# a&& the oie oi in a constant strea* -hie the ,oo& processor is onH

    5H Stop to scrape &o-n the si&es o, the ,oo& processor -ith a r(''er spat(aH

    6H P(se (nti 'en&e& an& then a&& 1:2 teaspoon sat an& 1:4 teaspoon pepperH

    7H !ag pesto sa(ce> this recipe #ie&s approJ 1 c(p o, pesto sa(ceH

    8H P(t the t-o t#pes o, par*esan cheeses into separate san&-ich 'agsH

    9H Co*'ine chicken> pesto> shre&&e& par*esan> an& grate& par*esan 'ags into a gaon 'ag an& ,ree%

    10H !ag pasta an& 'ring -ith ,ree%er 'ag to eJchangeH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H $ri or skiet the chickenH

    3H Cook pastaH

    4H !ring pesto sa(ce to roo* te*perat(re an& stir in grate& par*esan cheeseH

    5H Sice chicken an& *iJ -ith hot pasta an& pesto sa(ceH $arnish -ith shre&&e& par*esanH

    p&ate& arch 07

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    !(e'err# Chipote Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    3 each chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each

    1 1:2 c(p !(e'err# Chipote Sa(ce 13 1: 2 c(p G 13H5 c(p

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Pace chicken in 'ag -ith 1 c(p o, sa(ceH

    2H Pace 1:2 c(p sa(ce in a separate 'agH

    3H Co*'ine 'ags into a gaon 'ag an& ,ree%eH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H $ri chicken an& 'r(sh on sa(ce eer#ti*e #o( t(rn oer chickenH3H se the s*a 'ag o, sa(ce ,or a &ipping sa(ceH

    10H !ag pasta an& 'ring -ith ,ree%er 'ag to eJchangeH

    p&ate& arch 07

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    one# !!" Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 9

    3 each Chicken 'reast 27 each G 27 each

    1 1:2 c(p !!" sa(ce> hone# 13 1: 2 c(p G 13H5 c(p

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Po(r 1 c(p o, sa(ce in arge %ipoc -ith chickenH

    2H n s*a +ipoc> a&& 1:2 c(p sa(ceH

    3H Co*'ine 'ags an& ,ree%e ,at

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H !ake at 350 &egrees coere& -ith ,oi ,or 30 *inH

    3H ncoer an& 'ake a&&itiona 15 *in(tesH4H se eJtra sa(ce ,or 'astingH

    p&ate& A(g(st 07;

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    Pot Stickers . Stir Fr# ?Sa*;s@

    Serings 1 Participants 9

    32:97 'ag Asian stir ,r# egeta'es> ,ro%en 2 65:67 'ag G 2H97 'ag32:97 'ag potstickers> ,ro%en 2 65:67 'ag G 2H97 'ag

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H P(t 1:3 'ag o, potstickers an& 1:3 'ag o, stir ,r# eggies in gaon 'agH

    2H P(t sa(ce packets ?inc(&e& -ith stir,r# an& potstickers@ in 'ag -ith potstickersH

    Cooking a#

    1H A&& 2 ) oi to pan . a&& ,ro%en potstickers in a singe a#erH

    2H Cook ,or 1 *in on *e& high heat ?&o not *oe potstickers@

    3H A&& 1 c(p -ar* -ater> coer an& cook ,or 8 *in or (nti -ater is eaporate&H

    4H ncoer> cook 1 *in or (nti go&en 'ro-nH5H A&& 1 ) oi to pan an& a&& stir,r# egeta'es> coer an& cook on *e& heat ,or 5 *in stirring occasiona#H

    6H A&& sa(ce an& cook coere& ,or an a&&itona 5 *in(tes> stirring occasiona# (nti eggies are cooke&H

    p&ate& Apri 07;

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    Pot Stickers . Stir Fr# ?Costco@

    Serings 1 Participants 9

    32:97 'ag Asian stir ,r# egeta'es> ,ro%en 2 65:67 'ag G 3 'ag32:97 'ag Potstickers> ,ro%en 2 65:67 'ag G 3 'ag

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    Cooking a#

    45 *in(tes or (nti crisp an& ten&erH

    p&ate& Doe*'er ;07

    1H P(t 1:3 'ag o, stir,r# eggies> ,oo-e& '# 1:3 'ag o, potstickers into gaon 'agH

    2H ii&e (p sa(ce packets ?inc(&e& -ith potstickers@ an& pace in 'ag -ith potstickersH

    1H A&& 2 )'spH egeta'e oi to a nonstick skietK coat een#H

    2H Pace ,ro%en potstickers ,at si&e &o-n in a singe a#erH

    3H Coer an& cook ,or 8 *in(tes> -atch constant# to preent '(rningH

    4H ncoer> cook 1 *in(te or (nti go&en 'ro-nH5H Stir ,r# eggies on a ight# oie& ,r#ing pan> *e&i(* to high heatH Cook approJi*ate#

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    )e(iai*e Chicken EasySerings 1 Participants 11

    4 each chicken 'reast 44 each G 44 each chicken 'reast

    1: 4 c(p so# sa(ce> o-so&i(* 2 3: 4 c(p G 2H75 c(p so# sa(ce> o-so

    3 ta'espoon *argarita *iJ> 'otte& 33 ta'espoon G 33 ta'espoon *argarita *iJ> 'ot1 ta'espoon te(ia 11 ta'espoon G 11 ta'espoon te(ia

    1 ta'espoon i*e /(ice 11 ta'espoon G 11 ta'espoon i*e /(ice

    1 teaspoon *(star&> &r# 11 teaspoon G 11 teaspoon *(star&> &r#

    1 teaspoon garic> *ince& 11 teaspoon G 11 teaspoon garic> *ince&

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Rinse an& tri* chicken as &esire&H ii&e chicken een# a*ong the ,ree%er 'agsH

    2H Co*'ine so# sa(ce> *argarita *iJ> te(ia> i*e /(ice> an& *(star& in a *e&i(* 'o-H

    3H ii&e *arina&e een# oer chickenH

    3H Sea an& ,ree%e

    Cooking a#

    )his entree can 'e prepare& o(t&oors on a gri or in the kitchen (sing #o(r 'roierH

    1H Co*pete# tha- one entree in the re,rigeratorH

    FR )R C=D$

    1H Prepare a *e&i(*o- ,ire in a gas or charcoa griH

    2H Cook chicken> t(rning eer# 5 *in(tes an& 'asting ,re(ent# -ith the *arina&e ,or 30 *in(tes

    or (nti an instantrea& ther*o*eter inserte& into the thickest part o, the chicken rea&s 170FH

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    o not 'aste chicken &(ring ast 5 *in(tes o, griingH iscar& re*aining *arina&eH

    FR DR C=D$

    1H Sice each 'reast in ha, hori%onta#> so that no piece is *ore than 1 inch thickH

    2H Arrange the chicken sices on a grease& 'roier panH

    3H !roi chicken 5 inches ,ro* the 'roier> t(rning ,re(ent# an& 'asting> ,or 15 to 20 *in(tes>

    or (nti an instantrea& ther*o*eter inserte& into the thickest part o, the chicken rea&s 170FH

    o not 'aste chicken &(ring ast 5 *in(tes o, griingH iscar& re*aining *arina&eH

    Vita*in A

    Amount Per Serving


    3 Serings

    0H1 L

    Vita*in !12 0H0 L

    Vita*in !6 2H6 L


    Vita*in C 3H2 L

    Total Fat 0H8 g

    Vita*in 0H0 L

    Sat(rate& Fa 0H0 g

    Vita*in 0H3 L

    Po#(nsat(ra 0H0 g

    Caci(* 0H9 L

    ono(nsat(r 0H1 g

    Copper 1H7 L Cholesterol 73H3 *g

    Foate 1H1 L

    Sodium 1>062H5 *g

    ron 2H8 L

    Potassium 53H2 *g

    agnesi(* 2H3 L

    Total Carohydrate 5H8 g

    anganese 5H8 L

    ietar# Fi'er 0H3 g

    Diacin 3H7 L

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    S(gars 3H1 g

    Pantothenic A 0H9 L

    Protein 32H0 g

    Phosphor(s 2H8 L

    Ri'o,ain 1H8 L

    Seeni(* 2H2 L

    )hia*in 1H0 L

    +inc 0H8 L

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    Chicken o/ito San&-iches

    Serings 1 Participants

    1 1: 2 po(n&s chicken 'reast approJ 3:4in thick 18 po(n&s

    1 ta'espoons *int> ,resh 12 ta'espoons

    3 ta'espoons i*e /(ice 36 ta'espoons

    2 ta'espoons r(*> &ark 24 ta'espoons

    1 teaspoon c(*in> gro(n& 12 teaspoon

    1 teaspoon garic> *ince& 12 teaspoon

    1: 3 each onion> s-eet 4 each

    )o prepare ,or gro(p

    1H Co*'ine chicken thro(gh garicH !ag2H )hick# sice onionsH !ag

    Cooking a#

    1H Re*oe chicken ,ro* 'ag an& &iscar& *arina&eH $riH

    2H $ri onion sicesH

    3H Sere on '(ns ?not proi&e&@

    p&ate& A(g09

    ptiona ressing1:4 c(p o-,at *a#o

    1:4 tsp grate& i*e rin&

    3 t'sp *ince&> ,resh *int

    1 t'sp i*e /(ice

    1 tsp s(gar

    1 tsp *ince& chie

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    G 18 po(n&s

    G 6 o%

    G 18 o%

    G 12 o%

    12 teaspoon

    12 teaspoon

    G 4 each

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    #ango$Cranerry Chicken

    Serings 1

    4 each chicken 'reast 56

    1 o% *ango> &rie&> choppe& 14

    1:16 c(p cran'erries> &rie& 7: 8

    1:2 c(p *ango ch(tne# 7

    1:8 c(p inegar> rice -ine 1 3: 4

    1:16 c(p onion> *ince& 7: 8

    1:4 ta'espoon garic> *ince& 3 1: 2

    1:4 ta'espoon oi> sesa*e> toaste& 3 1: 2

    1:4 ta'espoon c(rr# po-&er 3 1: 2

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H !ag chickenH

    2H Pace *ango an& cran'erries in 'o- an& coer -ith 'oiing -aterK s

    3H A&& ch(tne#> inegar> onion> garic> sesa*e oi an& c(rr# po-&erK sti

    4H Ao- sa(ce to coo an& po(r oer chicken in 'agH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

    2H Si**er chicken an& sa(ce in a arge skiet oer *e&i(* heat (ntithro(gh# cooke&> 15 to 20 *in(tesH

    3H Sere hot oer rice or noo&es ?not inc(&e&@H

    p&ate& A(g09

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    Participants 14

    each G 56 each

    o% G 14 o%

    c(p G 0H875 c(p

    c(p G 7 c(p

    c(p G 1H75 c(p

    c(p G 0H875 c(p

    ta'espoon G 3H5 ta'espoon

    ta'espoon G 3H5 ta'espoon

    ta'espoon G 3H5 ta'espoon



    eat is

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    range )eri#aki Chicken Easy

    Serings 1 Partici 12

    1:8 c(p So# Sa(ce> o-so&i(* 1 1: 2 c(p G 1H5 c(p

    1 1:2 ta'esp onion> #eo choppe& 18 ta'esp G 18 ta'espoon

    1 ta'esp garic> *ince& 12 ta'esp G 12 ta'espoon

    1:2 ta'esp oi> oie 6 ta'esp G 6 ta'espoon

    1:4 teaspoo pepper> 'a choppe& 3 teaspo G 3 teaspoon

    1:4 teaspoo ginger> gro(n& 3 teaspoon 3 teaspoon

    1:4 teaspoo pepper> re& sa(ce 3 teaspoon 3 teaspoon

    3 o% orange /(ice concentrate 36 o% 36 o%

    4 each chicken 'reast 48 each 48 each

    )o Prepare ,or $ro(p

    1H Co*'ine a ingre&ients eJcept chickenH

    2H Pace chicken in ,ree%er 'ags an& po(r *arina&e on topH

    Cooking a#

    1H )ha-H

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  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)











  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)


  • 8/12/2019 DISH QCCC Recipe List - Easy-1(1)
