Discovering Scholarly Resources

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of Discovering Scholarly Resources

Julia Gross & Lutie Sheridan Edith Cowan University Library

Discovering scholarly resources

the student experience

What we wanted to know…

How easy was it to navigate on the new library


How did students use Library OneSearch?

How did they approach the search topics?

What issues arose?

Library site 2010

Library site 2011

Methodology - usability

• 5 first year students

• Computing & Library

• Students conducted


Observation study

• Screen captured

• Microphone

• Webcam

What did we discover ?

Library site 2010

Library site 2011

Library site 2010

Student Portal

Student Record

Student Portal

Library One Search

How easy was it to navigate on the new library


How did students use Library OneSearch?

How did they approach the search topics?

What issues arose?

What we found out…

Acknowledgement --

Barbara Combes and her students at ECU

