Discover your values & gain more energy

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Discover your values & gain more energy

“Discover your values and gain more energy”

with Mirian B Sanchez

Here is how we will role

– 40 min. live workshop

– 30 min. is valuable coaching

– Plus Q&A Session

– Follow by recording of workshop

What do you need?– Pen

– Paper

– Be in a place you feel comfortable and relax and nobody can interrupt you

Who am I?

Well-being is what I strive for in life

What we are going to cover today

– What “values” are – Why they are important – The relationship between values & energy– 2 x Coaching exercises to discover your values – What to do once you know what your core values are– Create during the length of this training a ‘’thinking environment’’

What are “values”? – Why do people do what they do? Why do some seek

fame, some search love, others pursue money?

– Values are the activities, behaviors, beliefs, qualities or goals that you believe are important. Simply put values are ‘’the things that are important to you”

– They affect the choices we make and the satisfaction with the outcomes of these choices.

Why they are important?– Because values are the energy behind our goals

– If you put energy into something that does not meet your core values, you will feel dissatisfied and frustrated

– Knowing what your values are is going to help you understand why you do what you do

– Knowing our core values can also help us identify what our passions are and live a more fulfilling life.

Values & Energy– Leon Festinger, (psycologist, 1962): Cognitive Dissonance.

Introduced the idea that conflicting values cause tension, therefore, when what we do doesn’t agree with our core values, we’re in the middle of a conflict.

– This means that when we do something that is conflicting our core values, that something takes a lot of energy away from us. Reason why, conflicting beliefs and values need to be resolved.

How can we resolve that?– There are 3 ways to resolve conflicting values:

– Blocking out the truth – denial: conscious or unconscious

– Changing our own belief system – This is a difficult one to do if the value in conflict is a core one. But sometimes is possible.

– Taking action to change reality – Take action to make your reality match your values

– The key is to continually reinforcing your commitment to the value or outcome you want – meaning, “be true to yourself”. That way you are converting the stress into creative drive and energy

– The good thing is that we have the choice whether the tension between our goals and our realities becomes destructive or constructive.

Coaching exercises– Now, let’s put all that together and experiment with it via some coaching exercises.

– There are not right or wrong answers

– The exercises are only for yourself

– It’s important that you don’t worry about what you think you should or shouldn’t do but rather it’s essential that you are as honest as you can be.

– Don’t think too much or take too long. Instead try to go with your gut instinct.

– When writing – Free writing approach. Also known as a stream of consciousness or intuitive writing. The key is to go with the flow. Write as quick as you can as a way of bypassing our inner critic and the critical thinking mind. Write quickly and in a focused way, even if your write doesn’t seem to make sense. Wrong spelling and punctuation is allow.

– “Clearly the writing had information for me. It had something to say to me, rather than being something I had to say…” Elaine Trevitt

50 values– I’m going to show you 50 boxes with 50 values

– Write down the ones that are important to you
















Writing Coaching Questions– When writing – remember! go with the flow. Write

quickly and in a focused way, even if your writing doesn’t seem to make sense.

– Write in your notebook the full question first. And then write your answer to the question.

How far are those 5 values being met today?

Can you put those 5 values into a sentence or two that describe yourself & your life?

Is there anything that surprise you about that sentence? If so, what’s it?

What to do now?

– When you become more aware and conscious of your values, you can maximize the fit in your life and work between what’s important to you and what you actually do, giving you a greater sense of fulfillment.

– A value alignment audit will help you asset how much you find yourself acting in alignment with your values.

Value alignment audit– You are going to write in your notebook right now this question,

What’s the area of your life that right now is taking the most of your energy away? Please be as specific as you can. And if there is more than one area, please write them down.

– You’re going to draw a sheet based on your core 5 values and take records for a week, starting tomorrow Thursday, of how much your core values are met in relation to that area of your life that’s taken a lot of your energy away from you. If you have a few areas, I’d recommend you to pick up the one that’s more important to resolved right now.

– You’re going to make one assessment per day at the end of the day, using red, yellow or green colors.

– The sheet looks like this:











Home-work– Start the audit from tomorrow Thursday until Wednesday 6th April.

– After that week take some time for yourself to reflect on the audit results and write and answer these questions:

– What actions could I take to ensure my values are met more fully in that area?

– Which of these solutions feels best to me?

– What actions am I willing to take to ensure my values are met more fully in that area?

– What are the costs of adopting these actions?

– Is my present level of commitment the highest I’m willing to make?

– What would need to be different to raise my commitment?

– What are you going to do next and when?

– Is there anything else?

Burnout Recovery Group Coaching – It’s an 4 weeks online program. A mix between training, coaching & support. It’s based in 4 concepts:

Understanding, acceptance, commitment and support.

– What’re the benefits of this program?

– Clear your mind and see things differently.

– Understand how you got to this situation and gain back a sense of purpose, control and direction.

– Break old burnout habits and shift your mindset so you can better cope with external challenges.

– Re-engage with your life & business or professional career.

– Move forward by focusing on your present and your future.

– Build resilience and put in place sustainable strategies and routines to help you cope.

– I’ll keep you accountable.

What’s included in the Burnout Recovery Program?– Welcome session - An Initial 30 min. online conversation one to one with me

where we will formulate your detailed expectations and priorities for the coaching program. We will make sure the program is in alignment with what you really want to achieve.

– Group Coaching – 4 session of 2 hours each spread over 4 weeks. Reduce group to a maximum of 6 people. We will get right to the heart of the issue, breaking through limiting barriers while getting your questions answered, your focus back, decisions made, setting up a plan together for your big life goals and put them into action.

What’s included in the Burnout Recovery Program?– A Private Support Group - Access to a private support group for the participants

of the program only, included myself. Reduce group to a maximum of 6 people. This private support group will be by your side, all the way during the program, supporting you and keeping you accountable.

– Coaching Tools & Actions - Usable coaching tools during sessions to help you build sustainable strategies to cope plus weekly action items to do between sessions to help you in your shift.

– A follow up session - 30 min. online one-to-one follow up session two weeks after the program is completed to keep you accountable and on track.

Plus these extra bonuses– Talent dynamic profile - A tool to help you follow the best design, mindsets &

strategies to keep you in flow.

– A self-coaching tool box designed to help you recover from burnout, and specially tailored to you and your needs.

– Lifelong community - Lifelong community support group to always feel connected and supported.

– Audio recordings of the one to one sessions.

– Special bonus only for you guys: A 60 min. one to one coaching session only with myself.

Join me in the next 24 hours and get £180 discount bonus!– I’m including this for action takers and the ones who are

ready to move forward.

– Go to this link to make the payment

– – This offer will finish within 24 hours.

The Burnout Recovery Program Summary– Welcome session - An Initial 30 min. online conversation one to one with me VALUED AT:


– Group Coaching – 4 session of 2 hours each spread over 4 weeks. Max. 6 people. VALUED AT: £200

– Private Support Group – to support you and keep you accountable. VALUED AT: Priceless

– Coaching Tools & Actions – Access to my exercises and techniques. VALUED AT: £100

– A follow up session - 30 min. online one-to-one follow up session. VALUED AT: £90

– Talent dynamic profile - A tool to help you follow the best design, mindsets & strategies to keep you in flow. VALUED AT: £50

– A self-coaching tool box designed to help you recover from burnout, and specially tailored to you and your needs. VALUED AT: £70

The Recovery Program– Lifelong community - Lifelong community support group to always feel

connected and supported. VALUED AT £50

– Audio recordings of the one to one sessions. VALUED AT £15

– Special bonus only for you guys: A 60 min. one to one coaching session only with myself. VALUED AT £180

Real Total Value = £845– However, You can JOIN the program for £377 via my website: http://

– Enrolment close on Monday 4th @ middle night

– or for £197 if you join me in the next 24 hours. Making payment via this link. Please add the amount manually.

What others are saying?

Lisa Zoe Morgan

Allergy Alchemist + Rebel Health Coach for Creatives and Soulful Entrepreneurs

– “I love how you seem to tap into something else and come up with exactly what I need at the right time. How you can just seem to 'sort me out'! And you never fail to surprise me by what tools + techniques you've got in place to help me get what I need. Plus! You're a lot of fun to work with. Just knowing I've got somebody that can 'sort' me out is the best feeling. Taken a HUGE stress off my shoulders. Helped me relax more and really enjoy my business like I know I can.”

What others are saying?Patricia ErlandsonDigital Strategist at Glazyr Consulting“When I met Mirian I had been burnt out for years. The most difficult thing when you suffer from burnout is to be able to shift focus from the outside world and instead work on you. Mirian understood how I felt and that has had tremendous impact of my life. The biggest difference from other coaches is that she really knows what she’s talking about. If you are burnt out or on the verge to burnout, take the chance to be coached by Mirian. I’m sure you will not be disappointed.”

Q & A’s