Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy

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Transcript of Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy


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  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy



    At StorageCra, we like to usethe term disaster resistanceto describe the eorts the bestmodern businesses take to mitigatethe eects o a disaster.

    In these days o Big Data and our

    heavy reliance on technology oreven the smallest pieces o ourbusinesses, recovery doesnt alwayscut it anymore.

    Downtime and data loss are onlygetting more expensive and manybusinesses are nding creative waysto set up their I environments sothat when disaster strikes, they cankeep operations up and running,even as they repair damage in thebackground.

    oday, technology is making itpossible to ght back againstdisaster and thats what disasterresistance is all about.

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    On Oct. 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy tore through the easterncoast o the United States, causing heavy damage to the NewJersey coastline and New York City.

    On Oct. 30, the superstorm le 8 million Americanswithout power, thousands without homes, highwaysclosed, and subway systems ooded. Sandys 90 mph windsspanned more than 1,100 miles, making it the largest

    Atlantic hurricane on record. At least 125 deaths and $63billion (and counting) in economic losses were le in thehurricanes wake.

    Four managed service providers (MSPs) in the path oHurricane Sandy recently learned some grim lessons aboutdisaster recovery and business continuity. All our wereable to recover and restore their clients data, despite theintensity o the storm and its widespread damage.

    How? With emergency preparedness, a little Yankeeingenuity, and lots o disaster resistance. In this white

    paper Rashaad, Guy, Sean, and John share ve lessons theylearned the hard way rom Hurricane Sandy.

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy


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    Domain Computer Services, Inc. isone o the largest I MSPs servingthe New Jersey / greater NYCmetro area. Domain has designed,implemented, and protected the

    technology inrastructure or overve hundred businesses rangingrom small law ofces to Fortune500 companies.

    For some clients, they play the roleo a ully outsourced I department,engineering group, help desk, etc.For others, they just supplementinternal sta or special projectslike server implementations,security consulting, backup, disaster

    recovery, and continuity solutions.

    Whatever the level o engagement,their secret sauce is the samespoilyour clients so their only regret isnot nding you sooner.

    Visit Domain Computer Services athttp://go-domain.com.



    Scenario: Your clients oce is on the 37th oor in LowerManhattan. Teres no power to its building, and it wontbe restored or six weeks or more. Your clients servers arebacked up on tape. Every hardware supplier in your area isalso out o power and shut down.

    Te above scenario couldve been the situation or RashaadBajwa, president and CEO o Domain Computer Services

    in Cranbury, NJ. But happily, two years ago he startedconvincing his clients to migrate away rom tape backup.oday, almost all o his clients are on an image-basedbackup solution. Rashaad explains:

    o get to a unctioning environment with tape takes atleast our or ve days, maybe a week. Aer Sandy hit,i youd brought us a tape, our rst reaction would beto throw it back at you. We didnt have time to build allnew servers and restore them via tape. We didnt havea hundred extra man hours in the middle o a crisis.

    With Hurricane Sandy, Rashaad has now helped clients inNew Jersey and the greater New York metro area recoverrom three major disasters, including the terrorist attackson Sept. 11, 2001 and Hurricane Irene on Aug. 28, 2011.

    During 9/11, only 1% o our clients were impacted.Last year, Hurricane Irene impacted 5% o our clients.Some o them lost power or a week or more. Sandywas a totally dierent scaleit impacted 95% o ourclients. Some lost power, water, Internet, or all o theabove.

    While almost all o his clients lost power,those located in Lower Manhattan andthe Jersey Shore also lost access to theiracilities. One client, a nancial servicesrm just three blocks away rom theNew York Stock Exchange, couldnt getto their ofces. Te streets and subwayswere ooded and saltwater had destroyed the power

    connections in the basement o their building. With nolights or elevators to reach their ofces on the 37th oor, itwasnt practical to physically relocate their servers.

    Rashaad was able to boot up multiple servers, including therms IP-based phone systems, and run his clients entireLAN remotely, on six virtual servers in the datacenter oDomain Computer Services.

    We got all o their servers up and running literally inhours aer the hurricane. Te hurricane hit Mondaynight, we had our rst conversation with the rms

    principals uesday morning, started executing on therecovery plan, and later uesday their servers were upand running in less than an hour on our cloud warmsite. We were able to be heroes rom a technologystandpoint. I this had happened two years prior, itwouldve been a very dierent outcome.

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy



    Tough image-based backup hasbecome popular in recent years,many businesses still use tape.

    A quick search on the Internet showsthat, contrary to popular wisdom,the debate between tape and disk is

    still a reality.

    Proponents o tape tout its lowercost, greater storage space, andsupremacy in archiving. Whilecompelling arguments or all o thesethings can (and have) been made ordisk-based backups as well, in manyways, these arguments completelymiss the point.

    ape worked well when data

    recovery was a luxury, not a priorityand when downtime barely evenexisted. oday, data loss anddowntime kill businesses.

    According to Rashaad, rebuilding aserver rom tape could take as muchas a week, so when considering yourbackup technology, consider therecovery as well. Can you aord tobe down or a week?

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    Tis disaster resistance provided by the combination oa good backup and disaster recovery plan and the rightsolution allowed Rashaad to be a hero rom miles away inNew Jersey, without setting oot in Manhattan.

    We had their inrastructure up or them so quickly,their biggest problem was guring out where to sendtheir sta.

    Power outages werent all businesses had to deal with. Flood waters made

    many businesses completely inaccessible, as this picture rom eMezzanti,another MSP aected by Sandy, shows (see page 9). But as Rashaads storydemonstrates, the right plan can even cope with this.

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    Scenario: One o your clients is a manuacturer runningits enterprise resource planning (ERP) system on a cluster.Hurricane Sandy knocks out the power to its SAN, and whenpower comes back up, your client discovers that its SAN haslost its partition inormation. All o its data appears to begone. Meanwhile, your oce has lost power and phones.

    Guy Baroan, ounder and president o Baroan

    echnologies, located in Elmwood Park, NJ, saysWe didnt anticipate the phone company being down,so we posted on Facebook, witter, and our websitehow clients could contact us. Luckily we had wirelesssignals, so we called all o our customers via wirelessand asked i they needed help.

    Tats how Guy ound out about his clients ERP system.

    Tey were panicked because, as a manuacturer, theERP system was their entire business.

    Te next day Guy discovered the clients RAIDconguration was lost.

    I thought their I guy was going to have a heart attack.We restored the data rom the last snapshot they hadbeore they lost power. Te entire SAN was restored in20 minutes.

    A year ago this client was using adierent backup and disaster recoverysolution. Had that still been the case,they wouldnt have had such an easyrecovery. It wouldve taken severalhours. We were able to get everythingback to the way it was a ew minutesbeore the power was lost. Te client was grateul

    beyond belie.

    Even though the Baroan echnologies ofce was withoutpower or nine days, their clients data was saely replicatedto a data center about an hour away.

    We were able to work remotely, wherever we hadpower and Internet, in employees homes, clientsofces. Our datacenter kept us running.

    Aer Hurricane Irene in 2011, Guy revised his backup anddisaster recovery plan and started replacing his clients

    backup systems with an image-based recovery solution.He also started requiring osite backup or greater disasterresistance.

    Your inormation should be backed up or replicatedto a datacenter that guarantees uptime levels that youcannot.



    Baroan echnologies is a managedservice provider that has beenserving business clients since 1997.

    Located in northern NJ, Baroanechnologies delivers Iconsulting, implementation, andtech support to small and medium-sized businesses in the area.

    President Guy Baroan ounded thecompany with a vision o beingOne Point o Contact or everyaspect o a businesss technologyneeds, and thats why Baroanechnologies oers a wide varietyo services and solutions.

    In addition, their diverse clientbase has allowed them to becomeadept at many industry-specictechnologies.

    Visit them at http://www.baroan.com .

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy



    Having backups saved both locallyand osite is a crucial part o yourbackup and disaster recovery plan,but just as crucial is knowing howmuch data you can aord to lose.Tis is called your recovery pointobjective (RPO).

    I your business relies on data thatneeds to be accurate up to theminute, ofste backup images thatare a week or a month old are betterthan nothing, but still not as useul asthey could be. (O course the same istrue or local backups.)

    Determining your RPO is one o theundamental steps o good disasterrecovery planning. Guy wouldnthave been able to recover his clientsserver as eectively i he hadntplanned in advance the requency oits backup images to meet its own,rigorous needs.

    Be sure you know what your RPO isand keep in mind that you may havedierent RPOs or each server.

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    In addition, Guy recommends making a plan or disasterrecovery that includes every potential issue and how youwould avoid it or deal with it.

    You may expect that i you have no power, the phonelines will be down as well, so you can contact thephone company and have them orward your callsto a dierent number, like a cell phone or answering

    service. But what happens i the phone company isdown and they cant orward your calls? Where wouldyour clients call? How would they know where to call?Tink about everything that can go wrong and comeup with the absolute worst-case scenario.

    Because o Hurricane Sandy, Guy is revising his disasterrecovery plan to include setting up SIP trunks and thecapability to receive calls even without power or the localphone company.

    Well be making it possible or our people to workremotely with their internal extensions by utilizing thelatest telephony oering via VoIP. Well have a secondphone system in our datacenter rack. Te SIP trunkswill be pointing to our main ofce or all calls and itheyre not able to get to them, due to power ailure orInternet access intererence, we can redirect them tothe datacenter phone system.

    o prevent power outages, Guy is in the process o gettingtown approvals or a generator that would power the wholebuilding rather than a ew servers.

    Well be placing this on the roosomething that wedidnt consider as a needbut aer the water issueswith Sandy, we realize it needs to be high enough othe ground.

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy



    Founded in 2000, SF Consultingbegan with a vision to help small andmedium-sized businesses like yoursget a real return on their technologyinvestments.

    Since then, they have remained

    dedicated to providing state-o-the-art I support, service, and productsthat allow their clients to get ahead othe competition and achieve greatersuccess.

    SF Consulting is a companycommitted to taking technologyand business beyond simplyimplementation, through to the nextlevel o innovation.

    Lowering your total cost oownership and improving yourreturn on investment are twoconcepts they give top priority.

    Visit SF Consulting at http://www.stconsulting.net.


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    Scenario: Your most critical les are backed up and storedosite. But your osite storage acility isnt ar enough awayrom the disaster zone and it loses power.

    While thousands o businesses lost power during HurricaneSandy, the clients o Sean Furman, president o SFConsulting in Atlantic Highlands, NJ, didnt lose their data.

    A ton o datacenters in New York went dark because

    they ran out o diesel uel or their generators, orbecause they got ooded. Wed learned rom HurricaneIrene how to continue operating as a businessthroughout a storm. Te key was having all o ourcritical services in the rightdatacenter.

    Te day aer Hurricane Sandy hit, SF Consulting wasully operational. According to Sean,

    Its a testament to my systems and my sta. A lot oI companies were shut down. Im a unique managedservice provider because I own my solution, end toend. My business can continue in the most adverseconditions, and clients with data in our datacenterexperience some o the most resilient inrastructureand highest availability possible.

    With disaster resistance in mind, Sean oers these criteriato businesses looking or a datacenter provider:

    Geography.Farawayfrompotentialdisasters,butcloseenough that driving there isnt a huge hassle.

    Redundancy.InsistonfullN+1. Our datacenter is aier 4 acility, the absolutehighest level you can get.


    Relationshipmanagement.edatacentershouldbebig enough to oer amazing services but small enoughto have a tight relationship with.

    Bootsontheground.Youwanttobeabletoleveragedatacenter employees or power cycles and quick checksin an emergency.

    Not long aer Hurricane Irene, Sean started building hisown backend inrastructure to support data replication andosite storage. His data had zero downtime during Sandy.On the other hand, his ofce had no electricity or a week.

    We were 100% unctional because all o our toolsour ticketing system, our emaillive in the datacenter.Our customers data was restored remotely.

    For three days Seans truck became a mobile commandcenter, driving rom cell tower to cell tower to get a signal.

    Te cell towers had generators, but when thegenerators ran out o uel, the towers went down.

    Using multiple 4G broadband cards, three notebookcomputers, and mobile phones with Bluetooth, he and acouple o sta members would contact clients and nd outwhat they needed.

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy



    Downtime kills. Te more we relyon I systems and data to run ourbusinesses, the more periods withoutaccess to those systems or data hurt.

    Our tolerance or downtime (oencalled recovery time objective, or

    RO) has to drive our disasterrecovery planning, even more thandata loss and RPO. Tere have beensolutions to the data loss problemor years, so these days, the truedetermining actor in beating adisaster is our ability to recoverquickly, without any downtime.

    Osite backup in geographicallydiverse locations is one piece o thedowntime deense, but it alone cannotbeat the beast. When considering asolution, you need one that makesit easy to turn your backups intoproduction systems, whether throughvirtualization or some other means.

    Backups are only useul in recoveryi you can a) access them even i yourbuilding is ooded and b) use themto run your business until you canrestore your primary systems.

    Sean (above) had to wait in line or more than two hoursto get gas and he clearly wasnt alone. Does your planaccount or resource and time problems like this?

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    One particular client, a wholesale jeweler just entering itsbusiest time o year, was in the process o migrating to thedatacenter when Hurricane Sandy came to town.

    We only had 75% o the migration done. Teir serverdied right aer the storm rom a power surge. We wereable to mount the server image and share the mount

    point over the network, and copy all the data acrossthe network. It took less than 30 minutes rom startto nish, 60 GB o data restored. Te customer wasthrilled.

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy



    Founded in 1998, SNC Squaredechnology Group providesI support and comprehensivemanaged services to small and mid-sized businesses in Joplin, Missouriand the Four States Area (Kansas,Oklahoma, Missouri, and Arkansas).

    SNC Squared helps customersrealize the ull potential o theirtechnology investments. Teir stao I proessionals keeps up with thelatest technologies and certicationsso they can oer everything a ullystaed, in-house technical supportdepartment provides.

    In addition to reliable, responsiveservice, they oer this guarantee:Our goal is zero downtime. I

    something does go wrong, wellhave a technician on site in lessthan an hour, guaranteed. Andeven i your server dies completely,we can have you up and runningagain in short order thanks to ouremergency backup virtual servers.

    You can contact them athttp://www.sncsquared.com.

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    Scenario: Your business is ooded and your oce has nopower. You have a backup and disaster recovery plan so yourdata is sae, but your employees cant get to the oce andyoure running low on sleep.

    John Motazedi ound the above scenario when he arrivedto help a colleague in Hoboken, NJ, soon aer HurricaneSandy. John, the CEO o SNC Squared in Joplin, MO,

    had survived a tornado tearing through his town in 2011.He knew what to do, and hed convinced our disasterresistance experts in his accountability group to join him inNew Jersey.

    What we brought to the Hurricane Sandy victimswas our own personal experience. Each one o ushad already been through a disaster. Tat gives you adierent perspective, on the outside looking in: Doyou have this process in place? Do you need to orderhardware? Can we ship equipment here? We knewwhich questions to ask.

    John also knew which supplies to bring. In addition tohis personal bug-out bag (level 2 rst-aid kit, waterpuriying pills, energy bars, and work gloves), he broughtthe ollowing:






    Cold-weathergear(gloves,hats,coats, emergency blankets)


    John and his associates rom theHeartland echnology Group (HG)were all MSPs experienced in imaged-based backup and disaster recoverysolutions. Hurricane Sandy hadooded the ofce o eMazzanti echnologies, owned by theircolleague, Carl Mazzanti (remember the picture on page 4?).Tough his clients data was stored saely in the cloud, hisofce oor was covered in a stinky, soggy mess. John says,

    You wouldnt believe the damage two inches o watercan do, especially with electrical outlets in the oor.It shorted out all his equipment. Its surprising howquickly saltwater corrodes wiring. We really neededthose power cords. Probably a quarter-million dollarso inventory in Carls ofce got ruined.

    More than 60% o eMazzantis clients were without poweror had no access to their acilities. John helped set up atriage area in an engineers house about twenty milesrom the ofce.

    Te poker table became our Network OperationsCenter.

    From there they contacted clients, let them know theydspun up all their data to the cloud, and prioritized recoveryeorts.

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    Sometimes in our cous ontechnology and soware, we orgetthe integral part that people play inour disaster resistance.

    Whether its communicating the planwith the people in your organization,

    making sure you have the technicalsupport you need rom your sowareand hardware providers, or writing acall tree to ensure all your employeesare sae, people have to play a centralrole in your plan.

    People can play a much largerrole, however, as Johns and Carlsexperience shows. By joining anaccountability group like HG,or even doing something a littleless ormal, surrounding yourselwith other people is a great way tostrengthen and protect your ownbusiness.

    And, it gives you a chance to givesomething back.

    Setting up shop at a poker table in someones kitchen may not be ideal, but thewhole point o your disaster recovery plan is keep your business running nomatter what. I you cant run your business in a situation like this, maybe itsworth considering why not and what youd need to change to make it possible.

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    Sometimes we had to use a little ingenuity to solveproblems. One client, an advertising company, hadpower but no Internet because their cable modempower supply had shorted out rom a voltage spike.I took my battery pack, ran their cable modem oo that or nine hours, took it back and charged it atnight, then brought it back or another nine hours.Otherwise, they wouldve been down or ve days.

    Hurricane Sandy hit Hoboken Monday night, John andcrew arrived Friday night, started rewiring the ofce onSaturday, and by the time they le on uesday, ull powerhad been restored to the eMazzanti ofce. Eight days aerthe second-costliest Atlantic hurricane in history, 100%o Carls clients were either up and running in their ownofces or running in the cloudwith 100% o their data.

    John credits the accountability group volunteers, a detailedbackup and disaster recovery plan, and a tested-and-truedisaster resistance solution or the successul recovery o

    his colleagues business.

    When something this big hits, you cant do it alone.Forget about being the Lone Rangerask or help andask or it early. Put a plan in place when you have aclear mind, because you wont make good decisionswhen youre under stress, hungry, and exhausted.

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy



    Te our MSPs who shared theirHurricane Sandy experiences alsoshare something else in common:StorageCra products.

    You can nd out more aboutthe end-to-end StorageCra

    Recover-Ability solution andhow it empowered these solutionproviders to deliver disasterresistence to their clients duringone o the costliest Atlantichurricanes in history by visitinghttp://www.storagecraf.com.

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    Scenario: Youve written a detailed backup and disasterrecovery plan, considering all possible scenarios. A statewideemergency knocks out power at all o your locations. Youdont have a hard copy o your backup and disaster recoveryplanat any locationincluding your home.

    Te scenario above actually happened to Guy Baroanduring Hurricane Irene.

    We lost power or several days and needed to knowwho to contact or what, but we didnt have a physicalprintout o the recovery plan at our osite locations.Until we actually went through the plan, we didntknow what we were missing. We thought wed addedeverything to our plan aer Hurricane Irene. Asmuch as we thought we were ready, we still had thingsmissing. Now weve tested our plan with two real live,worst-case scenarios. You should test your plan at leasttwice a year and update it when you nd a gap.

    Rashaad Bajwa echoes Guys advice:I would never wish a hurricane on anyone, butHurricane Sandy allowed us to validate the backupand disaster recovery solutions wed implemented. Getsaeguards in place prior to the next event. Aer Ireneand Sandy in back-to-back years, nobody I know iswilling to bet against another similar event. Luckily, wehad enough redundancies in place that we were able tokeep all our promises.

    Sean Furman cautions,

    Be careul what you promise people during a statewideemergency.

    He also suggests walking through your backup and disasterrecovery plan.

    Tink about how ragile things are. ry to be proactive

    as much as you can. Consider what to do i your ofcehas no power. Where will you and your employeeswork? What i your cell tower goes down? Have plentyo uel on hand during a potential storm condition.Have discussions with your managed service providerbeore these things happen. Dont try to buy agenerator during the storm.

    John Motazedi recommends practicing:

    Dont wait or a disaster. Get a good backup solutionand test it. Partner with a good company that does

    backup and disaster recovery processes as a standardpractice. And check reerences.

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy


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    Disaster resistance is available and aordable or small tomedium-sized businesses.

    A knowledgeable managed service provider can helpwith the necessary backup and restore soware, as wellas disaster recovery services. Continuity planning or theentire business, disaster recovery planning or I assets,and regular updates o those plans will help protect small

    and medium businesses and minimize the eects o adisaster.

    Hardware ailures and power outages are more likelyto happen than natural disasters, and they can havedevastating eects on small and medium businesses.Disaster resistance gives small business owners condencethat they can minimize downtime and eliminate data loss,no matter what happens.

    Ten, in the ace o disaster, they can avoid panic byollowing the plans that will help them recover as quickly

    as possible.

  • 7/29/2019 Disaster Resistance: Five Lessons about Disaster Recovery from Hurricane Sandy


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    Copyright 2013 StorageCra echnology Corporation. All rights reserved. Tis publication is or inormational purposes only. SORAGECRAF MAKES NO WARRANIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, IN HIS PUBLICAION.Te StorageCra, ShadowProtect, ShadowControl, intelligentFP, ShadowStream, and HeadStart Restore names and logos are registered trademarks and the ImageReady, CMD, VirtualBoot, Hardware Independent Restore, Recover-Ability, and ShadowCloud names and logos are trademarks o StorageCra echnology Corporation. All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks o their respective owners.

    At StorageCraf, the goal o complete disaster recoverydrives everything we do. Our StorageCraf Recover-Ability solution is an end-to-end, best-in-class backupand disaster recovery solution that is both ast and reliable.


    It starts with a good backup. Our award-winningStorageCraf ShadowProtecttakes complete, pristineimages o your machines, including all your operatingsystems, applications, services, and settings.

    It then records changes at the sector level, so youalways have an up-to-date copy o every machine inyour I environment, whether its a critical server or anemployee laptop, physical or virtual. We even work withspecialized database servers, like SQL, SharePoint, orExchange. You can get granular recovery in Exchangewith ShadowProtect Granular Recovery or Exchange.

    You have complete control over the requency o yourbackups and you can set rules or consolidation andretention to manage your precious storage space usingStorageCraf ImageManager.

    Plus, with StorageCraf ShadowControl CMDyou canmonitor the machines in your backup environment rom asingle interace and get alerts when a machine is running

    out o space, when abackup doesnt happen,or when any o a varietyo conditions youspeciy is met.

    We also give you toolsto test your backups

    using StorageCrafVirtualBootandStorageCraf Image-Readytechnologies,which gives youcondence that yourdata is sae and that a disaster wont shut you down orhold you up.

    Ten we make it easy to replicate your backup imageswith StorageCraf Cloud Services or to our cloud or toyour own osite location so you can always have your

    data close when you need it and at a good sae distancewhen a disaster comes.

    When it does, you can launch your backups as virtualmachines with VirtualBoot or mount them as drives orcomplete, granular access to your data.

    Or you can pre-stage the recovery o a backup imagein a virtual machine with our patented StorageCraf

    HeadStart Restoretechnology, so i your main serverblows up, you can be up and running in minutes. You caneven virtualize your data in our cloud so even MotherNature cant keep you down.

    Ten, you can rebuild your inrastructure and recover

    to all kinds o machines, physical or virtual, using ourStorageCraf Hardware Independent Restoretechnologyor ShadowProtect I Edition.

    You cant be sure what kind o disaster will strike younext, but with the StorageCra Recover-Ability solution,you can be sure it doesnt matter. Youll be just ne.


    StorageCraf echnologyCorporation

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