Dirranbandi P 10 State School Dazzler · Secretary: Emma Adams Junior Secretary: Jessie Persse...

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Transcript of Dirranbandi P 10 State School Dazzler · Secretary: Emma Adams Junior Secretary: Jessie Persse...

Striving for an engaged and motivated school community, fostering individual achievement, social responsibility and well being

Contact details PH: 4625 8555 Jane Street Dirranbandi QLD 4486 www.dirranbass.eq.edu.au Student absences line PH: 4625 8566 Absence SMS line 0418 164 912 Principal Mrs Andrea Killen Email the.principal@dirranbass.eq.edu.au

P&C Executive President: Amber Stewart Junior President: Jen Miller Vice President: Karen Sullivan Secretary: Emma Adams Junior Secretary: Jessie Persse Treasurer: Tamara Burke Junior Treasurer: Kristy Stephens dirranbandipandcsecretary@outlook.com

What’s Inside this issue: Pg 1 Showcase of the Week

Pg 2 From the Principal

Pg 3 Sport Captains Speeches Position Vacant Garden Working Bee Teacher Profile Year 5-6 Update

Pg 4-9 Unit Overviews

Pg 10 Community Notices

Dirranbandi P-10 State School


“Success Follows Effort”


Term 1

February 2







STAFF Teachers Liz Bromwich Kirsty Cookson Jessica Davis Keeley Glass Monica Hadenfeldt Kylie Hegarty Rogan Kinnear April McLaren Jen Miller Mollie Rodgers Secondary Coordinator Kylie Hegarty PH: 4625 8534

Student Services Coordinator

Monica Hadenfeldt PH: 4625 8500 Head of Curriculum Jen Miller PH: 4625 8501 Instrumental Music Luke Todd Business Manager Michelle Burke Teacher Aides Tamara Burke Sheldon Dawes Darcie Fenech Bronwyn Hopkins Angela Hourigan Kathleen Ruttley Shelley Smith Amber Stewart Cleaners Keith Blunden Katie Macmillan Leonarda Tramacchi Groundsman Boyd Hopkins

FROM THE PRINCIPAL Sport’s Captain Elections At Dirranbandi P-10 State School Sports Captains play an important role in leading the student body to actively participate school sport. They are responsible for promoting the values of sportsmanship, commitment to sport and team spirit. Students in Years 5 -10 have been invited to nominate for Culgoa and Balonne Sports Captain Positions. Students will prepare a speech to present to their peers at Monday’s Parade. Voting will then take place with results being announced at the following parade. All parents and friends are invited to attend. Personal Learning Profile Meetings (PLP) Thank you to parents and students who participated in PLP meetings this week. Now that learning goals have been set for the term ahead, teachers will be working with students to achieve learning goals. Parents can also help by regularly reminding and asking their child about their learning goals. Academic Success Guarantee (ASG) ASG is a signed collaborative agreement between students, parents and the school that provides an additional layer of support to ensure that students who attend 90% or more of the School year will meet or beat their Personal Learning Goals set in PLP meetings. Our additional layer of support will be targeted towards students meeting and beating PLP reading and number goals. At the end of Week 5 ASG Mid-term Reports will be sent home to parents indicating how students are progressing with their goals and attendance information. We believe all students can be successful when we work together and are committed. An ASG information brochure is also available at the office. Important Events in the coming weeks… Every Monday at 2.30pm Whole School Parade – All welcome Friday 2 February School Swimming lessons commence Monday 6 February 2.30pm Parade, Sports Captain Speeches and Elections Thursday 8 February ‘Eyes Open’ Social Media Class Information sessions Parent Session 3:15pm-4:15pm Friday 9 February Balonne Swimming Trials Friday 2 March School Swimming Carnival Good Luck... To students participating at the Balonne Swimming Carnival Next Friday in St George. Thank You To … Parents, students and teachers for participating in this weeks PLP meetings. Congratulations… Last week’s attendance winners - Prep, Year 1 and Year 9/10 students with 100%!

2018 Term 1 Sunday - 4 February Working Bee at School

WEEK 3 Monday - 5 February Homework Centre Sport Captains Speeches Tuesday - 6 February Wednesday - 7 February Prep - 2 Library Tuckshop Active After School - Swim Thursday - 8 February Homework Centre Eyes Open’ Sessions Friday - 9 February Balonne District Swimming Carnival

Year 3-4 Library Playgroup Saturday & Sunday Town Pool Open 3pm-5pm

WEEK 3 Monday –12 February Homework Centre Tuesday - 13 February Wednesday - 14 February Prep - 2 Library Tuckshop Active After School - Swim Thursday - 15 February Homework Centre Friday - 16 February Year 3-4 Library Playgroup Tuckshop Position Closes Saturday & Sunday Town Pool Open 3pm-5pm

HOMEWORK CENTRE Monday and Thursday 3pm-4:00pm

Weeks 2-9


Weeks 2-9

PBL FOCCI I am responsible when I am ...

An active learner Safe

Respectful Follow instructions

Be polite


Hi! My Name is April McLaren, or

as the students call me Miss Mac!

This is my first time living in Queensland and my first time teaching. I’ve come all the way from

Western Australia where I grew up.

This year I have the pleasure of teaching the Health, Physical Education and Science at Dirranbandi State School, as well

as those subjects in Hebel.

My favourite things to do are play sport, swim and go for runs with my

dog Milo.

I can’t wait to get to know you all and I look forward to seeing you at



FOR 2018 Balonne and Culgoa

Year 5 to Year 10 students


Monday’s parade


Good Luck to all

Parents welcome

YEAR 5-6 CLASS UPDATE BY DARCY PERSSE So far 2018 has been very busy in the 5-6 classroom. In Science we have been studying the

effects that heat has on different materials. We melted ice, chocolate and butter using the heat

from the sun. Surprisingly the butter melted first. Our class was shocked by how long it took to

melt the materials on a 40ºc day. The ice and butter both 100% turned into a liquid using both


We knew it was a liquid because it took the space of the container and it could flow. We have also

been working hard in English. We have been looking at short stories and the plot of short stories

We all have been working hard trying to interpret the key of events in them. We have had a great

start to Term 1 so far!


Tuckshop Convenor wanted

Position is one day a week - Wednesdays 6 hours (school term time). Applications close

Friday 16th February.

If interested, please email or

give your resume to:

A m b e r S t e w a r t -


or Tamara Burke -


If wanting more details please contact Amber or Tamara through email.

PARTY AT SCHOOL!! All welcome to attend

THIS Sunday - February 4th from 8:30am -

Weather permitting School Vegie Garden

The weather is perfect for gardening, so we are having a working party in the garden to get it ready to plant up for our kitchen delicacies. Many hands make light work, so we would love to see you there!

PREP – YEAR 2 UNIT OVERVIEWS Math Week 1 - Number and Place Value Week 2 - Data Week 3 - Addition and Subtraction (Prep – revision of numbers) Week 4 - Fractions Week 5 - Addition and Subtraction (Prep – number) English - In this unit students listen to, read, view and interpret spoken, written and multimodal literary texts to identify some features of characters in these texts and to create character descriptions. Science - In this unit students make links between external features of living things and the environments in which they live. They consider how the needs of living things are met in a variety of habitats. They compare differences between healthy and unhealthy habitats, and suggest how changes to habitats can affect how the needs of living things are met. Visual Arts - In this unit students will explore how and why artworks are created and ways to use and apply visual conventions, such as line, shape, colour and texture. Health - This term students describe physical and social changes that occur as they grow. They describe their personal strengths and achievements and discuss how these are acknowledged and celebrated. Students identify similarities and differences, and recognise how diversity contributes to identities. PE - In this unit, students will have a shared focus of swimming and fundamental movement skills on land. This term students will develop the object-control skills of rolling, catching, pat bouncing and throwing through active participation in activities, games and movement challenges. They will also apply rules and fair play practices. History - In this unit, students will develop an understanding of terms indicating the passing of time that are frequently used in stories and conversations about the past and how these terms are used to describe dates and changes that have personal significance. Students will also develop their capacity to relate a story about an important personal event, sequence personal and family events and use sources to investigate an object from the past. Digital Technologies - This term, students will use publisher to design and create a poster about themselves, that include pictures, clip art images and word art.

YEAR 3/4 UNIT OVERVIEWS English - Throughout Term One, students will read a narrative and examine and analyse the language features and techniques used by the author. They create a new chapter for the narrative for an audience of their peers. Students will read and listen to a range of humorous poems by different authors. They will identify structural features and poetic language devices in humorous poetry. They will use this knowledge to innovate on poems and evaluate the poems by expressing a personal viewpoint using evidence from the poem. Mathematics - During Term One, students apply a variety of mathematical concepts in real-life, lifelike and purely mathematical. Number and place value - make connections between representations of numbers; partition and combine numbers

flexibly; recall multiplication facts; formulate, model and record authentic situations involving operations; compare large numbers; generalise from number properties and results of calculations; and derive strategies for unfamiliar multiplication and division tasks.

Fractions and decimals - communicate sequences of simple fractions. Patterns and algebra - use properties of numbers to continue patterns. Using units of measurement - use appropriate language to communicate times,

compare time durations and use instruments to accurately measure lengths. Chance - compare dependent and independent events, describe probabilities of

everyday events. Data representation and interpretation - collect and record data, communicate

information using graphical displays and evaluate the appropriateness of different displays.

Week 6 - Time Week 7 - Patterns Week 8 - 2D and 3D shapes Week 9 - Number Week 10 - Revision

History - Throughout Term One, students will engage in the unit ‘Exploration and Settlement’. In this unit, students will investigate the following inquiry questions: Why did the great journeys of discovery occur? Why did the Europeans settle in Australia? The following content is taught as part of an overview for the historical period. The journeys of the great explorers from the 1400s to the early 1800s and how these

resulted in colonisation and the building of empires around the globe Experiences of contact between indigenous peoples and people from other societies, including contact experiences

between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and people from other places, such as Europe and Asia Connections between world history events and the history of Australia, including the reasons for the colonisation of Australia

by the British The journeys that led to Australia's colonisation by the British through the arrival of the First Fleet, the establishment of the

first settlement in Sydney Cove and the early days of the colony The experiences of convicts who travelled on the First Fleet. Science - During Term One, students will engage in the unit ‘Here today, gone tomorrow’. Students will explore natural processes and human activity that cause weathering and erosion of Earth's surface. Students relate this to their local area, make observations and predict consequences of future occurrences and human activity. They describe situations where science understanding can influence their own and others' actions. They identify questions and make predictions based on prior knowledge. They safely use equipment and make and record observations with accuracy. They suggest explanations for their observations, compare their findings with their predictions and communicate their observations and findings. Visual Art - Throughout Term One, students will explore the communication of cultural meaning through found objects and surface manipulation in the unit ‘Meaning in found objects. Students will: Explore visual conventions (plaster-cast relief sculpture, mixed media, mould

making, found objects, surface manipulation) Represent ideas (display / art conversations / reflections) Compare artworks and use art terminology to communicate meaning Explore artworks from Aboriginal artists and Torres Strait Islander artists which

represent the land through symbolic pattern Design Technologies - During Term One, students will investigate the suitability of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment for specific purposes. They will repurpose a clothing item with other recycled materials to create a useful item. They will explore the role of people in Design and Technologies occupations as well as factors, including sustainability that impact on designs that meet community needs. Students will apply the following processes and production skills. Investigating by: Communicating with clients and critiquing needs or opportunities for designs Testing materials including fabrics and exploring techniques for shaping and joining them Identifying examples of recycling, up-cycling and reusing. Generating design ideas for a useful item and communicating them with annotated design drawings. Producing a useful item by selecting relevant tools and resources, and using them safely. Evaluating design ideas, processes and solutions. Collaborating as well as working individually throughout the process. Managing by sequencing production steps. Health - This term students will identify strategies to keep healthy and improve fitness. They will explore the Australian guide to healthy eating and the five food groups. Students will understand the importance of a balanced diet and how health messages influence food choices. They will create meal plans that reflect health messages. PE - This term students will practise and refine fundamental movement skills to perform various aquatic skills and the recognised strokes of freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke in multiple swimming sequences. They will examine the benefits of being healthy and physically active, and how they relate to swimming. Digital Technologies - This term, students will use email to communicate with peers and become digital citizens.

YEAR 5/6 UNIT OVERVIEWS English - Short Stories - In this unit students listen to and read short stories by different authors. They investigate the ways authors use text structure, language features and strategies to create humorous effects. Students complete a comprehension task about a particular short story and other short stories they have read. They write a short story about a character that faces a conflict. Students also reflect on the writing process when making and explaining editorial choices. History - The development of the Australian nation - In this unit students will investigate the following inquiry questions: Why and how did Australia become a nation? and How did Australian society change throughout the twentieth century? They will recognise the significance of key events in the development of Australia as a nation and investigate Australia's path to Federation from the late -1800s to 1901 through the use of digital and written sources. The assessment for the unit will be completed in three sections allowing the students multiple opportunities to show what they have learnt. Mathematics - In this unit students apply a variety of mathematical concepts in real-life, lifelike and purely mathematical situations. The focus areas will be prime and composite numbers, applying mental and written strategies for solving number problems and ordering, comparing, adding/subtracting, and solving problems with fractions and decimals. Students will also conduct chance experiments and interpret and construct data displays. Finally they will investigate percentage and develop simple budgets. There will two assessment tasks throughout the unit to monitor student progress. Science - Making changes - In this unit students will investigate changes that can be made to materials and how these changes are classified as reversible or irreversible. They plan investigation methods using fair testing to answer questions. Students identify and assess risks, make observations, accurately record data and develop explanations. They suggest improvements, which can be made to their methods to improve investigations. Students explore the effects of reversible and irreversible changes in everyday materials and how this scientific understanding is used to solve problems that directly affect people's lives. For their assessment students will conduct an investigation involving reversible and irreversible changes. The Arts: Visual Art - The animal within - In this unit, students will focus on representation of animals as companion, metaphor, totem and predator. They will complete hands-on and written activities. The assessment task will require the students to investigate an animal and its environment and plan an artwork inspired by researched ideas. They will then create a sculpture of their artwork and write a reflection of their process. Health - In this unit, students explain the influence of people and places on identities. They explore how important people in their lives and the media can influence health behaviour. Students examine influences on health behaviour and construct a health message for their peers. PE - In this unit, students perform freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and survival backstroke. They combine lifesaving skills, movement concepts and strategies to complete lifesaving scenarios. Digital Technologies - This term, students engage in a number of activities, including: Investigating the functions and interactions of digital components and data transmission in simple networks, as they solve

problems relating to digital systems Following, modifying and designing algorithms that include branching and repetition Developing skills in using a visual programming language within a maze game context Working collaboratively to create a new maze game. LOTE - Chinese - Students will be working with teachers from the Cairns School of Distant Ed. Indigenous Languages - Students in Years 5-6 will be consolidating their prior and adding new depth and meaning to their understanding of the Gamilaraay language. Students that are new to the subject will work closely with students that have been studying the language for a number of years and will study the basics of the language before moving onto complex conversational Gamilaraay. Over the term students will explore: Greetings Family friends and extended family Conversational replies Grammar and pronunciation Local indigenous tools and weapons Local bush tucker and plants for health and medicine and Traditional Indigenous games

YEAR 7/8 UNIT OVERVIEWS English - In unit one, representations of teens in texts, Students read, view listen and critically deconstruct a variety of news media texts including those taken from digital environments and television. Students explore representations of individuals, groups and events, explaining how text structures and language features of news media texts affect these representations. Students read excerpts from a novel that focuses on significant teen issues. They examine techniques used by authors to create representations of groups, to position audiences and to privilege particular viewpoints. Maths - This term, students apply a variety of mathematical concepts in real-life, lifelike and purely mathematical situations. History - Students in year seven and eight will be studying the Vikings this term with a particular focus on: How societies changed from the end of the ancient period to the beginning of the modern age Significant people, groups and ideas from this period that have influenced the world today The Viking way of life and the roles and relationships between different societal groups, particularly

between the conquerors and their subject peoples Significant developments and cultural achievements the Vikings made and, A close look at the role and achievements of significant Viking individuals such Leif Ericson Science - In this unit, students will consider the importance of water and the water cycle. They distinguish between mixtures, including solutions, and pure substances. Students compare a range of separation techniques and assess which techniques can be used for specific purposes. They consider everyday applications of the separation techniques including those used by different cultures and relate use of different separation techniques to a variety of occupations. Students will plan and conduct investigations into the separation of mixtures then use their data to evaluate the effectiveness of different techniques and draw conclusions. These understandings will be applied in Unit 2 through other applications to their community. Design Technology - In this unit, students analyse how characteristics and properties of food determine preparation techniques and presentation when designing solutions for healthy eating. Students will apply design thinking as they develop a food solution that fuses elements from two cultures. Students will explore how social, ethical and environmental issues influence the design of a food product to create preferred futures for the school community. Students will apply a number of skills processes and production in this unit including: Critiquing needs or opportunities for different food items Comparing the design of food items from different cultures Comparing ingredients, tools and processes Generating and documenting design ideas for a food that fuses cultural influences Producing a food item by effectively selecting and applying safe and hygienic procedures in a designed environment and Independently developing criteria for success including sustainability and evaluating design ideas, processes and solutions Digital Technologies - This term, students will evaluate information systems that support learning and create an educational digital solution. Learning opportunities include creating an educational game or learning object to educate their peers using a general-purpose programming language. Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 Health - This term students investigate influences on food choices for adolescents. They explore dietary guidelines and make informed decisions to propose and implement an eating plan that will promote their own health and wellbeing. Year 7, 8, 9 and 10 PE - This term students will develop the recognised swimming strokes of freestyle, backstroke and breaststroke. They will apply survival strokes, skills, movement concepts and strategies in simulated rescue situations. They will examine the history and culture of an aquatic activity, such as surf lifesaving. Years 7-10 Indigenous Languages - Students in Years 7-10 will be consolidating their prior learning in Indigenous Languages adding new depth and meaning to their understanding of the Gamilaraay language. Students that are new to the subject will work closely with students that have been studying the language for a number of years and will study the basics of the language before moving onto complex conversational Gamilaraay. Over the term students will explore: Greetings Family friends and extended family Conversational replies Grammar and pronunciation Local indigenous tools and weapons Local bush tucker and plants for health and medicine and Traditional Indigenous games

Ag Studies Years 7-10 - In this unit students will develop an understanding of sheep production and sheep husbandry in the Balonne Shire. They will investigate the different breeds of sheep and sheep products. Students will explore factors that affect breed diversity and the value of different breed qualities. They will also investigate diseases impacting on sheep and the management control options available. Observation and participation with sheep handling in yards, including sheep husbandry practices, will form part of the practical content of the unit.

YEAR 9-10 UNIT OVERVIEWS English - Students in years nine and ten will be studying satire in texts, particularly how to understand and analyse texts to understand satire. Students read, view and analyse the techniques used in satirical texts preparing them to write an analytical response to analyse and interpret techniques of satire which influence audience interpretation and response. Year 9 Maths - Unit 1 Pythagoras and trigonometry: Investigate Pythagoras’ Theorem and its application to solving simple problems involving right angled triangles. Use similarity to investigate the constancy of the sine, cosine and tangent ratios for a given angle in right-angled triangles and apply trigonometry to solve right-angled triangle problems Unit 2 Probability: List all outcomes for two-step chance experiments, both with and without replacement using tree diagrams or arrays. Assign probabilities to outcomes and determine probabilities for events. Calculate relative frequencies from given or collected data to estimate probabilities of events involving 'and' or 'or' Year 10 Maths - Unit 1 Pythagoras and trigonometry: Solve right-angled triangle problems including those involving direction and angles of elevation and depression. Unit 2 Probability: Describe the results of two and three-step chance experiments, both with and without replacements, assign probabilities to outcomes and determine probabilities of events. Investigate the concept of independence. History - Students in year nine and ten will be studying World War II in unit one this term. Throughout the term students will look at a number of key events of the war including: The nature of global conflict and how it changed during the twentieth century The consequences of World War II and how they helped shaped the modern world The inter-war years between World War I and World War II, with a focus on the Treaty of Versailles,

the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression The course of events during World War II Using primary and secondary sources to explore the Australian experience during World War II, home front experiences,

international relationships, the fall of Singapore, POWs, Indigenous involvement and the significance of the Kokoda campaign Explore significant events such as the Holocaust and the use of the atomic bomb and, Review the legacy of World War II with a particular focus on Australia’s significant role in United Nations peacekeeping Science - In this unit students examine, inquire and explain ways in which energy can be transferred through different mediums including using the particle model. Students will have opportunities to design investigation questions and collect quantitative and qualitative data and information on the flow of heat and electrical energy. They use these findings, scientific knowledge and prior understanding to form conclusions. Students will evaluate explanations and claims using scientific knowledge. They will assess energy efficiencies in house design and use of electrical appliances for heating and cooling to make informed decisions about the influence of science and technology on energy use. Year 9 Digital Technologies - This term, students will use mark-up language and style sheets to design and create a prototype data-driven webpage or web app to solve an identified problem. Year 9 Work Studies - The Real Game - Work Studies helps young people plan for and shape their future and make a contribution to the wider community by providing them with the essential knowledge, understanding and skills for participation in the rapidly changing world of work. Students begin preparation for the working world by developing understanding of themselves in relation to work, recognising their aspirations, their rights and responsibilities as workers, as well as employer expectations and the diversity of work opportunities. They learn to understand what work is, how and why it is changing and what this means for their future in The Real Game is an innovative, interactive and experiential program. The Real Game is a response to the particular challenges the new working world throws at young people. It not only introduces them to the nature of the future they face, but helps them understand it and gives them skills to explore how they can function successfully in it. Sport Studies - This unit is aimed at providing students with both a theoretical and practical insight into the fields of Sport Science such as exercise physiology. Areas studied include musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and respiratory systems, personalized plans to improve organ function, physical activity levels and overall fitness and scientific testing. It is the aim of the unit that students will develop an understanding of the human body and skills that will allow them to improve their levels of fitness, wellbeing and how this links to sporting performance. Students will use a range of testing techniques to analyze functionality and capacity of organ systems. They will use practical activities to demonstrate how correct application of these principles can lead to improved performance in physical activity and sport.

Design Technology - In this unit, students investigate and make judgments on the ethical and sustainable production of food and fibre. Students will critically analyse social, ethical and sustainability considerations that impact on designed solutions for global preferred futures. Students will apply design thinking as they develop a proposal for an innovative managed environment that enhances food

or fibre production in a specific context students identify over the term. Over the Term students will: Investigate emerging production technologies that improve productivity and sustainability Generate designs for testing growth management strategies to inform proposals Produce a communication product that explains a proposal for an innovative environment, for example a multimodal

presentation Evaluate ideas, processes and solutions against comprehensive criteria for success including sustainability Collaborate and work as individuals Use digital technologies to develop project plans that include time, cost, risk and production processes. Year 10 Certificates - Students undertaking Certificate 1 in Agrifoods are studying through Capricornia School of Distance Education. Below are the units of work. On completion, students earn 2 QCE points. AHCOHS101A Work safely (Occupational Health and Safety) AHCWRK101A Maintain the workplace (Work) Elective AHCMOM203A Operate basic machinery and equipment (Machinery operation & maintenance) AHCMOM101A Assist with routine maintenance of machinery and equipment (Machinery operation & maintenance) AHCCHM101A Follow basic chemical safety rules (Chemicals) AHCLSK102A Support intensive livestock work (Livestock) Students undertaking Certificate 11 in Health Support Services are studying through HB Recruitment and Training in Toowoomba via online learning. Below are the units of work. On completion, students earn 4 QCE points. Core units BSBWOR203B Work effectively with others HLTHIR301C Communicate and work effectively in health HLTIN301C Comply with infection control policies and procedures HLTWHS200A Participate in WHS processes

SECONDARY SNAPSHOT Organisation: We thank the parents/guardians for attending PLP meetings this week. If you still need to make a PLP meeting time, please contact the school office. Transition: We have been focusing on students moving from class to class and being organised with their learning requirements for the session.

Ag Studies: This term, Ag Studies students will be learning about sheep production in the Balonne Shire. Today students were involved in a sheep labelling activity, and this learning was consolidated through an interactive labelling game. Products from sheep were studied and three fleeces w e r e p r e s e n t e d f r o m “Yamburgan” to understand the differences in wool quality using some hands on activities.