Directions Read the following passage carefully and · Directions Read the following passage...

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Transcript of Directions Read the following passage carefully and · Directions Read the following passage...

Directions Read the following passage carefully and

answer the questions based on it.

There is an incident which occured at an

examination during Gandhiji's first year at the

High School. Mr. Giles, the inspector, had come on

a visit. He had set up five words as a spelling

exercise. One of these words was 'Kettle'. Gandhiji

had mis-spelt it. The teacher tried to prompt

Gandhiji but he would not be prompted.

He would not copy the spelling from his

neighbour's state. The result was that all the boys

except Gandhiji were found to have spelt each

word correctly. Once he had been stupid, the

teacher later tried to bring the stupidity home to

him and prompted him to copy it out from his

neighbour's state, but without effect. He never

could learn the art of copying.

1. Who was Mr. Giles ?

(a) a teacher

(b) the inspector

(c) Gandhiji follower

(d) An examiner


Answer - B

2. What did the teacher do to Gandhiji?

(a) tried to prompt him

(b) tried to convince him

(c) tried to spel the word

(d) None of these


Answer - A

3.Why did Mr. Giles come to school ?

(a) to meet Gandhiji

(b) for a spelling exercise

(c) to meet the teacher

(d) to teach the boys


Answer - B

4. Was the teacher convinced with Gandhiji?

(a) Yes

(b) No

(c) Partially

(d) None of these


Answer - B

5. Who did not spell each word correctly?

(a) all the boys

(b) Gandhiji

(c) the teacher

(d) Gandhiji's neighbours


Answer - B

6. Candid (Synonym) –

(a) Obvious

(b) Vogue

(c) Frank

(d) Gloomy


Answer - C

Solution - candid - frank, friendly e.t.c.

7. Find the correctly spelt-word.

(a) Eropian

(b) European

(c) Europion

(d) Iropian


Answer - B

8. He is ......... home in English. (Preposition)

(a) of

(b) at

(c) with

(d) into


Answer - B

Solution - at home is the correct phrase.

9. It is for ....... sale. (Article)

(a) of

(b) an

(c) the

(d) No article


Answer - D

Solution - “sale” is an uncountable noun.

10. He is very anxious ...... the result. (Preposition)

(a) to

(b) about

(c) for

(d) of


Answer - B

Solution - anxious about something.

11. One who has the knowledge of ‘Astronomy’.

(One word)

(a) Astronomy

(b) Astrologer

(c) Astronomer

(d) Anarchist


Answer - C

Solution - Astronomer - An astronomer is a scientist

in the field of astronomy who focuses their studies

on a specific question or field outside the scope of


12. Spread (Antonym) -

(a) Widened

(b) Shrink

(c) Explicit

(d) None of these


Answer - B

Solution - spread - extend over a large or increasing


“Shrink” is the opposite word.

13. Gorgeous (Synonym)

(a) Fashionable

(b) Sumptuous

(c) Desperate

(d) None of these


Answer - A

Solution - Gorgeous - engaging, charming,

charismatic, enchanting, sumptuous e.t.c.

14. He walks ......... the morning. (Preposition)

(a) on

(b) in

(c) for

(d) by


Answer - B

Solution - “in the morning, in the afternoon e.t.c.”

15. He said to me, 'Are you going to school?

(a) He told me if I was going to school.

(b) He asked me if I was going to school.

(c) He told me that I was going to school.

(d) None of these


Answer - B

Solution - when we convert direct speech of

interrogative into indirect then “said to” is

converted into “asked or inquired” and

conjunction “if/whether” is used.

16. Change the voice of the sentence

'I have to write a poem.'

(a) A poem has to be written by me

(b) A poem have to be written by me

(c) A poem is to be written by me

(d) None of these


Answer - A

Solution - the given active voice is an example of

infinitive so interchange the subject and object and

use “has/have + to be + V3 ”

17. It is too cold. (Remove too)

(a) It is colder than it is proper

(b) It was very cold

(c) It is very cold

(d) None of these


Answer - A

18. A ......... of birds. (Collective Noun).

(a) herd

(b) flock

(c) fleet

(d) group


Answer - B

19. .......... of the three boys reads there. (Pronoun)

(a) Either

(b) Neither

(c) Anyone

(d) None of these


Answer - C

Solution - pronoun “either and neither” are used

for two entities.

20. Comparative degree of 'little' is

(a) less

(b) low

(c) lite

(d) None of these


Answer - A

21. Superlative degree of Near' is

(a) Nearer

(b) Next

(c) Nearest

(d) None of these


Answer - C

22. Plural of 'Buffalo' is

(a) Buffalos

(b) Buffalose

(c) Buffaloes

(d) None of these


Answer - C

Solution - The plural form of the noun "buffalo"

can be "buffaloes" or "buffalo"

23. Masculine Gender of “bitch” is

(a) Dog

(b) Fox

(c) Cow

(D) Bull


Answer - A

Solution - “dog” is the musculine form of “bitch”.

24. The rich should help ……. Poor . (Article)

(a) a

(b) an

(c) the

(d) No article


Answer - C

Solution - the poor means poor people.

25. They entered …… the class – room.


(a) in

(b) into

(c) on

(d) No preposition


Answer - D

Solution generally we use the preposition “into”

with moving action inside something, but we do not

use any preposition after “enter” in this case.