Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 BroLabratories…HIITT+Nutrition+Guid… · The Nutrition...

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Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved.

Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved. 2

The Nutrition Protocol inside Direct HIIT is critical to follow if you’re looking to achieve

the best possible transformation in 12 weeks.

There are three phases to the Direct HIIT Program. Each phase gets progressively

harder, and has a nutrition strategy to ensure you’re maximizing your fat burning every

step of the way – while providing your body with the fuel it needs to meet each

demanding workout.

The 3 Phases Of DIRECT HIIT:

Phase 1 is all about subtracting as much fat as possible through full-body

workout routines and lowcarb diet approach. In this phase, you’ll likely

see a

significant transformation in just the first 4 weeks.

Phase 2 is all about continuing to burn as much fat as possible while

focusing on workouts designed to strengthen and sculpt your muscles.

You’ll be

subtracting body fat and building strength, giving you that “ripped and

sculpted” look.

Phase 3 is the all-out sprint to the finish line. You’ll work out twice a day

for the last 4 weeks, brutally

shaving off any extra body fat blurring your abs and

muscle definition. The result, if you make it out alive, will be an entirely

new you.

Phase 1 and Phase 2 have the same basic nutrition intake structure, the goal being to

keep carbs as low as possible to maximize the mobilization and

burning of stubborn body fat. Phase 3 requires a slightly higher carb intake to insure

adequate recovery from the intense workout progressions, while still maintaining a

steady rate of fat loss.

The result is a sustainable, highly effective nutrition protocol that will keep you burning

fat throughout the entire 12-week program.





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How to Succeed With This Nutrition Plan

To succeed with this nutrition program, you must do is track everything you eat in the

Nutrition Log that comes with this program. You won’t be tracking calories, but you still

have to track WHAT you eat. Remember, what doesn’t get measured doesn’t get

managed. If you want to lose fat, you need the accountability that tracking provides.

(Besides, it only takes a few seconds to write down what you eat, so there’s no excuse to

NOT do it.)

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of the Nutrition program, let’s look at the

macronutrients in more detail…

Meet The Macros

There are 3 macronutrients: proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Protein, The Macro King

Protein is a critical component of the Direct HIIT nutrition plan. Protein is a

macronutrient found abundantly in meat, dairy, and soy products. The muscles in the

human body are also mostly made up of protein. Protein, in turn, is made up of 20

amino acids. The body is able to synthesize 11 of them. The remaining nine (known as

essential amino acids) needs to be acquired through your diet since your body isn’t able

to naturally produce them.

When you consume protein, the body breaks down the macronutrient into usable

amino acids that contribute to a number of bodily functions, including muscle growth,

muscle repair, and recovery.

Your body can break protein down and use the amino acids as a source of fuel, making

protein a great energy source.

For this reason, you’ll be eating at least one serving of protein with every meal.

Recommended Protein Sources:

Fish - 4 oz Chicken -

3 oz (cooked)

Lean Steak (eye of round, sirloin tip, top round, top sirloin, bottom round) = 3 oz

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Lean Ham - 3 oz

Tuna - 1 can

Salmon - 4 oz

Whole Eggs = 1 whole egg


Carbohydrates (“carbs”) are a macronutrient and are a preferred energy source for your

body. The problem though… is that they’re not good for much more than energy when

your primarily objective is fat loss.

When carbs are consumed, they’re converted into glucose as they enter the

bloodstream. As glucose levels rise, the body raises insulin levels to shuttle the glucose

out of the blood and into your muscles and liver.

Your body processes and stores carbs in your muscles as glycogen, which is what your

body taps into and breaks down when you’re working out for fuel.

The muscles and liver, however, are only able to absorb a limited amount of glucose,

and once they reach their saturation point, any leftover glucose at that point is

essentially stored as fat. (This is why carbs tend to get a bad reputation and why so

many diets are low-carb.)

In this program, you’ll only eat carbs in your immediate post-workout meal (and no

other times of the day).

Recommended Carbs Sources:

Brown Rice - ½ cup

Wild Rice - 1 cup

Wheat Pasta - 1 cup

Oatmeal - ½ cup

Beans - ½ cup

Sweet Potatoes - 1 medium potato


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Fat is a macronutrient just like protein and carbohydrates. It is, however, more “dense,”

containing nine calories per gram, compared to protein and carbs, which each contain

four calories per gram. (This is why fatty foods are so high in calories.)

Contrary to popular belief, eating more fat does not necessarily make you fat. It is, as

mentioned, more calorie-dense, so a high fat diet does often translate to more calories

consumed, and more calories equals more weight gain.

There are various types of dietary fats; some do wonders for the body, while others

you’ll want to avoid:

Saturated Fat Saturated fat is mainly found in red meat and dairy. It’s also known as solid fat because

it solidifies at room temperature. The American Heart Association warns against

consuming too much saturated fat, as it may elevate LDL cholesterol and the risk of

pulmonary disease. These claims, however, have been disputed especially in light of

recent studies that suggest that saturated fat not only does not increase health

problems but may even have healthy benefits.

Unsaturated Fat Unsaturated fat typically falls under two categories: monounsaturated fat and

polyunsaturated fat.

Monounsaturated fat is often found in foods like avocados, nuts, and olive oil.

Monounsaturated fats are often touted as the healthiest fats of all as they are believed

to lower bad cholesterol while raising good cholesterol.

Polyunsaturated Fat – This is comprised of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and is

found in nuts, seeds, and oily fish. Polyunsaturated fat consumption has been linked to

reduced risk of high blood pressure and delaying onset of type II diabetes.

Trans-Fat This is the worse type of fat and the one you want to avoid. While present in small

amounts in meat and dairy, the majority of trans-fats are artificially produced by adding

hydrogen to vegetable oil, thus allowing it to solidify. Trans-fats are often found in

highly processed and refined foods, such as potato chips, candy, and anything fried. Too

much of this fat in a diet has been linked to increased bad cholesterol and elevated risk

of heart disease. Again – stay away from trans-fats.

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In this nutrition protocol, we’re not going to be tracking the fats we consume because

it’s more tedious than is necessary. Just don’t go crazy with tons of butter or oils and

you’ll be fine.


Vegetables (a.k.a. veggies) are super important to the Direct HIIT diet plan. Most people

don’t consume nearly enough veggies in their daily intake, and yet vegetables are

critical to proper bodily functioning, health and vitality.

Because of this, we’re going to have 1-2 servings of veggies with every meal.

Recommended Vegetable Sources:


Snow Peas




String Beans



A Calorie Deficit For Fat Loss

To burn fat you have to be in caloric deficit, meaning you must burn more calories than

you consume. Let me emphasize that: being in a "caloric deficit" is literally the only way

to burn fat.

You can be in a calorie deficit by either eating fewer calories than you consume, or by

expending more calories than you’ve consumed in a given day through working out.

You can probably guess that the best way to get in a "caloric deficit" is adjusting your

diet. Diet is way more effective than exercise when it comes to burning fat. In fact, you

can actually burn fat without doing any exercise at all. For example, on average, running

1 mile burns about 100 calories. Sounds great right? Until you realize that there are

about 100 calories in a single banana.

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With that said, you can see how it’s much easier to just eat less than it is to try to burn

calories off. I am NOT trying to say that you should not workout, but it’s important to

understand that you cannot out-train a bad diet.

Now, hitting (and staying in) a caloric deficit is possible two ways. One is tough, and one

is easy…

Method #1: Counting Calories (And Why It Doesn’t Work)

Where most programs have you counting calories, I personally feel that’s a waste of

time. Why? Because you’re never going to follow through with it. And if you TRY to,

then you’ll never be 100% accurate, so it’s still a waste of time. (And don’t think those

apps are 100% accurate, because even they are not.)

Additionally, you’re not going to full-out prep all your food and carry it around with you

in Tupperware containers like a bodybuilder.

Method #2: The Block Portion Protocol (The Secret To Effortless Fat Loss)

Instead, I prefer a more realistic approach. One that works without having to be

methodically weighing out and measuring every bite you eat…

I call it the Block Portion Protocol (“BPP”).

Instead of weighing everything out or counting calories, the Block Portion Protocol is

something I use to estimate the food I’m consuming by using portion sizes of the foods.

I aim to have specific portion sizes of foods

for each meal, which helps me stay on track

without obsessing over calories. Each

“portion size” is a “block”.

Now, for this program, we’re going to be focusing primarily on protein and vegetables.

Yes, carbohydrates will take a backseat, as will fats.

For each meal – when fat loss is the goal – I aim to have 1 portion (“block”) of protein

and 1-2 portions (“blocks”) of veggies.

That is the typical meal structure for every meal except right after I work out.

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Your post-workout meal should be the only meal of the day in which you have carbs.

Reason is that you don’t need carbs any other time of the day except after a workout to

replenish the muscle glycogen stores that were spent in the workout. After you

workout, your body is primed to process carbohydrates and shuttle the nutrients to the

right places.

You’ll only be consuming ONE SERVING of carbs per day in Phases 1 and 2, and two

servings per day in Phase 3.

Meal Frequency & Timing

The timing of your meals – when you will actually eat them – as well as how many meals

you eat each day depends on a couple factors: which nutrition protocol you’re following

(Intermittent Fasting Protocol or Standard Nutrition Protocol) and when you workout in

the day.

Protocol #1: The Standard Nutrition Protocol

For the Standard Protocol, you’ll be eating 6 meals a day with no fixed “start” or “end”

time to your meals. If you prefer eating a meal around breakfast time, then this is the

structure you’ll want to follow.

For each meal, you’ll aim to have 1 serving of protein and 1-2 servings of veggies (ideally

2). Then, for your meal immediately after working out, you’ll have 1 serving of protein, 1

serving of veggies, and 1 serving of carbs (the only carb serving of the day).

An example schedule would look like this:

• 8:00am – Meal #1

• 10:00am – Meal #2

• 1:00pm – Meal #3

• 3:00pm – Meal #4

• 6:00pm – Meal #5

• 9:00pm – Meal #6

In the above schedule, you’d have your serving of carbs in the meal the follows your

workout. If you workout in the morning, then you’d have your carb serving earlier. If

Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved. 9

you workout in the evening, then you’d have your carb serving later in the day, after

that workout.

Protocol #2: The Intermittent Fasting Protocol

As you now know, being in a calorie deficit is essential to fat loss… To make this easier, I

like to use the Intermittent Fasting Protocol to help control hunger throughout the day.

No, this isn’t where you fast all day or anything…

Intermittent fasting (at least, the method I do) is where you fast for around sixteen

hours a day and then eight hours a day I allow myself to eat.

That 8-hour window is called a feeding window.

NOTE: you don’t need to adhere to a strict, fixed feeding window. Just focus on pushing

your first meal back 5-8 hours after waking, and cap your meals around 8 hours after


Personally, my favorite feeding window timeframe is 3:00pm to 11:00pm. The rest of

the time I don't eat anything with calories.

I'll drink water, tea (with nothing in it), or drink black coffee (no sugar, no cream – just

black). That's all I consume during the “fasting” times of the day, up until 3:00 pm…

That’s when I’ll have my first meal of the day (at 3:00 pm), during which time I eat 3-4

meals, with my eating window ending around 11:00 pm.

Here’s what it looks like to get a better idea:

• 8:00am – 1 to 2 cups of black coffee or tea

• 1:30pm – Pre-workout shake (1 scoop REBELLION + 1 scoop REVOLT)

• 3:00pm – Meal #1 (Post-Workout)

• 5:00pm – Meal #2

• 8:00pm – Meal #3

• 11:00pm – Meal #4

Why This Is So Effective…

When you wake up and push your first meal to later in the day (and stick to this “feeding

window”), you’re essentially cramming MORE food into a smaller window of time.

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Therefore, your meals can be larger and more satiating – instead of eating really small

meals all throughout the day that don’t fill you up in the least.

When you’re hungry all day, it’s really tough staying focused and motivated.

That’s why most “diets” are doomed to fail. That, and you’re MUCH more likely to cheat

as you only have a limited amount of willpower to use every day. Use it up trying not to

eat earlier in the day, and you’ll find yourself much more likely to snack at night.

The Effects Of Fasting On Fat Loss

During that sixteen-hour fasting period, without consuming anything to burn for energy,

you're basically putting your body in a position to stay alive – to move and to go about

your day – so your body has to tap into the only reserves it has for energy: fat.

By fasting daily, you’re forcing your body into this fat burning state every day.

And it works really well… I've seen people lose fat WITHOUT working out. All they did

was put themselves in a caloric deficit, because if you're burning more calories than you

consume, you're going to lose fat whether you work out or not.

That's why your diet is so critical. Intermittent fasting really helps you stay in a caloric

deficit. It works better than cardio, too. Cardio helps, but being in a caloric deficit is the

best (and easiest) way to go. Remember: you can't outtrain a bad diet.

Let’s put it into perspective:

A portion of rice about the size of my fist is around two hundred calories. If I ran a mile, I

would only burn about a hundred calories (on average). I’d have to run two whole miles

to burn off just that portion of rice.

It's easier to just eat less than it is to try to burn it off – and intermittent fasting is the

easiest way to help you eat less.

Unless you eat cookies and cake during your feeding period, you're almost always going

to be in a caloric deficit by default.

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Cheat Days (And Why You NEED Them)

A cheat day is a day where you’re more lax on your diet and eat above your calorie

deficit. But on that note, one question comes to mind:

Is this a cheat DAY or just a cheat MEAL?

The truth is – it can be either. Some people do cheat meals while other people do cheat


Personally, I do cheat DAYS. But here's the thing: I don't go crazy that day. It's really

just a day that I don't think about too much nutrition, where I’ll eat whatever I want

(with moderation).

A typical cheat day for me starts when I wake up, usually on a day that I don’t train. It

probably would honestly be better if I trained that day, but I just don't – it's a day off. I

don't think about nutrition and just eat whatever I want.

Sounds crazy (even counterproductive), but here’s why you do this…

When you're in a prolonged deficit (for too long), your body will think it's starving and

going through a famine, so it starts shutting things down to conserve energy. As a result,

your testosterone levels drop, your leptin levels drop and your metabolism drops.

As an experienced trainer, I see this all the time. People will come to me and say, "Man, I

was doing great for a while and then the fat loss just plateaued. It just stopped."

That's because they were in a deficit for too long. A cheat day takes your foot off the gas

for a second and it tells your body, "Hey, we're not going through a famine. Everything’s


What happens then is your hormone levels return to normal and your metabolism revs

back up because your body understands that it's not in a famine.

You need a cheat day to burn fat. If you don't have a cheat day, a plateau is bound to

happen, so I include one per week. Some people say a meal is enough. I say it depends

on the meal. For me, I don't go so hard. If I had one meal it would be a day's worth of

food. I'll eat a burger, pizza, whatever. So, I just don't think about it.

If I had to place some guidelines on this, I’d recommend going higher in carbs during this

cheat day. Carbs help with mood and energy, so if possible, try to eat more carbs than

normal during this day.

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Does It Have To Be Just ONE Cheat Day A Week?

Instead of having one cheat day at the end of the week, is it still effective if you have

two smaller cheat meals throughout the week?

The answer is definitely NO. The only way a cheat meal or a cheat day works is if you've

been consistent for six days in a row.

That's the only reason it works, and it works because it helps you stay consistent. It

would be pretty depressing if I told you that to get to your ideal weight, all you can eat

is lean meat and vegetables.

Instead, it's easier to stay on that protocol if you know that in a week you can have a

burger, cake, candy or whatever. It helps keep you motivated, and here's the thing –

eating bad one day a week is not going to hurt you the same way that eating good one

day a week is not going to help you.

What if one of my clients said, "I ate pizza and fries all week, but I ate salad every

Saturday"? That would just be ridiculous, wouldn’t it?

It works in the reverse as well - it's what you do consistently that counts.

What Day Should The Cheat Day Be?

I’d recommend you make one of the “work” days your cheat day, instead of the day you

“rest”, though it doesn’t have to be.

The reason for this is because if you’re working out, it will help move all the nutrients

around in a way that minimizes the potential damage of the cheat day.

But that said, I want to stress one thing: don’t worry too much about this day. Just take

a “day off”. Keep carbs a little higher to keep the metabolism going, but don’t try to

overanalyze everything on this day or wonder if meal A is better than meal B. Just take a

day off, enjoy yourself – without going TOO FAR overboard – and hit the ground running

the next day.

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As for the day of the week, listen… Sometimes, life happens. You may have a party to go

to, or family’s coming in from out of town. It’s critical to your success that you can move

this cheat day around so you don’t completely fall off the bandwagon.

Having the flexibility to move your cheat day around – whether it’s on a workout day or

not – will ensure you don’t let a day of gluttony kill your progress.

Putting The Nutrition Plan Together

The plan is simple by design, and easy to track and stick to:

Eat 1 serving of protein with every meal

Eat 1-2 servings of veggies with every meal

Eat 1 serving of carbs in the meal immediately following your workout*

One day per week, take “off” as a cheat day (preferably on a work day)

* The one difference here is that in Phase 3 you’ll have the option of one additional carb

serving, which should also be consumed in a post-workout meal.

The best thing about centering your meals around protein and veggies this that you can

eat as much as you want and still lose fat because eating only protein and vegetables

will inevitably put you in a caloric deficit!

This will also make the post-workout carbs you consume more effective because your

body will be able to use them immediately by breaking them down and replenishing

muscle glycogen stories spend during the workout.

Let’s look at the 3 phases and break down the nutrition protocol for each…




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* This would be your post-workout meal since it has the carb serving (as an example).


* This would be your post-workout meal since it has the carb serving (as an example).

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* This would be your post-workout meal since it has the carb serving (as an example).


* This would be your post-workout meal since it has the carb serving (as an example).

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* These would be your post-workout meals since they have the carb (as an example).


* These would be your post-workout meals since they have the carb (as an example).

Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved. 20

Supplements: Managing Expectations & Marketing

Gimmicks Exposed Supplement companies are notorious for deceptive marketing.

For example, you’ll see some companies advertising weight loss supplements in pictures

(especially on social media outlets like Instagram or Facebook) with women who have

enhanced body features – claiming, “It was all because of this product or that product”.

What these supplement companies do is approach these social media personalities and

offer to pay them in exchange for the personality saying they use (and love) the

particular product.

It's a guessing game on what’s legit - or it's really not a guessing game; you're just being

suckered. They pay some girl with false enhancements, or a man who is using steroids,

to take pictures next to their product.

Another often-abused practice is the “proprietary blend”.

A proprietary blend - prop blend, for short - is what companies use to hide lackluster

formulations behind. With prop blends, you’ll see a list of ingredients in a particular

supplement, but not the amounts of that ingredient.

Therein lies the problem - just because an ingredient is ON a label (listed in the prop

blend) doesn’t mean there’s an effective dosage of that ingredient in there.

The ingredients that actually work are expensive, so oftentimes companies will put just

enough of that ingredient in (nowhere NEAR the effective dose) so they can include it

on the label.

When supplements weren’t so mainstream, prop blends were a powerful marketing

tool. And they still are, to customers who don’t realize what they really are.

But that’s just not the case anymore...

Customers want to know what’s in the products they buy. And more importantly, they

want to know that they’re getting a product that will WORK like it’s supposed to (and

the only way for that to happen is if the product contains the effective dose of the

ingredients inside).

Besides, if you have an effective dose in your supplement you will want to brag about it.

Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved. 21

For example, if you had a 24 karat gold necklace, aren’t you going to say, "This is 24

karat gold"? If you were unaware of the amount of gold in it at the time of purchase

because it’s a proprietary blend, wouldn’t you feel weird about it?

So why accept that when it comes to your supplements?

Which Supplements Are BS (And Which Ones Are

Effective For Burning Fat) With so much hype and misleading marketing in the world of supplements (and

everything claiming to be the next best thing)... Are there any supplements that really

DO help with fat loss?

Yes there are.

Let’s get into which ones are actually effective...


TEA REXX is the fat burner that I use everyday to stay

ripped! Most other fat burner supplements make me

feel like a crackhead because they have too much

caffeine and unnatural ingredients.

TEA REXX leaves out substances with dangerous side

effects and only contains 100% natural & mainly

plant derived ingredients.

It even comes in vegetable capsules to avoid

consumption of the animal byproduct known as

gelatin – which is what most other fat burners on the

market use.

The main ingredients in Tea Rexx are: Green Tea

Extract, Raspberry Ketones, Yohimbe Extract, and

Moringa Oleifera.

Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved. 22

All these - combined with other beneficial ingredients like Green Coffee Bean Extract,

Yerba Mate, Ginseng, and more - make Tea Rexx Extreme highly effective as a fat loss


Other benefits of Tea Rexx include:

• Improved mood

• Enhanced Sexual Libido and Performance

• Increased Mental Clarity

• Improved endurance

• Absolutely No Crash

Click Here To Check Out TEA REXX

REBELLION (Pre-Workout)

I always take a pre-workout, and this is by far the best

one to take if you need that jolt before you workout,

but don’t want the jitters or crash afterwards.

Rebellion is different from a lot of other preworkout


It’s a potent, time-tested combination of ingredients

including creatine, beta alanine, citrulline, betaine,

caffeine, and black pepper extract (which helps


Each individual ingredient is a powerhouse - but when combined, they create one high-

voltage pre-workout system.

Not only that, but the ingredients in Rebellion are all up to the clinically effective doses…

So you’re getting more bang for your buck with this one as well.

I always take one full scoop of Rebellion before I workout, and recommend you do as

well – especially for the workouts in Direct HIIT.

Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved. 23

Click Here To Check Out REBELLION


Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and

therefore, the building blocks of lean muscle. Branched

Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) refer to three specific amino

acids - Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine - that the body

must obtain from either food or BCAA supplementation.

BCAAs can be used by muscle cells as an energy source,

which may help offset muscle breakdown during

endurance exercise and help support recovery and

repair after weight training.

Leucine helps in the regulation of protein turnover and

energy metabolism. It also helps inhibit the breakdown

of muscle protein that occurs after high stress.

Isoleucine’s main purpose is that of an antioxidant. Finally Valine improves energy

metabolism and protein synthesis, and like Leucine, helps maintain muscle strength

during times of high intensity physical stress.

I like to take my BCAAs before training (especially fasted training) as they give my

muscles the fuel they need to train hard, and during and after my workout – which

helps me recover quicker. Nobody likes feeling super sore after training. I recommend

REVOLT by Bro Labs. I created this specific BCAA formulation myself and it’s better than

any other BCAA product on the market.

Click Here To Check Out REVOLT

Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved. 24

Fish Oil (I like the one by Carlon Labs)

I take fish oil daily. Some people hate the

taste, but I say “suck it up” and just drink it

because the benefits to supplementing with a

high quality fish oil are amazing.

Anyone who wants to maximize their muscle

gains, burn fat and improve their overall

health should be supplementing with high

quality fish oil every day.

Fish oil contains the extremely valuable

omega 3 fatty acids, EPA and DHA, which

produce a nearly endless list of benefits related both to body composition and health.

While I could go on and on about fish oil’s beneficial effects on the cardiovascular

system, immune system and on improving blood pressure and cholesterol, let’s just stick

to what’s relevant for fat loss:

1. Fish oil increases muscle anabolism

2. Fish oil decreases muscle catabolism

3. Fish oil decreases inflammation

4. Fish Oil Enhances Fat Loss

Click Here To Check Out Carlson Labs’ Fish Oil

Melatonin (Sleep & Recovery)

Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved. 25

I take melatonin every night to help me

sleep better!

Melatonin is a hormone that is

naturally produced in the brain to help

you sleep better and one of the easiest

ways to burn fat and build muscle is

simply to get more sleep.

Most of us assume our bodies burn

more calories when we are awake

longer, but that’s not true. The

metabolic rate is down-

regulated with less sleep. Translation:

When you sleep less, your body starts to burn calories at a slower rate to preserve

energy. In the study, people burned on average 400 more calories by sleeping for 3

more hours–that’s an additional 2,800 calories burned in just one week. With less sleep,

the body seeks to meet the increased metabolic needs of longer waking hours by

shifting into a lower gear, so to speak, that burns fewer calories and less fat.

Sleep helps you build muscle and burn fat. First, when you lift weights, what you’re

doing is actually tearing the muscle tissue in a healthy way. After you eat your body uses

certain nutrients to repair your muscle tissue. What you need to remember though, is

that the protein and your body won’t start repairing your muscle tissue until you are at

rest for an extended period of time, such as sleep. What this means is that if you are

lacking sleep, your body isn’t getting sufficient time to repair and recover your muscles

one hundred percent.

Click Here To Check Out NOW Foods’ Melatonin

Direct HIIT Nutrition Guide | © 2016 All rights reserved. 26

Bro Labs: Changing The Workout Supplementation


The driving force behind the development of Bro Laboratories - Bro Labs, for short - was

transparency combined with outstanding


Ultimately, I wanted to create the supplements that I

wanted to use.

Supplements with the best ingredients combined in

the optimal way with the optimal dosages to be as

effective as possible.

No proprietary blends. No pseudoscience. Just results.

For example, at Bro Laboratories, we have a supplement called Tea Rexx. Tea Rexx is

specifically engineered to burn fat while improving performance.

And we show exactly what's in it: caffeine, green tea extract (which is proven to burn

fat), caffeine (which is proven to increase endurance).

But then you have the lesser-known (but highly effective) Yerba Mate, which is an

adaptogenic herb native to South America, which contains a unique nutrient profile and

has been proven to help reverse some of the adverse health effects associated with


Simple, yet effective. Just how we like it.

But it goes deeper than that…

When we first started Bro Labs, we wanted to create these effective supplements that

enhanced our other products - like this program.

We wanted supplements that helped burn fat and build muscle - ones that would

integrate with our fitness systems to give you even faster results.

That’s why we recently debuted our pre-workout, Rebellion.

I take pre-workouts before every workout, but most of them on the market made me all

jittery or tasted horrible. I set out to create a delicious-tasting pre-workout drink with

the clinical effective dosages of the ingredients that mattered - not skimp on the

“expensive” ones and hide behind “prop blends”.

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So I created the pre-workout I always wanted… And honestly, my team and I are super

proud of the formula, so we boast about what’s in it - especially because of the high


Our other new product is a BCAA supplement called REVOLT. Now, this one is super

special and kicks the hell out of every other BCAA product on the market.

See, BCAAs are best used when you’re training fasted or in the mornings, and also for

use during a workout to increase endurance and help prevent muscle breakdown.

The problem? The most important ingredient for preventing muscle breakdown in

BCAAs is the ingredient Leucine. Clinical studies show that a minimum effective dose of

Leucine is 5 grams, and yet virtually no other BCAA product has close to that.

Well, in every scoop of REVOLT, there is exactly 5 grams of Leucine – so you don’t need

a double-scoop just to get the clinically effective dosage (and burn through your

supplement twice as fast just to get the result claimed on the label).

We’re also extremely careful to make sure everything we create is safe, compliant with

FDA regulations and compliant with any collegiate organization (like the NCAA).

After all... I’ve trained professional athletes in the NFL. Of course I want my products to

be consumable by pro athletes, so we’ve only included ingredients that are know to be

safe and effective.

You can expect more supplements coming soon… We have BIG plans for Bro Labs this

year (and beyond).

But one step at a time…

Read more about our company here: