Din e ilahi

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Din e ilahi

Din-e-IlahiBy: Annie Azam

INTRODUCTION• Din.e.Ilahi means

Divine Faith• As power lay in north

India,the primary two were Hinduism and Islam

• The new syncretic relegion tried to bridge this divide by prescribing an ethical system that prohibit sins of the flesh and encouraged virtues

Purpose of making Din e Ilahi

• to combine islam and other relegion in one faith

• to ensure national unity and peace

• to solve thorny problems of Akbar


profounded in 1582 AD

intending to merge the best elements of the relegions of his

empire and there by reconcile the differences that

divided his subjects

Virtues of Din e Ilahi Liberality and beneficence Forgiveness of the evil doer and repulsion of anger

with mildness Abstinence from worldly desires Care of freedom from the bonds of the worldly

existence and violence as well as accumulating precious stores for the future real and perpetual world Wisdom and devotion in the frequent meditation on

the consequences of actions

Strength of dexterous prudence in the desire of marvellous actions

Soft voice, gentle words, pleasing speeches for every body

Good treatment with brethren, so that their will may have the precedence to our own

A perfect alienation from creatures and a perfect attachment to the Supreme Being

Dedication of soul in the love of God and union with God the preserver of all.

Teachings of Din e Ilahi

• God is great (Allah-o-Akbar)-Islam• Initiations would be performed on Sunday-

Christianity• the slaughter of animals were forbidden-Jainism• the object of light were divine worship-zoroastrians• to recite 100 sanskrit names of the sun and the

cows should not be killed-Hinduism

Drawback of Din e ilahi• no script or written

documents• prayers of its own• despites its attempt

at being all-encompassing, the religion only had 18 adherent and faced fierce criticism from orthodox muslims

Principles and Practices

• the members were to follow a new mode of greeting each other

• the members were to celebrate their births and invite their coreligionists to feast

• abstain from meat eating but not to hate meat eaters

• give dinner during life time instead of usually given at death

• to regard fire as sacred and respect other religions

Grades of Din e ilahi

sacrifice of propertysacrifice of lifesacrifice of honoursacrifice of religion

Number of members

only 18 prominent members joined this new order and of these only one was

hindu named Raja Birbal.The number of ordinary members didnot exceed a few


Causes of failure• First, Akbar was the originator of this new order

but he did not propagate it in the spirit of a missionary nor did he compel anyone to become its member. He was tolerant and his spirit of religious toleration would not allow persecution even against those who differed with his religious policy.

• Secondly, the general people could not understand the mind of AKbar and hence failed to appreciate his new order.

• Lastly, Akbar’s son Jahangir was quite indifferent to the religious views of his father and so after the death of Akbar Din-i-Illahi died a natural death.

IMAM RABANI HAZRAT MUJADID ALI Imam rabbani shiekh ahmed

faroqi Mujadad Alf sani Born on 26th

MAY 1561 Died on 10th dec 1624 Prominent member of

Naqshbandi sofi order A scholar and a hanfi jurist He was known for restoring islam

and oposing mughal empror akbar for the herodoxies in religion

He wrote istbat-un-Nabuwat(a firmation of prophethood)

Conclusion According to Dr. Smith “Akbar, whatever may have been the extent of his falling in practice, was sincerely a religious man, constitutionally devout.” According to his son Jahangir His father ‘never for one moment forgot God.’ He used to perform his prayers five times a day. The Ain-i-Akbari and the Akbar-Nama which were written under his order by Abul Fazal and the Tuzki-i-Jahangriri, written by Jahangir, fully confirm the fact that Akbar remained a Muslim throughout his life.

Liberalism and toleration shown to the Hindus by secular Akbar the Great in order to fulfill his political desire may be praiseworthy from the humanitarian point of view but it certainly created misunderstanding about Islam amongst the general public.