Digital Video#3 Elements Of Art

Post on 24-May-2015

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Transcript of Digital Video#3 Elements Of Art

Digital Video #3 Elements of Art

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The basic elements that are used by artists in creating works of art; they are what you use to create a good composition. If we want to make art, we need to understand these seven elements of art.

1. Jot down each element and explain the seven elements of art in your own words. Use another web site – please copy and paste it here as a verification of the a location of where you gathered the information. Line, color, shape, value, texture, shape/form & space.

1. Line – the mark made by a moving point. People use lines to write words andartists draw lines with pencils or other tools.

2. Shape – is a flat, enclosed line or area that has two dimensions – length andwidth.

3. Form – three dimensional space, volume, mass. Objects that are 3-D have length,width, and height. It can be viewed from many sides.

4. Color – how eyes perceive reflected light off an object. There are three properties of color – hue (the name of the color), Value ( the light or dark of the color, alsoknown as shades and tints), and intensity ( refers to the brightness of the color).

5. Value – degrees of lightness or darkness.

6. Texture – the surface quality of an object; can be real or implied.

7. Space - Space is an empty place or surface in or around a work of art. Space canbe two-dimensional, three-dimensional, negative and/or positive.

2. Find on the Internet (once you have completed question #1 above) to demonstrate

understanding of each Element in video use two pictures from a search engine to find an example from other web sites. This means 14 different pictures. Place them with the explanation. EG. Line as Element of art in video (enter into Google)