Digital trends-dmf-121012072741-phpapp01

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Transcript of Digital trends-dmf-121012072741-phpapp01


Hello! My name is Bart.

This is my daughter Merel.

I’m passionate about coffee.

I’m passionate about coffee.I live and work in Ghent.

I work at digital agency Wijs (ex: Netlash-bSeen).



DMF, 11/10/2012

Based on Netlash-bSeen Online Trendrapport 2012.

Based on Netlash-bSeen Online Trendrapport 2012.

Crowdsourced, postmodern collection of opinions.

10 trends based on my personal opinion.

Listen carefully.

Personal opinion.

Listen carefully.

1. The rise of the Death Stars

It’s a Winner Takes All world. 2012

will continue the trend of 1 big behemoth that eats all its competition.

‣ Online will eat all communications

‣ Digital will eat all interfaces

‣ Facebook will eat all social networks

‣ Apple will eat the PC-market?

Death Stars

Network effects are dominant online.

Network effects are dominant online.

Look it up. Metcalfe’s Law.

Network effects are dominant online.

Look it up. Metcalfe’s Law.'s_law

2. Fragmentation of social

Yes, Facebook will be the dominant

‘general’ social network.

Yes, Facebook will be the dominant

‘general’ social network.

Next to that general SN, we will subscribe to a truckload of niche-networks.

Communities can not be built. They form around existing common interests.

Just like in real life (work, sport, bar, hobby, family...).

The Facebook IPO will spawn a new breed of startups, ideas and business.

(2 - 3 years)

3. Location is the new context

Context is the way to break through the

‘banner blindness’ of consumers.

Context is the way to break through the

‘banner blindness’ of consumers.

See: Google. Ads are relevant to the search words.

Location is the new context.

Make your online offering more relevant by adding location as a filter.

4. Sensors everywhere

Location sensors (gps) are only the beginning.

Location sensors (gps) are only the beginning.

Our devices (starting with our smartphones) will become aware of their surroundings.

The nerd in me is happy. Star Trek is coming!

Nest is a thermostat with activity, light, temperature... sensors.

iBGStar Blood Glucose Meter is meant to manage diabetes, with integrated app.

Twine is a DIY-kit with temperature, vibration, moisture... sensors.

Jawbone Up measures movement and sleep cycle.

‣ Cars with apps and sensors

‣ Face recognition

‣ Smart Clothing

‣ Even more sensors in smartphones

Watch out for:

5. Data, data, data

‣ Online analytics

‣ Trend data from social media

‣ Personal data from ‘quantified self’

Everything is measurable

Start hiring statisticians and data gurus.

Invest in “big data” infrastructure and CRM.

6. NFC is the new QR

‣ RFID chips on steroids

‣ Contactless communication

‣ Expect it in smartphones next year

Near Field Communication

You will still use it wrong.

‣ It’s not a marketing tool

‣ cfr. QR-codes

‣ cfr. Bluetooth

You will still use it wrong

7. Mainstream 3D-printers

Makerbot is a 3D-printer that costs 1.749 USD...

Everything will be digitized.

8. Mobile first

More internet access with mobile devices then with laptop/desktop.

‣ touch

‣ context

‣ different screens

‣ responsive!

Think Mobile First

9. Think Integrated

‣ mobile / desktop

‣ offline / online

‣ data silos

Think integrated

‣ website

‣ seo

‣ sea

‣ social

‣ e-mail marketing


‣ analytics

‣ press releases

‣ community

‣ affiliate

‣ ...

Playtime’s over.

10. Keep an eye out for...

‣ mobile payments

‣ Facebook credits

‣ API’s

‣ disappointing video


‣ tablets

Keep an eye out for...

Start with strategy.Think integrated.

Remember 1 thing.

There will be only 2 types of companies left.

The quick and the dead.

There will be only 2 types of companies left.

