Digital Technology Seminar Site + Surface · With a NURBS or MESH surface in proper GIS coordinate...

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Transcript of Digital Technology Seminar Site + Surface · With a NURBS or MESH surface in proper GIS coordinate...

Digital Technology Seminar

Site + Surface

laboratory of architectural production


10:15 - Site + Surface

14:00 - Architectonics + Fabrication

18:00 - Archizoom opening and introduction


10:15 - Visualization + Interaction

Digital Technology Seminar

1. Why a DTS in an architectural studio

2. The Digital Chain

3. Manipulating site data

4. Terrain modelling and output

5. Terrain generation from GIS data

6. Projecting data on the surface

DTS: Introduction

DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

Architecture is a profession that has alot of “breadth, but not very much depth...”

DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

The role of the architect used to be called “the master builder”

DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

Architects need to be able to communicate in the “same language” as thier trades in industry.

DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

We don’t expect you to know everything, ...but we do expect you to know when you don’t know.

DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

1. Architecture is a profession that has alot of breadth, but not very much depth...

2. The profession of the “master builder”

3. Architects need to be able to communicate in the “same language” as thier trades in industry.

4. We don’t expect you to know everything, ...but we do expect you to know when you don’t know.

DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

1. Architecture is a profession that has alot of breadth, but not very much depth...

2. The profession of the “master builder”

3. Architects need to be able to communicate in the “same language” as thier trades in industry.

4. We don’t expect you to know everything, ...but we do expect you to know when you don’t know.


DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

Complexity can be defined as the ratio of quantity or scale of input compared with the quantity and scale of output.

Complexity is a product of changing societal, economic, and technological EXPECTATIONS.

Digital Technology is specifically adept at dealing with the large amounts of data, and precise relationships of systems. Digital tools help manage complexity.

DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

Digital tools help manage complexity.

DTS: Introduction

Why a DTS?

Digital tools help manage complexity.

To use them most effectively, it is necessary to get an idea of thier “breadth”.

DTS: The Digital Chain

The “world” is changing

Digital equipment, data, and communications have dramatically altered the way we live and work over the last 20 years.

DTS: The Digital Chain

The “world” is changing

Digital equipment, data, and communications have dramatically altered the way we live and work over the last 20 years.

The impact of digital tools and systems has already made a significant impact on the process of architectural design in the form of CAD, modelling and visualization.

However,... Technology is in a constant state of evolution. “New” technologies are becoming more and more accessible to the industry, and significant possibilities are emerging for both computation and construction in architecture using digital tools.

The “world” is changing

Digital equipment, data, and communications have dramatically altered the way we live and work over the last 20 years.

The impact of digital tools and systems has already made a significant impact on the process of architectural design in the form of CAD, modelling and visualization.

However,... Technology is in a constant state of evolution. “New” technologies are becoming more and more accessible to the industry, and significant possibilities are emerging for both computation and construction in architecture using digital tools.

This “TRICKLE DOWN EFFECT” in the economics, avaliabilty, and usability of technology is the driving force behind the concept of the digital chain

DTS: The Digital Chain

The Digital Chain:

... is the continuous use of a SINGLE set of data throughout the entire processing and execution of a project using digital tools.

DTS: The Digital Chain

The Digital Chain:

... is the continuous use of a SINGLE set of data throughout the entire processing and execution of a project using digital tools.

The complete digital chain is:

- the specific definition of the problem- the compiled context data- a list of design components- a definition of the influences between components- a combination of tools and data- computation and processing of a design using digital tools- a medium for prototyping- a series of testing and verifying procedures- a database for project knowledge- fabrication and construction instruction sets- a resource for future consultation (maintenance)- an archive of the history of the project- an assesment for compiled value (for decommisioning and recycling)

The digital chain allows for a complete documentation and processing of data over the life cycle of a project and/or building.

DTS: The Digital Chain

The Digital Chain:

... is the continuous use of a SINGLE set of data throughout the entire processing and execution of a project using digital tools.

The complete digital chain is:

- the specific definition of the problem- the compiled context data- a list of design components- a definition of the influences between components- a combination of tools and data- computation and processing of a design using digital tools- a medium for prototyping- a series of testing and verifying procedures- a database for project knowledge- fabrication and construction instruction sets- a resource for future consultation (maintenance)- an archive of the history of the project- an assesment for compiled value (for decommisioning and recycling)

The digital chain allows for a complete documentation and processing of data over the life cycle of a project and/or building.

DTS: The Digital Chain

FS - Feasibility Study

SD - Schematic Design

DD - Detail Design

CD - Construction Documentation

PD - Production Documentation

The Digital Chain creates a common language (binary) for all of the players, disciplines, and requirements of the design team. The utilization of digital tools allows for “file to factory” production, where the designer - the person creating the design geometry - is essentially the person controlling the production of the componants, and potentially the entire process on the construction site.

The digital chain is a very “rational and practical” (engineering) approach to solving design problems...

DTS: The Digital Chain

The Digital Chain creates a common language (binary) for all of the players, disciplines, and requirements of the design team. The utilization of digital tools allows for “file to factory” production, where the designer - the person creating the design geometry - is essentially the person controlling the production of the componants, and potentially the entire process on the construction site.

The digital chain is a very “rational and practical” (engineering) approach to solving design problems...


Perhaps we as designers can adopt these methodologies and associated technologies, and adapt them and use them for our own purposes. What if we took this problem and turned it into an opportunity to develop more expressive and adaptively creative solutions to design issues?

DTS: The Digital Chain

The Digital Chain creates a common language (binary) for all of the players, disciplines, and requirements of the design team. The utilization of digital tools allows for “file to factory” production, where the designer - the person creating the design geometry - is essentially the person controlling the production of the componants, and potentially the entire process on the construction site.

The digital chain is a very “rational and practical” (engineering) approach to solving design problems...


Perhaps we as designers can adopt these methodologies and associated technologies, and adapt them and use them for our own purposes. What if we took this problem and turned it into an opportunity to develop more expressive and adaptively creative solutions to design issues?

Our “first” experience with this concept will focus on the issues of “site”.

DTS: The Digital Chain

DTS: Site Data

Last semester you all had first hand experience with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data.

GIS systems are large databases that store, encode,and display geographcic features based on thier specific location.

GIS is intended to provide a very large, very complex, and VERY EFFICIENT method for encoding large areas of geography.As such, the quality of the data is not always adequate for the demands of smaller scale urban and architectural design.The level of abstraction that is allowable (and desirable) on a map is not consistent with the requirements of site planning.

Architects (and designers) are professionals in the methods of abstraction. As such we need to learn to use tools to refineall avalable data into useful and visually acceptible formats.

DTS: Site Data

DTS: Site Data

If we are going to be able to manpulate GIS data, then we are going to need to understand a little of how it works and look at some tools that will help us bridge the gap between the needs of Geographers and Archtiects..

1. GIS data structure

2. Transfer tools and data formats

3. Rhino Terrain

4. Scripting and the lapatopo Plugin

DTS: Site + Surface

GIS is a large database of objects that have three basic properties:

- the object descriptor,... its representation, colour, geometry, and a text description- the object layer,... - and its geographic coordinates.

GIS data structure

Point coordinates are based on a Projection Grid. Because of the curvature of the planet, and the fact that most cartography is based on longitudinal and latitudinal (square grid) positioning it is necessary to have different coordinate systems.

DTS: Site + Surface

Most GIS programs will allow for the EXPORT of simple lines, curves, polygons, and other vectoral shapes. Again, the problem is not the exportation of the data... but how can we manage it when there is so much of it?

How do we convert it into formats that are EFFICIENT but are specifically suited to our work as architects?

We need tools or methods that can somehow convert this very sparse data into geometry and features that can influence our design decisions as architects.

GIS transfer

DTS: Site + Surface

We need to convert the data into SURFACES

GIS transfer

DTS: Site + Surface

How to extract GIS data so as to get it into a CAD program and convert it into something useful for:




and fabrication.

Rhino Terrain and CNC surface milling - Mitch Heynick

DTS: Site + Surface

DTS: Site + Surface

There are other ways to work with GIS data so as to create surfaces.

DTS: Site + Surface

There are other ways to work with GIS data so as to create surfaces.

By looking at the actual data set - as extracted from GIS - we can understand the “rules” and relationships of the system.

DTS: Site + Surface

There are other ways to work with GIS data so as to create surfaces.

By looking at the actual data set - as extracted from GIS - we can understand the “rules” and relationships of the system.

With this knowlege we can program our own surface interpolation tool: lapatopo V1.0

DTS: Site + Surface

With a NURBS or MESH surface in proper GIS coordinate space, all other data comming from GIS will “fit” onto this surface.

DTS: Site + Surface

With a NURBS or MESH surface in proper GIS coordinate space, all other data comming from GIS will “fit” onto this surface.

- 2D geometry vectors can be PROJECTED onto the surface to create 3D lines

DTS: Site + Surface

With a NURBS or MESH surface in proper GIS coordinate space, all other data comming from GIS will “fit” onto this surface.

- 2D geometry vectors can be PROJECTED onto the surface to create 3D lines

- 2D site boundaries can be PROJECTED onto the surface and then “FLATTENED” to find the position for placing models.

DTS: Site + Surface

With a NURBS or MESH surface in proper GIS coordinate space, all other data comming from GIS will “fit” onto this surface.

- 2D geometry vectors can be PROJECTED onto the surface to create 3D lines

- 2D site boundaries can be PROJECTED onto the surface and then “FLATTENED” to find the position for placing models.

- Aerial, satelite or “photoshoped” images can be TEXTURE-MAPPED to the surface as a planar projection to give ground detail.

DTS: Site + Surface

With a NURBS or MESH surface in proper GIS coordinate space, all other data comming from GIS will “fit” onto this surface.

- 2D geometry vectors can be PROJECTED onto the surface to create 3D lines

- 2D site boundaries can be PROJECTED onto the surface and then “FLATTENED” to find the position for placing models.

- Aerial, satelite or “photoshoped” images can be TEXTURE-MAPPED to the surface as a planar projection to give ground detail.

- Intersections and projected curves can be used to extract parts of the surface for”landscaping”

DTS: Site + Surface

With a NURBS or MESH surface in proper GIS coordinate space, all other data comming from GIS will “fit” onto this surface.

- 2D geometry vectors can be PROJECTED onto the surface to create 3D lines

- 2D site boundaries can be PROJECTED onto the surface and then “FLATTENED” to find the position for placing models.

- Aerial, satelite or “photoshoped” images can be TEXTURE-MAPPED to the surface as a planar projection to give ground detail.

- Intersections and projected curves can be used to EXTRACT parts of the surface for”landscaping”

- The surface itself is manipulable, rebuildable, and most importantly it is acceptable as geometry for CNC milling.

DTS: Site + Surface

The final word about the issue of site and SURFACE...

The same tools that allow you to manipulate the “irregular” topology of a site terrain, are also now enableing architects to create diverse forms for architecture. The connection of “topology” tools, digital processing, and the use of CNC fabrication machines for output is taking us one step closer to a true DIGITAL CHAIN.

DTS: Site + Surface