Digital self defense

Post on 07-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Digital self defense

Digital Self-DefenseBy Henrik Jacobsen

–Henrik Jacobsen

“I have no degree in cryptography - All I know is from attending CryptoParties, attending security speaks and watching/reading security related

material. ”

About Henrik JacobsenAge: 32 or 100000

Graduated in computer science, computer scientist

7½+ years experiance with software development

Currently: Prosa - as Political Consultant

Mantra: KISS!

Interested in Pentest and Privacy/Encryption!

Topics Digital Tracks

Disc Encryption

VPS/VPN in practice


Open Whisper System - and apps using this system


Digital tracks

Cookie tracking

SSO - Single Sign on

Browser exploits - hidden on websites. BeEF - just as example.

Disc encryptionIf PC gets lost/stolen - data is secure.

Linux, Mac and Windows all have build in encryption.

Some open-source products out there.

Truecrypt recommends vendor pree installed encryption:


On a unsecure or public wifi - Use VPN.

VPN ensures all your traffic is encrypted from you to the VPN gateway.

VPS - Virtual Privat Server, handy to setup a VPN

Tomato or DD-WRT Firmware in own router

DD-WRT is a Linux based alternative OpenSource firmware suitable for a great variety of WLAN routers and embedded systems. The main emphasis lies on providing the easiest possible handling while at the

same time supporting a great number of functionalities within the framework of the respective hardware

platform used.

Started with US Naval Research Laboratory founds.

Tool to easily hide you and your communication with others on the web.

Used to by-pass online surveillance

The Onion Router - TOR

3 RANDOM machine in EVERY request!

Exit and Relay nodes

no node has both sender and receiver ip.

Open Whisper System

Non profit softwaregroup - making end-to-end encryption on Voice and Messaging.

Know for making Signal

Collaborating with Whatsapp - 1 billion users

Tails - Privacy for anyone anywhere

Debian based OS

Made to pipe all traffic over TOR

Live boot ensures no data is saved local

build in encryption - state of the art

Even MAC-adresse is changed.