Digital poem

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Digital poem

Don’t Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please?By Scott McLeodProfessor, University of Kentucky

dear parentteacheradministratorboard member

don't teach your kids to readfor the Webto scanRSSaggregatesynthesize

•don't teach your kids to writeonlinepen and paper aren't going anywhere

• since when do kids need an audience?no need to hyperlinkmake videosaudioFlash

no connecting, nowno social networkingor online chator commentsor PLNsblogs and twitter?how self-absorbed

what a bunch of crap

and definitely, absolutely, resolutely, no cell phonesblock it alllock it downkeep it outit's evil, you knowthere's bad stuff out theregotta keep your children safe

don't you know collaboration is just another word for cheating?don't you know how much junk is out there?haven't you ever heard of sexting?of cyberbullying?a computer 24-7? no thanks

I don't want themcreatingsharingthinkinglearning

• you know they're just going to look at pornand hook up with predatorswe can't trust themdon't do any of it, please

really?'cause I'm doing all of it with my kids

can't wait to see who has a leg up in a decade or twocan you?