Digital life

Post on 27-May-2015

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Transcript of Digital life

Digital Life

Top 10 ways I use technology:

• Facebook is a social networking site that allows me to keep up with friends. You can do just about anything from post picture albums to play games

• Skype allows you to talk to people through an internet connection. If you have a web cam you can even use it and make a video call. My family uses it to talk to relatives back home.

• or Ask Jeeves is a search engine that Allows you to actually ask a question and it will give you the answer ; not like Google where you must look in individual sites.

• Wikipedia is a Website that allows users to post information about anything. When I see something I want to know more about or if I just see something interesting, I know I can find it here. You have to be careful, however as it can

be biased and have mistakes.

• Youtube allows internet users to upload videos onto a common server and then can be watched by anyone with an internet connection. I don’t upload videos but I watch anything from sports bloopers to “how to” videos.

What is a digital Citizenship?

Digital Citizenship means being involved in the community created by devices that are linked to one another. It involves interacting with other users of technology.

Some things I do to practice good Digital Citizenship:1. Don’t use the internet for illegal purposes.2. Don’t send spam3. Don’t start viruses or pass them on intentionally.4. Don’t text when you shouldn’t be5. Don’t put anything personal on the internet,

like phone numbers.

The perfect classroom environment

• This might seem perfect for a week or two where students are only behind computers, but eventually we will lose the “classroom connection”. We would just be a bunch of people behind computers, nothing more. Even if we were to interact between each other, nothing would change when we went home and logged onto our computers. What would be the point of coming to school if we can do it at home? The teacher sits behind his desk, what else need he do? I’m not saying technology sucks, but only using electronics ruins the personal aspect of things, for example everybody's font is probably the same for slideshows. With technology we get used to everything being easy. So I see a lazy classroom, with students who stare blankly into their computers for 80 minutes, and then go to their next class to do the same.

Problems and solutions:Students not working on school work, instead playing games or going onto Facebook etc.

Web blockers are in place that only allows certain internets sites to function.

Students will become dependant on the availability of information, and without it they are clueless.

Make some work use creativity and opinion, something not found on the internet.

Students don’t interact with other students

Set up a communication site like Ning that allows students to interact.