Digital Insights & Analytics

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Presentation I gave to the American Marketing Association - West Michigan Chapter (@AMAWM) on Digital and Social Media insights and analytics.

Transcript of Digital Insights & Analytics

Digital Insights and Analytics

April 2011

Measuring What Matters

The Digital Consumer has changed

Trust in media, business and government continues to decline

The Era of Attentionomics•Content is infinite, but your attention is finite•Attention is now the online currency•Never been easier (or cheaper) to publish content•Content decay

•92.4% of all retweets happen within the first hour of the original tweet being published•1.63% of retweets happen in the second hour•0.94% take place in the third hour

Attentionomics: Twitter Data

•A video on YouTube gets 50% of its views in the first 6 days it is on the site•After 20 days, a YouTube video has had 75% of its total view•In 2008, it took 14 days for a video to get 50% of its views and 44 days to get 75% of its views

Attentionomics: YouTube Data

•Edgerank algorithm determines what content users will see from the pages they “like”•Sparked the “Science of Timing” movement, an analysis of the timing for when to post your emails, social media updates, and blog posts to maximize

Attentionomics: Facebook Data


3 Focus Areas (SoLoMo)

Mobile• Applications• GPS• Games

Location• Foursquare• Gowalla• Scvngr

Social• Facebook• Twitter• YouTube

Why? Fish Where the Fish Are!

•Average user has 130 friends on Facebook•Average user sends 8 friend requests per month•Average user spends an average 15 hours and 33 minutes on Facebook per month•Average user visits the site 40 times per month•Average user spends an 23 minutes (23:20 to be precise) on each visit•Average user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events•Average user creates 90 pieces of content each month•200 million people access Facebook via a mobile device each day•More than 30 billion pieces of content are shared each day•Users that access Facebook on mobile devices are twice as active on Facebook compared to non-mobile users•Facebook generates 770 billion page views per month

Understand Your Audience

Understand Your Audience

Customer Analytics

Social Listening

Consumer Surveys

User Polls

Social Listening Framework

1. Discover - Harvest relevant social data

2. Analyze - Separate signal from noise

3. Segment - Segment social data by business function and/or defined categories

4. Strategize & Integrate – Make listening outputs a regular input that informs the strategic planning process

5. Execute – Informed action based on insights from strategic listening

Social listening programs start by discovering data, synthesizing it into findings, segmenting / prioritizing, and shepherding insights internally to key company functional areas.

Social Listening Methodology



Planning and


• Define business objectives and questions • Develop listening mode(s)• Develop and optimize listening strategy (search criteria)• Gather relevant conversations

Phase 2:



• Filter conversations for relevancy• Classify conversations• Segment conversations

Phase 3:


• Analyze results of Phase 2• Influencer mapping and analysis• Information/Content flow mapping

Phase 4:


• Reporting• Integrate relevant data/information into existing systems

Phase 5:


• Identify appropriate actions as needed• Communicate results and action plans to stakeholders•Collaboration

Audience insights

Social Listening Platform Types

Tightly coupled integrated Service

Hybrid: Standalone product and service


Self-service product

Social Listening Landscape

Hundreds of platforms to choose from, offering both the same and in cases very different products and services.

Social Listening Uses

Monitoring and listening is a critical component of Social Business

Social Listening Examples - Enterprise

• Monitoring ~22k conversations per day• 11 Languages• Information used for both CRM and advertising-related measures• Data can be segmented based on topics of conversation, trends, geography, and language• Partnership with Radian6Full article:

Dell Gatorade

• Tracking terms relating to their brand, competitors, as well as its athletes and sports nutrition-related topics• Runs detailed sentiment analysis around key topics and product and campaign launches• Partnership with Radian6 and IBM ConsultingFull article:

Social Listening Best Practices

Social Media Monitoring and Listening Tips

Listening StrategyLearning AgendaTarget Audience

• Listen before you begin any social media initiative to understand the capabilities of your audience and what their needs and issues are• Listening means MUCH more than monitoring mentions of your company, brand, product name(s)• Listening relies on a combination of leading tools and platforms, but the real value is dependent on the quality of the data coming in and the quality of the analyst• Establish strategic listening posts, not as a one time effort, but as an ongoing strategic listening program (Don’t turn off the insights fire hose!)• Online listening can positively impact many different business functions across the organization, not limited to marketing and advertising campaign improvements• Resource: Social Media Monitoring Tools Wiki -


Social Influencers

Social influence is the ability to drive action

Social Influencers

Segmenting social users has created an entire ecosystem of influencer analysis tools

Social Influence Scoring

Target “relative influence”. Avoid relying solely on quantitative metrics.

Web Analytics 2.0

Set specific goals!

Facebook Analytics – on FB

•Page views/Tab Views•External Referrers•Interactions (Post Feedback)•Active Users

Common Metrics

Facebook Analytics – via Plugins

Comment Box analytics

Like Button analytics


Facebook Analytics – via Plugins

Share analytics

Social plugins are an important and growing source of traffic (and they don’t require a FB brand page)

Twitter Analytics

There is a rich ecosystem of standalone Twitter analytics tools

Social Analytics – Tracking “Engagement”

Off-site engagement represents the majority of time / attention your content receives

•Link your web analytics and social data analytics together• Tracks off-site

engagement• Discovers

influencers and fans

• Drill down into major social platforms to discover content consumption trends

Social Tools Directory - @oneforty

The Social Gaming Era has begun

Browser-based games that have social integration element Played in short bursts (minutes vs. hours) Interactions with friends and family

1 in 5 U.S. Internet users play social games each month 68% of social gamers play every day 46% of Facebook members spend 54% of their time there on social games (270mm)

Social Gaming Facts

Age: 29-48

54% female/46% male

56% married

63% have kids

Social Gaming Facts Online social gaming is estimated to be a $6 billion business by 2013 Pet Society already sells more virtual goods than eBay sells goods (90million per day) Zynga is an estimated $1 billion business; 90% of their revenue comes from virtual goods 29% of U.S. social gamers put real $ into games

Social Gaming Facts

Farmville has a bigger audience than Dancing with the Stars and American Idol combined 50 million members with 15 million playing daily for average of 68 minutes Cityville was launched in December, 2010. 290,000 players in first 24hrs after launch with no marketing 3 weeks later it was the number 1 game with 61 million players