Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity for Parents

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity for Parents

Role of Parents

Digital Citizenship & Internet Maturity

DCIM is a 21st century Life Skill. It cannot be fully inculcated in children without parents’ involvement

Strength Weaknesses



What Internet can give

your child

in academics

in career

in personality

in day-to-day life

Make the BEST use of Internet in education

Get WELL PREPARED for a 21st century career

Avoid the threats &

dangers of Internet

DCIMempowers your child



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As a 21st century parent, you MUST…

Ensure that the child is following online safety rules

Ensure that the child does not get addicted to Internet

Help your child to balance the REAL and VIRTUAL world

Ensure that the child understands “online reputation”

Encourage the child to properly utilize MOOCs & OCWs

Stay connected with your child on social networks

The right time to start teaching DCIM to your child was Yesterday! Anyway…

Urge your child’s school to include DCIM in curriculum

urgently. And…

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