Digital Business Final -Orangina-Schweppes

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Although Orangina-Schweppes products are nowadays sold all around the world, the group's main business and activities are still done in Europe. Orangina-Schweppes is the leader of the still fruit drinks market in Western Europe, and the 2nd player in the non-cola sparkling soft drinks market [1]. Between all the subsidiaries of the Orangina-Schweppes group, the French division is one of the most important since it represents with the Spanish one 75% [1] of the activities of the group. It is also the most interesting one in terms of digital business strategy. Successful implementation of these digital marketing strategies can help: 1) Create significant online market exposure, another sentence; to increase the likelihood of being found, 2) Create strong incentives for new customers to come to Sportslink and make them feel 80% committed before even walk into the door3) Maintain customer relationship.

Transcript of Digital Business Final -Orangina-Schweppes

Continuous Assessment Assignment

Digital Business 12/12/11

MT55124 Geraldine Lavin

Mark Greene Omar Fachar

James Dellinger Ran Zhang


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MeCB/T Digital Business 12/12/11

Table of Contents

Part A.........................................................................................................................................2


North America........................................................................................................................3


Overview of the different business operations:..................................................................4

Sales model: Europe’s B2C Model- Community Provider....................................................4


Orangina, the sparkling fruit drink leader..........................................................................7

Part B........................................................................................................................................11

Company description...........................................................................................................11


Apply Schweppes’s digital marketing strategy to Sportslink..............................................12

Recommendations based on learning from Schweppes:..........................................................13

To increase visibility:...........................................................................................................13




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MeCB/T Digital Business 12/12/11

Schweppes- Inviting you to become part of their history

Part A

IntroAlthough Orangina-Schweppes products are nowadays sold all around the world, the group's

main business and activities are still done in Europe. Orangina-Schweppes is the leader of the

still fruit drinks market in Western Europe, and the 2nd player in the non-cola sparkling soft

drinks market [1]. Between all the subsidiaries of the Orangina-Schweppes group, the French

division is one of the most important since it represents with the Spanish one 75% [1] of the

activities of the group. It is also the most interesting one in terms of digital business strategy.


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1The three regions we are explaining are North America, Asia and finally Continental Europe

mainly focusing on France and Spain.

North AmericaThe Dr.PepperSnapple group (DPS) owns the rights to Schweppes in the United States and

Canada thanks to its 2008 spin out from Cadbury Schweppes Americas Beverages. DPS has a

market cap of roughly $8.11 billion and is the third largest drink business player in North

America. Schweppes availability and distribution is fairly strong and can be found at most

grocery stores and is quite popular at health food stores and among the urban American,

‘Whole Foods consumer’ crowd and from personal experience in the Washington, DC

market. Orangina has some brand identification issues in North America (outside of Quebec

given its strong cultural affiliations with all things French.)

Given the rise of Hansens Natural’s juice beverages in North America over the past decade

there seems to be room for DPS to make a much stronger pitch to the American market in

particular. So the new French B2C E-Business model can be implemented to capitalise of

this. But currently Schweppes branded products are considered premium bar mixers in the

United States based upon the activities and recipes suggested at and operate under a strict B2B Business model of selling to

businesses e.g. pubs and restaurants and an E-Business Strategy of an information website .

AsiaIndia, South Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam are the primary emerging markets for

this brand although Orangina has already become available. The ownership of the brand and

its marketing is different given the way the Cadbury divested of their beverage business to a

variety of buyers. They use a B2B business model, where main profit comes from

partnerships with pubs but a move into Schweppes’ new E-Business strategy of B2C

Community provider and can be seen in India where Schweppes branded products are

licensed by Coca-Cola India. Orangina has a Facebook page specifically for the Indian

1 One key note is the relationships in the beverage industry are complicated and diverse but

will be made clearer as this report explores the activities of a few of the brands that use to be

part of the old CadburySchweppes beverage group Orangina and Schweppes.


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market, but activity seems limited and almost zero marketing efforts online appear as they

only seem to be beginning their new digital business strategy.

Overview of the different business operations:

Sales model: Europe’s B2C Model- Community Provider


The Business to Consumer (B2C) sales model is strongest when it is in the hands of

OranginaSchweppes in France for the French and Spanish markets. As a traditional E-

Business B2C model would involve simply setting up an online marketplace for their bricks

and mortar traditional store, this provides online entertainment and marketing for their

consumers. OranginaSchweppes have established themselves as a huge online presence,

reaching out to a new market of the 15-35 year old, which actually drive this market and hold

50% of sales in the soft drinks category [4].

This new E-Business strategy developed by Schweppes is far beyond its old methods and has

brought a whole new style of marketing to the company. Schweppes’ strategy is to use social

media sites as a platform to engage and interact with their consumers. Schweppes’ Facebook

profiles have multiple pages for all its different regions and have proved a huge success.



MeCB/T Digital Business 12/12/11

The impact of this new strategy has seen turnover in the last 4 years increase by 50% and

volume up 25% and regular market gains and the Orangina Brand experience the fastest

growth rate across all consumer goods categories in 2009 in France. Conclusive results about

the impact of E-Business marketing from Schweppes.

EuropeOrangina-Schweppes France is number one in the market of fruit drinks (drinks that have a

minimum of 12% fruit composition) and the second in the soft drinks one. With more than

600[1] million euros of turnover and 400[1] collaborators, the company produces and

distributes 11 brands in France. However, three brands distinguish themselves from the rest:

Schweppes, Orangina and Oasis. These three brands represent more than 70% [1] of the sales

and benefit from excellent brand awareness.


Over 110,000 likes and each page

offer something to the consumer.

An example of this can be seen in

their ‘Schweppes appeal’ tab where

they offer to “improve your

Schweppes appeal.”

MeCB/T Digital Business 12/12/11

The soft drinks market in France is very competitive and Orangina-Schweppes have to face

the strong competition of other big international beverage makers as Coca-Cola, PepsiCo and


The other challenge Orangina-Schweppes France has to face in the refreshing, non-alcoholic

drinks market is its particularity in terms of consumption pattern. French customers are for

the most part concerned by health issues and soft drinks suffer from a bad image due to their

sugar composition and their chemical components. Water is the main drink consumed while

eating, and fruit juices are the first choice of customers in terms of refreshing drinks.

In order to face these challenges and increase its market share, Orangina-Schweppes made of

Communication the main pillar of its development strategy. Thus, they increased

significantly the allocated budget. But more importantly, they invade digital platforms as

social Medias like Facebook and twitter, video hosting services as YouTube and Daily

motion and the blogosphere.

This new digital strategy has been applied to each of the three brands: Orangina, Schweppes

and Oasis but not in the same way. A digital strategy is generally effective and matches the

desired impact when it takes in consideration the target customer's habits online, and offers

him the appropriate content on the appropriate platform. Orangina-Schweppes understood it

very well and adopted three different strategies using different platforms and content types.

The most effective of these three campaigns is definitely the Oasis one which has been

awarded best digital campaign and best social media campaign in 2011 in France.

Orangina, the sparkling fruit drink leader Schweppes-Orangina France decided to use digital platforms as an extension of the offline

marketing operation. They provide exclusive branded content and offer the fans the

possibility to influence the next television and billboard ad. The channels that are being used

for this campaign are Facebook, twitter and YouTube. The aim of this operation is to increase


MeCB/T Digital Business 12/12/11

the product community by interaction and exclusive content. The success of such an

operation cannot be easily measured but the viral impact have been achieved since more than

4 million people have seen the Orangina videos on YouTube dedicated channel.


Schweppes's target customers in France are adults (more than 25 years old). The Digital

campaign for this brand is completely different from the one deployed for Orangina.

Schweppes-Orangina France has decided to base its offline communication operation on the

organization and sponsorship of events. Therefore in order to relay this campaign online and

create high quality content that suits the targeted audience, the company decided to regularly

invite bloggers. This strategy offered Schweppes an interesting exposure on several blogs.

This digital operation is interesting because it offers the company the possibility to create

high quality content indirectly. However the lack of control over the content may represent a



Oasis is a still drink based on natural ingredients, made of spring water and fruits. Young

people 12-25 years old are the principal consumers of this soft drink. The digital strategy

developed by the Orangina-Schweppes group for this product was part of a 360°

communication operation that was lead on multiple platforms: TV, billboards, Internet,

printed medias...

The communication strategy of Oasis has always been based on funny cartoon-like fruits

representing the 18 fruits used in the different Oasis drinks.


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In late 2009, the company decided to develop each of these characters and create exclusive

content for each one of them. This operation was lead using Facebook Oasis (OasisForFun)

page that reached 700,000 fans by the end of the year.

In 2010, the company organized "Fruit of the year". This campaign first goal was to interact

with the product's fans, entertain them and expand the community. The objective was to ask

Facebook users to vote for their favourite fruit, the winner becoming the next star of the

Oasis TV ad. This operation lasted 8 weeks and provided exclusive contents for each of the

candidates. The campaign was a real success since it gathered 15 million votes and brought

300,000 new fans to the page. Facebook was the ideal platform for such an operation since it

is the most developed social media for the 12-25 category of age. The operation was relayed

through twitter for the older part of the target customers but all the interaction was conducted

on Facebook.


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Nowadays, the Oasis fan page gathers more than 2 million fans and is the first French page

on Facebook. The digital strategy for Oasis remains the same: more and more branded

content and viral video. Oasis is now also present with a dedicated website and on

smartphones with exclusive games as "La chute"(the fall) that remained most downloaded

free application in the French apple app-store for two weeks. Finally similar operations

where launched more recently like the election of the tree new flavours or the now happening

crowdsourcing for the Christmas album of the Oasis fruit characters.

The results of these three digital strategies combined with the global marketing operation

speak for themselves. The company knew during the last 3 years a 10% increase [4] of their

sales volume in France. And the digital strategy of Orangina-Schweppes has been acclaimed

and awarded multiple times.

All in all, what the Orangina-Schweppes Digital marketing strategy teaches us is:

Visibility and quality of execution are necessary for a digital strategy to be successful.


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A judicious choice of platforms and content types is indispensable for a campaign to be effective.

Quality of content is one of the key elements a digital campaign should be based on. Branded and viral contents are the current trends.

Interaction is one of the keys to success. Integrating the digital strategy in a global 360° marketing campaign (online and

offline) can be even more affective and faster.

Part B

Company description

Sportslink is a family sports and social club located in Santry, Dublin 9, Ireland. It was

formed in 1993 following the merger of the Public Services Sports and Recreational Complex

limited (PSSRC) and the Telecom Eireann Staff Sports Club Limited (Telesport). The

company offers a wide range of facilities including gym, swimming pool, all weather pitches,

sports hall, indoor adventure area, members bar, conference rooms and restaurant etc. The

company has an annual turnover of €1.7million (2010) and has approximately 50 employees

working in different departments. The main source of their revenue is family membership

subscriptions, the rest are come from facilities hiring and events organising. Their mission

statement is “to offer members first class sports and social facilities through our highly

trained professional staff in a pleasant customer focused environment”.


Sportslink relies heavily on membership subscriptions however the reality is that the

competition in Dublin (or North Dublin to be more specific) is very intense. They’ve tried a

number of ways to promote themselves, for example, to issue free passes, to encourage

existing members to bring in new customers by giving them discount, and to advertise deals

on However these activities did not help Sportslink to gain sales. They did not

follow a strong digital marketing stagey, their website is badly organised and the only

Facebook page was used for occasional activities announcing. Lack of digital marketing

strategies and implementations led to low consumer awareness and commitment, we felt

these are priority issues for Sportslink.

Apply Schweppes’s digital marketing strategy to Sportslink


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Based on what we’ve learned from Schweppes, we felt that their successful digital marketing

strategies can be applied to Sportslink to increase sales opportunities. Successful

implementation of these digital marketing strategies can help Sportslink to:

1) Create significant online market exposure, another sentence; to increase the likelihood of

being found,

2) Create strong incentives for new customers to come to Sportslink and make them feel 80%

committed before even walk into the door,

3) Maintain customer relationship.

Recommendations based on learning from Schweppes:

To increase visibility:

Local business listing: These lists are available on all search engines and it is very easy

for a business to appear on them. On these lists the company can display it address,

phone number, website and can appear directly on a map.

Local directories and review sites: Yelp, YellowPages...These websites have a big

audience, and are often used by consumers when looking for businesses in a specific

area. Moreover these websites allow users to add reviews. When these reviews are good,

it can enhance significantly the popularity and visibility of the business.

Website: Websites are now affordable for any business. A website is a great tool to

enhance the business’s visibility online if well used. Sportslink has already built a web

site. However the actual website does not follow the basic rules of web design, content

organisation and search engine optimization. Therefore it is indispensable to redesign

and reorganise it.


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Social Medias: Social Medias has become an indispensable platform to invade to gain

even more online visibility. Social media channel are free and easy to use. However

some basic rules are indispensable to be followed in order to differentiate from

competition. The Orangina-Schweppes brands presence is a good example of what

should be done. Using the appropriate channels is indispensable. For Facebook, a good

example of what a business Facebook page should look like is provided by the Orangina-

Schweppes brands pages (welcome page, visual content (images, videos...). Sportslink

current Facebook do no differentiate itself from other pages. Most of the information is

published using text format. A good way of increasing visibility and viral effect of these

posts would be to use visual formats as images or videos.

Each platform must target a specific demographic as can be seen in the Schweppes

example of using Facebook for the younger users and then incorporating a Twitter

campaign to target the older more business minded people. This strategy would be

effective for Sportslink Gym as they could use social media in multiple ways following

Schweppes’ example:

o Create online discounts through Facebook for new members

o Run campaigns on Facebook to encourage new users and existing users to

return to the gym

o Use twitter to keep members up to date on the gym and special offers as well

as vacancies and events.

Sponsor events Schweppes idea of Sponsor Events through twitter to offer members the

opportunity to attend special events within the Sportslnk Gym, raising awareness and

getting new members and current members alike back into the gym. Sponsored events

like the Schweppes’ Craig Parry Mercy Hospice Charity golf raising money for charity

while raising the brand and company awareness which is crucial for a business like

Sportslink Gym which relies on customer involvement and return custom.


Like Schweppes, Sportslink must create a strong brand image, which might include a vivid

company logo and use consistent themes throughout both company website and Facebook

page. A strong brand impression would quickly grab customer’s attention. Select target

customers are also important for Sportslink. The company currently target families, which

would include two adults and their children. We would suggest Sportslink to create different


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sections and contents for different types of users, their information shown on the website

and announced on Facebook and Twitter should use different words.

What’s the key to B2C Community Provider? Constant updated information.


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Appendix 1:

According to - John Williams, director, category management, Dr Pepper Snapple Group.

“We’ve really changed the game with our new space management model,” Williams said.

“While our past process would take as many as 600 hours and require 10 people to support,

we now have a fully automated process that takes two people and about 40 hours to generate

an equivalent number of planograms.  JDA’s solution accounts for bottler and fixture

complexities, scales to an unlimited planogram quantity and leaves no room for human


Appendix 2:

According to IBM’s case study of DPS’s roll out:

With nearly $6 billion in annual revenues, the company has approximately 20,000 employees,

24 manufacturing facilities and more than 200 distribution centers across North America.

This case study will focus on how Dr. Pepper leveraged IBM Cognos software to:

Provide in-depth insight into production and operations.

Gain access to information that was previously unavailable.

Help identify manufacturing inefficiencies to reduce costs.

Gain fact-based analytic and decision-making capabilities.

Prioritize investments

Drive continuous improvement across the organization.

The result: Plant managers have unprecedented visibility into their operations so they can

identify production bottlenecks, resolve operational issues and optimize business



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