DIGESTIVE SYSTEM STRUCTURES & FUNCTIONS. DIGESTION The process of changing complex foods into...

Post on 28-Dec-2015

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Transcript of DIGESTIVE SYSTEM STRUCTURES & FUNCTIONS. DIGESTION The process of changing complex foods into...



DIGESTION The process of

changing complex foods into simpler soluble forms that can be used by the body


down starches into glucose( saliva)

LIPASE- breaks down fats into fatty acids & glycerol

Digestion ENZYMES TRYPSIN-breaks down protein into

amino acids

Structures Alimentary canal GI tract, or digestive tract Consists of: oral cavity, pharnyx,

esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine.

Continuous tube about 30 feet in length, from mouth to anus.

Digestive tract


Oral cavity- pharynx Teeth= mastication Tongue= taste, mastication,

swallowing Salivary glands

Mechanical breakdown of food into bolus

Chemical breakdown: amylase breaks down starches to glucose

Esophagus 10 inches long Carries bolus to stomach Muscles in the upper third of the

esophagus are voluntary = swallowing

Muscles in the lower portion is involuntary=peristalsis


Sections Fundus= upper portion Body = mid section Pylorus= lower portion Sphincters: cardiac-located

between the esophagus and stomach Pyloric: located between the stomach

and small intestine.

Small intestine 3 sections Duodenum= first 12 inches Jejunum= mid section- about 8 ft. Ileum= last section- 10-12 ft longABSORPTION OF NUTRIENTS occurs in

the small intestine

Large intestine Sections

Ascending colon – right side Transverse colon- across the abdomen Descending colon- left side Sigmoid colon- very bottom section just

superior to anus

Accessory Organs Liver: produces bile, stores

sugar(glycogen), stores iron and certain vitamins, produces cholesterol, heparin, and blood protiens to aid in blood clotting, detoxifies harmful substances taken in by the blood

Gall Bladder: stores bile for release into duodenum for emulsification of fats

Pancreas: releases enzymes into duodenum for further breakdown of chyme.