different types of bath presentation.pptx

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different types of bath. ppt presentation done in college.

Transcript of different types of bath presentation.pptx


Dr. Mohammad Altaf2nd year PG scholar

Dept of swasthavritta SDm college of Ayurveda , Hassan


• Water has been used as a valuable therapeutic agent since time immemorial.

• In all major ancient civilisations, bathing was considered an important measure for the maintenance of health and prevention of disease.

• It was also valued for its remedial properties.


• The ancient vedic literature in India contains numerous references to the efficacy of water in the treatment of disease.

• In modern times, the therapeutic value of water was popularised by Vincent Priessnitz, Father Sebastian Kneipp, Louis Kuhne and other European water-cure pioneers.

• They raised water cure to an institutional level and employed it successfully for the treatment of almost every known disease.


• There are numerous spas and Bads in most European countries where therapeutic baths are used as a major healing agent.

• Water exerts beneficial effects on the human system. It is claimed to have beneficial effects on circulation, to boost muscular tone and to aid digestion and nutrition.

• Hydrotherapy may also be of great value in restoring a better range of joint motion through a combination of pain relief, muscle relaxation and stretching exercises


• The common water therapy temperature chart is cold 10–18_C, neutral 32–36_C and hot 40–45_C. Above 45_C, water loses its therapeutic value and is destructive.

Hip baths

• A hip bath involves only the hips and the abdominal region below the navel. A special type of tub is used for this purpose.

• A cold hip bath (10–180C) is a routine

treatment in many diseases. • It relieves constipation, indigestion and obesity,

and helps the eliminative organs to function properly.

Hip baths

• A hot hip bath (40–450C) is generally taken for 8–10 min.

• It helps to relieve painful menstruation, pain in the pelvic organs, painful urination, inflamed rectum or bladder, and painful piles.

• It also benefits an enlarged prostatic gland, painful contractions or spasm of the bladder, sciatica, and neuralgia of the ovaries and bladder.

• It is recommended that a cold shower be taken immediately after the hot hip bath.

Hip baths

• A neutral hip bath (32–36 0 C) is generally taken for 20–60 min.

• It helps to relieve all acute and subacute inflammatory conditions, such as acute catarrh of the bladder and urethra and subacute inflammations in the uterus, ovaries and tubes.

• It also relieves neuralgia of the fallopian tubes or testicles, and painful spasms of the vagina.

• It is used as a sedative treatment for sexual hyperactivity in both sexes.

Hip baths

• In an alternative hip bath, also known as a revulsive hip bath, the patient sits in a hot tub for 5 min and then in a cold tub for 3 min.

• The duration of the bath is generally 10–20 min• The head and neck are kept cold with a cold compress.• The treatment ends with a dash of cold water to the

hips. • This bath relieves chronic inflammatory conditions of

the pelvic viscera such as salpingitis, inflammation of the ovaries, cellulitis and various neuralgias of the genitourinary organs, sciatica and lumbago.

• Hip Bath

• Stimulates the circulation towards the pelvic and digestive organs relieves

constipation, flatulence and indigestion

• Helps set right the menstrual disorders like dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia,


• Helps strengthen the hips and lumbar sacral spine and the coccyx and relieves

pain if any

• Beneficial in relieving haemorrhoids

Spinal bath • A spinal bath is another important form of

hydrotherapy treatment. This bath provides a soothing effect on the spinal column and thereby influences the central nervous system. It is given in a specially designed tub with a raised back in order to provide proper support to the head.

• The bath can be administered at cold, neutral and hot temperatures. The water level in the tub should be 4–5 cm and the patient should lie in it for 3–10 min.

Spinal bath

• A cold spinal bath relieves irritation, fatigue, hypertension and excitement.

• It is beneficial in almost all nervous disorders, such as hysteria, fits, mental disorders, loss of memory and tension.

Spinal bath

• The neutral spinal bath is a soothing and sedative treatment, especially for the hyperactive or irritable patient.

• It is the ideal treatment for insomnia and also relieves tension of the vertebral column.

• The duration of this bath is 20–30 min.

Spinal bath

• A cold spinal bath relieves irritation, fatigue.• A hot spinal bath, on the other hand, helps to

stimulate nervous individuals, especially when they are in a depressed state.

• It also relieves vertebral pain in spondylitis and muscular backache.

• It relieves sciatic pain and gastrointestinal disturbances of gastric origin.

Foot baths • In this method, the patient keeps his or her legs

in a tub or bucket filled with hot water at a temperature of 40–45ºC.

• Before taking this bath, a glass of water should be taken and the body should be covered with a blanket so that no heat or vapour escapes from the foot bath.

• The head should be protected with a cold compress.

• The duration of the bath is generally 5–20 min. • The patient should take a cold shower

immediately after the bath.

Foot baths • A hot foot bath stimulates the involuntary

muscles of the uterus, intestines, bladder, and other pelvic and abdominal organs.

• It also relieves sprains and ankle joint pains, headaches caused by cerebral congestion and colds.

• In women it helps restore menstruation, if suspended, by increasing the supply of blood, especially to the uterus and ovaries.

Foot baths • For a cold foot bath, 7–10 cm of cold water is

placed in a small tub or bucket and the patient’s feet completely immersed in the water for 1–5 min.

• Friction is continuously applied to the feet during the bath, either by an attendant or by the patient by rubbing one foot against the other.

• A cold foot bath, taken for 1–2 min, helps in the treatment of sprains, strains and inflamed bunions when taken for longer periods.

Steam bath • A steam bath is one of the most important

time-tested water treatments and induces perspiration in a natural way.

• The patient first takes one or two glasses of water and then sits on a stool inside a specially designed cabinet.

• The duration of the steam bath is generally 10–20 min or until perspiration takes place.

Steam bath • A cold shower is taken immediately after the

bath. • A steam bath helps to eliminate morbid matter

from the surface of the skin. • It also improves the circulation of the blood and

tissue activity. • It relieves rheumatism, gout, uric acid problems

and obesity.• A steam bath is helpful in all forms of chronic

toxaemias. It also relieves neuralgias, chronic nephritis, infections, tetanus and migraine.

Immersion bath Immersion bath

• An immersion bath, also known as a full bath, is administered in a bath tub that can be neutral, hot, graduated or alternative.

Immersion bath • A cold immersion bath may last from 4 s to 20 min

at a temperature ranging from 100C to 23.80C. • This bath helps to bring down fever. • It also improves the skin when taken for 5–15 s

after a prolonged hot bath, by exhilarating circulation and stimulating the nervous system.

• This bath should not be given to young children or very elderly people, or taken in cases of acute inflammation of some internal organs such as acute peritonitis, gastritis, enteritis and inflammatory conditions of the uterus and ovaries.

Immersion bath • In a graduated bath the patient enters the bath at

a temperature of 310C. • The water temperature is gradually lowered at the

rate of 0 C/min until it reaches 250 C. • The bath continues until the patient starts

shivering.• A graduated bath is intended to avoid the nervous

shock caused by a sudden plunge into cold water. • This bath is often administered every 3 h in cases

of fever. • It effectively brings down the temperature, except

in malarial fever. • It also produces a general tonic effect, increases

vital resistances and energises the heart.

Immersion bath• A neutral bath is given for 15–60 min at a

temperature of 26–280C. • It can be given over a long duration, without any ill

effects, because the water temperature is akin to body temperature.

• A neutral bath diminishes the pulse rate without modifying respiration.

• As a neutral bath excites activity of both the skin and the kidneys, it is recommended in cases relating to these organs. It helps those suffering from chronic diarrhoea and chronic afflictions of the abdomen.

Immersion bath• A hot bath can be taken for 2–15 min at a temperature

of 36.6–400C. • Before entering the bath, the patient should drink cold

water and also wet the head, neck and shoulders with cold water.

• A cold compress should be applied throughout the treatment.

• This bath can be advantageously employed to relieve capillary bronchitis and bronchial pneumonia in children.

• It is also invaluable in the treatment of chronic rheumatism and obesity.

Epsom salt bath • The immersion bath tub should be filled with about

135 l of hot water at 400C. Epsom salts (1–1.5 kg) should be dissolved in this water.

• The patient should drink a glass of cold water, cover the head with a cold towel and then lie down in the tub, completely immersing the trunk, thighs and legs for 15–20 min.

• The best time to take this bath is just before retiring to bed. It is traditionally claimed to be useful in cases of sciatica, lumbago, rheumatism, diabetes, neuritis, cold and catarrh, kidney disorders, and other uric acid and skin affections.

Balneotherapy (spa treatment, mineral baths)

• The term ‘balneotherapy’ has gradually come to be applied to everything relating to spa treatment, including the drinking of waters (see below) and the use of hot baths and natural vapour baths, as well as of the various kinds of mud and sand used for hot applications. In addition it includes the addition of herbs and aromatherapy oils to bath water

Balneotherapy (spa treatment, mineral baths)

• The principal constituents found in mineral waters are sodium, magnesium, calcium and iron, in combination with the acids to form chlorides, sulphates, sulphides and carbonates. Other substances occasionally present in sufficient quantity to exert a therapeutic influence are arsenic, lithium, potassium, manganese, bromine and iodine.

Balneotherapy (spa treatment, mineral baths)

• The term ‘spa treatment’ is derived from the name of the town of Spa, Belgium, where since mediaeval times illnesses caused by iron deficiency were treated by drinking iron-bearing spring water.

• Traditionally mineral waters would be used or consumed at their source, often referred to as ‘taking the waters’ or ‘taking the cure’.

Balneotherapy (spa treatment, mineral baths)

• The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies mineral water as water containing at least 250 parts per million (p.p.m.) total dissolved solids (TDSs), and is also water coming from a source tapped at one or more bore holes or spring, originating from a geologically and physically protected underground water source. No minerals may be added to this water.


• Arm and Foot Bath

• Relieves localized pain and inflammations

• Relieves congestive headaches

• Relieves the spasms of the bronchioles and facilitates easy breathing as in

asthma and bronchitis

• Excellent for relieving the numbness and tingling in the extremities as in

diabetes mellitus

• Spinal Bath / Anti-Stress Bath

• Stimulates the spinal nerves

• Relaxes the paraspinal muscles

• Helps maintain the blood pressure

• Helps in regulating the moods like anxiety or depression

• Relaxes irritable nerves

• Steam BathExposing the entire body with the exception of the head to a

superheated atmosphere helps in many ways. Steam inhalation helps decongest

the respiratory tract

• Medicated ayurvedic or herbal steam helps rejuvenate the body

• Helps open up the skin pores

• Helps remove the toxins of the skin through sweating

• Helps the skin maintain its natural moisture and softness

Detoxing baths

• What are the benefits of Hot Foot Bath & why does it work?

• This treatment is especially useful for people with headaches, neuralgia, toothaches, a deep cough, ovarian and menstrual problems, strong colds, indigestion, asthma, pneumonia, influenza, and any diseases related to pollution of the body, cold hands and cold feet. It relieves chest congestion, pelvic congestion, and is recommended for bladder, kidney, throat and ear inflammations. In fact it is valuable for any condition which requires detoxification – which is 95% of the diseases that people have. Almost everyone can do hot foot bath -- even patients with high blood pressure can do it.

• Because of the heating of the blood in the feet and under legs, the pores of the skin of the entire body will open, and the patient will start to sweat. This removes toxins from the body. With increased circulation, abdominal and reproductive organs are strengthened, the menstrual cycle is brought back to normal, and tensions around the heart are relieved.

• In the case of suddenly catching a cold or in the first stage of fever, it is especially helpful. For painful feet or rheumatism, use this treatment daily for twenty minutes.

• Hot foot bath should not be done by those who are insulin-dependent diabetics, have frost bite, arteriosclerosis of lower legs, or paralysis in feet or legs.

• This treatment is to be done only on an empty stomach. First, drink a glass of warm water. Sit on a chair with a cotton cloth covering up to the chin, and reaching slightly below the knees. Wrap the blanket over the cotton cloth. The blanket should extend all the way to the floor. The purpose of the cotton cloth is so that it will be the one which becomes dirty from sweat, not the blanket – because the cotton cloth is easier to clean afterward.

• A very damp (but not dripping wet) towel should be wrapped on the crown and back of the head. Keep it wet throughout the bath by sprinkling a little water on it from time to time. Put cool water in the bucket to cover the feet. Add hot water gradually until it is as hot as the patient can reasonably tolerate. About 105-115 degrees Fahrenheit is the proper temperature.

• It is generally better to start with a lower temperature, and gradually increase. Thus, keep adding more and more hot water. The deeper the water, the greater will be the effect. Continue for about 10-20 minutes, until the whole body is very hot and sweating. In the end, pour cold water on the feet.

• If the body does not start sweating after the first few minutes, then it is likely the water is not hot enough. If needed, it should be so hot that each time hot water is added, the attendant will continue pouring until it is so hot that the patient feels the need to jiggle the feet. At that moment stop adding hot water or it will become too hot. If the feet become slightly red, it is no problem.

• After completing the bath, the attendant should perform cold friction (rubbing with a cold wet towel) on the whole body. If there is no attendant, then take a sponge bath followed by a normal cool bath.

• If the feet remain red for 10 to 15 minutes afterward, there is no need to worry. The blood pressure decreases during the bath. Therefore a feeling of giddiness may ensue. This feeling will pass away after a few minutes

Alternate Hot and Cold Foot Bath

• This is a variation of the foot bath and is the best treatment for chronically cold feet, especially in children. It is also good to promote circulation in the legs, prevent varicose veins, and to treat insomnia, headache, and high blood pressure.

• Place two buckets side by side, one with hot water, the other with cold. The cold water should cover the feet, but the hot water should reach only above the ankles. Alternate back and forth -- two minutes hot followed by 1 minute cold, again and again for 15 minutes.

Some of the benefits of ion footbaths

• 1) An enhanced the immune system• 2) Assists in recovery time from injuries and surgery• 3) Can relieve pain and joint stiffness due to arthritis• 4) Improves sleep pattern• 5) Remove heavy metals• 6) Removes blood clot material• 7) Improve liver and kidney function• 8) Increase your energy• Detoxing is a normal function of the body but when it gets

overwhelmed and pain or disease sets in, then we must do what we can to help the body unburden itself and ion foot baths help you do that.

• Anything you can do to relieve your body of toxic build up will be beneficial to your health.

• I hope this helps!

Types of Sauna bath

• Heat storage-type• Smoke sauna• Heat storage-sauna

• Continuous heat-type• Continuous fire sauna• Electric stove sauna

The Healing Mineral Bath

A mineral bath is a body of water that contains beneficial amounts of nutrients that your body needs to stay healthy. Soaking in a mineral bath helps detoxify you and balance your pH level thus allowing the body to heal itself of whatever may be ailing it.It doesn't matter whether you are a man or a woman you need a regular body detox. A daily routine of a home mineral bath, plus using complimentary home and personal products that work together in a systematic approach to help cleanse your body, both inside and out, and rid it of unhealthy toxins.Soaking in a mineral bath is the best and simplest way to detox your body on a daily basis and get the much needed nutrients the body requires to stay youthful and healthy because the warm water easily penetrates your skin allowing the nutrients to be easily absorbed into your system. In the same way, toxins are easily purged from the body and left in the water. Every mineral bath, no matter what aromatherapy essential oils, herbs or other ingredients you add, should start with two (2) ounces of energizing mineral bath and one ounce of moisturizing mineral soap. Adding essential oils are powerful healing agents and not just enjoyable scents. To get the maximum results you need authentic aromatherapeutic products. Aromatherapy oils are stronger, purer and more effective than perfume oils.

• The temperature of the mineral bath plays an important role in the healing treatments. The ideal water temperature, most of the time, is 95 degrees F to 104 degrees F: it matches the body's natural temperature.

• Very hot water, 100 degrees F to 104 degrees F, opens the pores and encourages a detoxifying sweat, stimulates the lymph system and relaxes muscle spasms. Hot baths should be brief and always followed by a cool shower to restore natural body temperature and close the pores.

• Cool mineral baths, 90 degrees F to 95 degrees F, are recommended during pregnancy and make excellent recovery baths for convalescents. Generally speaking, bathing is drying. After every bath, a good skin moisturizer, applied from head to toe is a must.

Researches on bath therapy• Efficacy of mud-bath therapy with Mineral Water

from the Sillene spring at Italy's Chianciano Spa for osteoarthritis of the knee: a clinical statistical study

Fraioli A, Serio A, Mennuni G, Ceccarelli F, Petraccia L, Campanella J, Fontana M, Nocchi S, Tanzi G, Grassi M, Valesini G

• CONCLUSIONS: The mud-bath therapy at Chianciano Spa significantly improves the clinical conditions of patients with knee osteoarthritis and significantly reduces the frequency and severity of symptoms and the disability they cause.

Thermal Spring Bath Participants Self-Reported Health and specialization CHIA-CHANG,LO

• Results -There were significant difference between thermal spring bath participant?s specialization and their vitality (VT), mental health (MH), general health (GH) and reported health transition (HT). In addition, those four indices were increasing with the increasing of thermal spring bath participants specialization.

• Circular Jet bath • Specially made equipment directs multiple,

small but powerful water streams from all directions on the patient which gives a feeling of having a rain bath. This bath gives instant cooling and refreshing effect, especially after taking a prolonged hot treatment such as steam room. This bath causes a powerful circulatory reaction mainly enhances the functions of the skin.