Different technologies

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Different technologies

Q4. How did you use media technologies in

the construction, planning and

evaluation stages?

Callum Shepherd


We used Facebook to spread awareness to the fact that our film is coming out at some point in the future. This was a good way to reach our target audience, as it allowed us to gain some feedback from people that would be most likely to see our film.


We used Empressr to present most of our Powerpoints, because it adds different affects to the slides and it is different from many other mainstream websites that people use to present. I discovered this by searching for different websites.

Garage Band

We used garage band so that we could make our music, which we later put into the trailer to add a sense of unknown that can be associated with dreary music. We used Garage band alongside different technologies to make our trailer as good as it can be.


We used Google to search for anything that we could not directly access or we could not find ourselves. This was things such as Empressr, because it is not main stream we didn’t really know that it existed.


We used Imovie as a base to make our original draft of a horror trailer. Unfortunately it isn't advanced enough to make a trailer to the quality that I wanted. The different tools that you could find on here were not as easy to use a the ones on premiere pro and the results we got from each place were significantly different, with Imovie having a much lower quality.


We used Powtoon during our research tasks to present the job roles that people were given when we distributed them. It has a bright colour scheme, no mater what you want so it always gives off quite a happy yet serious feel to it. It also is quite easy to use although it does get quite complicated when you want to add sound and extra movements to each slide.


We used PowerPoint to make the base of a presentation before uploading them to a different website and putting different affects on it. This software is very easy to use as long as you don’t want to put any visual effects or sounds to it. It is easily customisable and can be used to present pretty much anything you want.

Microsoft Word

We used Microsoft word to write out most of our long paragraphs and any writing that we would need on our products, such as the billing block for our posters. We also used word to write out some of the scripts that we used whilst filming, although we didn’t end up using any vocal work in out trailer.

Premiere Pro

We ued premiere pro as the mian editing software for our horror trailer. We decided on this because it gave us better tools that were easier to use than Imovie. It also gave us the best finishing product that we could have possibly got, because it has a better rendering process than other similar software.


We used Photoshop as the main editing software for still images, such as our poster and magazine. We chose this specific software because it allowed us to create an image by using different tools to take things from different places and merge them together. I was also able to use this to put our finished products in situe to see how it would look.


We used Slideboom as one of our many presentation sharing websites. This is a relatively basic one that was used for the shorter PowerPoint's that we knew should be don quickly and easily. It was easy to use because it puts our PowerPoint's out into the public view so that many people can see it even without visiting my website.


We used slideshare for pretty uch the same reason as we did with slidboom. They both perform the same processes except slightly different, but no less or more advanced. They are very similar websites being easy to use with all content accessible to non-account holders, unless you specify for your presentation to be private.


We used twitter to create an account because at his time I would say it is the most used social networking site in Britain. Although Facebook is still used, Twitter is seen as a place where people can express their views towards something in a short space, meaning we could relay our information very quickly and simply with a couple of tweets, which can be shred by people for their followers to see.


We used this website again to publish our PowerPoint's but this time there is a slightly different format. Sribd is also more well known than some other file sharing websites because it now has books that you can read online, we took advantage of this because our PowerPoint's may come of interest to some of the people that use scribd to read.


We used vine to shoot 7 econd clips of behind the scenes footage whilst we shot our trailer and other bits of film, such as the vox pops and the focus group. We chose to use this because it is very strongly linked to twitter and it is an up and coming website that is very easily shared.


Yola was the main website hat I used because it is where I have the work that I have completed over the past year. It is a free to use website that allows you to create a page for your own personal use and to share with other people. It is accessible by anyone as long as you know the domain name and it is free to use unless you sign up for a premium account.


We used Youtube to share our horror trailer online and then embed it into our Yola. We also made sure that it was a public video and tagged correctly so that people will be able to access the video by tying in some words that are related to our trailer.

Overall use.

Overall the uses of technology were very necessary to produce all our work in a professional and influential way. The different uses of technology were also allowing me to produce my practical work in the best way possible. The specific tools that I learnt how to use were also very important in producing the best possible results.