Different Shot Types

Post on 22-May-2015

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Transcript of Different Shot Types

Different Shot Types

An extremely wide shot shows more of a characters personal surroundings and less of their figure. This is shot is an establishing shot which is mostly used in the first scene of many movies to show the scene being set.This shot is also very good for showing he scale of action, as it creates a lot tension within the scene.

Extremely Wide Shot (EWS)

A very wide shot brings the subject more closer to the frame but still shows some surroundings, in this shot we can see the subject and his actions and body language, also by the environment. This could also be used as an establishing shot which shows the audience the setting of the scene.

Very Wide Shot (VWS)

Wide Shot (WS)

In a wide shot we get closer to the subject and less of his surroundings, the subjects feet are visible clearly and so is his head leaving plenty of space as he fits the frame perfectly. This shot could be represented in many ways as it gives a clear view of the subject and his body language and the little surrounding around him

In a medium close up shot we could see a very clear image of the subject as the frame is half way between a medium shot and a close up shot. This shot shows the subjects face and upper body clearly with the additional surroundings including the space given above the subjects head to make the surroundings visible

Medium Close Up Shot (MS)

Close Up Shot (CU)In a close up shot a feature or a subject takes most of the space within the frame, this shows great detail of the subject as we could easily get into great detail (the subjects eyes and facial parts). This shot is also used to determine someone's emotional expressions as the viewer could easily be drawn into by this. The shot mainly focuses on the subject and less of the surrounding as the frame focuses on his whole face.

Extreme Close Up (ECU)

This shot gets into great detail of the subject and more zoomed and focused into, this shot is used for showing facial expressions and reactions, as the main focus is the subjects eyes and we could see how the reaction of the eyes shows a reaction.. Tears coming in a subject eyes shows sadness.

An over the shoulder shot is used when looking over a subject or an object within a frame, the person who looks over the subject should cover at least 1/3’s of the frame. The shot shows a clear facial reaction of the subject as this puts yourself in the position of the person looking straight at the subject. Most over the shoulder shots are varied as they come in from behind a persons ear or their back. This shot could be used to show conflict between two teams as both people are looking at each other.

Over The Shoulder Shot (OSS)

The point of view shot shows a persons perspective of something, in this shot we can imagine ourselves as if we are the person pointing towards the field, as this creates good tension within the scene as the subjects hand comes nicely into the frame where their finger is around the middle leaving the surrounding to make the scene visible. This shot would be used when people are trying to share their something from their point of view such as ‘pressing keys’ on a keyboard.

Point Of View Shot (POV)

This shot is very commonly used in news channels across the globe, as news casters would be interviewed in this shot as the camera is facing directly to the subject leaving some visible space to show some of the surroundings and also the camera coming down just below the subject’s shoulders.

Noddy Shot