Different camera shots

Post on 25-May-2015

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Transcript of Different camera shots

Different Camera Shots

Extreme Close-Up-An extreme close up is a shot where one small segments of something e.g. an eye of a person. This makes it more dramatic and highlights the emotion the person is feeling through their eyes.This wouldn’t be the best thing for my magazine because it doesn’t

Close-Up-When using a close up shot it allows you to see the person or object in more depth and the expressions on their faces are more pronounced than when not. Especially when in black and white because everything stands out more.The problem with this is that you cannot see the way she’s standing

Medium Close-up shot-A medium close-up shot is a picture taken from the top of someone’s head to their shoulders. This allows you to see A medium close up is from the head to the top of the shoulders only. This is the best shot for showing the detail but still not being too close that there is nothing else to see.

Medium shot-A medium shot is taken from the top of the head to the waist.This is so you can see the angle of the way that they are standing as well as the expression on her face.

Medium long shot-A medium long shot has been used here so you can see all of the dress because this was taken on a fashion show and therefore they want to promote the outfits I could use this because it means that you can

Long Shot-A long shot shows the full length of her body this is because she is seen as a fashion icon in gossip girl and therefore people will want to see what Blair Walfdorf is wearing. You can see the happiness of her expression. The disadvantages of having a long shot is that you cant focus just on her and its harder to