Dietary Guidelines Across the Life Course Part 2 1

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Transcript of Dietary Guidelines Across the Life Course Part 2 1

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Dietary Guidelines Across the Life Course Part 2

1. Introduction

1.1 Dietary Guidelines Across the Life Course


Dietary Guidelines Across the Life Course

Published by Articulate® Storyline

1.2 Learning Outcomes


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2. Choose my

2.1 Intro Video


The U.S. Department of agriculture provides 10 tips for healthy nutrition listed here. They include balancing calories and enjoying your food but eating less of it. They recommend avoiding oversized portions and consuming more of foods that are nutrient-dense. It is recommended that you cover half your plate with fruits and vegetables and switch to fat-free milk. Half of your grains should consist of whole grains and replace sugary drinks with water.

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2.2 Healthy Nutrition


The U.S. Department of agriculture provides 10 tips for healthy nutrition listed here. They include balancing calories and enjoying your food but eating less of it. They recommend avoiding oversized portions and consuming more of foods that are nutrient-dense. It is recommended that you cover half your plate with fruits and vegetables and switch to fat-free milk. Half of your grains should consist of whole grains and replace sugary drinks with water.

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The myplate icon is part of a larger communication tool based on the 2010 dietary guidelines. It is designed to remind Americans to eat healthfully. It illustrates 5 food groups using a familiar mealtime visual. replaces much of the information formerly found at

The choosemyplate web site also offers plans for personalizing your calorie level based on age, gender, height and weight and activity levels and for ages 2 through 18.

More specific plans for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are also available.

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2.4 Weight Loss


Although we will discuss the latest guidelines for treatment of overweight and obesity, choose my plate also offers information for losing weight.

2.5 Grains

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According to the choose my plate recommendations, it is important to make half your grains whole grains - to eat more whole grains, substitute a whole-grain product for a refined product - such as eating whole-wheat bread instead of white bread or brown rice instead of white rice.

2.6 Fruits


It is important to also add fruit to meals as part of main or side dishes or as desert. Of course, modifications are required for special populations such as those with diabetes mellitus.

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2.7 Vegetables


We should choose red, orange, and dark-green vegetables like tomatoes, sweet potatoes and broccoli along with other vegetables for your meals. The recommended quantity is 2.5 cups of fresh, frozen, or canned vegetables.

2.8 Dairy

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We should consume 3 cups of fat-free or low-fat milk or the equivalent dairy group foods.

2.9 Protein


And we should eat about 5 and a half ounces of lean meat, poultry or fish daily.

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3. Portion Control

3.1 Portion Size Experiment


In an interesting experiment, a researcher gave away five-day-old popcorn to moviegoers. Some people received enormous buckets while other received smaller ones. Both sizes held more popcorn than a typical person could finish. Yet when the buckets were weighed after the movie, those with the bigger buckets ate an average of 53 percent more. Thus, portion size can influence the quantity of food intake as much as taste.

A discussion of portion sizes is important because they have gotten larger over the years which has contributed to the obesity epidemic.

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3.2 Portion distortion Over the Years


Food portion sizes have changed in 20 years.

3.3 Beware of the Cost of Extra Calories


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Knowing one's daily calorie needs from a calorie table based on age, gender, height, weight and level of physical activity may be a useful reference point in determining that the calories a person eats and drinks are appropriate in relation to the number needed daily. However, monitoring whether you maintain your weight over time by adjusting calories and physical activity is the most helpful. It doesn't take many extra calories a day to add 10 pounds a year! The good news is by reducing daily calorie intake by 100 calories, you can lose 10 pounds per year.

4. Take the Portion Quiz

4.1 Portion Distortion over the past 20 years.


Food portion sizes have changed in 20 years. The following illustrations are representative of comparative sizes and reflect the change in portion sizes over the last decades.

4.2 Knowledge Check 1

(Numeric, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Feedback when correct:

Yes you're right. 210 Calories.

Feedback when incorrect:

The answer is 210 more calories.


We are well aware that bagels have become much larger than in previous years.

Guess the calorie difference between these two bagels?

4.3 Knowledge Check 2

(Numeric, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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Feedback when correct:

That's right! 50 minutes of raking leaves to burn 210 more caloris. You selected the correct


Feedback when incorrect:

It would take 50 minutes of raking leaves to burn 210 calories!


So give the extra calories in the larger bagel, how long would you have to rake leaves to burn 210 calories?

4.4 Knowledge Check 3

(Numeric, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

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4.5 Knowledge Check 4

Feedback when correct:

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That's right. 35 minutes!

Feedback when incorrect:

It would take 35 minutes of gardening!

4.6 Knowledge Check 5

(Numeric, 10 points, 1 attempt permitted)

Feedback when correct:

That's right! 290 more calories!!

Feedback when incorrect:

The difference is 290 more calories!

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4.7 Knowledge Check 6

Feedback when correct:

That's right! 1 hour and 30 minutes

Feedback when incorrect:

One hour and 30 minutes.

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4.8 Keep an “Eye” on your Food Portion Sizes


Our contemporary society has succumbed to portion distortion. We tend to eat what is placed before us or eat beyond what our caloric requirements are.


One ounce of cheese equals 4 stacked dice.

Meat or Poultry:

A deck of cards should represent a serving of meat or poultry not the 20 ounce steaks that are offered in restaurants.


This is a reasonable portion of fish.

One Cup:

The baseball is a useful guide for getting 2 cups of vegetables per day in our diet.

Table/Tea Spoon:

This slide shows that 1 tablespoon is equivalent to 3 thumb tips. This is important when we are pouring salad dressing, oils or using solid fats.

As a final thought, it is probably reasonable to never eat more than you can lift!

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Meat or Poultry

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Table/Tea Spoon

Final Thought

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4.9 End of Presentation


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