
Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Dictatorship

DictatorshipIt is derived from Latin word “dictator” means “a person who has absolute powers and authority in a free society or state”. it is form of government in which an individual has absolute power and authority to make laws. He is not answerable before any forum. There is no limit of time or specific period for his government. It is totally against democracy. Public opinion has no values in this system. People are not allowed to criticize the government. They do not enjoy the freedom of expression.


1) Walter thermor; In this form of government , absolute power and total authority is held by an individual or a small group.

2) Webster Dictionary; A form of government in which absolute power is concentrated around an individual.Examples. The following are famous examples of dictatorship;

Name of dictator Country/ stateMustafa kamal Turkey Mussolini Italy Hitler Germany Saddan hussain Iraq Zia ul aman Bangladesh Ayub khan Pakistan Zia ul haqq Pakistan

Characteristics;1) Unlimited powers;

In this form of government, the dictator has absolute powers and unlimited authority. He is not answerable

before anybody. He exercises his powers in legislation,

administrative functions and in judicial matters.2) One party rule;

In dictatorship, only a single political party is allow for political activities. Oppositions parties are not allow to do any kind of political activities. “1 state, 1 party and 1 leader” is the most

famous slogan of dictatorship.3) To solve the problems;

The dictator presents a program to solve the different problems of people. The main objective of this program is to gain fame for dictator. Economic and social problems are given very importance in dictatorship and to resolve these matters. Different solutions are suggested to satisfy the people.

4) Sanctity of state; The state is declared very holy and sacred institution in dictatorship. The famous saying of Mussolini was “Everything within the state, Nothing against the state, Nothing outside the state.”People are asked to scarify their all for the survival of state.

5) End of liberty;

The freedom of expression and liberties come to an end in dictatorship. There is no question of political rights. People have depended upon the dictator. Print and electronic media is controlled by the government. People are not given the permission to criticize government. The role of the forcement agencies is very cruel.

6) Wast propaganda; is Different propaganda tools are used to get fame for dictator. Radio, TV and print media are used for this purpose. Photo and messages of dictator are published on books,

notebooks and calendars. The message is given to people that dictator is very necessary for society and state. The plan for national

development is advertised at large scale. The information minister of Hitler used to say “Tell a lie; tell a lie until people considered it truth”

7) Economic development ; Dictator establishes different programs for national development and economic progress. These programs are advertised by print media and electronic media. The main objective of these programs is to get popularity for dictator among the people.

8) Propaganda of national unit; The slogans of national integrity and unity are given much importance in dictatorship. The state is declared the most important thing for citizens. They are asked to do more work for national integrity. Patriotism and unity is the first and foremost demand from citizens.

9) Enemy of peace; Dictators are considered are the enemy of peace. We can get very clear evidence from history. For example; German dictator Hitler and Italian dictator Mussolini destroy the whole world by 2nd world war. Therefore, democracy is much better system in the award.

10) Wrong decisions;

In dictatorship, an individual has absolute power for making decisions. His advisors are not allowed to contradict with his opinion. Human mental approach is limited. Therefore the decision made by an individual may be wrong. It can prove very dangerous and harmful for state and society.