Diamond Seven Ranch PRO-Forma INVOICE 7 MEATS Proforma inv… · Diamond Seven Ranch lnc herewith...

Post on 08-Aug-2020

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Transcript of Diamond Seven Ranch PRO-Forma INVOICE 7 MEATS Proforma inv… · Diamond Seven Ranch lnc herewith...

Diamond Seven Ranch lnc.

RR#2 site 1'1 Box 21

Lloydminster, SaskatchewanCanada S9VOX7

1 (306) 893 2763


28-January-2O1 5

lnvoice #001


Texas holdings lnc. business office522 Fairdale St Friendwood Texas










Item Description

Supporting of in-house project

Canadian Processed Boxed Beef for future delivery



Unit price(usD)


Total (USD)

250000000 00




Diamond Seven ranch incRR# 2 site 11 Box 12

Lloyd m inster Saskatchewa n

Canada S9V0X7invoice #001


Diamond seven Ranch tnc Lloydminr,"r rrrnl?l"#il:?:::, , herein represented by Secretaryltreasurer , hereby offers the following to TEXAS HOLDINGS, lNC, a Nevada, USA, corporation:

The purchase of property and materials to construct a Canadian Boxed Beef processing facility (hereinafter"ITEMS"), to be delivered as may be instructed by TEXAS HOLDINGS, lNC.

ln derogation of applicable provisions of international treaties or domestic laws, all partieshereto hereby severally solemnly state that they have irrevocably accepted (i) that the lawsof the State of Texas, United States of America, apply exclusively, having absoluteprecedence over any other law of any other jurisdiction, and (ii) to elect as exclusivejurisdiction and venue, which hold respectively absolute precedence over any otherjurisdiction and venue whatsoever, as per the rules and regulations thereof, the Courts ofGalveston County, Texas, United States of America.

Diamond Seven Ranch lnc herewith provides, along with this PRO-FORMA INVOICE a letter of good standing with a

commercial bank.

ln the event this PRO-FORMA INVOICE is accepted, TEXAS HOLDINGS, INC is to provide Diamond Seven Ranch lncS250,000,000.00 Million UNITED STATES DOLLARS, as pre-payment for delivery of lTEM5.

TEXAS HOLDINGS, INC is to present for said pre-payment one or several ADVERTISING CREDIT PROMISSORY NOTES, withtotal of face values equal to said amount, with Diamond Seven Ranch lnc as Beneficiary, issued as per the template shownin http://www.chanee2 100.com/TH I BMART/ACPN FORMAT. pdf

ITEMS, when provided as indicated herein to TEXAS HOLDINGS, lNC, are chargeable at cost, verifiable by invoice fromsuppliers, plus a 50% override.

Upon receipt of the payment presented by TEXAS HOLDINGS, INC as indicated herein, This PRO-FORMA INVOICE shall beconsidered a contract to which Diamond Seven Ranch lnc is obligated.

However, delivery of ITEMS shall take place only as Diamond Seven Ranch lnc collects the ADVERTISING CREDIT

PROMISSORY NOTES, as per their protocols, or otherwise engages in negotiations with said ADVERTISING CREDITPROMISSORY NOTES through which value useable for the purposes of this PRO-FORMA INVOICE is thus obtained byDiamond Seven Ranch lnc.

All uses of the ADVERTISING CREDIT PROMISSORY NOTES by Diamond Seven Ranch lnc are subject to pre-approval byTEXAS HOLDINGS, INC and any non-pre-approved use may, at the sole discretion of TEMS HOLDINGS, lNC, immediatelyinvalidate and void said ADVERTISING CREDIT PROMISSORY NOTES, but without affecting or eliminating the obligations ofDiamond Seven Ranch lnc related to this PRO-FORMA INVOICE.

Upon receipt by Diamond Seven Ranch lnc of pre-payment made by TEXAS HOLDINGS, lNC, as stipulated herein, based onthis declared ability of Diamond Seven Ranch lnc to deliver ITEMS as stipulated, TEXAS HOLDINGS, INC is authorized by

ITEMS to other parties at the sole discretion of TEXAS H0LDINGS, lNc.

[corporate ,..i o. nctary

The Bank of Nova ScotiaP.O. Box 30009Lloydminster, ABCanada TgV 316

Tel: f/80)875-88O1Faxl (780)875-1646

$ scotiobonk

September 18, 2019

To whom it may concern,

Letter of reference to whom it may concern that I have known as a client for severalyears. owner of Diamond Seven Ranch lnc is in good standing with the Bank ofNova Scotia, Lloydminster, AB.

Small Business AdvisorLloydminster. AB780-871-5015 Ext 43O0