Diamond Feng Shui Essentials

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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Feng Shui

Transcript of Diamond Feng Shui Essentials

What·s next for you?Now you have the tools and information to be the

queen or king in your life. You have opened the energyto manifest your success, health, relationships, andpersonal growth.

But. .. Diamond Feng Shui has many more secrets andtreasures to uncover as you explore the advanced levels. Learn to putyour things in the right places to always be in the right place yourself

You harness the active energy of your environment in Level One anddirect it in phenomenal ways. Focus on the Diamond facet of Power to bringconfidence and authoriry to your life, Love for more romance and strongerrelationships, or Abundance to bring a greater flow of what you desire.

In Level Two you use the receptive energy to bring in the benefits ofmanifestation. When you balance your space with facets such as Honesty, Passionand Magnificence, you see your desires manifest quicker and easier.

Add the Diamond Time Feng Shui in Level Three and you'll be in theright place AND at the right time. Energy flows in monthly, yearly, and20-year cycles and can have advantageous as well as dastardly results. You learnabout Abundance Stars, Relationship Stars, Illness Stars, and Disaster Stars. Youquickly see why some homes and some years are simply better than others!

The beaury of Diamond Feng Shui lies in how Marie Diamond andPaul Scheele have sculpted a way to apply complex information easily toyour home and office. This unique combination of Paul's brain-friendlycurriculum and Marie's astounding system allows you to effectively addlayer after layer of good Feng Shui to your life.

Enjoy your journey.

Would you like to find out what happened to those interviewed on theEssentials DVD when they used Diamond Feng Shui on their homes

and offices? Go to www.LearningStrategies.com/DiamondEssentialsfor the exciting follow-up!

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What is Feng Shui? 3Five Step to Improve the Flow of Energy 4Find Your Per anal ncrgy Number 6Your Personal Be t Dirccti ns 10Face Your Best Directions 10Activation ard lnstru .tions 12Guideline for Goal Setting 14Activation 'ard Placement 16Ba ic Do's and Don'ts ol'Fcn J Shui 17Activation 'urd Examples 18, 19

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The astonishing secrets of ancient Chinese wisdom unfold as youexplore the world of Diamond Feng Shui. Using the principles shared hereyou will discover how something as easy as moving your bed can makeyou more money. Sound amazing? With Diamond Feng Shui you willunexpectedly find yourself at the right place, at the right time, to meet theright people, to attract the highest energy, and live the richest life.

Apply Diamond Feng Shui wisdom to:

• Establish yourself as Icingor queen of your home and office• Attract more luck and good fortune in your career, relationships,

health, and spiritual growth• Receive support for all of your creative possibilities

What is Feng Shui?Feng Shui is an ancient art and science based on laws that govern the

flow of energy, what the Chinese refer to as Qi (pronounced "chee"),Positive changes you make in your environment create improvements inthe level and flow of Qi energy in your life, When you improve the flowof energy, you are in a much better position to attract what you desirefrom the universe.

In Feng Shui your good fortune and luck is the sum of three kindsof luck:

• Heaven Luck - the life circumstances you were born into• Human Luck - your attitudes and behaviors that determine what

you do with your life's circumstances• Earth Luck - the positive or negative influence of the environment

you live and work in

Each of these constitutes one third of your total fortune. Althoughyou have little control over the circumstances you were born into, you


do have control over your Human and Earth Luck. Improve your luck inthese two areas, and you influence your Heaven Luck.

Feng Shui improves your Earth Luck. Using Diamond Feng Shuiprinciples you create a better flow of energy in your environmentand consciously direct that flow to achieve what you desire in yourlife. Everything is energy. The positive energy of a good Feng Shuienvironment surrounds you and influences you 24 hours a day, sevendays a week, your whole lifetime.

Feng Shui is like a form of acupuncture for the unified field of energythat includes your home and body. Activate an area of your home and youstart a flow of energy through your body, mind, and soul for more successin your career, health, relationships and spiritual growth.

A solid wall behind you provides better support thana door or window.

Step 3: Position your desk.

Position yourself like a queen or king ro see the incoming flowof people through the door. If you can see the incoming flowfrom where you sit, you can see the opportunities that cometo you. You will make the right decisions because you can seeall the angles and hear the right advisors. However, do not sitdirectly in the flow from the door.

Face one of your four best directions as described on thenext page.

Five Steps to Improve the Flow of EnergyFeng Shui masters have shown through the millennia that improving

your Earth Luck is fast, easy, and within your control. When you changethe position of your desk or bed, or change other things such as colorsin your surroundings, the impact is immediate and direct. Doing so alsocreates a positive spiralling of energy upward that affects your HumanLuck and Heaven Luck as well.

To improve your Feng Shui and energy flow, follow these five steps:

Step 1: Clean and organize your home or works pace.

To get your Earth Luck energy flowing, prepare your home oroffice for the queen or king to take up residence by creatingan open space in every room. To begin, gather the clutter andhide it in closets and cabinets or under something. In laterlevels of this course, you'll learn more intensive space clearing.For now, wipe the dust from your room and clean thefloor. Remove dead as well as dried flowers, and place freshbouquets if you wish.

Step 2: Select the proper chair.

Sit on a strong, solid high-backed chair. Because Feng Shuirequires that you feel the support of the universe in your life,your personal "throne" must support you in the back.

0~ ~ ~~


[90 o~J [90 [90 CDrnoo [DJ~ 0Good Good Bad

(Example desk directions depending upon the position of the doorway and thedirection you face while sitring.)

Step 4: Position your bed.

Opportunities keep coming at night because dreams andinspiration influence great decisions. To remain in power asyou sleep, position your bed so you can clearly see the doorand you have a solid wall behind you for support. However,do not sleep directly in the flow from the door. Sleep in aqueen- or king-sized bed even when you sleep alone.

Sleep with your head toward one of your four best directions.

4 5

Good Good Bad

(Example bed directions depending upon the position of the doorway re your bedroorn.)

Year From -To Male PersonalEnergy umber

Step 5: Activate and face your personal best directions.

To do this, you will need to know your Personal EnergyNumber. The Chinese call this your kua number. Kua meanseight and relates to the eight different directions from which'universal Qi flows to you.

You may find that you cannot position your bed or desk perfectly dueto the confines of the room. In this case, the first priority is to face orsleep toward one of your personal best directions. Second priority is tobe out of the flow from the door, and third is to be able to see the doorwhen in bed or at your desk.

Personal Energy Number

Female PersonalEnergy Number

Year From - To Male PersonalEnergy Number

Female PersonalEnergy Number

1922 jan 28, 1922 - Feb 15, 1923 6 9

1923 Feb 16, 1923-Feb4, 1924 5 1

1924 Feb S, 1924-J,"23, 1925 .4 2

1925 jan 24,1925 - Feb 12, 1926 3 3

1926 Feb 13, 1926 - Feb 1, 1927 2 .4

1927 Feb 2, 1927 - ).n 22, 1928 1 .. 5

1928 [an 23, 1928 - Feb 9, 1929 9 6

1929 Feb 10, 1929-J.n29, 1930.... .. 8........................ .. 7

1930 [an 30, 1930 - Feb 16, 1931 7 ...8

1931 Feb 17, 1931- Feb 5,1932 6 9

1932 Feb 6, 1932 - jan 25, 1933 5 1

1933 [an 26, 1933 - Feb 13, 1934 .4 2

1934 Feb 14, 1934 - Feb 3,1935 3......................... .. 3

1935 Feb 4, 1935 - [an 23, 1936 2 .4

1936 jan 24, 1936 - Feb 10, 1937 1 5

1937 Feb 11, 1937 - )an 30, 1938 9 6

1938 jan 31,1938- Feb 18, 1939 8 7

1939 Feb 19, 1939-Feb7, 1940. .. 7 81940 Feb 8, 1940 - [an 26,1941 6. .. 9

1941 Jan 27, 1941-Feb 14, 1942 5 1

1942 Feb 15, 1942 - Feb 4,1943 4 2

1943 Feb 5,1943 - jan 24,1944 3 3

1944 Jan 25,1944 - Feb 12, 1945 2 .4

1945 Feb 13, 1945 - Feb 1, 1946 1 5

1946.: Feb 2, 1946 -)an 21, 1947 9 61947 )an 22, 1947 - Feb 9, 1948 8 7

1948 Feb 10, 1948 - [an 28,1949 7 81949 [an 29,1949 - Feb 16, 1950 6............. .. 9

1950 Feb 17, 1950 - Feb 5,1951 5 11951 Feb6, 1951-)an26, 1952 4 2

1952 [an 27, 1952 - Feb 13, 1953 3 3

1953 Feb 14, 1953 - Feb 2, 1954 2 .4

1954 Feb 3, 1954 - [an 23, 1955......... 1 5

1955 J.1124, 1955 - Feb 11, 1956 9 .. 6

1956 Feb 12, 1956-Jan30, 1957 8 7

Find Your Personal Energy NumberYour Personal Energy Number shows the directions from which

Q\ flows to support your personal success, health, relationships, andspiritual growth. To find your Personal Energy Number, look up yourbirth date and gender below and through to page 10.

1906 jan 25, 1906 - Feb 12, 1907 .4 .. 2

1907 Feb 13, 1907 - Feb 1, 1908 3...................... ....31908 Feb 2, 1908 - [an 21, 1909 2 .4

1909 J.1122,1909 - Feb 9,1910 1 5

1910 Feb 10, 1910-).n29, 1911 9 61911 [an 30,1911 - Feb 17, 1912 8 7

1912 Feb 18, 1912-Feb5, 1913 7 8

1913 Feb6, 1913-J.n25, 1914 6 9

1914 jan 26, 1914 - Feb 13, 1915 5 1

1915 Feb 14, 1915-Feb3, 1916 4 2

1916 Feb4, 1916-J.n22, 1917 3 3

1917 [an 23,1917 - Feb 10, 1918 2 .4

1918 Feb 11, 1918-J.n31, 1919 1 5

1919 Feb 1, 1919 - Feb 19, 1920 9 6

1920 Feb 20, 1920 - Feb 7, 1921.. 8 7

1921 Feb 8,1921 - [an 27,1922 7 8

6 7

Year From - To Male PersonalEnergy Number

Female PersonalEnergy Number

Year From - To Male PersonalEnergy lumber

Personal Energy Number Personal Energy Number

Female PersonalEnergy Number

1957 Jan 31, 1957 - Feb 17, 1958 7.... . 8

1958 Feb 18, 1958 - Feb 7, 1959 6 9

1959.. . Feb 8, 1959 - Jan 27,1960.... . 5 1

1960 ..jan 28, 1960 - Feb 14, 1961 .4 2

1961 Feb 15,1961 - Feb 4,1962 3 3

1962 Feb 5, 1962 - ]an 24, 1963 2 .4

1963 Jan 25,1963 - Feb 12, 1964 1 5

1964 Feb 13, 1964 - Feb 1, 1965 9 6

1965 Feb 2, 1965 - ]an 20, 1966 8 7

1966 Jan 21, 1966 - Feb 8, 1967 7 8

1967 Feb 9, 1967 - ]an 29, 1968 6 91968 Jan 30,1968 - Feb 16, 1969 5 1

1969 Feb 17, 1969 - Feb 5, 1970 4......................... . 2

1970 Feb 6, 1970 - Jan 26, 1971 3....... . 3

1971 Jan 27, 1971 - Feb 14, 1972 2 . 4

1972 .. Feb 15, 1972 - Feb 2, 1973 1.................. . 5

1973 Feb 3, 1973 - jan 22, 1974 9 . 6

1974..... ...[an 23, 1974 - Feb 10, 1975 8......... . 7

1975 Fob 11, 1975 - Jan 30, 1976...... . 7. . 8

1976 }.n31, 1976-Feb 17, 1977 6 9

1977 Feb 18, 1977 - Feb 6, 1978 5 1

1978 Feb 7,1978 - Jan 27,1979 .4 21979 Jan 28,1979 - Feb 15, 1980 3 3

1980 Feb 16,1980- Feb4, 1981 2.................... . .4

1981 Feb 5,1981 - ]an 24,1982 1 5

1982 ]an 25,1982 - Feb 12, 1983 9................... . 6

1983 Feb 13, 1983-Feb 1, 1984 8.......... . 71984 Feb 2, 1984 - Feb 19, 1985 .7......... . 8

1985 Feb 20, 1985 - Feb 8, 1986 6............ . 9

1986 Feb 9,1986 - Jan 28,1987.... . 5....... . 1

1987 Jan 29, 1987 - Feb 16, 1988 4...... . 2

1988 Feb 17, 1988-Feb5, 1989 3 3

1989 Feb 6, 1989 - ]an 26, 1990 2...... . .4

1990 Jan 27,1990 - Feb 14, 1991 1 5

1991 Feb 15, 1991-Feb3, 1992 9 6

1992 Feb 4, 1992 - Jan 22, 1993 8 7

1993 Jan 23, 1993 - Fob 9, 1994 7 . 8

1994 Feb 10, 1994 - Jan 30, 1995 6.. . 91995 jan 31, 1995 - Feb 18, 1996 5. . 1

1996 . Feb 19, 1996 - Feb 6,1997.... . .4 ..2

1997 Feb 7,1997 - jan 27,1998 3.... . 3

1998 ]an 28,1998 - Feb 15, 1999 2 .4

1999 Feb 16, 1999 - Feb 4,2000. . 1..... . 5

2000 Feb 5, 2000 - Jan 23, 2001 9 62001 ]an 24, 2001 - Feb 11, 2002 8 7

2002 Feb 12,2002 - Jan 31, 2003 7 8

2003 Feb 1, 2003 - Jan 21, 2004 6.. . 9

2004 Jan 22, 2004 - Feb 8, 2005 5 1

2005 Feb 9, 2005 - Jan 28, 2006... . 4 2

2006 Jan 29, 2006 - Feb 17,2007 3 3

2007 Feb 18,2007 - Feb 6, 2008 2 .42008 Feb 7, 2008 - Jan 25, 2009 1 5

2009 [an 26, 2009 - Feb 13,2010 9.... . 6

2010 Feb 14,2010 - Feb 2, 2011.......... . 8.... . 7

2011 Feb 3, 2011 -}an 22, 2012 7 8

2012 Jan 23, 2012 - Feb 9, 2013 6...... . 9

2013 ...Feb 10,2013 - Jan 30, 2014 5.......... . 1

2014 }.11 31, 2014 - Feb 18,2015 4........ . 22015.. . Feb 19,2015 - Feb 7, 2016 3............. . 3

2016 Feb 8, 2016-]an 27, 2017 2 .4

2017 jan 28,2017 - Feb 15,2018 1 5

2018 Feb 16,2018 - Fob 4,2019 9 6

2019 Feb 5, 2019 - ]an 24, 2020 8 7

2020 }an 25, 2020 - Feb 11,2021 7 8

2021 Feb 12, 2021 - Jan 31, 2022 6 9

2022 Feb I, 2022 - }an 21, 2023 5 1

2023 [an 22, 2023 - Feb 9, 2024 4 . 2

2024 Feb 10, 2024 - Jan 28, 2025 . 3 3

8 9

Use the chart below to identify your four best directions for success,health, relationships and spiritual growth.

Your Personal Best Directions



1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 9





COMPASS READINGS FOR EACH DIRECTIONSW = 202.5° to 247.5° W = 247.5° to 292.5° NW = 292.5° to 337.SO

N = 337.5° to 22.5° NE = 22.5" to 67.5° E = 67.5° to 112.5°

SE = 112.5° to 157.5° S = 157.5° to 202.5°

To be a powerful queen or king, you will activate each of yourpersonal best directions to create success, a healthy long life, greatrelationships, and personal growth that inspires you and may even makeyou an inspiration for others.

Face Your Best Directions with Your Desk and BedPosition your desk to face a good personal direction when you work

and position your bed to sleep in a good direction. This can have anamazingly powerful effect right away because it keeps you in the bestflow of Qi for you.

10 11

Here's how to check the directions:

1) Stand behind your desk with a compass in the direction youface when sitting at your desk or computer screen. Position yourdesk so that when you sit, you face one of your personal bestdirections.

I2) Facing the headboard, stand at the foot of your bed to check

the compass direction. Position your bed so that when you sleep,the top of your head points toward one of your personalbest directions.

As much as possible, orient toward your personal best directions whenyou work and sleep. You will connect with the flow of positive energycoming toward you and attract more good fortune in your life.

Spouses/Partners with opposite best directions

When you and your spouse or partner have opposite best directions,(one person belongs to the East Group and the other to the WestGroup), the front door will be in a good direction for one of you (usethe compass direction you face when you are standing in the doorwaylooking out). Arrange the bed so that you sleep toward one of the fourbest directions for the other. This balances the front door "day Qi" withthe bed "night Qi." If this balance cannot be achieved, is there anotherdoor that the other spouse or partner can use? In any case, be sure toactivate both of your success directions in the bedroom.

Activate Your Personal Best Directions

IYou will find two sets of activation cards with this program. Use one

set for your home and one set for your office space. Each card referencesone of the eight compass directions as well as the number, geometricshape, and color that are basic activations for that direction.

For example, the card for North includes:

• The number" 1"• A blue wavy or asymmetric shape• A white circle

These are the number, shape, and color for water, the elementthat activates energy in the North, along with the shape and color formetal, which enhances water.

You will learn more about the different elements in Levels One, Twoand Three of this program. These principles work even if you do notknow all of the details yet. Consider that you do not have to understandelectriciry to use it and benefit from it.

Activation Card InstructionsUse these cards to activate the flow of positive energy.

1) Find the card assigned to your success direction.

2) Write your main intention for success in your life on your card.

3) Write three related intentions. Each leads toward the fulfillmentof your main intention. You can think of these as a minimum goal,a target goal, and an outstanding goal. Then sign and date the card.

4) Find images that represent your intention.

5) Place each activation card and image in the appropriatecompass direction.

For Your Home

The first set of four cards you will place in your bedroom. These areyour goals or intentions for your personal and family life.

Here's an example to illustrate this process:

Sarah has been doing her best to make ends meet. Her spending andcredit card debt uses all her monthly income leaving no room for savingor investing. She feels that she can create a healthier financial future bymaking some changes. Sarah has a Personal Energy Number of "6."

So Sarah will:

1) Select the West card because that is her success direction.

2) Write her main intention for personal success: J, Sarab, amfinancially abundant and direct my wealth for a debt-free life andsecurefinancial future.


3) Write three related intentions:

• Minimum goal: J spend wisely each week and put an extra$140 toward my existing Visa card bill each month .

• Target goal: With each debt J eliminate, J add the monthly paymentJ was making towards the next bill J am paying off.

• Outstanding goal: J am debt free by my 30th birthday and'have increased my salary by 25 percent with career advancementsat-work.

Another approach to filling out the activation card is to write yourLifetime Goal for financial and career success and your three mostimportant goals for this year. Both approaches can generate stunning results.

Since each intention is important, please take your time determiningwhat you choose to attract into your life. If you have no idea what youwould like to attract, see the "Goal Setting Guidelines" section.

Follow the same process to complete the activation cards for your otherthree best directions of health, relationships, and spiritual growth. Refer tothe sample activation cards on pages 18 and 19 for additional examples.

For Your Office

Create a similar set of activation cards for your office that reflectsbusiness success, business health, business relationships, and businessgrowth. Sample business goals include:

• Business success: a revenue number, profit target, or new initiative

• Business health: health and energy levels of employees or theattainment of safery levels and standards

• Business relationships: a specific number of new customers,specific exposure on television and radio, or a survey ofyour customers

• Business growth: improving your office space, developingstaff, or attracting a mentor to coach you

Here's an example:

Thomas currently works for a company that produces lawn furniture.He is doing okay financially but believes he could do more if he could


increase his career and financial success energy. Thomas has a PersonalEnergy Number "9," and his success direction is East.

Thomas will:

1) Select the East card to activate his success direction.

2) Write his main intention for success: 1, Thomas, am successful inmy career as a product development specialist and enjoy abundantwealth flowing to me for my creations. Notice that his writingstates his intention as if it is already being experienced.

3) Write three smaller intentions:

• Minimum goal: My product development proposal to mycompany is completed.

• Target goal: My development proposal is accepted and J am workingon creative designs.

• Outstanding goal: My income increased by 50 percent by the endof the year and my design project is into the first production phase.I am making twice my normal retirement investments.

Guidelines for Goal Setting

To create goals and intentions that work, follow these guidelines:

1) tared in the positive

Goals must specify what you want, not what you do not want.For example, if you do not like your cramped house in a noisyneighborhood and want to move, specify exactly the characteristicsand location of the house you want using positive terms. "I live ina spacious three-bedroom townhome in a quiet neighborhood withmature trees and a park nearby."

2) Within your control

Ultimately you are the one to decide what you want. For example,the goal "I want my family to be happy" is not within your control;you cannot control how someone else feels. Consider, "I help createa home environment that supports my family's health, well-being,and happiness."


3) Preserves the present positives

State your goal so that it maintains the things you valuemost. If you have to give up too much to have a goal, it isunlikely you will seek it. For example, earning more money willtake away from family time when it requires overtime or additionalschooling. Be sure you are choosing a trade-off that is right for you.

4) Measurable and testable

You must be able to know when you have achieved your goal.If your goal is to be happy, it is very difficult to know whetheryou have it or if it willlasr. To turn "I want to be happy" into ameasurable goal, you must specify what happiness means to you."I will spend four hours of quality time with my family each weekengaged in intriguing, learning activities."

5) Worthwhile

Craft a goal around what you greatly desire.Your goal must besomething you value. For example, if you set a goal because yourpartner or doctor wants you to, you are setting yourself up for struggle.

The phrasing of your goal or intention helps stimulate the flow ofQi. Since the universe operates in the present moment, your intentionsshould be stated in the present tense. Avoid using "going to" or "will" orconditional phrases such as "If! achieve this, then I will achieve that."Rather, use "I am ..." or "I now..." or "This is..."

Realizing the fulfillment of your intention may require time andaction. To say, "I am now earning twice my previous income" may notbe believable.To say, "I am attracting the ways to earn twice my previousincome" putS the goal in progress and allow time for acceptance. The newphrasing makes your activation card believable and the result achievable.

Activate with ImagesFind images that represent each goal, and place them on or near the

appropriate card. For example:

• If you have a certain professional career in mind, find an image ofsomeone who represents a successful career in this field.

J 5

• If you want to create a great relationship, place an image thattouches your feelings of tenderness towards others.

• If you want to start exercising or eating better, find an image of aperson working out or eating healthy food.

• Also activate your spiritual growth with items or images thatrepresent your intentions. This might be a book, picture, orstatue that represents your spiritual intentions.

Activation Card PlacementTo get the greatest benefit from your Diamond Feng Shui activations,

display each of your four cards for the home in its correct compassdirection in your bedroom. Also place your four cards for the office intheir correct compass directions in your office.

Display each card in a gold frame where you will be able to see itduring the day. If you prefer to be more discreet, place each card in anenvelope with the activation card facing toward you. You can put itbehind a picture or some other item.

To place your activation cards, use a compass and follow these steps:

1) Stand in the center of the room and look at your compass.The floating colored arrow points to magnetic north. From thiscenter point, layout the eight directions in your room.

2) Place your activation cards and images in your four best directionsaccording to your Personal Energy Number. Say the statements onyour cards Out loud, and visualize yourself in your images' as youplace your activations.

These cards and images will send your intentions to the universe andto your mind 24 hours a day.


Basic Do's and Don'ts of Feng ShuiFront Door• Entry should be clean and

unobstructed.• Put shoes in a closet or

enclosed area.• Put out a new welcome mat

every year.• Door mats should not

have holes.

Living Room/ Family Room• Place a picture of each

family member in theirbest direction.

• Activate your personal successdirection in the living room.

Dining Room• Hang a mirror reflecting

the table.• Seat everyone to face a good

direction.• Keep fresh fruit or flowers

on the table.

Bedroom• Sleep in a power position and

toward a good direction.• Activate your four personal

best directions.• Do not put water in the

room (actual water orpictures).

• No live plants or flowers,silk is okay.

• No mirrors reflecting the bed.• No exercise equipment.• Have a solid headboard.

Kitchen• Have the oven or

microwave face agood direction forthe breadwinner.

• No photographs of friends orfamily members.

Bathroom• Keep the toilet lid down

and the door closed.• No photographs of friends or

family members.

Office• Sit in a power position and

toward a good direction.• Activate your four personal

best directions.

General• No ·fire(kitchen,

fireplaces, erc.) in thenorthwest.

• Keep things clean, in workingorder and organized.

• Cover exposed overheadbeams when you must sit orsleep under them.