Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

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Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

Transcript of Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

Diamond Creek today has no visible signsthat it was once a busy gold mining townshipwith two major mines on the hill behind ournew Op Shop, locally known as “Mine Hill”.

Gold was discovered at Diamond Creek inthe early 1860’s leading to a tunnel on thesouth side of “Mine Hill”, at the end of DeringStreet, which was mined using a king-sizedskip truck.

By 1870 the tunnel mine was the “Union”

goldmine, a major operation with a shaft,steam powered winder and battery. Theengine house was a rustic wooden buildingwith shingle roof. The head frame was alsomade of wood with a bush ladder up one legto reach the deck. At this time rope cableswere used on the Victorian goldfields to haulup skips of ore, mullock and miners. Beforewire cables were introduced there were manyaccidents due to worn and dodgy ropecables.

The Union gold ran out in 1875. Explorationin 1904 revealed further good ore could beaccessed with a new shaft further to the westusing a winder with safer wire cables.Reaching eight levels the Union finally closeddown in 1908. All machinery was removed.The boiler was trucked around to the“Diamond Creek Goldmine” on top of Mine

Hill. The foundations of the Union winderwere left to be overgrown and guarded by redbellied black snakes.

By 1915 the Diamond Creek Goldmine, ontop of mine hill, had grown to a much biggermine than the Union. Its big engine housecontained five boilers, powering the winder,battery, generator, air compressors and aMatsue beam water pump. This pump ranconstantly to keep the mine dry.

In the summer of 1915 the wood stacks forthe boilers caught fire burning out the entiresite and tumbling the head frame over tomaroon the miners a thousand feet below.All shafts are fitted with ladders so the minersstarted their weary climb to the surface.

Some of the miners who had worked at theneighbouring Union Mine took a shortcut andfound their way to the old Union workingsthrough connecting tunnels and walked outto the Union site.They then walked around to the DiamondCreek mine ruins to wait for their mates. Nolives were lost and the mine shut down.

In the early 1950’s the mine re-opened withan electrical winder and head frame. Oblongbuckets were fitted to the cables and waterwas bailed out. One up, one down, the 1000foot shaft and tunnels were flooded to about350 feet. The mine was pumped dry forinspection but progress stopped. The watercame back and the head frame and winderremoved. Shareholders left with worthlesscertificates.by Kevin Patterson


Diamond Creek News Page 3

The Union Mine started with this tunnel on the south side of Mine Hill, and at this stagewas only a tunnel with no shaft. Taken about 1880 note the side gauge track and largeore truck.

now online www.diamondcreeknews.comAutumn 2013

The Old Union Mine in 1871 was commenced in 1862, men stand at the foot of thepoppet head next to the wooden rung ladder. The rope cable was thickened with bumpysplices.

Page 4 Diamond Creek News


The Diamond Creek News provides the opportunityfor each of the elected Nillumbik Councillors in theWards surrounding Diamond Creek to publish areport to their constituents, as well as reports fromState and Federal Government Members. The viewsexpressed in these reports are those of the authorsand not those of the Committee of the DiamondCreek Progress Association. The Diamond CreekProgress Association reserves the right to edit anyarticles supplied for any reason they see fit.

The Diamond Creek NewsThe Diamond Creek NewsP.O. Box 38

Diamond Creek

Phone: 0419 337 933Email: devpress@optusnet.com.au

Design & LayoutPeter Clarkson Ph: 0419 337 933 Email: devpress@optusnet.com.auAccounts & DistributionBelinda Clarkson Ph: 0439 755 411 Email: devpress@optusnet.com.auAdvertisingOliver Thompson Ph: 0423 531 370 Email: oliver.thompson@live.com

Distribution: 3500+

Apollo Parkways Arthurs Creek, DiamondCreek, Doreen,

Eltham North, Greensborough Complex,Hurstbridge, Kangaroo Ground, Panton Hill, Plenty, St Andrews,

St Helena, Smiths Gully, Yarrambat, Wattle Glen.

This issue Printed & Distributed on 15 March 2013

Deadline for next Edition24 May 2013

Advertising Rates for Diamond Creek News(as of January 2013)

Advertising Rates¼ page B/W $80 (pre paid)½ page B/W $125Full page B/W $240Colour Full page $480

Artwork for Adverts¼ page B/W $20 (pre paid)½ page B/W $25Full page B/W $35Colour Full page P.O.A

Alterations for Adverts¼ page B/W $15 (pre paid)½ page B/W $20Full page B/W $25Colour Full page P.O.A

Colour Full page adverts are only available if room permitsin that edition.

The Diamond Creek Progress AssociationThe Diamond Creek Progress Association has been around sincethe 1930s. Its main objective is to ensure improvement of thetownship of Diamond Creek and the advancement of the interestsof ratepayers and residents.

The Association meets Bi-Monthly at 7.30pm on the secondThursday at the Diamond Creek Scout Hall, 45 Challenger Street,Diamond Creek.

Membership is available on application to any resident orratepayer within the township of Diamond Creek, and those not

within the township at the discretion of the Committee.

Membership enquiries are welcome. Please contact the PeterClarkson on 0419 337 933, or write to PO Box 38 DIAMONDCREEK VIC 3089.

Autumn 2013

Become a CFA Volunteer today

and make a difference in more ways than one.

Free call 1800 232 636 for more information on

how to join or call into your local CFA Station

Diamond Creek News Page 5

Planning a big year for 2013The Kinder year started back on January 30thand is now in full swing. The children havesettled in quickly and are forming newfriendships while building confidence andindependence. As usual the kids are comingfrom Diamond Creek as well as someneighbouring suburbs, with quite a fewfamilies making the most of the full-days andextended hours offered. And despite theongoing hot weather, the teachers have beenflexible with each day’s planned structure,allowing the kids to make the most of the

cooler mornings in the Kinder’s adventureplayground.

Last week’s addition of a new woodworkbench has been a huge hit with the children –both boys and girls! The kids are handling thetools with an amazing amount of ease andmaking some fabulous creations to takehome. We envisage an increase in thenumber of apprentice carpenters in DiamondCreek in the next 20 years or so! Thanks toCraig Godden Carpentry for the woodworkbench and also for the love and care he’s putinto refurbishing all of the Kinder’s woodentoy furniture and wooden storage facilities.What a difference it’s made!

The children are looking forward to invitingtheir fathers and grandfathers along to the“Mini-Kinder Night” later this month. And afamily BBQ is being planned for March. We’rehoping to see a huge turnout for a night offood, friends and fun.

This year is going to be a big year forDiamond Creek Memorial Kindergarten. The Kinder has now been operating for 48years and it's director, May Hale, is

celebrating her 50th year of teachingkindergarten in Diamond Creek.

The Kinder committee not only have big plansfor improving the Kinder this year, but also forcelebrating and honouring the many years ofdedication May has put into Early LearningEducation in the local area. A big celebrationis being planned mid-year and the Kinderwould like to invite all past and presentstudents and parents to come along. We’ll beadvertising details of this event soon. Formore information please visitdcmemorialkinder.com.au in the next fewmonths. We’re looking forward to seeingmany familiar faces and also rekindling manyold friendships from the past.


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Autumn 2013

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The Diamond Creek News needs new advertisers.Contact Oliver Thompson on 0423 531 370 for more info

Support your local Community Paper!

Page 6 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

In our article in the last issue I reported thatour Inaugural President Mr Des Vincent hadbeen elevated to Life Membership of theRSL.

On January 20th the Club held acelebration of Des’s Life which was wellattended by members past and present.The weather was brilliant the day veryenjoyable and I’m sure Des would havebeen pleased and it was a lovely way inwhich to remember him.

ANZAC DayAs the club did last year the last, we willagain be holding two ANZAC DayCommemoration services and marches.The first at Doreen on Sunday, 21st April at10.30am, this service will be conducted atthe Laurimar Primary School. The otherservice will be our normal ANZAC DayService at the Diamond Creek War

Memorial at 10.30am preceded by themarch from the Bowling Club and we wouldseek the continued support of thecommunity for these services.

On Saturday the 9th of February the clubwas involved in the Laurimar Town Fairwhere we had a stall selling our pickles,relishes, sauces and drinks. We alsodisplayed plans for the proposed WarMemorial (which created a great deal ofinterest from the local community) and alsoallowed us to speak to a number of localresidents regarding membership. Fromboth a fund raising and involvement in thecommunity perspective the day was verysuccessful.

The project for the War Memorial atLaurimar is on-going and an application tothe Veterans fund has been submitted fora grant for its development. If successful

the grant will be announced by theGovernment during ANZAC Week. Whilstthis grant will not cover the total cost, it willsupply a large proportion of the fundsrequired and in the ensuing period we willbe seeking further funding both frominstitutions and the local communities ofDiamond Creek and Doreen.

John LangfordPresident: Diamond Creek - Doreen RSL


ValeDesmond Francis Vincent

15 January 1927 - 4 December20121017435 RAAF

43rd Catalina Squadron

Unfortunately in this issue it is with deep regret that theDiamond Creek RSL advises that their Inaugural President,Des Vincent, passed away on the 4th of December 2012 aged85. Our sympathies went to his sons Grant & Mick and theirfamilies.Des was the driving force in obtaining the charter from RSLVictoria to bring the club into being and then nursed it throughthe first four years as President. Des’ commitment to the club and the RSL in general, lastedright through to the end but that was to be expected as his lifewas spent dedicated to the communities he lived in and hisbeloved Collingwood Football Club of which he was also a lifemember.Des’ council and friendship will be greatly missed.

now online www.diamondcreeknews.com

Lest We Forget

Diamond Creek News Page 7Summer 2012

Page 8 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

The Rotary Club of Diamond Creek isseeking new members to join them andhelp the community while enjoying lots offun and fellowship.

Are you interested in assisting your localcommunity or helping to make the worlda better place? Are you keen to make

new friends and be involved in worthwhileprojects?

Well known locally for running the annualDiamond Creek Rotary Town Fair, theclub is involved in a large variety ofprojects. If there is a need in thecommunity, they are pleased to assist. In

the past couple of years the clubhas undertaken such communityprojects as assisting DiamondCreek Primary School provideshade sails for the students,building a ramp house for theRiding for the Disabled Programat Diamond Valley SpecialDevelopment School andpurchased defibrillators for localsporting and communityorganisations, to name a few. Buttheir work is not limited to localprojects. The club supports theinternational disaster aid project,Shelter Box, and assists orphansin Kenya to have an education atthe Tenderfoot School. Working

with youth is another important Rotaryobjective and over the past few years theclub has supported a number of exchangestudents and sponsored students toattend the National Youth Science Forumand many other youth leadershipactivities.

If you are interested in learning moreabout our Rotary Club, please join us fordinner one Tuesday evening. The RotaryClub of Diamond Creek meets everyTuesday evening at 6.30pm for 7.00pm atAshton Manor, 49 – 55 Main Street,Diamond Creek. If you would like to learnmore or join us for a meal please contactPhil Chambeyron on 0416 126 976 or byemail gemcham@hotmail.comThe Rotary Club of Diamond Creek are afriendly group of people who will makenew you most welcome.


Diamond Creek News Page 9

Danielle Green MP - State Member for Yan YeanRecent Epping Fire shows need for anActive Fire PlanThe recent fires which badly affected nearbyDonnybrook, Epping, Woodstock and Wollerthighlights how vital it is that families have anactive fire plan. Thankfully due to the amazingwork of our emergency services, including CFAvolunteers from our own local brigades, nohouses were lost, despite early initial reportsof one. It did however bust the myth that oururban suburbs on the edge of Melbourne aresomehow exempt from grass or bush fires.

The fires also highlighted communicationproblems with conflicting communityinformation given out, the inadequacy of theroad network and the majority of localhouseholds with no fire plan. I will work withCFA, Victoria Police, council and otheragencies to ensure that these problems areaddressed in future. In addition the BaillieuGovernment and VicRoads, must ceaseignoring our community and upgrade ourroads, as we now know it is not simply an issueof travel times; this lack of investment couldcost lives. It is vital therefore that roads such asYan Yean Road are upgraded.

The fire season is not quite over yet and thecommunity must remain vigilant. This includesensuring you have a fire plan and followongoing weather conditions. On days of firedanger, take the opportunity to visit friends inthe city or go to an air conditioned shoppingcentre or cinema. The safest way to avoidbeing caught up in a fire incident, is leavingearly on days of severe bushfire danger. Formore information about any of this pleasephone the CFA Bushfire Information Line on1800 240 667 or Diamond Creek CFA on (03)9438 1457. Alternatively go towww.cfa.vic.gov.au.

Back To SchoolOur teachers and students have now returnedto school after a well-deserved break. Howevertwo years into the Baillieu Government, it isclear that we have a Government that is notsupporting local families.

In the last two years, Mr Baillieu has slashed$555 million from education and a further $290million from TAFE. This includes cuts to VCAL,VET, the Education Maintenance Allowance,the Conveyance Allowance and the scrapping

of the School Start Bonus. The StateGovernment has also cut the schools capitalbudget by 60%, with only one new schoolplanned anywhere in the State. Fortunately thisnew school is a Primary School in the south ofDoreen. However this has only come aboutdue to the impending overcrowding crisis at ourlocal schools and the ongoing communityoutcry about the lack of schools for our fastgrowing suburbs.

In addition the State Government is stillrefusing to fund the building of other newschools like the much needed high school forthe suburbs of Doreen and Mernda. Withoutthis new school, pressure will continue to befelt on nearby schools such as Diamond ValleyCollege, St Helena SC and GreensboroughCollege, not to mention the extra road chaosfor students to get there. The State Government should take a leaf outof the Catholic Education Office who areplanning to meet the challenge of local growthby building 5 new local schools including a highschool in Doreen.

The community can rest assured that I willcontinue to argue for increased funds toimprove our local schools and support hardpressed families. If you want to find moreinformation or to get a petition in support ofeither the fight for a high school for Doreen andMernda or the vital upgrade for Greensborough

College, do not hesitate to contact me. You canalso find out more information on the Facebookpage ‘Doreen-And-Mernda-Secondary-School-Alliance’.

Re-Opening of Austin Health’s Op ShopI was delighted to be at the opening of theAustin Diamond Creek Auxiliary’s new OpShop. The new store is testament to thecommunity campaigners and volunteers whofought to keep the Op Shop in Diamond Creekafter the previous one was closed due to healthand safety concerns. This Shop aside fromraising funds for the amazing Austin Hospital,is a real hub for the community and providesgreat volunteering opportunities and a chat. Ihope to see you there to snare a bargain!

Danielle Green MPState Member for Yan YeanElectorate Office:Suite 3, 14 Yan Yean Road, Diamond Creek, 3089PO Box 376, Diamond Creek, 3089Ph: 03 9432-9782 Fax: 03 9432-9793E: danielle.green@parliament.vic.gov.auwww.daniellegreen.org.auwww.facebook.com/daniellegreenmptwitter.com/DanielleGreenMP

now online www.diamondcreeknews.comAutumn 2013

Danielle with Austin Health Op-Shop volunteer, Joy Barton, who turned 80 on the dayof the reopening and her husband Terry. Volunteering keeps you young like Joy. HappyBirthday Joy!

Diamond Creek NewsPage 10 Autumn 2013

What a busy few months we have enjoyedat DCE Preschool.

The children in one of our four year oldgroups was visited by a bee keeper, whocame dressed in her protective gear. Shedescribed to the children how it kept hersafe from stings. We were able to see andsmell the “smoker” that is used tostun/slow down the bees for easycollection of honey. We could see theintricate and amazing ability of bees inconstructing their hive. We then learnedhow important bees are for ourenvironment.

In addition to this silkworms have beendeveloping over the past few weeks andnow that they are easily visible haveprovided children with opportunities to askquestions as well as make their ownobservations. Outdoors we have delighted

children discovering snails, millipedes,slaters and the odd centipede. Togetherwe look at where they have been found- isit light or dark under the stump? Is thesand where you found all the snails? Weencourage the children to make their owndeductions from their observations.

We recently celebrated Children's weekwith many fun activities. One of our fouryear old groups dressed in their finestPrincess and Pirate costumes andprepared and baked delicious pizza. Ourthree year old group celebrated Children'sweek with a visit from the Drama Toolbox.We celebrated the Circus with costumesand music supplied by our presenter. Wepranced and jumped like ponies aroundthe ring. The pretend lions and tigers keptsneaking out of their cage because thering master kept forgetting to lock their

cage! We all cheered as the tight ropewalkers balanced on the tight rope andlaughed as the children dressed asclowns entertained us and those naughtyelephants sprayed us with water. It waswonderful to watch as the childrenlaughed and smiled as they waited to takethe floor to perform. This dramatic play isa great opportunity for the children to usetheir imagination and express themselves.

Diamond Creek East Pre-School

We may be in autumn according to thecalendar, but the hot, dry weather which hascharacterised the 2012/13 summer iscontinuing. This means continued work forbusy local CFA volunteers, who have workedhard this summer both near and far fromhome.

Diamond Creek CFA has sent volunteers ina range of roles to many of the major firesthis summer, including the Heyfield(Portland) fire, the Aberfeldy-Donnelly Creek(Gippsland) fire, the Hotham Heights fire andthe Craigieburn-Epping fire. As well as thesefires, local volunteers also attended anumber of medium sized fires in the localarea, including two Kangaroo Ground fires(Nicholas Lane and Nillumbik Farm Drive)and another in Arthurs Creek (Eagles NestRd). We have also assisted within the localCFA district at medium sized fires in otherareas, such as Sunbury.

The local volunteers who worked at thesefires did so in diverse roles. Most of thoseinvolved in these fires spent countless hourson firefighting tankers on both short-haul(one day) and long haul (three day) striketeams (a strike team consists of five tankersfrom the local area, led by a strike teamleader in a car). We also supplied crewleaders, strike team leaders, sectorcommanders and other specialisedoperational members.

As well as these operational members whoworked on the fireground, we also hadmembers working in various Incident ControlCentres (ICCs) throughout the summer,including Kangaroo Ground ICC, GisborneICC and the State Control Centre (SCC) inthe city. Diamond Creek members working atICCs had varying roles in incident/operationsmanagement, administration, logistics andsafety management. We also had a memberworking in a post-fire debriefing andeducation role. This member was involved inworking with fire-affected communities inboth Gippsland and Epping/Wollert,providing local residents with up-to-dateinformation on fire behaviour and planningfor bushfire survival. Finally, the local Brigadealso has two members involved in theextensive CFA peer support program. Thesemembers assisted many fellow CFAmembers (and their families) when theyencountered critical incident stress or welfareissues associated with their CFA work.

All this work was conducted on top of theBrigade’s usual requirement to respond tolocal incidents and support neighbouringBrigades at their incidents. Indeed, this wasa busy summer for the Brigade with regard tothese local incidents also, with one weekendin particular requiring attendance at tenseparate incidents - only one of which was afalse alarm.

The Brigade would like to take thisopportunity to acknowledge and thank thelocal employers who have allowed their CFAvolunteer employees time away from theworkplace to protect their community.Without the support of these generousemployers, it would be very difficult toefficiently protect the local community andyour flexibility in this situation is gratefullyacknowledged. We also acknowledge andthank the families of the Diamond Creek CFAvolunteers who have allowed their lovedones to attend incidents, often for manyhours or days at a time. Again, your supportand understanding allows us all to live in asafer community.

For those of you who have contemplatedjoining us in the Diamond Creek CFA, wehave a number of diverse roles which youcan become involved in – you don’tnecessarily have to become a firefighter. Wewelcome all expressions of interest, soplease come and see us any Sundaymorning at the station.


Diamond Creek News Page 11

2013 has already been a busy time forus. Recently our members enjoyed thechallenge of repairing a dinghy forWoodridge Preschool and giving a handto the newly opened Austin HealthDiamond Creek Auxiliary OpportunityShop. We also helped out at a CleanupAustralia site in conjunction with Friendsof Watery Gully and Diamond ValleyLions Club.

Members enjoyed visiting the Habitat forCommunity Ringwood ReStore Centre.We learnt a lot about the great low costhousing that they build and had adelightful BBQ lunch with the Habitat folk.Interest in our activities remains high, andwe continue to receive a steady flow ofenquiries. Several new members havejoined since Christmas. It is gratifying tosee strong friendships developingbetween members that were previouslystrangers.Shed members have been very busysince moving into the shed. There havebeen many improvements. Lots ofpainting has been done in and around thebuilding making it look a lot smarter. Ourworkshop and passive recreation areaare now separate areas, thanks to a newinternal wall. This has reduced the spreadof dust and noise and created a pleasantarea to socialise.Preparations are well underway for ourGrand Opening on 22nd March. We are

looking forward to showing off our shed,celebrating our achievements, andsaying thank you to our many supporters.Our famous $5 Tuesday lunchescontinue to be a great hit, complete withprinted menus. Maybe our motto shouldbe “Eating shoulder to shoulder” You don’t need to be a “tradie” to join; wehave members from many backgrounds.

Visitors are always welcome, give us acall and have a chat. We’re alwayslooking for new members. Contact ourMembership Secretary John Spano on94383984 or via Emaildcms3089@gmail.com. Our website iswww.theshedonline.org.au/dcmsGary Burke – Secretary

“Working Shoulder to Shoulder, Contributing to our Community”

Autumn 2013


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Autumn 2013

Keep this date free!

This year, the Diamond Creek RotaryTown Fair will be held on Saturday 21stSeptember. The fair will have all theusual attractions and many more. TheGrand Parade will again be featured and

there will be many activities and events forthe whole family to enjoy.More details in a future edition of theDiamond Creek News. We look forwardto seeing you at the fair!

2013 Diamond Creek Rotary Town Fair

School’s back for 2013! We’re happy to beback at Diamond Creek East PrimarySchool and glad to see so many smilingfaces ready to learn every day!

It’s been a great start to the year so far.We would like to welcome three newteachers to our school– Miss GabrielleGlide (Grade 3/4), Mrs Rachel Wilson(Grade 4/5) and Miss Brittney Pearce(Grade 5/6). We are sure that these newteachers will be wonderful additions to ourterrific staff.

Our 57 new preps have settled well andare getting used to the daily routines ofschool. Their unit in first term looks atstarting school, getting to know each otherand the importance of having rules atschool and at home.

Our Grade 1/2 students are looking

forward to Jets Gymnastics in the BendigoBank Stadium later this term. They willalso be starting the year by learning aboutour local community, and the people whohelp us in Diamond Creek.

Our Grade 3/4 students are very excitedto be cooking this term, as part of our‘Feeling Fabulous-Kids in the Kitchen

Program’. The students will be cookingthree different dishes this term, and they(and their teachers!) are looking forward

to sampling all of them! The Grade 3/4students will also be starting SciencePlatoons in Week 5, and will be involved ina range of exciting weekly scienceexperiments until the end of the term.

Our Grade 5/6 students have a busy termahead, learning about Local, State andFederal Government in the first half of this

term, and then Early Australian Settlementand the Gold Rush for the remainder ofthe term. They are also getting ready foran exciting camping experience at LadyNorthcote Camp in Bacchus Marsh inMarch. Part of the camp includes a day tripto Sovereign Hill, which supports theirInquiry Unit.

Another exciting event on our DCEcalendar is our School Fair which will beheld this year on Sunday, March 17, 2013from 10:00am to 4:00pm. The Fair, whichis organised and run by our terrific PTFCCommittee, includes a Talent Quest, avariety of Rides, an Art Show, Food Stallsand Entertainment. Everyone is welcomeand we hope to see you there!

We’ve had a great start to the year andthere is already lots happening at ourschool. If you are interested to see ourschool in action, please call our schooloffice on 9438-1413 and organise a tour.

Kassie Papuga


Diamond Creek News Page 13Autumn 2013

The Diamond Creek News needs new advertisers.Contact Oliver Thompson on 0423 531 370 for more info

Support your local Community Paper!

Page 14 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

The Diamond Creek traders have set up collection systems to recycle globes,

household batteries and car batteries.The following can be recycled at:

Globes and fluorescent tubesDiamond Valley Mitre1095 Main Hurstbridge Road

Household batteriesDiamond Valley Mitre1095 Main Hurstbridge Road

Car batteries Maverick Auto Electrical14 Elizabeth Street

Printer toner cartridgesNextComm Computers70 Main Hurstbridge Road (next to Blockbuster)Pro-bit Computers6/60 Main Hurstbridge RoadDiamond Creek Post Shop 16/72 Main Hurstbridge Road

PaintPaint can no longer be accepted by Mitre10. Please drop unwanted paint to Banyule Waste Recovery CentreCorner Waterdale Road and

Refer to our website below for opening times.Alternatively book a Nillumbik Hard Waste Collection. T: 9433 3111

Clothing & nic nacks

42 Chute StreetNicely Saved50 Main Hurstbridge RoadAustin Health

42-44 Main Hurstbridge Road Please note: dumping items outside the front of premises is illegal and may lead to prosecution. It also makes our township look untidy. Charity bins are located at Diamond Creek Shopping Centre car park and behind Shell Service Station.


The Diamond Creek traders care about out environment, not just in Diamond Creek, but beyond.

Winners of the 2011

Practically Green Festival – Small

to Medium Business


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Diamond Creek News Page 15Autumn 2013

Better Buddies at Sacred Heart PrimaryBuddy systems contribute to the creation ofsafe, friendly and caring environments inwhich respect is a key value and childrenlearn the skills associated with empathy andcompassion through consciously constructedactivities and by looking after and caring forother people. This helps to combat bullyingand other forms of anti social behaviour suchas harassment and teasing.

During week 3 at Sacred Heart we held TheBetter Buddies Welcome which is the firstkey event of the year and takes place whenjunior buddies begin their first year of school.This event begins to establish therelationship between junior and senior

buddies, with a focus on supporting transitionand making the junior buddy feel safe andcared for in the new school environment.The focus of the key event is to support thejunior buddies with their transition to schoolto ensure they feel welcome and safe, andto build familiarity with their new schoolenvironment and have a person they can goto for help. Each fortnight our buddies meetto work together. These events areopportunities for all buddies, to have funwhilst further embedding the Buddy Valuesinto the School’s culture. Through thestructured activities and the key events, theBuddy Values then become a deeply integralpart of the school, and even community

culture. Buddies, teachers and parentsbegin to live the Buddy Values in theclassroom, the playground and at home,creating safe, caring and empathicrelationships.

Catholic Education Week 10th – 17th March,2013

We welcome anyone who would like a tour ofour school to contact the Office to arrange amutually convenient time. Please phone9438-1590 or visit our websitewww.shdiamondcreek.catholic.edu.au

Easter TimetableHoly Thursday: 27th March7.30pm Sacred Heart, Diamond Creek

Good Friday: 28th March1.30pm St. Thomas Greensborough North3pm Sacred Heart, Diamond Creek

Ecumenical Way of the Cross held at bothchurches at 11.00am

Easter Vigil Saturday: 30th March7.30pm St. Thomas Greensborough NorthNorth

Easter Sunday: 31st March8.30am Sacred Heart, Diamond Creek10.30am St. Thomas Greensborough North




IS HOSTING A 2 DAY EXHIBITIONSaturday 25thand Sunday 26th May 2013

10am to 4pm

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ELLIS COTTAGE10 Nillumbik Square, Diamond CreekContact: Gwen Myers, NHS Secretary - 9718 2263

Page 16 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

SANDRA SHELLCertificate 4 in Accounting












Banyule View Club meets on the firstTuesday of each month.

April Meeting Tuesday 2nd at 11 amGreensborough R.S.L. Meeting,lunch, Guest speaker Eric Pantherwill speak about some of hisextensive range of Collectables.

May meeting Tuesday 7th at 11 amGreensborough R.S.L. Market Daystall, meeting, lunch, followed by apractical session using the kitprovided by Ambulance Victoria.In keeping with our ‘lets have fun’,our March meeting is a Birthdaymeeting and we will be wearing asmuch ‘bling’ as possible (this isoptional) if you are too embarrassedto wear it to the meeting, bring it andput it on at the meeting.

March outing Tuesday 19th Trip toOld Treasury Building where anexhibition of Historic Trams with theirhistory displayed.

April outing Tuesday 16th Trip toArmidale Heritage Arcade.

May outing – Morning Melodies atKarralyka Centre, Ringwood.

New members welcome. Enquiries: Margaret - 9439.9965

Diamond Creek News Page 17Autumn 2013

JAMBOREE 2013On the 1st of January 2013, 21 scoutsand 2 leaders from 1st DiamondCreek Scout Group, embarkedon the adventure of a lifetime.After 28 hours on a bus, wearrived at Maryborough inQueensland. The heat wasunbelievable, about 38degrees and 85% humidity.We spent the first day settingup our campsite, our homeaway from home for the next 10days.

12,000 Scouts from all over Australia andinternationally, had travelled to Queenslandfor AJ2013. We enjoyed amazing activitiessuch as ‘Splash It’ – a day of water activities

a tHervey Bay, ‘Challenge It’ – a series ofobstacle courses and games in the mud and‘Love It’ – a day at Australia Zoo. Some of

the other activities were ‘Smash It’, ‘EndureIt’, ‘Climb It’ and ‘Clown It’.

Every night we had amazingperformers entertain us, Reece

Mastin, Jessica Maubouy,Cosintino, Timomatic andJustice Crew. As well aslocal bands andcomedians.

It took a gruelling 30 hours totravel back to Melbourne to

deliver 21 exhausted andextremely grubby Scouts back to

their parents.

An amazing camp, never to be forgotten.

Kristen Versteege-BrownScout Leader - 1st Diamond Creek Scouts

Scouting Around Diamond Creek

The Diamond Creek News needs new advertisers.Contact Oliver Thompson on 0423 531 370 for more info

Support your local Community Paper!

Page 18 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

Over the Labour Day long weekend, DiamondCreek Fire Brigade sent an eight-personsquad to the CFA State Championships forurban fire brigades in Warrnambool. The threedays of competition saw many events beingcontested, including two marchingcompetitions and a host of events designedto challenge firefighters’ running andequipment-handling skills.

Diamond Creek Fire Brigade was once a forceto be reckoned with at these championships,however over the past ten years, the Brigadehas not competed at this level. As such, 2013was the first time the Brigade had competed ata State level for quite some time and virtuallyall those competing had not previouslycompeted at this level. As such, many monthsof training were required not only to masterthe basic competition manoeuvres, but torefine them for State level competition.

It was, therefore, with immense pride (and acertain amount of surprise!) that the Brigade

won the second of the two marchingcompetitions, the coveted torchlightprocession. This is the same style ofmarching/competition seen during theDiamond Creek Town Fair torchlightprocession, but on a much larger scale. Thisyear, 67 Brigades from all around the Statecompeted. To win this event after many yearsaway from competition – not to mention whilecompeting against the best Brigades in theState - is an incredible feat and one whichshows the hard work and dedication of thistight-knit team. Congratulations to RobertFoote (Commander), Ross Kummer, FionaMacken, Howard Jeffrey-Wright, KathleenMcInerney, Peter Clarkson and Chris Droge.

In addition to winning the torchlightcompetition, much success (and experience)was had in other events. The Brigade came7th in their division of the Discipline marchingcompetition (military-style marching), whilerunners competed successfully in the one-

man marshalling event (Neville Goddard,Chris Droge); the two-man marshalling event(Neville Goddard/Chris Droge and RobertFoote/Kathleen McInerney) and the four-manmarshalling event (Neville Goddard/ChrisDroge/Robert Foote/Kathleen McInerney).Marshalling events see competitors placinghydrants in the ground andcoupling/uncoupling hoses in a specific order– all in the fastest time possible.

The Brigade now has its sights set on somelocal up-coming torchlight competitions(Sunbury and Plenty) as well as the localmarshalling competition (the Foothillscompetition) which runs throughout the wintermonths.

The competition squad would like to take thisopportunity to publicly thank Adrian Hem andAnthony Rogers for the advice and guidancethey provided during the past several monthsof training.


Local Brigade tastes success at the 2013 CFA State Urban Championships

now online www.diamondcreeknews.com

Diamond Creek News Page 19Autumn 2013

Marching Squad members from left; Kathleen McInernyHoward Jeffery-Wright, Chris Droge, Commander Rob Foote,Ross Kummer, Fiona Macken and Peter Clarkson

Running Team members from left; Rob Foote, KathleenMcInerny, Chris Droge and Neville Goddard

Rob Foote and Kathleen McInerny competing in the Two ManMarshall event

Chris Droge competing in the One Man Marshall event

Commander Rob Foote leads the Diamond Creek team on theirway to victory in the 2013 CFA State Urban Torchlight Parade.

Neville Goddard, deep in thought as he prepares himself for theHydrant Race.

All competing brigades are in readiness for the Opening Ceremony.

Page 20 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

DIAMONDVALLEYCOLLEGEIt has been a very good start to the year atDiamond Valley College as we welcomed145 Year 7 students and more than 30 othernew students to the school.

World Challenge 2012In December 2012 a team of 5 students –Madison Brown, Matt Gilmartin, MitchellLockett, Ash Bown-Grice, RebeccaMacFarlane – along with teacher ZoeSlatter participated in the World Challengein Thailand and Laos. This included achallenging 6 day trek from Chang Maiexperiencing white water rafting, bamboorafting, elephant riding and sleeping inhammock bashes. Then after n a 2 dayslow boat trip to a small village near LuangPrabang (Laos), they began the projectphase of the challenge. This involvedinteracting with the locals by helping build awater pipe line and the opportunity to teachthe children English and play lots of gameswith them. After the completion of theproject, the team spent time in Vientiane,

the capital city of Laos, before the long 9hour flight back home to Melbourne .

Australian Schools Space DesignCompetition National Finals.Over January, Daniel Elward and JoshRichardson travelled to the University ofQueensland with their Science Teacher,David Carnie, to compete in the AustralianSchools Space Design CompetitionNational Finals. Daniel and Josh teamed upwith three other secondary schools to forma company of twenty six students whichcompeted against two other companiesfrom other secondary schools from aroundAustralia. Their task was to design a spacestation in orbit around the moon to fullysupport 5000 permanent residents and upto 600 non-permanent or transientresidents. Each of the teams had to give a20 minute presentation to the judging panelmade up of professional Engineers from thelocal Brisbane area. It is to their immensecredit that Daniel’s and Josh’s teamprovided the best presentation thus winningthe competition. Congratulations to Daniel,Josh and David.

Year 7 Start Up ProgramOn Wednesday 30th January our Year 7students began their year with the Start Upprogram where students participated in a

range of activities to help them to becomefamiliar with the school and to get to knowtheir new classmates and teachers. TheStart Up program also focuses on goalsetting, organization and team buildingwhich is helping our Year 7 students makea happy and confident transition tosecondary school.

Year 12 Study ConferenceAlso on Wednesday 30th January, our Year12 students commenced their year with aConference Day held at NMIT’s ConferenceCentre in Preston. This excellent venueprovided a great setting for a day in whichstudents participated in workshops led byHannah Macdougall, who is a paralympian,from the VCE Help organization. The focuson such matters as study skills,organization and time management as wellas providing information about thementoring program has provided aneffective foundation from which studentscan commence this very important year.

Swimming CarnivalOn Wednesday 27th February the annualCollege Swimming Carnival was held at theDoncaster Aquarena Aquatic and LeisureCentre. Fortunately, we were able to enjoya fine and warm day with the rain holdingoff until just as the last students wereboarding the bus to return to school. It wasa most successful carnival continuing ourtradition of high levels of participationwhether it be in the swimming events, thediving competitions, novelty events, thewater slide or the beach volleyballcompetition. With so many studentsdressing up in house colours and fancydress, the competition for the best costumewas hotly contested with our Year 12students setting a particularly highstandard. Green House eventuallyaccumulated the most points to take out theSwimming Carnival Shield.

Greg WilliamsPrincipal

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Diamond Creek News Page 21Autumn 2013

Diamond Valley Mitre 10 - Timberking

95 Hurstbridge Road, Diamond Creek, 3089 Phone - 9438 2077

We're the Mighty Helpful independent hardware storecommitted to giving you the best brands at great prices!

Opening HoursMon-Fri: 7am -5.30pmSat: 8am - 5.00pm

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Page 22 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

Retaining walls Lawn Mowing Irrigation Systems Brush Cutting Drainage Farm Fencing & Gates Paths & Edging Rabbit Proof Fencing Pruning & Tree Removals Rabbit Baiting Clean up & Rubbish Removal Garden MulchingRoof & Gutter Cleaning Weed SprayingFront end loader Back hoe Pressure washingPost holes Chainsaw work

Excavations & trenching Tractor grass slashing

Phone: Lachlan 0408 172 891 E-mail: lachlandevlin@hotmail.com

All Aspects of Landscape

Construction & Maintenance


Qualified LandscaperABN: 48 289 125 566

Players and coaches come and go but onefootball icon has remained the same.Thisyear the Diamond Creek Football Club willcelebrate its 125th year.

In order to commemorate the occasionformer committee members, coaches,players and supporters will be invited to joinin the celebration at a gala event which isnot to be missed on Friday, April 26th. 2013at Ivanhoe Town Hall.

HistoryDiamond Creek can boast a long, illustrioushistory which has seen us enjoypremiership success, in four distinct eras,in several different competitions. Formed in1888 the club competed in the Whittlesea

District Football Association withoutwinning any premierships. In 1906 the clubwas a founding member of the BourkeEvelyn Football League. The change ofstamping ground obviously did the sidegood as it promptly claimed the inauguralBEFL flag followed by a second place finishin 1907 and another premiership in 1908.This was effectively the first of DiamondCreek's four eras of success. The secondsuch era occurred during the 1920s. In1922 Diamond Creek was one of sevenfoundation members of the Diamond ValleyFootball League. The club was a force inthis new league from the outset, and wentto take out the premierships in both 1924and 1926. There then followed more than

half a century of predominantly mediocreshowings which were finally brought to anend by the club's first, and to date only,back to back premiership triumphs in 1981and 1982. The 1981 season had seen theDVFL split into two divisions, with both ofthe Demons' successes coming in the topflight. However, the last of the club's foureras of success involved a trio of seconddivision flags, in 1992, 1998 and 2005.

PremiershipsBourke Evelyn Football League

1906, 1908 Diamond Valley Football League




Celebrating 125 years - 1888 - 2013

If you have any information, photos or memorabiliathat you would be willing to share or for any furtherinformation on the event please contact either, Glenn'Mushy" Walle: 0438 024361, Caliem O'Connor: 0408090 378 Brian Harvey: 0414 235 302 or ClubHistorian -Gary "Tarax" Marchant: 0413 458 516

Be a part of history in 2013 and help celebrate

125 years of the Diamond Creek Football Club

Diamond Creek News Page 23Autumn 2013

Page 24 Diamond Creek News

Eltham GlassPty Ltd

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942 Main Rd, Hurstbridge, 3099 Phone: (03) 9718 1988

Horse Rug Repairs

Stock & Pet FeedNOW AVAILABLE!!!

CHAFF/PELLETS LARGE RANGE OF ALL THEPOPULAR BRANDS for your horse Chook, bird, Cat & Dog Food etc

You will be pleasantly surprised at our prices!

EASTER AND FESTIVAL OF ARTSSaturday and Sunday 23/24 March is thetime to enjoy another Festival of Arts at theUniting Church in Diamond Creek.

This year our theme is “Memories”. We areincorporating memorial celebrations,including the 50th anniversary of theChurch Hall and displays of notablecommunity events remembered from thepast.

Our members will display their handicrafts:quilts, ceramics, paintings, woodwork,photographs and memorabilia, with manya shared story.

Refreshments, music and a friendly

atmosphere will welcome visitors.

On Sunday afternoon at 2.30 pm, theChurch Choir and Diamond Valley Singerswill present the oratorio “The Crucifixion”by John Stainer.

We invite you all to share this communityevent with us.

EASTER SERVICESPalm Sunday 24 March9.00am Hurstbridge 10.30am Diamond Creek

Maundy Thursday 28 March7.30pm Diamond Creek

Good Friday 29 March

9.00am Hurstbridge 11.00am Marngrook Oval Diamond Creek(ecumenical service)

Easter Day 31 March9.00am Hurstbridge 10.30am Diamond Creek

For further information about the UnitingChurch in Diamond Creek and Hurstbridge, please contact Rev LoniVaitohi on 9438 1107, or see ourinformative websitewww.diamondvalley.unitingchurch.org.au


Autumn 2013

now online www.diamondcreeknews.com

Diamond Creek News Page 25

WelcomeFirstly, welcome back to everyone. I hope youhad a safe and restful holiday season!A special welcome to our new Prep friends,and to Lily, Plum, Austin and Yumi in the olderclasses. We also welcome new staff, Mr. PaulGrech (Year 4/5/6) and Mr. Tristan Pierce(Library). Our 11 new Preps have also madea very settled start to the year!

We Grow ArtOur fabulous ‘We grow Art’ mural is on displayin the corridor. The painted disks werecreated by students and their families at lastyears Arts night so please come and have alook!Eliza Venosta

School Captains 2013Congratulations to our School Captains of2013 - Lily, Daniel, James and Oliver

Upcoming EventsYear 5/6 Leadership Day on March 20 atPanton Hill

Celebrating Harmony Day on March 21,WGPS will hold a Big Breakfast morning withbacon, eggs, cereal and fruit, beginning at8.15am. Funds raised go towards the CancerCouncil

Wattle Glen Family Fun Day 2013Sunday March 24, between 9.30am and2.30pm at Wattle Glen PS, SunnysideCrescent Wattle Glen. Rides, Car Boot Sale,second hand books and clothes stall, foodcourt, raffles, animal farm and more!Contact the school if you would like to securea car boot sale site!

A little bit of Spain Comes to sunny WattleGlenmaria Pena will introduce Spanish to thecurriculum program at WGPS from March2013. The weekly sessions will allow studentsto learn about another culture. Each term willend with a Spanish themed day, includingCarnivale. We look forward to this fantasticprogram!

2013 Whole School PlayPlans are underway for the whole school play.Work behind the scenes has already begun!Look out for more information to followshortly!

Follow us on Twitter @WATTLEGPSAnd/or visit our new website atwww.wattlegps.vic.edu.au/

If you would like a personalised tour of the school, please contact Gerard on 9438 1259. For more information, please visit us at - http://www.wattlegps.vic.edu.au/


now online www.diamondcreeknews.comAutumn 2013

Page 26 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

now online www.diamondcreeknews.com

Diamond Creek News Page 27Autumn 2013

MEDICAL COMPANION TRANSPORT PILOT PROGRAM – MARCH TO MAY 2013Need a travel companion for medical or healthcare appointments? Nillumbik Shire Council is running a Medical Companion Pilot Program.

If you or someone you know doesn’t drive and needs to get to a healthcare appointment or health-related activity, phone Anna Maio on 9433 3371 or email Anna.Maio@nillumbik.vic.gov.au for further information.

2013 AUSTRALIA DAY AWARDSCongratulations to Nillumbik’s 2013 Australia Day Award winners.

Nillumbik Citizens of the Year:Laurence and Jean McQuade

Nillumbik Young Citizen of the Year:Brett Davies Nillumbik Senior Citizen of the Year:Mrs Noel Williams Nillumbik Community Group of the Year:Nillumbik U3A (University of the Third Age)

Nillumbik Volunteer of the Year:Pam Lawson


CAN YOU HELP LOCAL PARENTS?We are seeking volunteers to mentor local parents of small children and babies who might be temporarily struggling with the adjustment to parenting.

We are looking for volunteers who are open-minded, compassionate, have experience parenting children and have a good listening ear! We will provide training and

community role.

If you are interested please contact Pia Cerveri, Family and Children’s Services, on Pia.Cerveri@nillumbik.vic.gov.au or 9433 3165,Mondays and Wednesdays.


Throughout the month of March, activities and events will be held in Nillumbik to celebrate the summer harvest, including the Home Harvest Feast on 17 March 2013.

Find out more about Harvest Month at www.nillumbik.vic.gov.au

The Home Harvest Feast is sponsored by Real Food Catering and Village Food Connections and is supported by Nillumbik Shire Council, Banyule City Council, Local Food Connect, Bulleen Art and Garden, Nillumbik Community Health Service and Sustainable Gardening Australia.


d by

Art alth ustralia.

INTERESTED IN JOINING COUNCIL’S GRANT ASSESSMENT PANEL?We are looking for six people to join Council’s grant assessment panel.

The panel will provide objective and independent recommendations to Council about grant applications in the following areas:

For an expression of interest form, terms of reference and more information visit www.nillumbik.vic.gov.au/communitygrants. Expressions of interest close Monday 4 March 2013.


E-WASTENillumbik residents are now able to bring their unwanted televisions and e-waste items to the Recycling and Recovery Centre.

Some items such as televisions, printers, computer monitors and accessories are accepted free of charge.Other e-waste items are accepted for a fee; these include CRT (cathode ray tube) televisions that have been removed

equipment, computer game consoles and accessories.

Recycling and Recovery Centre

For more information call 9433 3555 or visit www.nillumbik.vic.gov.au .

Page 28 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

Yes they do!RoadSafe Metropolitan North Eastern Inc (orRoadSafe MNE) is a volunteer group thatmeets monthly to discuss local RoadSafeissues and implement potential solutions.

Have you seen messages such as “Turn this(mobile phone) off....before you turn this (car)on” displayed on a banner trailer at theentrance to the Ring Road?

Do you have a footy fixture which has amotorcycle safety awareness message on it?

Has your son or daughter attended aFit2Drive session at school?

Have you had your child car seat checked forcorrect fitting at a local event?

Did you fill in a motorcycle survey, as a result

of which several local roads were reviewed?Have your received information on how tostay safe as a pedestrian?

These are all programs run by RoadSafeMNE in conjunction with other partners.

RoadSafe MNE covers the Nillumbik,Whittlesea and Banyule municipalities and isa community road safety council. The groupand its programs are funded throughVicRoads after determining whichareas/groups to focus on.

RoadSafe MNE prides itself on the programsit has developed to assist in reducing seriousinjuries and fatalities on local roads; with astrong focus on the community the groupencourage issues to be raised which are thenaddressed.

If you are interested in road safety and would

like to become a member or the group, or ifyou have feedback on a road safety concernin your area, please contact our group.

RoadSafeMNE@gmail.com.auRoadSafe Metropolitan North EasternPO Box 414, Diamond Creek, VIC 3089

Does anyone care about thesafety on the roads in my area?

Diamond Creek News Page 29Autumn 2013

Jets Gymnastics Diamond Creek has had afabulous start to 2013 with enrolmentnumbers at an all time high and a real buzzaround the club. In January the club wasawarded the 2012 WAG Club of the Year, thisis a wonderful achievement by the club andacknowledgement of the outstandingcontribution the club has made in thegymnastics community over more than 21years. Ross Bouskill Director of JetsGymnastics said "We are all very proud ofthis achievement and it is wonderfulrecognition of the programs and people thatmake Jets one of the best gymnastics centresin Australia"

The club is also very excited to welcome LizGardner to the role of Centre Manager at JetsDiamond Creek. Liz is a Dual WinterOlympian, ex champion gymnast at Jets,qualified school teacher and has resided inthe area for most of her life. Liz brings awealth of experience to the role of Centre

Manager and will no doubt be a wonderfulrole model for all the students and staff at thecentre.

Jets Diamond Creek is planning tocommence a Cheerleading program for girlsin the near future. Cheerleading is awonderful sport combining dance, acrobaticsand tumbling and is also a wonderful teambuilding sport. Jets has also recentlycommenced tumbling classes for dance &calisthenics girls wishing to improve theiracrobatic ability, or for those who just wish tolearn basic tumbling. The Diamond CreekCentre is the ideal environment to learn thesetumbling skills as it has 4 large trampolines, 1x 14m long tumbling trampoline, 3 air floors,a huge olympic sized sprung floor, foam pitsand loads of ancillary equipment. This makesskill learning safe and progressive. If you areinterested in either the Cheerleading orTumbling program contact the centre on 94388940.

The centre recently conducted its first ever"Open Day" with 75 children of all agesexperiencing gymnastics for the first time. Allthe participants had a chance to try all sortsof activities on Bars, Beam, Trampoline,Vault, Rings & Floor and all left with a hugesmile and a Jets show bag. Gymnastics isjust the most wonderful sport for children tobe involved in developing great strength,flexibility and coordination which in turn leadsto greater self confidence and this transfersto all sorts of sports. Vacancies still exist inmany classes and Free Try outs are a greatway to see if your child can benefit fromgymnastics.

Ross Bouskill | DirectorCommunity Bank Stadium, Main Hurstbridge Road, Diamond CreekPhone: 03 9438 8940 Email: diamondcreek@jetsgym.com.au



Hello to all our readers for the first time in2013, trust that the start of the year has beengood to you and will continue to be kind to youall.

This is a very special year for us, 50thAnniversary celebrations coming up fast.APRIL is the month 18th is the DAY. TIME:1.30p.m. PLACE: Diamond Creek UnitingChurch Hall, Corner of Wensley Street andMain Road, Diamond Creek. Yes goodfriends, after attempting to celebrate one yeartoo early we have learnt to count at last and2013 is the year.

An Anniversary Celebration Cake has beenordered for our Afternoon Tea Party, with ourcommittee providing other delicious treats tomake this an afternoon to remember andenjoy. The main ingredient is YOU and weneed you to come and help us to celebrate in

true Diamond Creek style. Get those pensout and mark it on the calendar in RED.

April will be a celebration month for ourBranch, we were overwhelmed to discoverthat on Tuesday 23rd April, Save the ChildrenVictorian Branches are being invited toGovernment House for morning tea incelebration of Volunteers Day. Our DiamondCreek Branch will be a focal point because weare celebrating our 50th Anniversary.

Now for the business end of this article inearly April we intend to be present atWarringal Shopping Centre, Heidelberg, for aweek long stall as yet we have not receivednotification of the exact date. Keep lookingfor us down at Warringal which has been agreat location for us in past years. We havea good stock of baby jackets and wool rugsand warm woolly hats just the thing for coldermonths coming up. A one day stall was heldoutside Coles, Diamond Creek store onJanuary 25 and $600 was raised.

Save the Children Australia awarded ourPresident Pam Markus ‘Member of the Month’for February. Following is a précis written

about Pam in our bi-monthly newsletter:

‘Pam has been a loyal supporter of Save theChildren for over 40 years. The DiamondCreek Branch started 50 years ago around akitchen table of Stella Graham a local UnitingChurch member. Today Pam and committeerun stalls at shopping centres and communityevents selling craft, home-made jams andknitted garments. Pam’s networking over theyears has paid off as bags and boxes of theabove donations are dropped off at her frontdoor. We would like to thank Pam and thewhole branch so much for half a century ofhard work and dedication to the well-being ofchildren all around the world.’

Goodbye for now and we will see you inperson we hope on THURSDAY, APRIL 18th,at our celebratory afternoon tea for those 50years of hard work and lots of fun and laughsas well.

Jill Pittle

Page 30 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

now online www.diamondcreeknews.com




TAC & WORKCOVERFor Appointment

Phone 9438 1404 or 0412 403 293Diamond Creek News Page 31

The Rotary Club of Diamond Creek ispassionate about Shelter Box. So, what isa Shelter Box?

It is a Project Partner of RotaryInternational and provides emergencyshelter and life-saving supplies to familieswho have lost everything to disasters,

both natural and manmade. Thecornerstone of their aid package is theirdisaster relief tent, large enough toaccommodate en extended family andtough enough to withstand the harshest ofconditions. Also contained in the box is,water purification and cooking equipment;a stove; blankets and groundsheets; atool kit; solar light and children’s activitypack. Mosquito nets and fleecehat/scarf/glove sets are sent as required.Since its’ formation in 2000, Shelter Boxhas responded to over 200 disasters in90+ countries, helping well over onemillion people.

The majority of Shelter Boxes have beensent to overseas countries after a disasterand until this year, only once used inAustralia which was after the BlackSaturday fires in 2009. However, now in2013, Shelter Boxes have been deployedto both Tasmania and Queensland.Shelter Box recently helped families who

had lost their homes in the bush fires thatswept through SE Tasmania. Shelter BoxResponse Team members are on theground in Bundaberg following the recentdevastating floods that have causedmillions of dollars worth of damage andleft at least 7,000 people displaced.

A Shelter Box costs just $1000 and hassufficient equipment to last a family of tenpeople for six months. The Rotary Club ofDiamond Creek raises money for thepurchases of boxes by promoting it togroups within the community and theRotary district. If you would like to knowmore about Shelter Box, please contactAlan on 0414 861 558.

Shelter Box

Autumn 2013

Page 32 Diamond Creek News

Hall’s Funeral Services15 Station Street,Diamond Creek.

An Australian owned and operated familyFuneral business for three generations thatunderstands the needs of people at a time ofgrief.

Pre-arranged and Prepaid Funerals

Telephone: 9438 5416

24 Hours a Day7 Days a Week

now online www.diamondcreeknews.comAutumn 2013

Ness Reserve Preschool has had a wonderfulstart to the year. It’s always an exciting time,full of emotion for both children and parents!Our staggered starts have been valuable forthe children as they become familiar with thekinder in smaller groups, and for the teacherswho have been able to spend time getting toknow each child.

The children have already had manyopportunities to explore the different insideand outside play and learning spaces, andhave been introduced to the routines of a day

at kinder. The transition has been verysmooth and all teachers have spoken of thelovely start they have had with their groups.

The beautiful weather has allowed us tospend lots of time outside, exploring andplaying. Many a delicious cake has beenmade in the sandpit, along side some seriousdigging and excavating. The trampoline hasbeen set up for children to bounce andbalance as they move their bodies. The watertubs have been full of little hands helping theanimals swim, dive and splash, and the

nature table has a collection ofshells and rocks for the childrento examine.

Paint has been popular withmany artworks already senthome to be proudly displayed onthe fridge. Children have beencreating with paint usingbrushes, their hands and evenwith golf balls! One of the threeyear old groups has even

created a roller painting of an ocean scene asthe start of their investigation into seacreatures.

Currently plans for our Easter Family Nightare under way and the kinder is lookingforward to being part of the councils kinderopen day again on Saturday 25th May.Please feel free to come and visit us on thisday between 10am-1pm or call to makeanother time. Our teachers are always happyto answer any questions and show youaround our lovely kinder.

Ness Reserve Preschool

Diamond Creek News Page 33

CLUB CHAMPIONSSome of our inter-club games are still beingplayed, but our Ladies and Men’s ClubChampion’s games were finalised beforeChristmas. Congratulations to the 1912 ClubChampions Jean Robinson and Rick Beran.Both games were close and all who came towatch enjoyed every moment.

BARE FOOT BOWLSAfter a short break over Christmas, thecompetition is on again. So keen are our barefoot bowlers, some ofthem were at the club practising during thebreak. There is a lot of laughter coming fromthe green on Friday nights.A special thanks to Graham Guy fororganising this event.

BOWLING UNDER LIGHTSOn the 23rd March, we are holding ourpopular Chicken and Champaign TwilightCompetition. This night gives the bowlers agreat meal, glass of Champaign and thechance to bowl under lights. Nothing is niceron a warm summer night to bowl under lightsand if the weather is a bit cooler, we just rug

up a bit… still an enjoyable way to bowl.

SPECIAL LUNCHEONOur Social Committee has organised aSunday Lunch on the 17th February.Members and their friends will enjoy a twocourse meal, including pre-lunch Canapésand a drink voucher. No bowling, justeating… what a way to spend a Sundayafternoon.

PENNANTThe Pennant Season is drawing to a closeand with only a few games to play; it looks asif we will have four Teams in Finals, twoSaturday teams and two Tuesday. We wishthese teams all the very best and many of ourmembers will be there cheering them on.The weather has been kind to bowlers thisyear with most games able to be played, therain has held off and the sun not too hot.

We have been pleased to have welcomedsome new bowlers to our club during the pastyear. It is great to watch them enjoying theirbowling and making new friends. If you wouldlike to bowl, our just visit our Club, you wouldbe made most welcome.

For any Information… please phone the clubon 9438 1717. Our Clubrooms are atRecreation Reserve, Diamond Creek.

Sandra Darling - Media.

Autumn 2013

What’s Happening at the… Diamond Creek Bowling Club



Diamond Valley Singers presentation ofThe Crucifixion at 2.30 pm

Diamond Creek Uniting ChurchCorner Wensley Street and Main Road

Diamond Creek

March 23rd 10am to 4pm March 24th Noon to 4pm



Page 34 Diamond Creek News Autumn 2013

Metropolitan North Eastern CommunityRoad Safety Council conducted a childseat restraint checking on Friday 8March, at the Eltham Library. It was avery successful day, with many mums,some dads and grandparents visitingthe Library for their children’simmunisation, while some went to story

time and on the way out took advantageof our service. Our two restraintcheckers worked hard all morning, withthe following results:

� 31 cars checked

� There were 4 international harnesses presented for checking, this is unusually high

� Majority had the shoulder straps too low

� About 80% had twists in the straps

Unlike many of the groups they dealwith they noticed this group appearedto be better educated about the safetyaround the seats and instead of beingthere to just get their seats checked

their questions were very muchfocussed on the next stage, what will Ido next or when this happens etc. so itshowed a good thought process aroundthe safety of travelling with children andthe fact that they would be much morelikely to apply the knowledge they hadgained as opposed to just being able to

get a free seat check.Information around the law and ourfooty fixtures were also given out.

RoadSafe Metropolitan North Eastern

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