Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research...

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Transcript of Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research...

peripheral dr lesions and risk of dr progression v4.0_ 7-21-177 1 of 30

Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research


Peripheral Diabetic Retinopathy (DR)

Lesions on Ultrawide-field Fundus Images

and Risk of DR Worsening Over Time

Version 4.0

July 21, 2017

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Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION______________________________________________________________ 3 1.1 Fundus Images for Determining DR and DME Severity Level .......................................... 3 1.2 Current DRCR.net Imaging Protocols ................................................................................ 4 1.3 Ultrawide Field Fundus Imaging ........................................................................................ 5 1.4 Ultrawide-field Fluorescein Angiography .......................................................................... 7

1.5 Association of Diabetic Retinopathy, Nephropathy and Cardiovascular Complications ... 7 1.6 Summary of Protocol Rationale .......................................................................................... 8 1.7 Study Objective ................................................................................................................... 8 Primary Objective: .................................................................................................................... 8 1.8 Definitions........................................................................................................................... 9

1.9 Study Design and Synopsis of Protocol .............................................................................. 9 1.10 General Considerations ................................................................................................... 12

STUDY PARTICIPANT ELIGIBILITY AND ENROLLMENT ______________________ 13 2.1 Identifying Eligible Participants and Obtaining Informed Consent ................................. 13 2.2 Subject Eligibility and Exclusion Criteria ........................................................................ 13 2.2.1 Eligibility Criteria .......................................................................................................... 13

2.2.2 Study Eye Criteria: ......................................................................................................... 14 2.3 Screening Evaluation and Baseline Testing ...................................................................... 15 2.3.1 Historical Information .................................................................................................... 15

2.3.2 Baseline Testing Procedures .......................................................................................... 15

FOLLOW-UP ________________________________________________________________ 17 3.1 Visit Schedule ................................................................................................................... 17 3.2 Testing Procedures ............................................................................................................ 17 3.2.1 ETDRS Protocol 7 Modified-field Digital Photos During Follow-up ........................... 17

STUDY PROCEDURES _______________________________________________________ 19 4.1 Imaging Procedures .......................................................................................................... 19

4.2 Other Procedures ............................................................................................................... 20

MISCELLANEOUS CONSIDERATIONS IN FOLLOW-UP _________________________ 21 5.0 Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy and Macular Edema ................................................. 21 5.1 Risks and Benefits............................................................................................................. 21

5.2 Study Participant Withdrawal and Losses to Follow-up................................................... 21 5.3 Discontinuation of Study .................................................................................................. 21 5.4 Contact Information Provided to the Coordinating Center ............................................... 21 5.5 Subject Reimbursement .................................................................................................... 22

STATISTICAL CONSIDERATIONS ____________________________________________ 23 6.1 Primary Outcome .............................................................................................................. 23 6.1.1 Primary Outcome Analysis ............................................................................................ 23 6.1.2 Risk Factors ................................................................................................................... 23

6.1.3 Secondary Outcomes ..................................................................................................... 24 6.1.4 Cross-Sectional Analyses............................................................................................... 24 6.1.5 Additional Analysis ....................................................................................................... 26 6.1.6 Fellow Eyes .................................................................................................................... 26

6.2 OCT Angiography Ancillary Study .................................................................................. 26 6.3 Sample Size Estimation .................................................................................................... 26 6.3.1 Detectable Relative Risks .............................................................................................. 27

REFERENCES _______________________________________________________________ 29

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1.1 Fundus Images for Determining DR and DME Severity Level 3 Photographic documentation of the fundus has been the standard method for detecting and assessing 4

severity levels of diabetic retinopathy (DR) and diabetic macular edema (DME) since the Early 5

Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) first utilized seven standard field 35-mm film 6

stereoscopic color photographs and the modified Airlie House classification to demonstrate the 7

characteristics and extent of clinically pertinent lesions of DR.1, 2 ETDRS standardized grading of 8

the presence and severity of multiple lesions, including hemorrhages and microaneurysms, venous 9

caliber abnormalities or intraretinal microvascular abnormalities in each of the 7 standard fields 10

yields an overall level of DR severity. 11


Photographic-documentation of DR lesions by well-established imaging and grading protocols 13

allows standardization of DR assessment across a wide range of study sites. Many multicenter trials 14

have utilized fundus images for grading DR severity. Seminal studies in DR have relied upon 15

ETDRS-protocol stereoscopic fundus photography to record the extent and severity of DR lesions in 16

their study participants. 3 The Diabetic Retinopathy Clinical Research Network (DRCR.net) has 17

also utilized graded fundus images in order to establish DR severity for all of its studies in which 18

DR worsening or severity has been a primary or important secondary outcome, and has shown good 19

agreement between investigator grading of diabetic retinopathy severity level from clinical 20

examination and that obtained by standardized grading of fundus photographs.4 21


Although the ETDRS protocol is well-validated and an established method of image acquisition of 23

fundus photographs for DR severity level determination, it has several disadvantages including the 24

use of film slides and the need for multiple images that are not always well tolerated by study 25

participants exposed to the associated bright camera flashes. Thus, several modifications to the 7 26

standard field stereoscopic film imaging protocol have been evaluated, validated, and widely 27

accepted for clinical research in DR, including the substitution of uncompressed, digital images for 28

film images and the acquisition of fewer 45º to 60º wide angle images as compared with the ETDRS 29

standard 30º to 35º 7 standard fields. 5-12 30


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1.2 Current DRCR.net Imaging Protocols 32 The current standard DRCR.net method of 33

determining DR severity levels is to grade 7-field 34

modified or 4-field wide angle stereoscopic digital 35

photographs obtained from eyes of study 36

participants after pupillary dilation. 37


The 7-field protocol consists of fields 1M, 2, and 39

3M, which are centered on the temporal edge of the 40

optic nerve, the macula, and the temporal macula 41

respectively, and fields 4-7 which capture the 42

superotemporal, inferotemporal, superonasal, and 43

inferotemporal quadrants, respectively (Figure 1). 44

Images are taken on 30º to 35º settings depending 45

on the fundus camera being utilized for image 46

acquisition. An anterior segment image that 47

provides a fundus reflex is also standard. In order 48

to achieve an adequate stereoscopic effect, dilation 49

of the pupil to at least 6 mm is recommended. 50


Obtaining 4 wide-angle stereoscopic fields 52

requires a camera with a 45º to 60º view. 53

The 4 fields consist of Field 1W located 54

nasal to the disc, Field 2W centered 55

temporal to the macular center, Field 4W 56

located superotemporally and Field 5W 57

located inferotemporally (Figure 2). A 58

stereoscopic fundus reflex photograph also 59

is taken in order to document media 60

opacities. 61


There are disadvantages to both the 7-field 63

and 4-field wide angle stereoscopic digital 64

methods, including necessitating pupillary 65

dilation in all study participants, at least 66

10-16 images/flashes per eye, the need to 67

sometimes refocus between acquisition of 68

different fields, and extensive training and 69

certification of study imagers to ensure 70

competence in field definition and image 71

quality. In addition, there are areas of the 72

mid peripheral and peripheral retina that 73

are not covered by either the 7-field or 4-74

field wide angle methods 75

Figure 1. DRCR.net imaging protocol:

modified ETDRS 7 standard fields Photograph:


Figure 1. DRCR.net imaging protocol:

modified ETDRS 7 standard fields Photograph:


Figure 2. DRCR.net imaging protocol: Fields 1W, 2W, 4W,

5W of the right eye. Photograph:


Figure 1. DRCR.net imaging protocol:

modified ETDRS 7 standard fields Photograph:


Figure 1. DRCR.net imaging protocol:

modified ETDRS 7 standard fields Photograph:


Figure 2. DRCR.net imaging protocol: Fields 1W, 2W, 4W,

5W of the right eye. Photograph:


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1.3 Ultrawide Field Fundus Imaging 77 Additional methods for determining DR 78

severity levels have been developed to 79

permit wide field imaging of the retinal 80

periphery with fields encompassing more 81

than 60 º, including the Pomerantzeff 82

camera, the Retcam, the Panoret-1000TM 83

camera, and wide angle contact lenses.13 84

The Staurenghi lens is currently the most 85

widely used wide angle contact lens and is 86

designed for utilization with a scanning 87

laser ophthalmoscope camera. However, 88

this has not been widely adopted clinically 89

because the use of a contact lens can be 90

cumbersome and not well tolerated by 91

patients. An additional non-contact wide 92

field angiography imaging system has 93

recently become commercially available with Spectralis Spectral Domain optical coherence 94

tomography (SD OCT) (Heidelberg, Germany), although this system has not yet been widely used 95

in either clinical or research settings, and currently is limited to infra-red, ICG, and fluorescein 96

angiographic imaging and specifically cannot obtain color fundus photographic images.13 97


The Optomap® system (Optos, Scotland, UK) utilizes a non-contact scanning laser ophthalmoscope 99

technology that allows ultrawide field (UWF), high definition color imaging of the retina with the 100

potential to image more than 80% of the retina in a single view. Both 100º and 200º fields (Figure 101

3) can be obtained through an undilated pupil with excellent image quality. Optos technology 102

utilizes low-powered 532 nm (green) and 633 nm (red) laser wavelengths that scan simultaneously, 103

allowing review of the retinal substructures by their individual laser separations. The system also 104

allows red-free imaging and fluorescein angiography. Ultrawide field images have been utilized for 105

the detection and evaluation of multiple types of non-diabetic ocular pathology, including sickle cell 106

retinopathy,14 retinal detachment,15 choroidal pigmented lesions,16 giant retinal tear,17 107

cytomegalovirus retinitis,18 congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium,19, 20 choroidal 108

detachment,21 and trauma-related injuries.22 109


Several small studies comparing Optomap® images to clinical exam and ETDRS-protocol 111

photographs for the evaluation of DR severity have been published by the Ludwig Maximilian 112

University group in Munich, Germany. One study comparing grading of DR severity using 113

nonmydriatic Optomap® images versus dilated clinical ophthalmoscopic examination in 51 eyes of 114

51 diabetic patients, found good levels of agreement between the two modalities. Although, 9.8% of 115

the images were ungradable.23 Three independent readers graded each of the UWF images, 116

resulting in unweighted kappa statistics for DR severity of 0.68, 0.68 and 0.51. A sensitivity of 117

94% and specificity of 100% was obtained for all three graders’ assessment of more than mild non-118

proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR) on the ultrawide-field images. Assessment of clinically 119

significant macular edema on UWF images revealed sensitivities of 89-93% and specificities of 72-120

89%. A second study compared 200º images with ETDRS 7 field fundus photographs in 66 eyes of 121

34 patients. In the 48 sets that could be graded for both ETDRS and UWF images, kappas of 0.70 122

and 0.66 were obtained for agreement of DR severity level and 0.68 and 0.74 for DME severity.24 A 123

Figure 3. Optomap® 200º image Photograph:


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third study also resulted in substantive agreement between UWF and ETDRS grading for both DR 124

and for DME severity (Kappas = 0.79, 0.77 for DR and 0.73, 0.77 for clinically significant macular 125

edema [CSME]). 24 126


A small single-center imaging validation study was also conducted at the Beetham Eye Institute, 128

Joslin Diabetes Center (BEI/JDC) to compare nonmydriatic Optomap® UWF images to mydriatic 129

ETDRS-protocol 30º 7 standard field stereoscopic fundus film photographs for the grading of DR 130

and DME. 24 Subjects underwent nonmydriatic 100º and 200º imaging, dilated ETDRS 131

photography and dilated ophthalmoscopic examination by a masked retina specialist. Images were 132

graded by two independent masked readers according to a strictly defined protocol. Each image was 133

graded for presence and extent of specific diabetic lesions as well as for overall clinical DR 134

severity. An independent masked retina specialist adjudicated any discrepancies. Unweighted (K) 135

and weighted (KW) kappa statistics (linear scale) assessed agreement. Images from 200 eyes of 136

103 patients with type 1 or 2 diabetes were evaluated. By ETDRS photographs there was no DR in 137

25 (12.5%) eyes, mild NPDR in 47 (23.5%), moderate NPDR in 61 (30.5%), severe or very severe 138

NPDR in 14 (7%), proliferative DR (PDR) in 52 (26%), and 1 (0.5%) eye was ungradable. No DME 139

was present in 114 eyes (57%), non-clinically significant DME in 28 (14%), CSME in 47 (23.5%) 140

and 11 (5.5%) images were ungradable. Exact agreement of DR severity grading between 100º 141

images and ETDRS photographs occurred in 84% with agreement within one level in 91% 142

(KW=0.85, K=0.79). Optomap® images exactly matched DR grading by clinical exam in 70% and 143

were within one level in 93% (KW=0.77, K=0.61). Exact agreement with ETDRS photographs for 144

DME graded on a 3-category scale (No DME, DME < CSME, CSME) occurred in 79% and was 145

within 1 step for 91% of eyes (KW=0.66, K=0.60). Nonmydriatic UWF imaging time was 146

significantly shorter than that of dilated ETDRS photographs, even when excluding dilation time 147

(Mean + SD: 170 ± 80 versus 370 ± 130 seconds, p<0.0001). 148


Results from these small studies evaluating UWF images for DR severity level assessment suggest 150

that grading of undilated Optomap® images demonstrates high agreement with grading of dilated 151

ETDRS photographs and assessment by dilated fundus examination in determining severity of DR 152

and DME. In addition, the 100º and 200º images obtained on the Optos system cover more retinal 153

area than is evaluated by current DRCR.net imaging protocols. If results from these single-center, 154

smaller cohorts are confirmed in a broader diabetic population, Optos imaging may be applicable to 155

both research and clinical settings with the additional benefits of faster imaging times and easier 156

acquisition through an undilated pupil. 157


Peripheral Lesions on Ultrawide-field Imaging and Progression of Non-proliferative Diabetic 159

Retinopathy 160 Another benefit of UWF imaging is the ability to find far peripheral lesions that are outside the 161

range of standard ETDRS fields. Studies of UWF fundus images have demonstrated that peripheral 162

DR lesions can be identified that are not present within the ETDRS fields, including retinal 163

nonperfusion and neovascularization in diabetic eyes.25 Additional data from the BEI/JDC suggest 164

that these peripheral lesions have implications for diagnosing more severe DR.26 Peripheral lesions 165

were present in more than half the eyes imaged (54%) and were more prominent outside the 166

standard ETDRS 7 fields in 30-40% of eyes and these lesions suggested a more severe DR level in 167

10% of eyes. Another study that examined an independent sample of 502 eyes imaged with 168

nonmydriatic 100º and 200º UWF images found similarly that the distribution of peripheral lesions 169

outside ETDRS fields suggested a more severe DR level in 9.0% (N = 45) of eyes. 24 170


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Rates of DR worsening from baseline DR levels were well established in early seminal studies, but 172

these were based solely on lesions within the standard ETDRS fields.1 Improved ability to reliably 173

identify peripheral DR lesions outside the standard ETDRS 7 fields on UWF images may have 174

implications for how we assess risk of future DR worsening or improvement. If lesions identifiable 175

only on UWF imaging improve our ability to predict rates of worsening or improvement of diabetic 176

eye complications, this information could be highly valuable in clinical and research decisions as to 177

how patients are followed and managed. 178


Pilot data from the Joslin Diabetes Center suggest that peripheral lesions on UWF images may serve 180

as biomarkers of faster worsening of DR severity level. In 121 eyes with NPDR at baseline, UWF 181

imaging was used at baseline and data on DR worsening were gathered from clinic records over 3 182

years. The absence of baseline, predominantly, peripheral lesions was associated with risk 183

reductions of 62%, 67% and 73% for future DR worsening at 1, 2 and 3 years respectively.26 184

Preliminary BEI/JDC data from a subset of 109 eyes in an ongoing study with repeat mydriatic 185

ETDRS 7 standard fields, obtained on average 4 years after baseline UWF imaging, revealed higher 186

rates of DR worsening over time in eyes with predominantly peripheral lesions at baseline, which 187

was associated with a >5 fold increase in ≥2 step progression of DR severity level at year 4 (11% 188

versus 34%, P = 0.005).27 189


1.4 Ultrawide-field Fluorescein Angiography 191 In addition to standard fundus photographs, UWF imaging technology allows broader views of the 192

retinal periphery during fluorescein angiography (FA). Applications of fluorescein angiography for 193

evaluation and management of diabetic retinopathy includes identification of leakage from 194

microaneurysms and retinal neovascularization and, delineation of areas of non-perfusion. An early 195

study utilizing UWF FA found 3.9 times more nonperfusion and 1.9 times more neovascularization 196

on UWF FA images than conventional 7 standard field images.25 In addition, reports of UWF FA 197

have identified peripheral areas of retinal vascular staining and leakage in diabetic eyes,28 although 198

it is not yet clear how these abnormalities relate to central pathology and vision loss. Some authors 199

have reported using UWF FA to guide treatment of peripheral laser photocoagulation for either DR 200

or retinal vein occlusion.29 Nonetheless, many questions remain as to how to standardize acquisition 201

and analysis of UWF FAs as well as how to utilize the findings from UWF FA to guide evaluation 202

and management of patients with diabetic and other ocular pathology. This study will include the 203

acquisition of UWF FA to determine whether the presence or severity of peripheral non-perfusion 204

as evaluated on UWF FA is associated with increased rates of DR or DME worsening over time 205

beyond what is seen on modified 7-field stereoscopic digital photographs or beyond what is seen on 206

UWF fundus color photographs. 207


1.5 Association of Diabetic Retinopathy, Nephropathy and Cardiovascular Complications 209 In addition to retinal disease, persons with diabetes are at increased risk of other systemic vascular 210

complications including kidney and cardiovascular disease. Previous studies have suggested a 211

positive correlation between increasing severity of diabetic retinopathy and both nephropathy30 and 212

cardiovascular disease.31 Given our ability to visualize blood vessels in the retina using non-213

invasive photographs, aspects of retinal anatomy aside from overall DR severity level may provide 214

insight into the development of complications in the kidney and cardiovascular system. Therefore, 215

this study will also explore whether parameters on UWF field fundus photography and UWF FA are 216

associated with evidence of end organ damage in the kidney and cardiovascular system and to see if 217

such changes in the retina predict incident end organ damage or progression of prevalent end organ 218

damage. We hypothesize that more severe extent of diabetic retinopathy lesions and retinal 219

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nonperfusion evaluated on UWF color photographs and fluorescein angiography will be 220

significantly associated with increased prevalence and incidence of diabetic nephropathy and/or 221

cardiovascular disease. If results from this study demonstrate that changes in retinal vascular 222

parameters reflect systemic micro and macrovascular pathology, results from this project could 223

substantively impact the evaluation and management of patients with diabetes. The identification of 224

retinal vascular characteristics as biomarkers of systemic diabetic complications would allow more 225

effective clinical risk stratification and provide alternative methods for clinical research assessment 226

of diabetic vascular disease. 227


1.6 Summary of Protocol Rationale 229 This study will investigate the association between peripheral retinal lesions and the likelihood of 230

DR worsening or improvement over time and provide a comparison of UWF images to current 231

DRCR.net protocol 7 standard field fundus photographs for grading severity levels of DR and 232

DME. Ultrawide field fundus images offer the ability to evaluate areas of the retinal far periphery 233

that are not covered by the 7 standard fields. If peripheral retinal lesions identified on UWF images 234

improve our ability to predict likelihood of DR severity level worsening or improvement, this not 235

only might change ways in which patients at risk for diabetic eye complications are evaluated and 236

followed, but also offer new insights into mechanisms for changes in retinal pathology. Even if 237

identification of peripheral lesions does not provide increased ability to predict DR outcomes, if 238

UWF images are comparable for DR and DME assessment to those obtained by current DRCR.net 239

protocol, the ability to substitute UWF imaging for our current methods offers several potential 240

benefits, including imaging portions of the retina that are not evaluated by the current protocol, 241

decreases in the number of images taken with consequent increased imaging speed and study 242

participant exposure to fewer light flashes, reduced requirements for imager training and reduced 243

image reading time. These benefits could translate into increased patient participation in DRCR.net 244

studies, improved ability to evaluate severity of DR and DME, greater ease and comfort for study 245

participants in obtaining fundus photographs, and substantial savings in time and cost related to 246

image acquisition and imager training and certification. Thus, the results from this protocol could 247

potentially have wide ranging influence on future clinical trial protocols developed for participants 248

with DR and DME. 249


1.7 Study Objective 251 252

Primary Objective: 253 1. To assess whether evaluation of the retinal far periphery on UWF images improves the 254

ability to assess DR and predict rates of DR worsening over time as compared with 255

evaluation only of the area within the 7 standard ETDRS fields. 256


This objective will be accomplished through the following specific analyses: 258

1. Assessment of whether any predominance versus no predominance of diabetic retinopathy 259

lesions (see definition section 1.7) in any field of the retinal periphery (lesions located 260

primarily outside versus primarily within the 7 standard ETDRS fields) on UWF images is 261

associated with rates of DR worsening over time 262

2. Redefining diabetic retinopathy severity grading level based on the status of the periphery 263

and assessing whether differences in severity level assessment between grading with or 264

without inclusion of peripheral findings is associated with rates of DR worsening over time. 265

3. Evaluating how often mydriatic 200º UWF digital photographs are comparable to mydriatic 266

DRCR.net protocol modified 7-field stereoscopic digital photographs for the grading and 267

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assessment of DR, and whether grading of the UWF photographs can be reliably used as an 268

outcome variable in future clinical trials. 269

4. Determining whether extent and location (peripheral versus posterior) of nonperfusion on 270

UWF fluorescein angiograms is associated with baseline DR and DME severity as well as 271

rates of DR and DME worsening over time 272


Secondary Objective: 274

275 To explore whether the prevalence and severity of diabetic nephropathy or cardiovascular disease at 276

baseline and the incidence of these findings over time (4 years) is associated with 277

o The severity and location (within and peripheral to the standard ETDRS 7 fields) of 278

classic non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy lesions including hemorrhages and 279

microaneurysms, venous beading, intraretinal microvascular anomalies, and 280

neovascularization) identified on UWF FA and UWF fundus photos. 281

o The extent of peripheral non-perfusion on UWF fluorescein angiography 282

283 284

1.8 Definitions 285 286

1. Ultrawide field: Fundus photography field that is 100º or more 287

2. Peripheral Lesions: Lesions located outside of the modified ETDRS 7-standard fields 288

3. A lesion (each of the following lesions is graded separately: hemorrhages/microaneurysms, 289

venous beading, intraretinal microvascular abnormalities and neovascularization elsewhere) is 290

predominantly peripheral in a specific field (fields 3-7 graded separately) if more than 50% of 291

the lesions are in the retinal periphery compared with within the modified ETDRS fields taking 292

into account the number and extent. 293

4. A lesion is uniformly distributed in a specific field if the severity of lesion (taking into account 294

number and extent) is approximately equivalent both within and outside the ETDRS field 295

5. An eye has predominantly peripheral lesions if any one of the lesions graded in any field is 296

predominantly peripheral. 297

1.9 Study Design and Synopsis of Protocol 298

A. Study Design 299 Prospective, observational longitudinal study 300


B. Major Eligibility Criteria 302

Age >=18 years. 303

Type 1 or type 2 diabetes 304

Ability to cooperate with imaging procedures 305

At least one eye with each of the following: 306

a. No known substantial media opacities that would preclude successful imaging 307

b. No history of panretinal (scatter) photocoagulation (PRP) and PRP is not anticipated 308

for 6 months following study enrollment. 309

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c. No history of treatment with intravitreal agents over the prior 12 months and 310

treatment is not anticipated for the next 6 months 311

i. Enrollment of eyes with any prior intravitreal anti-VEGF or steroid for DME 312

will be limited to 50% of the cohort. 313

ii. Macular edema involving the central subfield on OCT or clinical exam is an 314

exclusion 315

d. Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (ETDRS level 35- level 53) on clinical exam 316

and based on modified 7 field ETDRS grading, without the use of ultrawide-field 317

imaging. 318

Participants may have 1 or 2 study eyes. 319


C. Sample Size 321 At least 350 participants are expected to be enrolled in this study. At least 175 participants with 322

predominantly peripheral lesions and at least 175 participants without predominantly peripheral 323

lesions will be enrolled. In order to achieve a minimum of 175 participants in each of these primary 324

cohorts, over enrollment of one of the groups may be necessary. Within each primary cohort, 325

participant enrollment will be stratified so that there will be approximately 70 eyes (~40%) of the 326

cohort with mild NPDR (ETDRS levels 35), approximately 70 eyes (~40%) with moderate or 327

moderately severe NPDR (ETDRS levels 43-47) and approximately 35 eyes (~20%) with severe 328

NPDR (ETDRS level 53). Throughout the study, the distribution of DR severity levels will be 329

evaluated and enrollment may be tailored to add balance between the strata. In addition, to ensure 330

sufficient numbers in each retinopathy severity group as outlined above, over enrolment of a 331

retinopathy severity group may be necessary. Retinopathy levels will be based on the ETDRS 7-332

modified field photographs. Primary analyses will be adjusted for baseline level of retinopathy 333

based on the modified 7 field grading. 334


D. Protocol Summary 336 The participant cohort will consist of individuals with type I and type II diabetes with NPDR 337

(ETDRS level 35- level 53) based on modified 7 field ETDRS grading and without central involved 338

DME in at least one eye. 339

340 Visits will occur annually for a total of four years. During each study visit, participants will receive 341

a comprehensive dilated eye examination and will have 200º mydriatic UWF fundus images taken 342

using the Optos system for each eye. Modified 7 standard field color digital photographs will be 343

acquired following a DRCR.net protocol at baseline only to be compared with Optos images. 344

Ultrawide-Field fluorescein angiography will also be obtained at baseline, 1 year, and 4 years. The 345

DRCR.net protocol images will be obtained by a study imager certified by the DRCR.net for that 346

imaging protocol. The images will be sent to the DRCR.net Coordinating Center (uploaded through 347

the website as available) and sent to the reading center for further evaluation. 348


E. Schedule of Study Visit and Examination Procedures 350


Baseline 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year

Peripheral DR lesions and Risk of DR Progression V4.0_ 7-21-177 11 of 30

Visit and Visit


± 2 month ± 3 month ± 3 month ± 3 months Phone Call

6, 18, 30,

and 42


(± 1 mo)

Best corrected visual

acuity X X X X X

Eye Exam X X X X X

DRCR.net 7- modified

field Fundus



UWF Imagingb X X X X X

UWF Fluorescein

Angiographyb X X X

Spectral Domain


Blood collection

(HbA1c/eGFR)d, X X X X X


Urine Samplee X X X X X

Medical Conditions

Assessment X X X X X


OCT Angiographyb,f X X X X

a. Analyses will be performed on the comparison between DR severity grading from 7 modified fields and the 352 UWF at the baseline visit. If the two modalities are not sufficiently comparable within the 7 fields, 7 field 353 photos will also be obtained annually. 354

b. UWF Imaging, FA, and OCT must also be performed prior to the initiation of PRP, any intravitreal treatment 355 with anti-VEGF or steroid agents, or vitrectomy. OCT angiography will also be performed prior to initiating 356 treatment, at sites with OCT angiography capabilities. 357

c. Includes macular thickness and choroidal thickness scans 358

d. Blood collection must occur prior to any intravitreous injection 359

e. Must be obtained prior to fluorescein angiography. Albumin and creatinine will be measured. 360

f. Only at sites with OCT angiography capabilities. 361

362 F. Outcomes 363

a. Longitudinal Analysis 364

i. The primary outcome of this study is the relative risk of 2 or more step worsening of DR 365

severity over 4 years in the groups with and without any predominantly peripheral lesions 366

on UWF images at baseline. Diabetic retinopathy severity at baseline and follow up visits 367

Peripheral DR lesions and Risk of DR Progression V4.0_ 7-21-177 12 of 30

will be defined as the ETDRS DR severity score based on the area of the 7-modified fields 368

from the UWF images. Eyes receiving PRP will be considered an event for the primary 369

DR worsening outcome regardless of starting retinopathy level. 370

ii. Secondary analysis will explore additional risk factors including: type of peripheral 371

lesions, location of peripheral lesions, presence or absence of peripheral lesions, whether 372

DR severity level is different within the 7-modified fields compared with UWF images, 373

and extent of peripheral or posterior non-perfusion on fluorescein angiography 374

iii. Secondary analysis will also explore correlation between risk factors listed above and 375

estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), urine albumin–to-creatinine ratio (ACR), and 376

cardiovascular events. 377

iv. Secondary outcomes include worsening to PDR, improvement of DR severity level, 378

improvement, worsening, or development of DME, and development of vitreous 379

hemorrhage, PRP initiation, and development of peripheral lesions. Secondary analyses 380

will evaluate risk factors for these secondary outcomes, parallel to risk factor analyses for 381

the primary outcome. 382


b. Cross Sectional Analysis 384

i. Level of agreement between DR or DME severity as graded on UWF versus DRCR.net 385

protocol images 386

ii. Percent and type of peripheral lesions identified on UWF images not seen on DRCR.net 387

protocol images 388

iii. Percent of time peripheral lesions seen on UWF images outside the 7 standard fields could 389

change level of ETDRS DR severity 390

iv. Correlation between peripheral and posterior nonperfusion on the UWF FA 391

v. Extent of peripheral and posterior nonperfusion on the UWF FA and association with 392

baseline DR and DME severity level 393

vi. Compare clinician assessment of diabetic retinopathy severity and the reading center 394

assessment of diabetic retinopathy severity on UWF photos. 395

vii. Correlation between baseline NPDR level and eGFR and urine albumin–to-creatinine ratio 396

(ACR). 397

viii. Correlation between baseline NPDR level and cardiovascular events 398


1.10 General Considerations 400 The study is being conducted in compliance with the policies described in the DRCR.net Policies 401

document, with the ethical principles that have their origin in the Declaration of Helsinki, with the 402

protocol described herein, and with the standards of Good Clinical Practice. 403


The DRCR.net Procedures Manuals (Modified 7 Standard Field Color- Digital, Optomap® 405

Photography and Fluorescein Angiography Manuals) provide details of the imaging procedures. 406


Data will be directly collected in electronic case report forms, which will be considered the source 408

data. 409


There is no restriction on the number of participants to be enrolled by a site. 411

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2.1 Identifying Eligible Participants and Obtaining Informed Consent 414 Approximately 350 participants are expected to be enrolled in this study. At least 175 participants 415

with predominantly peripheral lesions and at least 175 participants without predominantly 416

peripheral lesions will be enrolled. In order to achieve a minimum of 175 participants in each of 417

these primary cohorts, over enrollment of one of the groups may be necessary. Within each primary 418

cohort, participant enrollment will be stratified so that there will be approximately 70 eyes (~40%) 419

of the cohort with mild NPDR (ETDRS levels 35), approximately 70 eyes (~40%) with moderate or 420

moderately severe NPDR (ETDRS levels 43-47) and approximately 35 eyes (~20%) with severe 421

NPDR (ETDRS level 53). Throughout the study, the distribution of DR severity levels will be 422

evaluated and enrollment may be tailored to add balance between the strata. In addition, to ensure 423

sufficient numbers in each retinopathy severity group as outlined above, over enrolment of a 424

retinopathy severity group may be necessary. Retinopathy levels will be based on the ETDRS 7-425

modified field photographs. In addition, enrollment of eyes with any prior intravitreal anti-VEGF 426

or steroid for DME will be limited to only 50% of the cohort. 427 428 Potential eligibility will be assessed as part of a routine-care examination. For subjects who are 429

eligible for the study, the study protocol will be discussed with the patient by a study investigator 430

and clinic coordinator. Prior to completing any procedures or collecting any data that are not part of 431

usual care, informed consent will be obtained. 432


2.2 Subject Eligibility and Exclusion Criteria 434

2.2.1 Eligibility Criteria 435 1. Age >= 18 years 436

Potential participants <18 years old are not being included because advanced diabetic 437

retinopathy is so rare in this age group that the diagnosis of diabetic retinopathy may be 438

questionable. 439

2. Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus (type 1 or type 2). 440

Any one of the following will be considered sufficient evidence that diabetes is present: 441

Current regular use of insulin for the treatment of diabetes 442

Current regular use of oral antihyperglycemia agents for the treatment of diabetes 443

Documented diabetes by ADA and/or WHO criteria (see Site Coordinator Manual) 444


3. Able and willing to provide informed consent. 446

447 4. Ability to cooperate with imaging procedures 448


Exclusion 450


An individual is not eligible if any of the following exclusion criteria are present: 452 453

5. History of chronic renal failure requiring dialysis or kidney transplant. 454

6. A condition that, in the opinion of the investigator, would adversely affect the participant’s 455

ability to comply with the follow-up regimen. 456

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7. Initiation of intensive insulin treatment (a pump or multiple daily injections) within 4 months 457

prior to enrollment or plans to do so in the next 4 months. 458

8. Participation in an investigational trial within 30 days of enrollment that involved treatment with 459

any systemic drug therapy or drug therapy that affects the study eye. 460

Note: study participants can receive another investigational drug while participating in the 461

study if it is not systemic drug therapy and if treatment does not affect the study eye. 462

9. Systemic anti-VEGF or pro-VEGF treatment within 4 months prior to enrollment. 463

These drugs should not be used during the study. 464

10. Individual is expecting to move out of the area of the clinical center to an area not covered by 465

another clinical center during the next 24 months. 466


2.2.2 Study Eye Criteria: 468 The study participant must have at least one eye meeting all of the inclusion criteria listed below. 469


The eligibility criteria for a study eye are as follows (both eyes will be considered study eyes if both 471

meet the eligibility criteria at the time of enrollment): 472

473 1. No substantial non-diabetic intraocular pathology, including age-related macular degeneration 474

or other conditions that could lead to ocular neovascularization 475

2. Pupillary dilation is adequate for DRCR.net protocol 7 standard field acquisition (at least 4mm 476

or wider). 477

3. No known substantial media opacities that would preclude successful imaging 478

4. Primary intraocular pathology is diabetic retinopathy in the judgment of the enrolling 479

investigator. 480

5. Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (ETDRS level 35- level 57) on clinical exam and based 481

on modified 7 field ETDRS grading, without the use of ultrawide-field imaging. 482

Note: An eye with only peripheral NV (NV outside the area captured by the modified 7 483

field EDTRS imaging) can be enrolled if treatment is not anticipated within 6 months. 484

Within each primary cohort, participant enrollment will be stratified so that there will be 485

~40% of the cohort with mild NPDR (ETDRS levels 35), ~40% with moderate or 486

moderately severe NPDR (ETDRS levels 43-47) and ~20% with severe NPDR (ETDRS 487

level 53). Throughout the study, the distribution of DR severity levels will be evaluated 488

and enrollment may be tailored to add balance between the strata. 489

Final determination of study eye eligibility is dependent on Reading Center confirmation 490

that the diabetic retinopathy severity level is between 35 and 53. If the Reading Center 491

determines that the baseline retinopathy severity level is outside of the above range, the 492

participant will not continue follow-up in the study. If the Reading Center judges the 493

baseline fundus photo to be ungradable, the subject will be asked to revisit the clinic and 494

have the image repeated as soon as possible. 495


6. No history of panretinal (scatter) photocoagulation (PRP) and PRP not anticipated for 6 months 497

following study enrollment. 498

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7. No prior history of vitrectomy 499

8. No treatment with an intravitreal agents over the prior 12 months and intravitreal treatment is 500

not anticipated for the next 6 months 501

Note: Enrollment of eyes with any prior intravitreal anti-VEGF or steroid for DME will 502

be limited to only 50% of the cohort. 503

9. No macular edema involving the central subfield on clinical exam or on Spectral Domain OCT 504

defined as: 505

Zeiss Cirrus: < 290 µm in women, and < 305µm in men 506

Heidelberg Spectralis: < 305µm in women, and < 320µm in men 507


10. No history of major ocular surgery (cataract extraction, scleral buckle, any intraocular surgery, 509

etc.) within prior 4 months or anticipated within the next 6 months following study enrollment. 510


2.3 Screening Evaluation and Baseline Testing 512

2.3.1 Historical Information 513 A history will be elicited from the potential study participant and extracted from available medical 514

records. Data to be collected will include: age, gender, ethnicity and race, diabetes history and 515

current management, other medical conditions including cardiovascular symptoms and events, 516

medications being used, as well as ocular diseases, surgeries, and treatment. 517


2.3.2 Baseline Testing Procedures 519 The following procedures are needed to assess eligibility and/or to serve as baseline measures for 520

the study: 521

If a procedure has been performed (using the study technique and by study certified 522

personnel) as part of usual care, it does not need to be repeated specifically for the study 523

if it was performed within the defined time windows specified below. 524

The testing procedures are detailed in the DRCR.net Procedures Manuals. Visual acuity 525

testing, ocular exam, fundus photography, fluorescein angiography and OCT will be 526

performed by DRCR.net certified personnel. 527

The fundus photographs and fluorescein angiograms will be sent to a reading center for 528

grading. 529

OCTs meeting DRCR.net criteria for manual grading will be sent to a reading center. 530


1. E-ETDRS visual acuity testing at 3 meters using the Electronic Visual Acuity Tester (including 532

protocol refraction) in each eye 533

2. Ocular examination on each eye including dilated ophthalmoscopy 534

3. Spectral Domain OCT using Zeiss Cirrus or Heidelberg Spectralis OCT machine on both eyes 535

4. ETDRS protocol 7 modified-field digital stereoscopic fundus photography in both eyes (within 536

21 days of enrollment) 537

5. Ultrawide field images using the Optos Optomap software - includes color and red free images 538

(within 21 days of enrollment) 539

6. Digital fluorescein angiogram (FA) using the Ultra-wide field imaging device (within 21 days 540

of enrollment) 541

7. Blood pressure measurement 542

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8. Laboratory Testing – Urine Sample 543

A urine sample will be collected for measurement of albumin and creatinine. See study 544

manual for collection procedure. 545

9. Laboratory Testing- HbA1c. –Blood collection 546

A blood sample less than 15 mL will be obtained to measure HbA1c and eGFR. See 547

study manual for collection procedure. 548




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3.1 Visit Schedule 553 Each participant will have protocol specific follow-up visits at 12 months (± 2 months) and at 2, 3, 554

and 4 years (± 3 months). Additional visits may occur as required for usual care of the study 555

participant. 556



3.2 Testing Procedures 559 The following procedures will be performed at each protocol visit unless otherwise specified. A grid 560

in section 1.3 summarizes the testing performed at each visit. 561


1. Visual Acuity: 563

A protocol refraction followed by E-ETDRS visual acuity testing in both eyes (best 564

corrected). 565

2. Ocular examination on each eye including dilated ophthalmoscopy 566

3. OCT using Zeiss Cirrus or Heidelberg Spectralis OCT machine on both eyes 567

4. Ultrawide field images using the Optos Optomap software (includes color and red free images) 568

5. Digital fluorescein angiogram (FA) using the Ultrawide field imaging device at 1 year and 4 569

year visits only. 570

6. OCT angiography on both eyes 571

Only obtained by a subset of sites with OCT angiography capabilities. If a site has OCT 572

angiography systems from more than one manufacturer, the images should be obtained 573

on each system available. 574

7. Blood pressure measurement 575

8. Laboratory Testing – Urine Sample 576

A urine sample must be collected. See study manual for collection procedure. 577

9. Laboratory Testing –Blood collection 578

A blood sample less than 15 mL will be obtained to measure HbA1c and eGFR. See 579

study manual for collection procedure. 580


In addition, a phone call is completed at 6, 18, 30, and 42 months (± 1 month) to collect medical 582

conditions that occurred in the prior 6 months. 583


All of the testing procedures do not need to be performed on the same day, provided that they are 585

completed within the time window of a visit and prior to initiating any treatment. 586


Testing procedures at usual care, non-protocol visits, are at investigator discretion. However, UWF 588

fundus photographs, UWF FA, and OCT should be obtained prior to initiation of PRP, any 589

intravitreal treatment with anti-VEGF or steroid agents, or vitrectomy, if performed. OCT 590

angiography should also be obtained prior to treatment at sites with OCT angiography capabilities. 591


3.2.1 ETDRS Protocol 7 Modified-field Digital Photos During Follow-up 593 After the baseline images are collected, analyses will be performed comparing DR severity grading 594

based on ETDRS 7 modified fields and the UWF. If the two modalities are not sufficiently 595

comparable within the 7 modified fields for DR severity grading, ETDRS 7 modified fields 596

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photographs will also be obtained annually. Otherwise the UWF images will be used to assess 597

retinopathy severity within the 7 field area by using a template overlay to standardize grading of 598

images. Details of sufficient comparability will be defined in the detailed statistical analysis plan. 599


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4.1 Imaging Procedures 602 The 200º UWF images should be obtained first and acquired after pupillary dilation. Pupil dilation 603

should be checked prior to the DRCR.net protocol imaging and if pupil is not dilated to at least 5 604

mm, reapplication of dilating drops should be considered. The DRCR.net Optomap® Photography 605

Manual details the procedures involved in obtaining 200º Optomap® images and submitting the 606

images to the DRCR.net Coordinating Center. At baseline, modified 7 standard field photographs 607

of the study eye will be taken as per DRCR.net protocol in order to establish level of agreement 608

between grading of UWF images and DRCR.net modified 7 standard fields for DR and DME 609

severity. If level of agreement for DR severity between the two imaging methods is substantial or 610

better (as suggested by previous studies 5-12), only UWF images may be obtained at subsequent 611

follow-up visits at the discretion of a committee that will review results from this interim data 612

analysis, since an overlay of the ETDRS 7 standard fields on the UWF images will allow evaluation 613

of both standard ETDRS and more peripheral retinal areas. The DRCR.net Modified 7 Standard 614

Field Color- Digital Photography Manuals details the procedures involved in obtaining the 615

DRCR.net protocol images and submitting these images to the DRCR.net Coordinating Center. 616


Details on acquisition of the UWF FA will be provided in the procedure manual. FA will be 618

obtained on both eyes. If the participant has only one study eye the study eye will be the transit 619

(rapid series) eye with late phase images only obtained on the fellow eyes. If both eyes are study 620

eyes, then the transit eye should be the right eye unless the investigator or imager can justify that if 621

the left eye was the transit eye that the image quality for either or both eyes would be markedly 622

superior. 623


The DRCR.net protocol images (7 standard field images) and UWF images will be obtained by a 625

fundus photographer specifically certified by the DRCR.net for these imaging procedures. The 626

images will be sent to the DRCR.net Coordinating Center (uploaded through the website as 627

available) and may be sent to a reading center for further evaluation. During image grading, a map 628

of the ETDRS 7 standard fields will be placed as an overlay on each UWF image with peripheral 629

areas outside the ETDRS fields darkened so that extent and severity of DR lesions can be graded 630

separately for the areas within and outside the ETDRS fields. 631


OCT will be performed by DRCR.net certified personnel. Only spectral domain machines are 633

permitted. For a given study participant, the same machine type should be used for the duration of 634

the study, unless circumstances do not permit (e.g., replacement of damaged machine). If a switch 635

is necessary, the same machine type should be used for the remainder of the study. The images will 636

be sent to the DRCR.net Coordinating Center (uploaded through the website as available) and may 637

be sent to a reading center for further evaluation. 638


Details on OCT angiography acquisition, including which fields to collect on a given OCT 640

angiography system, are documented in the procedure manual. Images may be sent to a reading 641

center for further evaluation. 642


Each digital image must be evaluated to be of adequate quality for submission, according to the 644

study procedures. If photograph quality is judged substandard by the operator, then the imaging 645

should be repeated until a good quality image is obtained. 646


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4.2 Other Procedures 648 Historical information will be collected, including demographics, prior treatment for diabetic 649

retinopathy, standard office visual acuity, prior cardiovascular events, and medications. Procedures 650

for obtaining a urine and blood sample will be detailed in the study manual. 651

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5.0 Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy and Macular Edema 654 Treatment of diabetic retinopathy and/or DME is at investigator discretion including initiation of 655

PRP or anti-VEGF treatment. However, the first time PRP, intravitreal anti-VEGF or steroid 656

treatment, or vitrectomy is performed, the study procedures (procedures as performed for 1 year 657

visit) should be performed. After treatment is administered, study participants will continue to 658

follow-up as per the original study schedule through the full 4 year duration of the study. 659


5.1 Risks and Benefits 661 The procedures in this study are part of daily ophthalmologic practice in the United States and pose 662

few known risks. Dilating eye drops will be used as part of the exam. There is a small risk of 663

inducing a narrow-angle glaucoma attack from the pupil dilation. However, all participants will 664

have had prior pupil dilation usually on multiple occasions and therefore the risk is extremely small. 665

Fundus photographs have bright lights associated with the camera flashes with can be 666

uncomfortable for study participants, but these carry no known risk to the eye or vision. 667

For the blood draw and fluorescein injection, there is a small risk of discomfort, bruising, or 668

phlebitis at the site of the injection. Both the skin and urine are expected to turn yellow/orange for 669

up to 24 hours after the injection of fluorescein dye. Patients occasionally experience 670

lightheadedness or nausea after dye injection which are usually transient and resolve after a few 671

minutes without further intervention. An allergic reaction to the dye used to do the fluorescein 672

angiography imaging is rare. A rash or pruritus (itching) can develop, but true anaphylactic 673

reactions are very rare. 674


The participant is not expected to receive direct benefit from study participation. 676


5.2 Study Participant Withdrawal and Losses to Follow-up 678 A study participant has the right to withdraw from the study at any time. If a study participant is 679

considering withdrawal from the study, the principal investigator should personally speak to the 680

individual about the reasons, and every effort should be made to accommodate him or her. 681


The goal for the study is to have as few losses to follow-up as possible. The Coordinating Center 683

will assist in the tracking of study participants who cannot be contacted by the site. The 684

Coordinating Center will be responsible for classifying a study participant as lost to follow-up. 685


Study participants who withdraw will be asked to have a final closeout visit at which the testing 687

described for the protocol visits will be performed. 688


5.3 Discontinuation of Study 690 The study may be discontinued by the Executive Committee prior to the preplanned completion of 691

follow-up for all study participants. 692


5.4 Contact Information Provided to the Coordinating Center 694 The Coordinating Center will be provided with contact information for each study participant. 695

Permission to obtain such information will be included in the Informed Consent Form. The contact 696

information may be maintained in a secure database and will be maintained separately from the study 697

data. 698


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Phone contact from the Coordinating Center will be made with each study participant in the first 700

month after enrollment, and approximately every six months thereafter. Additional phone contacts 701

from the Coordinating Center will be made if necessary to facilitate the scheduling of the study 702

participant for follow-up visits. A participant-oriented newsletter may be sent twice a year. A 703

study logo item may be sent once a year. 704


Study participants will be provided with a summary of the study results in a newsletter format after 706

completion of the study by all participants. 707


5.5 Subject Reimbursement 709 The study will be providing the study participant with a $50 merchandise or money card per 710

completed protocol visit. Additional travel expenses may be paid in cases for participants with 711

higher expenses.712

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STATISTICAL CONSIDERATIONS 713 The approach to sample size and statistical analyses are summarized below. A detailed statistical 714

analysis plan will be written and finalized prior to the completion of the study. 715


6.1 Primary Outcome 717 The primary outcome of this study is a 2 or more step worsening of DR severity over 4 years. 718

Diabetic retinopathy severity at baseline and follow up visits will be defined as the ETDRS DR 719

severity score based on the area of the 7-modified fields from the UWF images. Eyes receiving 720

PRP will be considered an event for the primary DR worsening outcome regardless of starting 721

retinopathy level. 722


6.1.1 Primary Outcome Analysis 724 The primary analysis will involve computing the relative risk and 95% confidence interval of a 2 725

step worsening in DR severity comparing eyes with and without predominately peripheral lesions at 726

baseline, using the Cox proportional hazard model, adjusting for baseline DR severity and whether 727

the participant has one or two study eyes. A robust sandwich estimate of the covariance matrix will 728

be used to account for correlation within participants who have both eyes studied. 729


Kaplan-Meier curves will be used to evaluate the proportional hazards assumption for peripheral 731

lesion status and baseline DR severity. In addition, the proportional hazards assumption will be 732

tested by adding the factor by time interaction terms to the proportional hazards model. If the 733

proportional hazards assumption is violated for baseline DR severity, stratification will be used to 734

adjust for baseline severity. If the proportional hazards assumption for peripheral lesion status is 735

violated, alternative methods of analysis to the Cox proportional hazards model will be explored. 736

Due to the discrete time data the exact method for ties will be used. 737


Data of study participants who are lost to follow up without 2 or more steps of DR severity 739

worsening will be censored on the date of the last visit. For the participants who initiated anti-740

VEGF or steroid treatment, data will be censored after the visit at which treatment is initiated. 741

Several analytical methods will be employed to explore the potential problem of informative 742

censoring, including imputation techniques for missing data, sensitivity analyses to mimic best and 743

worse-case scenarios, and use of published models that deal with informative censoring. 744


Eyes that are not eligible based on diabetic retinopathy severity after reading center assessment, will 746

not be included in longitudinal analyses. 747


6.1.2 Risk Factors 749 The following potential risk factors for the development of 2 step DR worsening will be assessed: 750

Primary Risk Factor of Interest as indicated above: Eyes without predominantly peripheral 751

lesions/eyes with predominantly peripheral lesions 752

Presence or absence of peripheral lesions 753

Whether the diabetic retinopathy severity level is different when graded within the modified 754

7 fields compared with the UWF image. 755

Type of peripheral lesions 756

Location of peripheral lesions 757

Extent of peripheral or posterior non-perfusion on fluorescein angiography 758

Peripheral DR lesions identified on fluorescein angiography that are not visualized on the 759

color photographs 760

Age 761

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Diabetes Type 762

Duration of diabetes 763

Blood Pressure 764

HbA1c 765

Urine albumin/creatinine ratio (ACR) 766

Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) 767


A univariate assessment of the relationship between the outcomes and each risk factor will be 769

performed using Cox proportional hazards model. Descriptive data for the risk factors from the 770

Kaplan-Meier analysis will be presented overall and also stratified by baseline retinopathy level. 771


A Cox proportional hazards model including those factors with any evidence of association will be 773

used to evaluate the association of factors with 2 step worsening while controlling for other factors. 774

Factors that are not stable over follow-up will be included as time-dependent variables. The 775

assumption of a linear relationship between hazard and continuous variables will be assessed by 776

fitting an alternate model categorizing continuous variables and examining coefficients for linear 777

trend. If the linearity assumption is violated, the variable will be transformed, or categorized for 778

analysis. The proportional hazards assumption will be tested as described for the primary analysis, 779

and alternative analytic methods will be explored if there is evidence that the proportional hazards 780

assumption is violated. 781


6.1.3 Secondary Outcomes 783 The following lists secondary outcomes that will be assessed. The methods for secondary analyses 784

including evaluation of risk factors will be parallel to methods described above for the primary 785

analyses. 786

787 Secondary outcomes include: 788

Proportion of eyes developing PDR 789

Proportion of eyes with 1 or 2 step improvement of diabetic retinopathy 790

Proportion of eyes receiving PRP 791

Proportion of eyes developing vitreous hemorrhage 792

Proportion of eyes receiving PRP or developing vitreous hemorrhage 793

Proportion of eyes developing DME 794

In eyes with DME at baseline, proportion with improvement or worsening of DME 795

Proportion of eyes developing peripheral lesions 796

797 Secondary outcome also will be assessed on a participant level for participants with two study eyes. 798


6.1.4 Cross-Sectional Analyses 800 The following key outcomes will be assessed at baseline and follow-up where applicable. 801


Agreement on DR severity between UWF images and DRCR.net protocol fundus photographs 803

Level of DR severity identified on UWF images and DRCR.net protocol fundus photographs will be 804

cross-tabulated, and agreement between the two will be assessed by calculation of both unweighted 805

kappa and weighted kappa values. The agreement between UWF images and on fundus photograph 806

grading will also be assessed by calculation of sensitivity/specificity percentages and 807

positive/negative predictive values using various cutoffs in DR severity, e.g. proliferative versus 808

non-proliferative disease. The 7 modified field images will be considered the gold standard image. 809

Images that are classified as ungradable will be excluded from these analyses; however, the 810

peripheral dr lesions and risk of dr progression v4.0_ 7-21-177 25 of 30

classification of the UWF and protocol fundus images as ungradable will be cross-tabulated for 811

descriptive purposes. 812


Peripheral lesions identified on UWF images outside the 7 standard fields 814

Percentage and type of peripheral lesions (hemorrhages/microaneurysms, venous beading, 815

intraretinal microvascular abnormalities and neovascularization elsewhere) will be tabulated and 816

frequency of peripheral lesions on UWF images that affect level of DR severity will be reported. 817

The analysis will only include data from eyes with gradable UWF images and gradable DRCR.net 818

protocol fundus photographs. 819


Agreement on DR severity between UWF images and clinician assessment of DR severity 821

Level of DR severity identified on UWF images and by clinician assessment on clinical exam will 822

be cross-tabulated, and agreement between the two will be assessed by calculation of both 823

unweighted kappa and weighted kappa values. The agreement between UWF images and by 824

clinical exam will also be assessed by calculation of sensitivity/specificity percentages and 825

positive/negative predictive values using various cutoffs in DR severity, e.g. proliferative versus 826

non-proliferative disease. Images that are classified as ungradable will be excluded from the 827

analysis. 828


Relationship between Peripheral and Posterior nonperfusion on UWF 830

The correlation between peripheral and posterior nonperfusion on the UWF FA will be evaluated. 831

In addition, association between the extent of peripheral and posterior non-perfusion on the UWF 832

FA and baseline diabetic retinopathy and DME severity will be evaluated. 833


Relationship between diabetic retinopathy and kidney and cardiovascular outcomes 835

For continuous outcomes (eGFR and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio) an analysis of covariance 836

(ANCOVA) model will be used to assess the association between each UWF risk factor in section 837

6.1.2 (explanatory variable) and the continuous organ system outcomes. Models will be adjusted 838

for the baseline level of the organ system outcome measurement. In addition, potential confounding 839

factors will be assessed including age, gender, diabetes type, smoking history, socioeconomic 840

status, body-mass index, duration of diabetes, and HbA1c. The association between UWF risk 841

factors and organ measurements will be assessed cross-sectionally and the relationship between 842

changes in a risk factor and changes in an organ measurement will be assessed over time. All linear 843

model assumptions will be verified including linearity, normality of residuals, and 844

homoscedasticity. If model assumptions are not met data transformation or a nonparametric 845

analysis will be considered. Median and interquartile ranges and/or means and standard deviations 846

will be reported to describe the distribution of the data and 95% confidence intervals will be 847

constructed where appropriate. For ocular outcomes, generalized estimating equations will be used 848

to adjust for the correlation between eyes of patients who have two study eyes. 849


For binary outcomes (e.g. cardiac event) a logistic regression model will be used to assess the 851

association between each UWF risk factor in section 6.1.2 (explanatory variable) and the binary 852

organ system outcome. Models will be adjusted for the baseline level of the organ system outcome 853

measurement or history of the disease as relevant. In addition, potential confounding factors will be 854

assessed including age, gender, diabetes type, smoking history, and socioeconomic status, body-855

mass index, duration of diabetes, and HbA1c. The association between UWF risk factors and organ 856

outcomes will be assessed cross-sectionally and the relationship between changes in a risk factor 857

and the outcome will be assessed over time. For ocular outcomes, generalized estimating equations 858

will be used to adjust for the correlation between eyes of patients who have two study eyes. 859

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For the participants who initiated anti-VEGF treatment, data will be censored after the visit at which 860

treatment is initiated. Several analytical methods will be employed to explore the potential problem 861

of informative censoring, including imputation techniques for missing data, sensitivity analyses to 862

mimic best and worse-case scenarios, and use of published models that deal with informative 863

censoring. 864




6.1.5 Additional Analysis 868 Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics will be tabulated for each group. 869


6.1.6 Fellow Eyes 871 Data will be collected on both eyes of each participant even if only one eye is eligible. It is 872

unknown what the distribution of retinopathy severity, diabetic macular edema, prior DME 873

treatment, or prior PRP treatment will be in fellow eyes. If sufficient numbers exits, exploratory 874

analyses will be conducted in fellow eyes in the following subgroups of interest: 875

Eyes with diabetic retinopathy on UWF but no diabetic retinopathy in the modified 7-fields 876

Eyes beginning or in the midst of anti-VEGF treatment 877

Eyes with DME that are not beginning anti-VEGF treatment 878

Eyes with PDR that have not previously received PRP 879

Eyes status post PRP 880


6.2 OCT Angiography Ancillary Study 882 At a subset of sites with OCT angiography capabilities, images will be taken at all follow-up visits. 883

Features evident on OCT angiography alone will not be used for the primary outcome 884

determination. Exploratory analyses of OCT angiography may be completed, including but not 885

limited to: 886

Comparison with current imaging modalities for detection of diabetic retinopathy 887

pathology. 888

Identification of biomarkers at baseline that may predict retinopathy progression. 889

Comparison of different OCT angiography systems at sites with more than one available. 890


6.3 Sample Size Estimation 892 The data from Silva et al on 109 eyes was used for the estimation of the proportion of eyes that will 893

worsen 2 steps or more on ETDRS DR Severity scales over 4 years, and relative risk according to 894

peripheral lesion status.27 The proportion of eyes without predominantly peripheral lesions at 895

baseline UWF imaging that will worsen 2 steps or more based on the preliminary data in the 896

BEI/JDC study is 11% (95% confidence interval 3% to 20%) and the proportion of eyes with 897

predominantly peripheral lesions at baseline that worsen 2 steps or more is approximately 34% 898

(95% CI: 22% to 46%), for an estimated relative risk of 3.0 (95% CI: 1.3 to 6.9). 899


Table 1 shows per group sample size estimates needed to detect a relative risk that differs from 1, 901

based on the logrank test, under varying assumptions for 4 year rates of DR severity worsening with 902

a type 1 error rate of 0.05 (2-sided) and 90% power, assuming an exponential survival time 903

distribution with equal numbers of subjects in the predominantly peripheral lesion and the without 904

predominantly peripheral lesion groups and 15% loss to follow up over 4 years in each of the 905

groups. 906


peripheral dr lesions and risk of dr progression v4.0_ 7-21-177 27 of 30

Table 1: Sample Size per Group Under Various Assumptions of Outcome Rates for DR 908

Severity Worsening Over 4 Years 909


Peripheral lesion

at baseline

Without predominantly peripheral lesion at baseline

0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05

0.70 31 24 20 16 13

0.60 48 35 27 20 16

0.50 87 57 40 28 20

0.35 466 193 99 58 35

0.30 1745 402 163 82 46

0.25 -- 1477 332 130 62

0.20 -- -- 1183 255 95


Additional data that will aid in refining outcome estimates will be analyzed as it becomes available. 911


If we assume that 10% (point estimate) of the without predominantly peripheral lesions group will 913

worsen 2 steps or more on DR severity over 4 years and 25% of the eyes predominantly with 914

peripheral lesions will worsen (a relative risk of 2.5), a sample of N = 260 (130 per group) provides 915

90% power for a two-sided test of relative risk equal to 1 with type I error rate of 5%. This sample 916

size includes adjustment for 15% lost to follow-up or initiating anti-VEGF. As some participants 917

will contribute 2 study eyes, and the primary analysis will adjust for baseline DR severity, it is 918

expected that actual power will be higher than 90% for the primary analysis. The sample size has 919

been conservatively increased to 350 participants to account for the uncertainty in the estimations. 920

This sample size will include at least 175 participants with predominantly peripheral lesions and at 921

least 175 participants without predominantly peripheral lesions. In order to achieve a minimum of 922

175 participants in each of these primary cohorts, over enrollment of one of the groups may be 923

necessary. 924


6.3.1 Detectable Relative Risks 926 Table 2 provides the detectable hazard ratios of worsening 2 steps or more over 4 years on ETDRS 927

DR severity scales in eyes with peripheral lesions at baseline vs. eyes without peripheral lesions at 928

baseline as a function of the hazard in the group without peripheral lesions, with a sample size of 929

175 in each group (assuming 15% lost to follow-up). 930


Table 2: Detectable Hazard Ratio of worsening 2 steps in eyes with peripheral lesions to 932

without peripheral lesions with 90% or greater power 933 Outcome rate at 4 years in eyes

without peripheral lesions

Hazard in eyes without

peripheral lesions

Detectable hazard ratio of 2 step

worsening with N=175/group

0.05 0.013 3.2

0.10 0.026 2.5

0.15 0.041 2.2

0.20 0.056 2.0

0.25 0.071 1.9


The study will have a minimum of 90% power to detect hazard ratio between 1.9 and 3.2 for 935

assessing the association between the risk of worsening 2 steps or more with presence of peripheral 936

lesions, depending on the 4 year outcome rate in the eyes without peripheral lesions. 937



peripheral dr lesions and risk of dr progression v4.0_ 7-21-177 28 of 30

Table 3. Detectable hazard ratio as a function of outcome rate in eyes without risk factor and 940

proportions with and without risk factor 941

Outcome rate

at 4 years in

eyes without

risk factor

Hazard of

Outcome in Eyes

without risk


Detectable Hazard Ratio with

Total sample size = 350 subjects

W/ factor – 75%


W/o factor – 25%


W/ factor – 33%


W/o factor – 67%


W/ factor – 50%


W/o factor – 50%

(n=175) 0.05 0.013 4.2 3.7 3.2

0.10 0.026 3.0 2.7 2.5 0.15 0.041 2.5 2.3 2.2 0.20 0.056 2.3 2.1 2.0 0.25 0.071 2.2 2.0 1.9



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sample size of 350 subjects and 15% loss to follow up, the study will have a minimum of 90% 945

power to detect hazard ratio between 1.9 and 4.2 for the range of likely hazard and risk factor 946

prevalence combinations shown in Table 3.947

peripheral dr lesions and risk of dr progression v4.0_ 7-21-177 29 of 30



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