DG Competition State aid Modernisation Changing the balance of State aid control Miek Van der Wee...

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Transcript of DG Competition State aid Modernisation Changing the balance of State aid control Miek Van der Wee...

DG Competition DG Competition DG CompetitionDG Competition

State aid ModernisationChanging the balance

of State aid control

Miek Van der WeeEuropean CommissionDG Competition

Northern Ireland State aid Awareness Seminar16 September 2014

DG Competition DG Competition

SAM – Main drivers

■ Europe 2020: Targeting EU policies at fostering smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

■ Economic & financial crisis Enforcement challenges► Need to modernise rules to protect effectiveness of SA

policy (faster decision making, focus on most distortive aid, strengthen economic reasoning, …)

► Budgetary constraints: Focus on quality public expenditure

■ Expiry of SA instruments in 2013 (GBER, guidelines)

■ New programming cycle for ESI Funds

DG Competition DG Competition

SAM – Main objectives

■ Foster growth in a competitive internal market► Facilitate the granting of “good aid” (Europe 2020)

► Discourage ineffective or counter-productive aid

■ Focus enforcement on cases with biggest impact► Less ex ante control of potentially less distortive aid

► Emphasis on ex post monitoring, evaluation & transparency

■ Streamline rules and speed up decisions► Simplification and harmonisation of rules

► Improvement of procedures

DG Competition DG Competition

SAM – Building blocks

Notice on notion of aid

Review De Minimis Reg.

New Enabling RegulationNew GBER

Review major guidelines

Review Procedural Reg.

SAM Principles Clarification &

simplification Common

compatibility criteria Strengthened

partnership with MS

DG Competition DG Competition

SAM – Legislative programme - 1

Legal instruments Procedural Regulation OJ 31/07/2013

Enabling Regulation OJ 22/07/2013

De Minimis Regulation OJ 24/12/2013

General Block Exemption Regulation OJ 17/06/2014

Broadband guidelines OJ 26/01/2013

Regional aid guidelines OJ 23/07/2013

Short term credit OJ 19/12/2012

Cinema OJ 15/11/2013

Risk finance OJ 15/01/2014

DG Competition DG Competition

SAM – Legislative programme - 2

Legal instruments Airports and airlines OJ 04/04/2014

Energy & Environment OJ 28/06/2014

R&D&I OJ 27/06/2014

Important Projects of Common EU Interest OJ 20/06/2014

Rescue & restructuring OJ 31/07/2014

Evaluation (Staff paper) 28/05/2014

Transparency (Communication) 21/05/2014

Notion of aid

For overview of all revised SAM texts: http://ec.europa.eu/competition/state_aid/modernisation/index_en .html

DG Competition DG Competition

notified (guidelines/Treaty)


Still to be notified (guidelines/Treaty)

Exemption areas

GBER extension(new types and categories)

GBER extension(notification & intensity threshold) GBER extension

Type of aid


id a




Notified aid


•De minimis

De Minimis

Impact 1: Facilitate granting "good aid"

DG Competition DG Competition

Impact 1: Facilitate granting "good aid"

New categories of aid brought under GBER:■ Aid to compensate natural disaster damage■ Operating aid in remote & in sparsely populated areas■ Individual regional aid measures■ Aid for urban development projects in assisted regions■ Aid for broadband infrastructure■ Aid for start-ups, for SME financing, for innovation clusters &

research infrastructure■ Aid for culture and heritage conservation, for sport and

multifunctional recreational facilities■ Aid for the remediation of contaminated sites■ Aid for renewables and district heating ….

DG Competition DG Competition

Impact 1: Facilitate granting "good aid"

Aid amounts Aid measures

2/3 aid amounts and 3/4 aid measures could be "GBER-ised'

DG Competition DG Competition

Impact 2: Stricter control of "bad aid"

Assessment of potentially more distortive types of aid on the basis of "common assessment criteria":

► contribution to a well-defined objective of common interest

► need for state intervention

► appropriateness of the aid measure

► incentive effect

► proportionality of the aid (aid limited to the minimum necessary)

► avoidance of undue negative effects on competition and trade between Member States

DG Competition DG Competition

Impact 3: Ex Ante Ex Post Transparency

■ Smaller proportion of aid will be scrutinised by EC► Aid under GBER

► Awards under approved aid schemes

■ Shift from ex ante control to :► Ex Post Evaluation

► Ex Post Monitoring

► Transparency

DG Competition DG Competition

Impact 3: Ex Post - Evaluation

■ Purpose:

Improve quality of public expenditure

■ Scope: Large schemes

■ Evaluation questions:► Did the aid alter behaviour of


► Were the objectives of the aid achieved?

■ Independent evaluator

Assessment and approval





DG Competition DG Competition

Impact 3: Ex post - Monitoring

■ Ex Post Monitoring since 2006► 221 schemes monitored

► 28% of monitored schemes found to be problematic

■ Widening of GBER will be accompanied by increased monitoring efforts

DG Competition DG Competition

Impact 3: Ex Post - Transparency

■ Purpose:► Improve accountability of public spending

► Promote compliance (enables firms to verify legality of aid granted to competitors)

■ Publication on Central/Regional website of ► Full text of aid scheme or aid granting decision

► Identity of granting authority

► Info on individual aid awards > € 500,000: Identity of beneficiary, aid amount, date of granting, NUTS 3 region, NACE code

DG Competition DG Competition

Impact 4: New Partnership with MS

■ Extension of GBER Increased responsibility for MS► Implementation aid measures without ex ante control by EC

► Need to ensure effective control at national level

■ Strengthen EC-MS partnership► Country Coordinator Network in COMP

► High level Country visits Portfolio approach

► Guidance on new rules via share platform ECN-ET

► High Level Forum + Working Groups● WG on SAM implementation (GBER, Best Practices…))● WGs on specific topics (EEAG)

DG Competition DG Competition DG CompetitionDG Competition

Thank youAny questions?