DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013

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Transcript of DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013

  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013


    Insight from DevOps Thought Leaders

    12t APRIL 2013

  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013


    Welcome to Devops FriDay!Each week, we summarise the best content o the week coming out othe DevOps community.

    The newsletter is curated by DevOps enthusiast, Benjamin Wootton.

    I welcome any eedback or suggestions or content or the newslettervia Twitter @benjaminwootton.

    To sign up or uture editions, please visit the DevOps Friday home page.

    12th april 2013

    DevOps Friday is proudly supported by ServerDensity.

    Server Density is a server and website monitoring tool.

    Were supporting DevOps Friday in its quest to continually

    publish bite size insights and news into the DevOps world.

    I you like this, please visit ServerDensity

    and the ServerDensity blog.

    Curated byBjai Wtt
  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013









    groWing an ops teamFrom one FounDerDavid Mytton

    mattheW skeltonon soFtWare operabilityMatthew Skelton

    the benchmark yourereaDing is probably WrongRethinkDB Team

    Why Devops matters(to Developers)Benjamin Wootton

    application supportis perFect For DevopsMatt Watson

    the state oF the artmonitoring stackSandy Walsh

    Unortunately, most benchmarks

    published online have crucial aws

    in the methodology, and since many

    people make decisions based on

    this inormation, sotware vendors

    are orced to modiy the deault

    conguration o their products to

    look good on these benchmarks.

    Operability is an engineering term

    concerning the qualities o a system

    which make it work well over its

    lietime, and sotware operability

    applies these core engineering

    principles to sotware systems.

    In the early days o 2009, it was

    just me running the Server Density

    monitoring inrastructure. Over the

    last 4 years the service has grown in

    terms o team members, data volume,

    customers and inrastructure so here

    are a ew lessons rom scaling the ops

    team and how things are run.

    DevOps stems rom the idea that

    developers and operations should

    work more closely together to

    increase the quality o the systems

    that we build and operate,

    but most o the enthusiasm and

    thought leadership appears to

    come rom the Operations side

    o the ence.

    Finally, organizations can embrace

    a DevOps approach that improves

    application support even i they

    dont have a ormal DevOps team.

    Stackiy is the only solution that

    provides the proper access, tools and

    intelligence to improve application

    support eciency.

    For many o us starting in this area,

    our concept o monitors consists

    o top, some apache, mysql and

    application log les. We were scared

    of o monitoring by these old

    monolithic products that required

    huge licensing ees and armies

    o proessional services people.

    Thankully, times have changed.


  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013



    ReLAunchIngdevoPs fRIdAy

    ThIs WeekIn devoPs

    Around a year ago, I started a small

    newsletter summarising the best DevOps

    related links o the week.

    Since that time, interest has continued

    to grow in DevOps. Fantastic blog posts

    and articles are coming out each week,

    advancing the state o the art. Conerences

    are generating massive amounts o

    interesting content and discussion.

    Discussion on Twitter and on the podcasts

    is entertaining and educational.

    Considering this, I want to take DevOps

    Friday to the next level, using it as a hubto capture and communicate the best

    content o each week. I you like this issue,

    please consider sharing with riends and

    colleagues and encouraging them to sign

    up at the DevOps Friday home page.

    Keith and Marios Guide to Fast Websites

    MongoDB Large Scale Data Centric Applications

    Hiring or the DevOps Toolchain: The Need or Generalists

    How Badly Set Goals Create a Tug-o-War in Your DevOps Organization

    Treating Servers as Cattle, Not as Pets

    Achieving Awesomeness with Opscode Che (Part 2)

    Making A Point With SLAs

    Amazon Cloud A River Runs Through It

    Using Message Queues in Cloud Applications

    Are You Unknowingly Replicating Your Failure as a DBA?

    this Week in Devops
  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013



    When DevOps emerged in 2009, thegap between development andoperations teams nally started to getthe kind o media and vendor attention itdeserved. DevOps gets developers moreinvolved in IT operations so they canmore rapidly resolve sotware issues thatarise ater deployment. Without accessto production applications and servers,even development managers and systemadmins need help identiying and solvingproblems, which is horribly inecient.

    Some o us have been doing DevOpseven beore it had a name. At my lastcompany, the lead developers were heavily

    involved in hardware purchases, settinghardware up, deploying code, monitoringsystems and much more. The problemwas that only three o the 40 developershad production access. The chosen three(including me) spent an inordinate amounto time helping others troubleshoot andx application bugs. While I didnt trustthe junior developers with the keys tothe kingdom I nevertheless would havepreerred them to have the ability to xtheir own bugs. Because our applicationsupport processes werent very ecient,I wasted a lot o my own time xing bugsinstead o building new eatures.

    Later, I started Stackiy because I believethat more developers should be involvedin production application support. Thatway, a couple o employees like thethree o us at my old job dont become abottleneck. Meanwhile, junior developers,QA and even less technical support peoplecan get server access to view log les andother basic troubleshooting inormation.Sadly in most companies today, the leaddeveloper or system admin ends up

    tracking down a log le or nding someminor bug in another developers app

    when they should be working on moreimportant projects.

    Developers should be more involved in thedesign and support o the inrastructureour applications rely on since we areultimately responsible or the applicationswe create. We should be able to deploy ourapplications, monitor production systems,ensure everything is working properly andbe held responsible when our applicationsail in production.

    Finding and xing bugs is oten more

    dicult than it sounds, however. Just thinkor a moment. What do your developersneed access to? I your team is anythinglike mine was they need:

    A database o application exceptions

    Application and server log les

    Windows Event Viewer

    Application and server cong les

    SQL databases to test queries

    Scheduled jobs history

    Server monitoring tools

    Perormance monitoring tools

    and the list goes on.

    When a developer is trying to x a bug,nothing is more rustrating than lackingthe details necessary to reproduce or xthe problem. Troubleshooting applicationproblems can require access to a lot oinormation which in turn involves a lot oscreens and a lot o logins. Imagine gettingall the inormation you need in a singlescreen and then having the ability to drilldown into it with a couple o mouse clicks.

    As nice as it sounds, giving developersaccess to the inormation they need has

    been more dicult than it sounds because:

    The data resides in many locations

    Too many tools exist to accessdiferent types o inormation

    It can be dicult or impossible tocontrol access rights and protectsensitive data

    Developers should be preventedrom making changes

    It is dicult or impossible to auditwhat developers access

    To overcome the challenges outlined inthis post, I and my team at Stackiy builta solution that gives developers access toall the inormation they need to provideefective application support. It alsosolves the problems that have preventedsuch inormation sharing in the past.With Stackiy, you can eliminatebottlenecks in development teams andscale application support teams withoutadditional head count.

    Finally, organizations can embracea DevOps approach that improvesapplication support even i they donthave a ormal DevOps team. Stackiy isthe only solution that provides the properaccess, tools and intelligence to improveapplication support eciency.

    application support

    is perFect For DevopsMatt Watson oundedStackiy in 2012 and as CEO provides the vision and leadershipor the direction o the company. Matts goal is to simpliy IT operations via Stackiys

    DevOps solution. Prior to ounding Stackiy, he was the ounder and CTO o VinSolutions.

    Matt is an entrepreneur at heart and excels and product and sotware development.

    Matt Watson

  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013




    n the early days o 2009, it was just me

    running the Server Density monitoring

    inrastructure. The service came out o

    beta in the summer and immediately

    had a ew paying customers which

    helped to und the rental o a couple

    o slices rom Slicehost (ancy VPSs).

    The volume o traic, simplicity o the

    service components and small number

    o servers meant that there were ew


    Over the last 4 years the service has

    grown in terms o team members, data

    volume, customers and inrastructure sohere are a ew lessons rom scaling the

    ops team and how things are run.

    BooTsTRAPPIngofTen meAns LeAvIngThIngs To LAsT mInuTe

    Ideally youll anticipate problems and have

    a solution well in advance, but thats not

    always possible. The most likely reason in

    the early days is cash; or lack o it.

    In August o 2009 Id just completed our

    migration rom MySQL to MongoDB

    and it still had problems with eagerly

    eating up disk space. This prompted

    setting up a new server with increased

    disk space because resizing a Slicehost

    instance wouldve meant some hours o

    downtime. It went down to the very last

    ew bytes o remaining disk space as the

    sync completed.

    IT ALso meAns TRyIng

    To fInd The quIckesT WAyTo do ThIngs

    Time is something you dont have much o

    and one o the slowest things is transerring

    large quantities o data over the internet.

    We had an unexpected ailure where we

    had to do a ull resync o a MongoDB slave

    in a diferent data centre, which wouldve

    taken 6 days. Instead, we copied the data

    onto a USB disk drive and had UPS ship it to

    the other acility. Network transer speeds

    worked out at around 5MB/s whereas UPS

    delivered at 11MB/s.

    LeT oTheR PeoPLe heLP

    You really need at least one other person

    to be able to take on-call duties when

    youre away but i thats not possible or as

    a backup, you could make use o services

    provided by your hosting company or a

    third party.

    We quickly moved rom Slicehost to

    managed servers at Rackspace and

    they were able to do monitoring andrespond to issues like servers down or

    services not running. They took special

    instructions or dierent scenarios and

    you could always phone them and

    ask them to perorm certain actions. I

    remember several instances where I was

    away rom my computer and was able to

    phone Rackspace support, asking them

    to perorm some basic recovery actions

    whilst I got back online.

    consIdeR suPPoRT

    conTRAcTsIn addition to general sysadmin support

    rom your hosting provider, you can buy

    commercial support contracts or the

    sotware products youre using. This could

    be Ubuntu Linux, Nginx or MongoDB.

    Depending on the level o support you can

    get some pretty involved help when you

    need it most.

    However, theyre oten very expensive and

    unafordable as a startup. Even with the

    greater resources we now have, supportcontracts are aimed at enterprises with big

    budgets. One way to workaround this is to

    be very involved with the projects you use.

    I was an early adopter o MongoDB and

    have a close relationship with 10gen, the

    company behind it, so am able to get good

    deals on support.

    Also consider what support you really

    need. Our support contract with MongoDB

    was well used in the early days because it

    was a new technology. Its signicantly

    more stable nowadays and other products,like Apache or example, weve never had

    an issue with.

    fIguRe ouT WhAT youhAve To do And WhATcAn Be ouTsouRced

    I consider keeping core engineering in-

    house very important or technology/

    sotware companies but there are lots o

    David Mytton


    David Mytton is the ounder oServer Density. He has been programming in PHP and

    Python or over 10 years, regularly speaks about MongoDB (including running the

    London MongoDB User Group), co-ounded the Open Rights Group and can oten be

    ound cycling in London or drinking tea in Japan.

    groWing an ops team

    From one FounDer

  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013



    things that need doing to run operations

    that could be outsourced to (trusted)

    individuals on an ad-hoc basis. Engineers

    are terrible at valuing their own time and

    oten use the argument: why pay or

    something I could build/install/congure

    mysel?. Candidates or this are things

    like running through PCI compliance

    checklists, setting up centralised logging,reorganising servers (e.g upgrading

    base OSs), researching CDN providers,

    integrating CI tools, etc. You always want

    someone technical managing the project

    to keep things on track and validate the

    end results, but these are things you dont

    need to do yoursel.

    hAck TRAveLIng

    As part o the ounding team and even

    as an engineer youre likely to have to

    travel at some point to conerences,meeting customers, pitching vendors

    or maybe on holiday! Its relaxing to

    be uncontactable on the plane but its

    also scary because you have no idea i

    everything is still running. On one o my

    trips to Japan, as soon as I stepped of the

    12 hour ight to Tokyo Narita, I had a ood

    o SMS alerts as one o our MongoDB

    servers had encountered a problem 4

    hours previously. One o our engineers

    had been assigned on call or my ight

    and had already worked with the guys at

    10gen and resolved the problem.

    Youll realise you become a slave to

    connectivity so trips to Japan are ne, but

    Tajikistan isnt really an option. So you

    need to be able to get internet access

    and power anywhere you are tricks such

    as visiting Starbucks, carrying external

    hotspots and not running things like

    updates when youre away!

    donT foRgeT

    The humAn AsPecT

    There are a lot o cool tools which

    help to automate processes, and these

    should be used as much as possible.

    However, its still real people running things

    in the end. This is the really dicult bit o

    having a small team because everyone has

    to pitch in and it can be dicult to share

    the workload when just a ew people know

    how things work.

    You have to consider who will take the

    call when things break:

    How quickly can they get to a

    computer they can use to x things?

    Are you out drinking on a Friday?

    What happens i someone alls

    ill? This could be a minor cold ormajor emergency. This could be the

    individual engineer or their amily

    members. Does the on-call have

    enough phone battery? Can they hear

    their ringtone?

    Who is backup i the primary doesnt

    pick up? This is especially the case

    with outages. They oten happen at

    inconvenient times and big incidents

    might require you to work or

    signicant periods o time.

    Dealing with communicating with

    customers, xing problems and recovering

    data can be exhausting especially when

    theres nobody else to help. The ultimate

    goal is to build your team so that shit

    based on-call cover can be provided but

    its dicult in the beginning with limited

    resources (both or people and multi-

    geographic redundancy). Nobody is an

    invested in your service as you and your

    team Although services like Rackspaces

    support are helpul in certain situations,theyre never able to know the ull story

    behind your service and how to deal

    with complex components. For example,

    MongoDB was a completely new database

    and didnt have single server durability

    or some time a bad shutdown could

    require a lengthy database repair, which

    was important to take steps to avoid such

    as by properly shutting it down beore

    powering of the server.

    Knowing about the weaknesses and

    how to deal with them is somethingthat requires greater knowledge o your

    setup that basic vendor support isnt

    going to provide. These things should be

    a stopgap or supplement the end goal

    o growing your own team. The whole

    point o devops is that its a mixture o

    engineering and operations so you dont

    need to hire dedicated sysadmins. This

    works well or small startup teams but

    you will eventually want someone (or

    multiple people) who are responsible

    or the day to day operations. Engineers

    still engage with the team, can deploy,

    work on testing and debug problems but

    things like dealing with a ailed disk drive

    or implementing backups is really outside

    the remit o devops in a large team.

    You know youre there when you

    can start hiring site reliability


  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013



    mattheW skelton

    on soFtWare operability

    WhAT Is sofTWARe

    oPeRABILITy And WhyIs IT ImPoRTAnT?

    Operability is an engineering term

    concerning the qualities o a system

    which make it work well over its lietime,

    and sotware operability applies these

    core engineering principles to sotware

    systems. An operable sotware system is

    one which delivers not only reliable end-

    user unctionality, but also works well

    rom the perspective o the operations

    team. Such sotware has been built to

    operate successully without needing

    application restarts, server reboots, load-

    balancer hacks, or any o the countless

    other xes and work-arounds which

    operations teams have to use in order to

    make many business sotware systems

    work in practice on a daily basis. Sotware

    systems which ollow sotware operability

    good practice will tend to be simpler to

    operate and maintain, with a reduced cost

    o ownership, and almost certainly ewer

    operational problems.

    WheRe dId youRInTeResT In oPeRABILITycome fRom?

    Early in my career I built sotware systems

    or MRI (brain) scanners and oil & gas

    exploration. Operability or such systems

    is essential; its no use building an MRI

    scanner which can produce 3D brain

    images i it needs rebooting ater taking

    every second image. Likewise, it was

    cheaper to drill a new oil well than to

    extract a aulty down-hole pressure gauge;

    these systems had to operate reliably with

    minimal human intervention. Since then I

    have too oten seen the negative efects

    o operational eatures being dropped

    beore go-live, which usually results in

    signicant operational costs and more

    incidents in Production. There is no good

    reason in 2013 why businesses should

    put up with (and pay or) second-rate

    sotware which needs arduous human

    attention every ew hours or days just in

    order to maintain normal operation. In

    my experience, most modern businesssotware is simple enough (at a systems

    level at least) that we can signicantly

    reduce operational cost and downtime

    by introducing sotware operability as a

    key concern or sotware product delivery

    teams. Ultimately, its about lower cost o

    ownership, better engineering, and ewer

    late nights debugging aky sotware!

    WhAT ARe some ofThe LoW hAngIng fRuITA sofTWARe TeAmcAn TAckLe To mAkeTheIR sofTWARe moReoPeRABLe?

    The best thing a sotware team can do to

    make their sotware more operable is to

    write a drat operation manual alongside

    eature development. The operation

    manual (aka run book) eventually contains

    the ull details o how the sotware system

    is operated in Production. By writing a

    drat operation manual, the sotware

    team can demonstrate to the operations

    olks that either all the major operability

    concerns have been addressed or that

    some operability criteria are beyond the

    expertise o the sotware team, but at least

    there will be no nasty surprises when the

    sotware is put into operation. The act

    o having to think about things like

    backups, time changes, health checks, and

    clear-down steps in the context o their

    sotware tends to mean that the sotware

    team members will implement small but

    crucial changes to the sotware to provide

    hooks or monitoring, alerting, backups,ailover, etc., which improve the operability

    o the sotware.

    Beyond ThAT, WhATWouLd RePResenT hIgheRLeveL of oPeRABILITy?

    Sotware with a high level o operability

    is easy to deploy, test, and interrogate

    in the Production environment. Highly

    operable sotware provides the operations

    team with the right amount o good-

    quality inormation about the state o the

    service being provided, and will exhibit

    predicable and non-catastrophic ailure

    modes when under high load or abnormal

    conditions. Systems with good sotware

    operability also lend themselves to rapid

    diagnosis and simple recovery ollowing

    a problem, because they have been built

    with operational criteria as rst-class

    concerns. - How do you make the case or

    operability when the main business ocus is

    Matthew has been building, deploying and operating commercial sotware systemsor over 13 years. He has engineered sotware systems or organisations in fnance,

    insurance, pharmaceuticals, travel and media, as well as or MRI brain scanners and

    oil and gas exploration. He looks ater build and deployment at, the UKsleading rail ticket vendor which operates one o the countrys busiest web inrastructures.

    Matthew Skelton


  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013



    usually on eatures? I think one o the most

    important changes to make is to stop using

    the term non-unctional requirements

    or things like perormance and stability

    requirements; instead, use the term

    operational requirements, or even better,

    operational eatures, and include these in

    the product backlog alongside end-user

    eatures. This gets away rom the articial(and unhelpul) contrast o unctional vs

    non-unctional requirements, and helps

    to communicate to the business that the

    operational aspects o the sotware also

    require specic eatures i the business

    requirements are going to be met.

    A useul approach (discussed at the

    excellent DevOpsDays 2013 event in

    London) is to make the product owner

    responsible not only or eature delivery but

    also operational success o the sotware;

    ater a ew early morning Priority 1 call-outs

    due to the application servers needing a

    restart, the product owner will probably

    start to realise the importance o operational

    eatures! Making any operational problems

    more visible is also crucial. I the operations

    team needs to restart the app servers

    every night, make this visible, and include

    the product owner or business sponsor in

    the email notications every day. Draw

    analogies with systems amiliar to the

    product owner: i they had to have their car

    xed by a mechanic every two days, theydsoon either buy a new car or pay to have

    the aulty part replaced. So, dont hide the

    efort which youre expending on keeping

    their sotware product running; make sure

    they see the cost (and the pain!).

    WheRe shouLd WeLook foR fuRTheRInfoRmATIon onoPeRABILITy?

    A good starting point to learn more aboutsotware operability is the excellent

    book Patterns or Perormance and

    Operability by Ford, Gileadi, et al (ISBN

    978-1420053340), which explains the

    core concepts and works through several

    real-world examples. In the 1980s and

    90s the US space agency NASA did some

    really useul work on operability as part

    o the space shuttle programme, and

    much o the research is available online;

    Richard Crowleys talk on Developing

    Operabilityat SuperCon 2012 is also worth

    reading and understanding. I recently

    began a blog at

    which I plan to turn into a book in late

    2013 or early 2014 to help sotware teams

    get to grips with sotware operability. Its

    worth saying that teams with a DevOps

    approach will generally produce systemswith better operability than teams

    split into the traditional DevOps silos.

    Im approaching sotware operability

    rom this siloed world o DevOps,

    mainly because this is where most

    organisations still are today, and in act,

    I hope that by gaining a better

    understanding o sotware

    operability, many engineering

    teams will move instinctively

    towards a DevOps model.

    More ino can be ound,

    @Operabilityand #operabilityon Twitter.
  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013




    evOps stems rom the idea that

    developers and operations

    should work more closely together

    communicating, knowledge sharing,

    and collaborating to increase the

    quality o the systems that we build

    and operate.

    Though DevOps is an id ea that is i nding

    a lot o success and adoption, most o

    the enthusiasm and thought leadership

    appears to come rom the Operations

    side o the ence.

    This is o course understandable.

    With Operations teams being on the

    ront line and talking to end users daily,

    they have an obvious motivation not

    to upset customers through downtime,

    and an obvious personal motivation to

    avoid ire-ighting issues in avour o

    working on higher value projects.

    However, as a developer who has always

    worked at this intersection o the two

    teams, I eel that developers should also

    sit up and give more credence to what is

    coming out o the DevOps community.

    By opening up communication paths

    and adopting Operations-like skills and

    mindsets, we can likely all beneit

    both as individuals and as teams and in

    the quality o sotware that we deliver.

    Here are some o the reasons why I

    think this is the case:

    sotware bug, ahardware outage or a ailed

    rollout. They wont care i it was a human

    error or some arbitrary combination o

    events. All they care about is that they

    cant use the system as intended.

    This might be a product o the systems on

    which Ive worked, but with good unit and

    integration testing and good QA testing,

    it is possible to catch most sotware bugs

    that would impact a large percentage o

    the user base. However, where things more

    typically go wrong is when the system

    comes into contact with the real world.

    For instance, we might nd our code

    perorms badly under real world load,

    that a disk lls up, or that users use the

    application in a way we didnt anticipate

    as they are prone to do!

    A DevOps oriented developer or team

    have a much more stringent ocus on

    these issues and general site reliability.

    Theyll not only test their code; they will

    think about ailure scenarios and mitigate

    them beore code is even released. Theyll

    think careully about detailed testing o

    their eatures to minimise the risk o them

    impacting the broader production system.

    They will plan and stage their upgrades

    to de-risk releases, and always have a

    rollback strategy. They will talk regularly

    with operations to ensure that they are

    taking into account their experience

    with keeping the site available. In short,

    devoPs IncReAses

    The focus on PRoducTIon

    Though sotware teams might divide

    themselves into development, QA and

    operations, these can be slightly arbitrary

    distinctions. The business who are paying

    or all o this only care about the net

    output o what those three teams deliver

    the value that the nished production

    sotware is bringing to the organisation.

    Our goal as developers should be to deliver

    not just source code but a reliable product,eature or system that is in production and

    that people will gain business benet rom.

    Though we might be personally motivated

    by cutting code, it is all or nothing i our

    work never makes it to production, or i

    the users o the application have a bad

    time once its out.

    To my mind, the operational ocus on

    production and delivery espoused by

    DevOps is a good thing which usually

    leads to much more net value or thebusiness. DevOps oriented development

    teams have a ocus on value and their

    user base, rather than their code base.

    devoPs heLPs youImPRove youR sITeReLIABILITy

    I your application has downtime,

    customers wont care i its due to a

    Why Devops matters

    (to Developers)Benjamin Wootton is the Principal Consultant atAutumn Devops, a London, UK based

    consultancy specializing in DevOps and sotware release automation. He has over 10

    years experience working at the intersection o agile Java sotware development and

    operations. He is the maintainer o the popularDevOps Friday newsletter.

    Benjamin Wootton

  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013



    DevOps rightly places site reliability ront

    and center, and almost all developers will

    benet rom this mindset.

    This ocus on site reliability might mean that

    sometimes we churn out ewer pure lines o

    code in a day, but it means that we move

    orward more predictably and reliably

    keeping the system stable and available.

    devoPs heLPs you BuILdBeTTeR sofTWARe

    By being more operationally aware o the

    production context that our code lives

    within, developers will also design and

    build better sotware.

    It might be something simple like choosing

    to add that additional logging statement

    that you know will make troubleshooting

    easier later on, or something more

    complex such as designing a component

    or horizontal scalability or uture growth

    scenarios. These kind o operationally

    aware decisions can lead to massive

    improvements in the net productivity o

    the team and the quality o their sotware.

    Its only by increasing communication with

    operations teams will we developers learn

    about these concerns and incorporate

    them into our designs and everyday

    coding decisions. Simple things such as

    joint production incident post-mortems

    or the inclusion o operations staf in your

    early design process can help you to move

    in the right direction. Again, these practises

    are core to the DevOps philosophy.

    devoPs ImPRoves youRcAReeR PRosPecTs

    In addition to being a more well rounded

    developer with ocus on production,

    Operations skills such as systemadministration, monitoring, scripting,

    change management and the broader

    knowledge and experience required to

    maintain and run complex systems are

    genuinely useul or developers to acquire.

    In most o the sotware teams and

    hiring decisions I have been involved in,

    a developer with this prole would have

    been more valuable than someone with

    superior coding skills but without the

    same degree o production awareness.

    I believe that as a result o DevOps and

    other trends, this will continue, i.e. that the

    best developers will increasingly be those

    who are the most operationally aware, who

    can code but also have the knowledge,

    skills and experience to reliably deliver aworking production system over the long

    haul. This is particularly true in these tough

    and resource constrained economic times.

    With ewer people having the luxury or

    saying its not my job, the generalist will

    get ahead. (I guess or some people, such

    as those in startups and small companies,

    it was ever thus, with developers pitching

    in on operations type stuf such as

    deployments and upgrades.)

    devoPs heLPsdeveLoPeRs To oWnTheIR PLATfoRms AndInfRAsTRucTuRe

    A big element o the DevOps movement

    is the idea o inrastructure as code: that

    we can dene our inrastructure and

    conguration in descriptive les and

    metadata, and then be able to test and

    repeatably deploy that inrastructure and

    our applications on top o it.

    This is such a compelling idea with many

    benets, and yet developers do not

    always embrace and own conguration

    management tools as much as our

    operations colleagues. By moving towards

    inrastructure as code and conguration

    management, developers are given the

    ability to own and bring under their control

    the inrastructure that their code runs on.

    People oten say that Apple computers

    are so reliable because they own the ull

    hardware and sotware stack. Well, withinrastructure as code and repeatable

    deploys, developers also get to develop

    and deploy and own the whole platorm

    on which their sotware is deployed.

    It worked on my machine or it worked

    in QA should be a thing o the past in a

    mature DevOps team making use o tools

    such as Vagrant and Puppet, because

    the development, test, and production

    environments should all be in line, and

    all inrastructure changes should also

    be versioned and tested alongside the

    code assets.

    Doing this well removes so many

    unknowns and can lead to massive

    improvements in eciency and quality o

    sotware development.

    devoPs heLPs youmAnAge modeRnInfRAsTRucTuRe

    DevOps has emerged at a time when

    cloud hosting, inrastructure as a service,

    and platorm as a service are also reaching

    widespread adoption. Cloud and PAAS

    make the hosting environment much more

    uid. For instance, over time operations

    might want to use these platorms to

    their ull potential and scale capacity up

    or down dynamically. To do that, they will

    need to be working with development

    much more closely to work out how to

    support this in the applications.

    Because o this, I would argue that

    developers today need to be more aware

    o the operational environments in which

    their applications will operate.

    Increasingly, we will also nd that cloud

    inrastructure will be managed throughsotware. For instance, the ability to

    provision new boxes via APIs or deploy

    applications onto a PAAS. Managing

    large scale inrastructure in an automated

    ashion likely to start to look more and more

    like development work. Development and

    operations will increasingly start to look

    like one and the same role.

    So these are just a ew o the reasons

    why I think developers need to look

    at DevOps in a lot more detail. Some othis is about a broadening o mindset

    rom my job responsibility is to deliver

    good code to my job is to deliver and

    operate a successul system. Others

    are about acquiring the skills that will

    actually allow you to do that. With

    Operations sta then also actively

    moving towards more o a developer

    mindset and skillset, DevOps is likely to

    continue to grow in importance.
  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013



    the state oF the art

    monitoring stack


    ast week I had the pleasure o attending

    the rst annual Monitorama conerence.

    This was a conerence aimed towards

    advancing the state o open source

    monitoring and trending sotware.

    For many o us starting in this area, our

    concept o monitors consists o top,

    some apache, mysql and application log

    les and perhaps an external ping service

    that tells us when our web site is unavailable.

    Anything beyond that generally ran into the

    commercial product realm. We were scared

    of o monitoring by these old monolithicproducts that required huge licensing ees

    and armies o proessional services people.

    Thankully, times have changed.

    And our application ootprint has grown.

    No longer are we just deploying web

    servers and databases. Our application

    stack starts with our automated testing

    ramework and runs through continuous

    integration and continuous deployment.

    Jenkins, Travis, Puppet/Che, etc... theyre

    all critical. It also includes our deploymentpartners... that army o SaaS applications we

    use to make our lie easier. Any SaaS solution

    worth its salt has a status API available or

    tracking availability. Our monitoring needs

    are now wide and diverse.

    My rst exposure to the next generation

    o monitoring tools came with the

    awesome Etsy post Measure anything,

    measure everything.

    The concept o Measure Everything wasnt

    new to me. Id been working

    on StackTach or OpenStack around the

    same time and understood the value o

    getting a visual representation o the

    internals o an application. Even rom my

    old management days we used to say you

    cant manage what you cant measure.

    I lived this with my Google Analytics

    experiences rom running various web

    sites and my sotware development

    management interests were aiming

    towards Six Sigma techniques over the

    hand-wavey agile methods. Essentially,numbers are good. But this was giving us

    a way to apply those same measurement

    techniques to running sotware. It was a

    lens into the black box. Could the days o

    parsing log les be over?

    The rst generation o these new

    monitoring tools included Zenoss, Nagios,

    RRDtool, Cacti, Munin and Gaglia to name

    a ew. They were built out o necessity and

    oten have some really nasty warts that

    people just hate. This latest generation otools have learned rom their mistakes.

    The Etsy tool chain started

    with statsd with graphite. This introduced

    to me the concept o using UDP packets or

    instrumenting the running applications...

    which was pretty brilliant. For those

    unamiliar with statsd and graphite,

    heres the ow: your application wants

    to measure something, so it sends a UDP

    packet to the statsd service. UDP packets

    are lossy and unreliable but ast or

    large amounts o data. Most large video

    networks send via UDP packets.

    statsd is a node.js in-memory data

    aggregator (it accumulates received data

    and every so oten sends it to graphite).

    graphite is a django app that archives

    received data and gives a unky web

    interace or presenting and querying the


    There are a number o cool things

    happening here:

    Adding statsd integration to an

    existing application is very easy. No

    special libraries needed and sockets

    are available in nearly all languages.

    Since statsd uses UDP there is

    very little risk o the production

    application crashing istatsdails. The

    packets just get lost.

    Since statsd is in-memory, it canprocess a lot o data very quickly.

    But rather than take on the task o

    archiving and disk access, it simply

    orwards the results to something

    that can do it better.

    graphite has an easy REST interace

    which makes it easily accessible

    by technical product managers to

    create their own dashboards and

    status reports.


    Based in Nova Scotia, Canada,Alex Sandy Walsh is the owner o Dark Secret Sotware.

    He has been a senior proessional developer or nearly 20 years and a Pythonista

    or 10 years. He is currently a developer on the OpenStack project with Rackspace.

    You can learn more about him or ollow@TheSandyWalsh.

    Sandy Walsh

  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013



    Side note: i your application is written

    in python and you want to experiment

    with this stu without touching your

    existing code base, have a look at

    the Tach application. This monkey-

    patches your python application and

    sends the output to statsd or graphite

    directly. Pretty cool. Although it was

    originally written or use with OpenStack,

    it can work with anything.

    But the real insight here is a set o

    atomic, well ocused tools that could

    be put together to create a monitoring

    stack. The tool chest o the DevOps team

    just expanded.

    As our experiences with statsd and

    graphite had grown within the company

    we also saw where the monitoring stack

    ailed. A UDP-based approach wont workor billing or auditing. For these scenarios

    you need to have a reliable transport

    or events. In OpenStack we publish

    event notications to AMQP queues

    or consumption by various other tools.

    These are important events, oten with

    large payloads. When the StackTach

    application is unavailable these queues

    can grow very quickly, and we dont want

    to drop events. This is manageable or

    something like OpenStack Compute, but

    other applications like Storage produce

    an incredible amount o data across

    a wide range o servers. Using a

    notication-based system would

    be dicult. Instead we needed to

    look at syslog-based archiving and

    processing solutions. The new monitoring

    stack ofers tools like LogStash and, in the

    OpenStack case, Slogging.

    Then there is the post-processing.

    To add value to the raw events we oten

    need to apply other unctions to the data

    such as times series averaging. This can be

    tricky. We need to wait or all the collected

    data to arrive beore we can start the post-

    processing. We may need to ensure proper

    ordering. Historically this would be done

    with cron jobs and batch processing, but

    the new monitoring stack includes tools

    like Riemann which can do this post-

    processing inline.

    Day Two was tactical with the tools

    and included a hackathon which

    let you understand where the real-

    world pain lived in each o these


    It was small enough so you could

    actually talk to people and have

    meaningul conversations.

    The Day One talks made it clear that

    Alert Fatigue (a term borrowed rom

    the medical industry) is a big problem.

    Too many alerts hitting our inbox.

    Some are important, most are noise.

    There are people working on it, but its

    perhaps the biggest source o angst or

    operations currently.

    Side story: or the hackathon I started

    work on a tool that allowed memberso the company to track external events

    that might afect production. Things like

    sales events, big holidays, new customer

    deployments or internal events such

    as new code deployments, hardware

    upgrades, etc. The idea was to have these

    events show up on the spikes in the

    dashboard graphs so we could say That

    spike was due to Foo and that ravine

    was due to Blah. I made some good

    progress or the day and then one o

    the other attendees showed me his sideproject Anthricite, which does all this and

    more. The author was sitting in the room

    next to me. What are the odds?

    For a while I was getting disillusioned

    with this space because I saw it dominated

    with commercial solutions or that the

    problem was so big it would be a lietime

    o work to build as open source. But

    now I see there are viable open source

    components and there is enough o the

    stack available that we can ocus on some

    o the smaller missing pieces. Also, there

    is a smart community out there acing the

    exact same problems and actively working

    on solutions. There is a light at the end

    o the tunnel.

    I may not attend Monitorama EU,

    but denitely the US one next year. But or

    now, Ive got some products to learn.

    It seems evident that Nagios isnt going

    anywhere any time soon, but there are

    some other tools ofering alternatives such

    as Shinkin and Sensu.

    Recently our team has been working

    on bringing what weve learned with

    StackTach to the OpenStack-blessed

    monitoring solution called Ceilometer.

    Without standing back and looking at the

    larger monitoring community it would have

    been very easy to want to recreate an entire

    monitoring stack on our own. But now its

    clear that we can ocus on the minimal set

    o missing unctionality and augment that

    rom an already powerul set o tools. This is

    a very attractive proposition or one simple

    reason: the project has an end in sight.

    There are lots o un problems out there

    to tackle and knowing you dont have toreinvent the wheel is very compelling.

    There is a cost though. The monitoring

    stack today consists o a variety o tools

    all written in diferent languages and

    each with diferent care and and eeding

    instructions. One could argue that the

    workload on operations will only increase

    by mixing and matching. My knee-jerk

    reaction is to agree, but I know that the

    greater win is to get amiliar with all o

    these new tools. In production, thesemonitoring tools need monitoring as

    well. So we may have to monitor Java, Ruby,

    Python and C# VMs running bytecode

    rom a potential variety o languages.

    I this all seems too daunting, perhaps the

    hosted oferings are a better choice or

    you. For nearly every open source ofering

    there are hosted oferings. Look at loggly,

    papertrail, pagerduty, librato, datadog,

    hostedgraphite, boundary, new relic, etc.

    This brings me back to Monitorama.

    The Monitorama conerence had a

    ormat that worked very well or me or

    the ollowing reasons:

    It was only two days long.

    Day One ocused on hearing about

    the state o the art rom

    industry leaders.
  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013



    the benchmark youre reaDing

    is probably Wrong


    ikeal Rogers wrote a blog post

    on MongoDB perormance and

    durability. In one o the sections, he writes

    about the request/response model, and

    makes the ollowing statement:

    MongoDB, by default, doesnt actually

    have a response for writes.

    In response, one o 10gen employees (the

    company behind MongoDB) made the

    ollowing comment on Hacker News:

    We did this to make MongoDB look goodin stupid benchmarks.

    The benchmarkin question shows a single

    graph, which demonstrates that MongoDB

    is 27 times aster thanCouchDBon inserting

    one million rows. At the rst glance, the

    benchmark immediately looks silly i youve

    ever done serious benchmarking beore.

    CouchDB people are smart, inserting such

    a small number o elements is a relatively

    simple eature, and its almost certain that

    either they would have xed somethingthat simple or they had a very good reason

    not to (in which case the benchmark is likely

    measuring apples and oranges).

    Lets do some back o the envelope math.

    Roundtrip latency on a commodity network

    or a small packet can range rom 0.2ms

    to 0.8ms. A single rotational drive can do

    15000RPM / 60sec = 250 operations per

    second (resulting in close to 5ms latency in

    practice), and a single Intel X25-m SSD drive

    can do about 7000 write operations per

    second (resulting in close to 0.15ms latency).

    The benchmark demonstrates that

    CouchDB takes an average o 0.5ms

    per document to insert one million

    documents, while MongoDB does the

    same in 0.01ms. Clearly the rotational

    drives are too slow to play a part in the

    measurement, and the SSD drives are

    probably too ast to matter or CouchDB

    and too slow to matter or MongoDB.

    However, CouchDBappears to be awully

    close to commonly encountered network

    latencies, while MongoDB inserts each

    document 50 times aster than commodity

    network latency.

    At rst observation, it appears likely that

    the CouchDB client library is congured

    to wait or the socket to receive a response

    rom the database server beore sending

    the next insert, while the MongoDB

    client is congured to continue sending

    insert requests without waiting or a

    response. I this is true, the benchmark

    compares apples and oranges and tells

    you absolutely nothing about which

    database engine is actually aster at

    inserting elements. It doesnt measure

    how ast each engine handles insertion

    when the dataset ts into memory, when

    the dataset spills onto disk, or when

    there are multiple concurrent clients

    (which is a whole diferent can o worms).

    It doesnt even begin to address the more

    subtle issues o whether the potential

    bottlenecks or each database might reside

    in the virtual memory conguration, or the

    le system, or the operating system I/O

    scheduler, or some other part o the stack,

    because each database uses each one

    o these components slightly diferently.

    What the benchmark likely measures is

    something that is never mentioned the

    latency o the network stack or CouchDB,

    and something entirely unrelated


    Unortunately most benchmarks published

    online have similar crucial aws in the

    methodology, and since many people

    make decisions based on this inormation,

    sotware vendors are orced to modiy the

    deault conguration o their products to

    look good on these benchmarks. There is

    no easy solution perorming proper

    benchmarks is very error-prone, time

    consuming work. Its good to be very

    skeptical about benchmarks that show a

    large perormance diference but dontcareully discuss the methodology and

    potential pitalls. As Brad Pitts character

    says at the end oInglourious Basterds,

    Long story short, we hear a story

    too good to be true, it aint.

    This blog post originally appeared

    on July 2010.

    RethinkDB Team


    The RethinkDB team is working on a scalable, open-source, distributed document

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  • 7/28/2019 DevOps Friday - 12th April 2013


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