Developments concerning the Community Plant Variety Office of the European Union (CPVO) online...

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Transcript of Developments concerning the Community Plant Variety Office of the European Union (CPVO) online...


Developments concerning the Community Plant Variety Office of the European Union

(CPVO) online application system

Meeting on the development of a prototype electronic form

Second MeetingGeneva, October 24, 2013Jean Maison, Marc Rouillard

Current status

• system running since March 2010

• 98% of existing paper TQs are covered (193 as of today)

• System available in English, French, Dutch and German

CPVO online application system

Some statistics


Evolution of the number of on-line applications

Proportion of on line applications per crop sector

in 2013

Proportion of on line applications per country in 2013

Future developments:

• Promotion of the system:

Targeted to clients not using the system Some clients do not want to use the system:

Signature issue Link to the internal system

• Investigations on integrating online payments

• Plans to generate paper TQs forms from e-TQs

The application form and the technical questionnaire

Sharing the system with National authorities


• Pilot project defining the various issues to be considered

• Two participating National Offices: GEVES (France) and Naktuinbouw (Netherlands)

• Applications for PVR or NLI made via a centralised web site

Sharing the system with National authorities

Sharing the system with National authorities

Sharing the system with National authorities

12Structured exchange of Data


• Select an existing application in a procedure and transfer it to another procedure

National set of questions

CPVO set of questions


National set of questions


1• Country


•Procedure•PBR•National listing

CPVO set of questions

Core set of


• Current status of the pilot project

testing with a panel of clients (until December 15, 2013)

Three species (Lettuce, Tomato and Maize)

National Offices receive flat files, and ad hoc database exports

Sharing the system with National authorities

• Current status of the pilot project:

On a IT point of view

Back-Office program ported to web to ease access (internal test phase)

Procedures created to export database and files

Request received from Naktuinbouw to use CPVO exchange platform for file transfers

Sharing the system with National authorities

• Positive points:

Most clients of National Offices also clients to CPVO

are already used to the system

are willing to build on their knowledge of the system

Already some feedback from National Offices and Clients

Sharing the system with National authorities

• Points to be addressed:

VCU specificities from paper forms difficult to convert to e-forms (e.g. electrophoresis for Maize, technological characteristics for Wheat)

Current derivation of National forms from “Core” forms not optimal

Logical behaviours not transferred National specific questions not taken over automatically

Sharing the system with National authorities

• After the testing phase

The objective of the project was to assess the conditions (technical, IT involvement, financial) under which the project could be enlarged

to other species

to other countries

Conclusion in the beginning of 2014

Sharing the system with National authorities

• In the medium term, it is the objective of the Office to set up an

electronic exchange of data that would allow examination offices to

process information automatically in future.

The XML project

Sharing the system with National authorities

Thank you for your attention