Development Chart

Post on 16-Nov-2015

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Development charge

Transcript of Development Chart

  • Age Physical Development (Motor & Adap9ve)

    Social & Language Development

    Cogni9ve Development

    Other Development Leading Causes of Death and Injury 2010

    0 18 Months

    Reflexes present at birth: -Moro, Roo0ng, Stepping, Grasping, Crawling, Babinski Sensory capaci9es: -Hearing: not as acute; prefer the human voice -Vision: blurred images; 7-8 mos. Same as adult; 2 days prefer mothers face; 3 mos. prefer faces and paNerned figures -Smell and taste well developed Motor: -Under 4 wks: makes alterna0ng crawling movements; moves head laterally when placed in prone posi0on -4 wks: tonic neck reflex predominate; hands fisted; head sags but can hold head erect for a few seconds -16 wks: symmetrical postures predominate; head liUed 90 degrees when prone on forearm; rolls over -28 wks: sits steadily; leaning forward on hands; bounces ac0vely when placed in standing posi0on -40 wks: sits alone w/good coordina0on; creeps; pulls self to standing posi0on -52 weeks: walks w/ one hand held; stands alone briefly -15 mos: toddles; creeps up stairs -18 mos: walks, seldom falls; hurls ball; walks up stairs w/one hand held Adap9ve: -Under 4 wks: responds to sound of a raNle & bell -4 wks: follows moving objects to the midline -16 wks: follows slowly moving object well; arms ac0vate on sight of dangling objects -28 wks: one-hand approach & grasp of toy; bangs & shakes raNle; transfers toys -40 wks: matches two objects at midline -18 mos: builds a tower of three or four cubes; scribbles spontaneously &imitates a wri0ng stroke

    Eriksons Stage: -Basic Trust v Mistrust Hope, Bonding, ANachment -Under 4 wks: small throaty undifferen0ated moans -4 wks: beginning vocaliza0on, such as cooing, gurgling and grun0ng, responds to speech -6-8 wks: social smile -16- wks: laughs aloud; sustained cooing and gurgling -28 wks: vocalizes m-m-m when crying; makes vowel sounds such as ah -40 wks: says da-da or equivalent; responds to name or nickname -52 wks: uses expressive jargon; gives a toy on request -15 mos: says three to five words meaningfully (besides Dada & Mama); pats pictures in book; shows shoes on request -18 mos: says 10 words including name; iden0fies one common object on picture card; names ball and carries out two direc0ons (for example: put on table and give to mother

    Birth 2 years Olfactory & Auditory recogni0on develops Emergence of classical & operant condi0oning Establishment of object permanence Infer cause-effect Infancy: Piagets Sensorimotor Stage: -schemas are adapted through assimila0on & accommoda0on Year One: Piagets Sensorimotor Stage: -object permanence -use all senses to learn & can categorize

    -Under 4 wks: quiets when picked up -16 wks: aware of strange situa0ons -28 wks: takes feet to mouth; pats mirror image -40 wks: responds to social play such as pat-a-cake & peek-a-boo; can feed self cracker & hold own boNle -52 wks: cooperates in dressing -15 mos: point or vocalizes wants; throws objects in play or refusal -18 mos: feeds self in part, spits; pulls toy on string; carries or hugs a special toy, such as doll -6-10 mos: stranger anxiety 10-18 mos: separa0on anxiety

    Leading causes of death: 1)Congenital anomalies 2)Short gesta0on 3)SIDS Nonfatal injuries treated in hospital ERs: 1)Uninten0onal fall 2)Uninten0onal struck by/against 3)Uninten0onal other bite/s0ng Injured-Related deaths: 1)Uninten0onal suffoca0on 2)Homicide unspecified 3)Homicide, classifiable

  • Age Physical Development (Motor & Adap9ve)

    Social & Language Development

    Cogni9ve Development Other Development Leading Causes of Death and Injury 2010

    Year 2 -Bowel and bladder control by 15-24 months -Uses 3 word sentences -Scribbles by age 2 -Toilet trained by age 3 Motor -Runs well, no falling; kicks large ball; goes up & down stairs alone Adap9ve -Builds tower of six or seven cubes; aligns cubes, imita0ng train.

    1 - 3 years Eriksons Stage: Autonomy v. Shame & Doubt Willpower &self-control -Onset of terrible twos -Anxious/avoidant aNachment -Anxious /resistant aNachment -Uses three word sentences; carries out four simple direc0ons

    Piagets Sensorimotor Stage: -Representa0onal thought can imagine -Symbolic play -Name objects, iden0fy animals, use words that stand for people, events, by age 2

    -Pulls on simple garment -Refers to self by name -Gender iden0ty developed

    Leading Cause of Death:(ages 1-4) 1)Uninten0onal injury 2)Congenital anomalies 3)Homicide Nonfatal injuries treated in hospital ERs: 1)Uninten0onal fall 2)Uninten0onal struck by/against 3) Uninten0onal other bite/s0ng Injury-Related deaths: 1)Uninten0onal drowning 2)Uninten0onal MV traffic 3)Homicide, unspecified

    Year 2- 5 / 6

    -Poorly coordinated gross & fine motor skills -Follows direc0ons -Runs, pedals trike, separates from mother Motor -3 years: rides tricycle; jumps from boNom steps; alternates feet going up stairs -4 years: walks down stairs one step per tread; stands on one foot for 5 to X seconds -5 years: skips, using feet alternately; usually has complete sphincter control Adap9ve -3 years: builds tower of 9 or 10 cubes; copies a circle & a cross -4 years: copies a cross; repeats four digits -5 years: copies a square; draws a recognizable man w/a head, body, limbs; counts 10 objects accurately

    3-5 years Eriksons Stage: Ini0a0ve v. shame & guilt Purpose (mastery prosocial behaviors through modeling) -Iden0fica0on w/same sex parent -Development of empathy -Vocabulary increases from 250-1000 words -Knows first name, can iden0fy colors, animals -3 years: gives sex & full name; describes what is happening in a picture book -4 years: names colors, at least one correctly -5 years: names the primary colors; names coins: pennies, nickels, dimes; ask meanings of words

    2-6 years Reasoning (transduc0ve) and symbolic play develop Explosive language development Egocentric, magical and animis0c thinking Piagets Preopera9onal Stage: -Imitates & engages in pretend play; can focus on one dimension of a problem; egocentric thought; precausal thought

    -3 years: puts on shoes; unbuNons buNons; feeds self well -4 years: washes and dries own face; brushes teeth; plays coopera0vely with other children -5 years: dresses and undresses self; prints a few leNers; plays compe00ve exercise games

    Leading Cause of Death: (ages 5-9) 1)Uninten0onal injury 2)Malignant neoplasms 3)Congenital anomalies Nonfatal injuries treated in hospital ERs: 1)Uninten0onal fall 2)Uninten0onal struck by/against 3)Uninten0onal cut/pierce Injury-Related deaths: 1)Uninten0onal MV Traffic 2)Uninten0onal drowning 3)Uninten0onal fire/burn

  • Age Physical Development (Motor & Adap9ve)

    Social & Language Development

    Cogni9ve Development Leading Causes of Death and Injury 2010

    School Age Child

    -Double in weight & jump in height -Lose baby teeth -Brain lateralized -Fine & gross motor skills become coordinated -Draws 6 part man -Games w/ rules, interest in peer group

    Eriksons Stage: Industry vs. Inferiority Competence (5-12 years) -Real friendships develop

    Piagets Concrete Opera9ons Stage: (6-11 years) -Acquire concept of conserva0on -Emergence of ability to appreciate perspec0ves of others -Understand cause effect -Apply reasoning -Cannot manipulate ideas in the absence of objects -Comprehends size, quan0ty & number -Separa0ng, ordering, combining & reversibility -Lose egocentric perspec0ve

    Leading causes of death: (ages 10-14) 1)Uninten0onal injury 2)Malignant neoplasms 3)Suicide Nonfatal injuries treated in hospital ERs: 1)Uninten0onal fall 2)Uninten0onal struck by/against 3)Uninten0onal overexer0on Injury-Related deaths: 1)Uninten0onal MV Traffic 2)Suicide, suffoca0on 3)Uninten0onal drowning

    Adolescence -Puberty & Secondary Sexual characteris0cs -Onset earlier in girls than boys -Onset of orgasms in boys 2 years before girls -Peer loyal0es over family -Interest in poli0cs, philosophy & social issues, as well as celebri0es & heroes

    Eriksons Stage: Iden0ty vs. Iden0ty Confusion Fidelity and Devo0on (12-20 years) -ShiU from family to peer groups -In0macy, mutual understanding & loyalty to the group -Social Referencing -Sexually & socially based fantasies

    Piagets Formal Opera9ons Stage: (11 years to adult) -Elabora0on of informa0on processing skills -Metacogni0ve capacity -Abstract thought -Consider the future -Think about thinking -Think morally and ethically -Systema0c problem solving

    Leading causes of death: (ages 15-24) 1)Uninten0onal injury 2)Homicide 3)Suicide Nonfatal injuries treated in hospital ERs: 1)Uninten0onal struck by/against, 2)Uninten0onal fall 3)Uninten0onal overexer0on Injury-Related deaths: 1)Uninten0onal MV Traffic 2)Homicide firearm 3)Uninten0onal poisoning

  • Age Physical Development (Motor & Adap9ve)

    Social & Language Development Cogni9ve Development Leading Causes of Death and Injury 2010

    Young Adulthood

    Aging process evident Eriksons Stage: In0macy vs. Isola0on Love and affilia0on (20-35 years) -Establishment phase -New parents phase -Child rearing phase

    -Fluid Intelligence -Crystallized Intelligence

    Leading causes of death: (ages 25-34) 1)Uninten0onal injury 2)Suicide 3)Homicide Nonfatal injuries treated in hospital ERs: 1)Uninten0onal fall 2)Uninten0onal overexer0on 3)Uninten0onal struck by/against Injury-Related deaths: 1)Uninten0onal poisoning 2)Uninten0onal MV traffic 3)Homicide, firearm

    Middle Years

    The Climacteric: Pre-menopausal: periods irregular; less progesterone and more estrogen exposure; generalized swelling and irritability Menopause: 12 mos. without menses; physical signs and symptoms; vaginal changes Sex drive may increase aUer menopause

    Eriksons Stage: Genera0vity vs. Stagna0on Care and Produc0on (35-65 years) Post-Parental Phase: empty nest syndrome Time of reflec0on

    Leading causes of death: (ages 35-44) 1)Uninten0onal injury 2)Malignant neoplasms 3)Heart disease (ages 45-64) 1)Malignant neoplasms 2)Heart disease 3)Uninten0onal injury (ages 45-54) 3)Chronic low resp. disease (ages 55-64) Nonfatal injuries treated in hospital ERs: (ages 35-64) 1)Uninten0onal fall 2)Uninten0onal overexer0on (ages 35-54) 2)Uninten0onal struck by/against (ages 55-64) 3)Uninten0onal struck by/against (ages 35-54) 3)Uninten0onal overexer0on (ages 55-64) Injury-Related deaths: (ages 35-64) 1)Uninten0onal poisoning 2)Uninten0onal MV Traffic 3)Suicide, firearm

  • Age Physical Development (Motor & Adap9ve)

    Social & Language Development Cogni9ve Development Leading Causes of Death and Injury 2010

    Older Adulthood

    -Loss of hair, teeth, weight, wrinkled skin, loss of visual & auditory acuity -Impaired sleep -Women live longer than men

    Eriksons Stage: Integrity vs. Despair Wisdom and Reconcilia0on -Evalua0on of competence, achievements & pleasures -Pragma0sm & dependability lead to a sense of well-being

    -Slowing down associated with losses -Autonomous thought

    Leading causes of death: (ages 65+) 1)Heart Disease 2)Malignant neoplasms 3)Chronic Low Respiratory Disease Nonfatal injuries treated in hospital ERs: (ages 65+) 1)Uninten0onal fall 2)Uninten0onal struck by/against 3)Uninten0onal overexer0on Injury-Related deaths: (ages 65+) 1)Uninten0onal fall 2)Uninten0onal MV traffic 3)Uninten0onal unspecified

    Death and Dying

    Stages of Grief: -Denial -Anger-Bargaining -Depression (preparatory depression) -Acceptance Views of Death: -Child under 5 yrs: temporary separa0on -Middle Childhood: finality & fear -Adolescence: finality & despair