Developing a KQ

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Transcript of Developing a KQ

Developing KQ's
for Tok Presentations

Daniel Trump,KiS Bangkok, Sept 2015

Development of KQ

To develop the KQ you should:

State the underlying knowledge claim (KC)

Test KC against evidence (use WoKs /Aoks)

State possible counterclaim.

Test counterclaim against evidence.

Link mini summary back to the KQ.

Worked example of
developing a KQ:

KQ: What role does prior learning have in subsequent knowledge production ?

In non-tok speak how do things that we learned earlier influence things that we learned later ?

Developing KQ

KQ: What role does prior learning have in subsequent knowledge production ?

Knowledge Claim: Knowledge production is sequential, new knowledge is built upon earlier knowledge.

Developing KQ

Knowledge Claim: Knowledge production is sequential, new knowledge is built upon earlier knowledge.

Evidence for: AoK The Arts, WoK Sensory Perception.Musical Genres develop from each other. e.g. Hip Hop developed from RnB, which in turn had developed the Blues.Artistic Genres develop from each other. e.g Cubism developed from Post Impressionism which in turn had developed from Impressionism.

Developing KQ


Some knowledge is either 'accidentally' produced, or the synthesis of such an array of earlier ideas that it appears innovative or even entirely new.

Evidence: AoK: Natural Sciences, WoK Reason: accidental scientific discoveries such as PenicillinCharles Darwin's theory of Natural Selection.AoK: Human Sciences : e.g. Google's advertising framework of Pay Per Click.

Developing KQ

Analysis of Claim & CounterClaim:Were the apparently new genres really new genres, or just development of the old ?Was that which is apparently innovative really a completely new idea, or was it just built on pre-existing, but less well known, ideas ?(for example See the work of Alfred Russel Wallace in relation to Darwin's work)

Developing KQ

Linking KC back to KQ:In order to establish whether knowledge production is sequential we would need to establish criteria for both new genres and true innovation. Therefore, the influence of prior learning on subsequent learning is found to be ambiguous., etc.

Gunpei Yokoi 1941-1997