Developing a Healthy Mindset for a Smoother Transformation

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Developing a Healthy Mindset for a Smoother Transformation

Developing Healthy Mindset for a Smoother Transformation

Guruprasad Krishnan

Organizational Agile Coach

Fidelity Investments, India



Eric Berne - Transactional Analysis Peter Senge – Systems Thinking

The power moment of a Coach

Patterns behind the events

Patterns behind the events

Coach Leader


A Coach’s Traps

My Archetypal Mindset

• The teams do not know anything about Agile and they don’t know that they don’t know

• The leadership is the biggest hindrance to my Coaching work, it is better to avoid them

• This organization is not serious about Agile so I should join another Org

• The job of Coaching is not adding value, I should get back to Delivery Management

Coaching Principles

• Teams and Individuals already know a lot about Agility. As coaches, we need to bring that out in their context and strengthen their belief


• Coaching is a hard skill, we continue to develop ourselves by sharing, learning and seeking help with-in the community


• Co-creating the solution involving the team and leadership{Observable Behavior}

• No Coaching Assignment would start without making all the expectations explicit among all the key stakeholders

{Observable Behavior}

Coaching Manifesto

In order to have an effective and smoother transformation, we as coaches would:

Team Strengths >> Where they lack

Agility >> Agile Frameworks

Work with Leadership >> Teams

Outcomes >> Agile Maturity

i.e. While there is value on items on the right, we value the items on the left more

Invitation Based Change

“The outcome of change depends on how powerful is your invitation”

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