Develop Maurits J Horbach 8 8 2011 Localized

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0-meting Sales op 19 competenties en 33 gedragsvariabelen

Transcript of Develop Maurits J Horbach 8 8 2011 Localized





Maurits Horbach

Horbach Reinforcement

Unique Value Sales

maandag 8 augustus 2011

7755 Montgomery Road, Suite 180

Cincinnati, Ohio 45236

Tel 513.792.7500 Fax 513.793.8535

Develop Rapport

powered by The Devine Inventory®

Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

Over het assessment:

Devine Inventory® wordt al meer dan 30 jaar gebruikt en geeft informatie over 33 gedragspatronen en 12 competenties.

Inhoud van Devine Inventory® Develop™:

- De gedragspatronen van Devine Inventory®: 33 gedragspatronen en hun definities.

- De rol van de leerling

- In een oogopslag: Overzicht van uw matches met het Success Profile plus een grafiek met


- Opbouw van de Competenties: Gedetailleerde weergave van gedragspatronen en percentielscores waaruit het

competentieresultaat ontstaat en een toelichting op de resultaten.

- Overzicht van gedragspatronen: Grafische weergave van gedragspatronen, scores en matches met het Success


- Devine Inventory®-profiel: Gedetailleerde weergave van de persoonlijke scores op een schaal van

0-9, met een toelichting op de betekenis van elke score.

- Beoordeling van groei en ontwikkeling: Toelichting op sterke punten en ruimte voor groei. Bij de

ontwikkelingsgebieden biedt het model voor nieuw gedrag een voorbeeldvisie van toekomstig succes. Onder

groeitips vallen activiteiten en verdere informatie om verandering te realiseren.

- Uw groei- en ontwikkelingsplan: Helpt belangrijke aandachtsgebieden samen te vatten en een actieplan voor

ontwikkeling samen te stellen. Stimuleert samenwerking met uw supervisor om doelen te bereiken.

Aan de hand van het CoreDevelop ™ -verslag kunt u beoordelen in hoeverre u overeenkomt met het Success Profile ™ dat

specifiek is opgesteld voor de functie binnen uw organisatie.

Het Success Profile: twee belangrijke componenten

1. Ten eerste worden de 33 gedragspatronen gerangschikt op basis van hun relevantie voor het uitvoeren van de

functievereisten binnen de cultuur van uw organisatie. De gedragspatronen worden gerangschikt en gepresenteerd

op drie pagina's met elk elf gedragspatronen, waarbij het belangrijkste gedragspatroon wordt weergegeven op de

eerste pagina, het op een na belangrijkste gedragspatroon op de tweede pagina, enzovoort.

2. Met de tweede component wordt de vereiste gedragssterkte aangegeven. Het gewenste bereik van

gedragsontwikkeling wordt aangeduid op de algehele schaal van 0-9 voor elk gedragspatroon.

Opmerking: een Success Profile mag alleen worden voorbereid in overleg met een gecertificeerde deskundige.

Overwegingen voor gedragsmatches:

- Een score wordt als match beschouwd als deze minimaal binnen het gewenste bereik van het Success Profile ligt en niet 'zeer marginaal' is (9).

- Gedragsscores die onder het gewenste bereik van het Success Profile liggen, moeten zorgvuldig worden beoordeeld omdat ze succesvolle functieprestaties in de weg kunnen staan.

- Als de score in het gedeelte 'zeer marginaal' (9) ligt, is ook ontwikkeling nodig.

- Als een gedragspatroon twee scores omvat (gesplitste score), wordt het niet als match beschouwd, tenzij beide scores een match zijn. De gesplitste score geeft aan dat het gedragspatroon variaties vertoont afhankelijk van omstandigheden.

Inzicht in uw Devine Inventory Develop™-verslag:

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2/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

Devine Inventory®-Gedragspatroon


Afsluiting Samen met anderen afspraken maken over en uitvoeren van acties

Assertiviteit Assertief zijn, de koe bij de horens vatten

Besluitvaardigheid Makkelijk en snel een bepaalde richting kiezen

Communicatie Informatie geven en ontvangen

Competitiviteit Voordeel behalen via team of persoonlijke inspanning(en).

Concentratie Zich concentreren en voorkomen van afleiding

Conflictbeheersing Zich mengen in meningsverschillen en deze oplossen

Creativiteit Nieuwe mogelijkheden zien, zowel praktisch als theoretisch

Doelgerichtheid De ambitie en het verlangen de beste te willen zijn.

Ego Respect afdwingen en zelfvertrouwen tonen

Eigen verantwoordelijkheid Zijn eigen verantwoordelijkheid nemen.

Empathie De gevoelens van anderen aanvoelen en reageren op hun behoeften.

Initiatief Uit zichzelf initiatief ontplooien

Intensiteit De hoeveelheid druk en stress die iemand ervaart.

Invloed Zijn ideeën geaccepteerd krijgen

Kennisoverdracht Coachen, onderrichten of informatie delen met anderen.

Leren Kennis, vaardigheden en capaciteiten bevorderen

Luisteren Proberen te begrijpen wat anderen zeggen.

Mobiliteit Zich voegen naar de eis te reizen of te verhuizen

Onderhandelen Effectief kunnen onderhandelen naar een sterke positie

Oog voor detail Een vaardige en deskundige expert zijn door aandacht voor feiten en ervaringen.

Plannen Strategieën bedenken en implementeren voor zowel korte als lange termijn

Planningsgerichtheid Opstellen van en zich houden aan afspraken over tijd

Presentatiestijl Tijdens presentaties de aandacht vasthouden.

Reactie op veranderingen Zijn werk makkelijk aanpassen aan nieuwe richtingen

Relaties met autoriteit Samenwerken met en respect tonen voor leiders

Sociale vermogens Een relatienetwerk opbouwen

Structuur Orde aanbrengen en georganiseerd blijven

Timemanagement Efficiënt met tijd omgaan

Verwantschap De doelen en richtlijnen van de organisatie ondersteunen

Vitaliteit Zijn energieniveau vasthouden en uithoudingsvermogen hebben

Voltooiing van taken Bezig blijven met een taak tot deze volledig is uitgevoerd

Zelfbeheersing Professionaliteit en rust behouden

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3/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

De rol van de leerling

Leren is een doorlopend, op persoonlijke motivatie gebaseerd proces om

zinvolle ervaringen op te doen die tot groei en ontwikkeling leiden.

Wat is een effectieve leerling?

Laat zien dat hij of zij vanuit zichzelf gemotiveerd is

Stelt normen en is bereid zichzelf hieraan te meten

Toont een natuurlijke nieuwsgierigheid

Luistert aandachtig

Is bereid risico's te nemen

Investeert tijd en energie

Geeft toe dat hij of zij iets niet weet

Haalt informatie uit verschillende bronnen

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Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport


29 11 10 8

Totaal aantal matches Bovenste elf gedragspatronen Middelste elf gedragspatronen Onderste elf gedragspatronen

Gemiddeld aantal matches voor dit Success Profile is 21.

Maurits Horbach: In een oogopslag


1 20 40 60 80 99

Probleemoplossend vermogen


Weerlegging van bezwaren

Ambitie en drive

Positieve blik

Accepteert verantwoordelijkheid


Bereidheid tot reizen

Beheersen en sluiten

Actie ondernemen

Effectieve vraagstelling en kwalificatie

Effectiviteit van relaties

Omgaan met conflicten


Geen behoefte aan goedkeuring

Inzicht in situatie

Emotioneel objectief


Accepteert regels en leiding





















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5/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

97% Probleemoplossend vermogen (Weet een situatie te beoordelen en bedenkt oplossingen die voldoen aan de

unieke behoeften van de klant)

Plannen (7) Creativiteit (6) (Mid) Zelfbeheersing (3)

Leren (7) Luisteren (4)

97% Uitdaging/groei/verandering (Is in staat buiten paden te treden, met een open blik om te leren en

veranderingen te accepteren.)

Eigen verantwoordelijkheid (8) Initiatief (5) Leren (7)

Reactie op veranderingen (6)

95% Positieve blik (Is optimistisch over de toekomst en straalt zelfvertrouwen uit tijdens het doorlopen van de

verschillende fasen van het verkoopproces)

Ego (6) Initiatief (5) Reactie op veranderingen (6)

Vitaliteit (8)

95% Weerlegging van bezwaren (Geeft effectief tegengas wanneer klanten/prospects hem of haar proberen af te

schepen of bezwaren maken)

(Inv) Oog voor detail (1) (Inv) Empathie (5) Assertiviteit (7)

Besluitvaardigheid (6)

95% Ambitie en drive (Laat een winnaarsmentaliteit zien en probeert in alles uit te blinken)

Vitaliteit (8) Ego (6) Doelgerichtheid (7)

Initiatief (5) Timemanagement (6)

93% Verkoopsprospectie (Beschikt over het vertrouwen en de energie om op zoek te gaan naar prospects)

Ego (6) Eigen verantwoordelijkheid (8) Vitaliteit (8)

Communicatie (5) Doelgerichtheid (7) Intensiteit (3)

(Inv) Empathie (5)

93% Bereidheid tot reizen (Is flexibel bij het zoeken naar een balans tussen klantbezoeken en werkzaamheden op


Mobiliteit (8)

93% Accepteert verantwoordelijkheid (Draagt de verantwoordelijkheid voor persoonlijke resultaten, gaat bij

zichzelf na hoe prestaties kunnen worden verbeterd)

Eigen verantwoordelijkheid (8)

88% Beheersen en sluiten (Wil het verkoopproces op een natuurlijke manier aansturen en naar een beslissing

leiden; is eerder geneigd te leiden dan te volgen)

Conflictbeheersing (6) Besluitvaardigheid (6) Assertiviteit (7)

Invloed (8) Competitiviteit (5)

74% Actie ondernemen (Is gemotiveerd en betrokken om initiatief te nemen en doelstellingen uit te voeren)


Eigen verantwoordelijkheid (8) Afsluiting (3) Besluitvaardigheid (6)

Initiatief (5) Intensiteit (3) Reactie op veranderingen (6)


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Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

70% Effectieve vraagstelling en kwalificatie (Volgt zelfverzekerd een gestructureerde benadering om te bepalen

of een prospect 'past' binnen het bedrijf.)

Structuur (4) Ego (6) Assertiviteit (7)

(Inv) Empathie (5) Luisteren (4)

69% Effectiviteit van relaties (Werkt graag aan goede relaties met prospects en klanten)

Sociale vermogens (5) Communicatie (5) Kennisoverdracht (5)

Empathie (5) Presentatiestijl (6)

63% Omgaan met conflicten (Gaat op een opbouwende manier om met conflicten, zoekt een oplossing waarbij

voordelen ten opzichte van de concurrentie behouden blijven)

Onderhandelen (4) Conflictbeheersing (6)

57% Zelfbewustzijn (Toont zelfkennis van sterke punten en punten die voor verbetering vatbaar zijn om middelen te

kunnen inzetten waar nodig)

Self-Insight Rating (57,00)

55% Geen behoefte aan goedkeuring (Benadert prospects en klanten als zakelijke kansen in plaats van

mogelijkheid om in de eigen behoeften te voorzien)

Ego (6) (Inv) Empathie (5) (Inv) Sociale vermogens (5)

53% Inzicht in situatie (Kan observeren en inschatten of de prospect bereid is een zakelijke relatie aan te gaan)


Oog voor detail (1) Luisteren (4) Creativiteit (6)

Besluitvaardigheid (6) Zelfbeheersing (3) Initiatief (5)

Leren (7)

53% Emotioneel objectief (Kan objectief blijven en een afstand tot de prospect behouden wanneer het

verkoopproces wordt doorlopen)

Structuur (4) Zelfbeheersing (3) (Inv) Empathie (5)

Plannen (7)

8% Procesgerichtheid (Werkt effectief aan een regio of groep accounts en is de klant efficiënt van dienst)

Concentratie (4) Oog voor detail (1) Planningsgerichtheid (4)

Structuur (4) Voltooiing van taken (3)

2% Accepteert regels en leiding (Wil graag interactie en toezicht tijdens het uitvoeren van


Relaties met autoriteit (0) Verwantschap (1) (Inv) Competitiviteit (5)

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7/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport












Sterke punten Voldoende Ruimte voor groei Hoge marginale scores Lage marginale scores

45% 45%



Overzicht van gedragspatroon

Sterke punten

Assertiviteit (7)þ

Besluitvaardigheid (6)þ

Conflictbeheersing (6)þ

Creativiteit (6)þ

Doelgerichtheid (7)þ

Ego (6)þ

Eigen verantwoordelijkheid (8)þ

Invloed (8)þ

Leren (7)þ

Mobiliteit (8)þ

Plannen (7)þ

Presentatiestijl (6)þ

Reactie op veranderingen (6)þ

Timemanagement (6)þ

Vitaliteit (8)þ


Afsluiting (3)þCommunicatie (5)þCompetitiviteit (5)þConcentratie (4)þEmpathie (5)þInitiatief (5)þIntensiteit (3)

Kennisoverdracht (5)þLuisteren (4)þOnderhandelen (4)þPlanningsgerichtheid (4)þSociale vermogens (5)þStructuur (4)þVoltooiing van taken (3)þZelfbeheersing (3)þ

Ruimte voor groei/marginale score

Oog voor detail (1)

Relaties met autoriteit (0)

Verwantschap (1)

þ = is een match met Success Profile

powered by The Devine Inventory®

8/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

hoge marginale


Moet worden



Lage marginale



Voldoende Sterke puntenBOVENSTE ELF


DOELGERICHTHEID (7)þ ▬▬▬tevreden met

zichzelf/zelfgenoegzaamnooit tevreden


INITIATIEF (5)þ ▬▬▬▬heeft leiding nodig overschrijdt grenzen


VITALITEIT (8)þ ▬▬▬▬vermoeid dwangmatige energie


EGO (6)þ ▬▬▬vol zelfkritiek is uit op erkenning


TIMEMANAGEMENT (6)þ ▬▬▬▬verspilt tijd beheert tijd tot op



CONFLICTBEHEERSING (6)þ ▬▬▬▬trekt zich terug Stuurt naar een

oplossing toe


ASSERTIVITEIT (7)þ ▬▬▬gedomineerd dominant


COMPETITIVITEIT (5)þ ▬▬▬▬afhankelijk van groep permanente drang om

te winnen


PLANNEN (7)þ ▬▬▬▬behoudend zeer toekomstgericht


CREATIVITEIT (6)þ ▬▬▬▬fantasieloos inventief/onpraktisch


ZELFBEHEERSING (3)þ ▬▬▬▬wispelturig beheerst/afstandelijk


þ = is a match with Success Profile l = participant's behavior score = desired range based on Success Profile▬n = eigen gedragscore van de


Devine Inventory®-profile

powered by The Devine Inventory®

9/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

hoge marginale



Lage marginale



Voldoende Sterke puntenMIDDELSTE ELF


Moet worden


þ INVLOED (8) ▬▬▬▬passief drijft ideeën door


þ BESLUITVAARDIGHEID (6) ▬▬▬▬blijft peinzen riskant/impulsief


þ LEREN (7) ▬▬▬▬verzet zich wil altijd alles weten


þ LUISTEREN (4) ▬▬▬▬selectief gehoor achterdochtig/te



þ EIGEN VERANTWOORDELIJKHEID (8) ▬▬▬ontwijkt schuld neemt alles op zich


þ ONDERHANDELEN (4) ▬▬▬▬ontwijkt/trekt zich terug wil hoe dan ook



þ AFSLUITING (3) ▬▬▬▬valse start/aarzelt onproductieve

belasting van anderen


INTENSITEIT (3) ▬▬▬▬ontspannen overspannen


þ EMPATHIE (5) ▬▬▬▬onpersoonlijk overgevoelig


þ SOCIALE VERMOGENS (5) ▬▬▬▬kieskeurig/selectief geforceerde



þ COMMUNICATIE (5) ▬▬▬▬gesloten praat lukraak

lþ l Den = eigen gedragscore van de


= participant's behavior score= is a match with Success Profile = desired range based on Success Profile

Devine Inventory®-Profil

powered by The Devine Inventory®

10/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

hoge marginale


Moet worden



Lage marginale



Voldoende Sterke puntenONDERSTE ELF


þ PRESENTATIESTIJL (6) ▬▬▬▬stijf te dramatisch


þ KENNISOVERDRACHT (5) ▬▬▬houdt zich

in/zelfbeschermendvertelt te veel/preekt


þ CONCENTRATIE (4) ▬▬▬niet




þ STRUCTUUR (4) ▬▬▬chaotisch overgeorganiseerd


þ VOLTOOIING VAN TAKEN (3) ▬▬▬vertrouwt op anderen stelt onrealistische



OOG VOOR DETAIL (1) ▬▬▬vindt details onbelangrijk haarkloverij


þ PLANNINGSGERICHTHEID (4) ▬▬▬legt zich niet vast legt zich te veel vast


þ MOBILITEIT (8) ▬▬▬honkvast onnodige bewegingen,



þ REACTIE OP VERANDERINGEN (6) ▬▬▬▬rechtvaardigt status-quo dol op veranderingen


RELATIES MET AUTORITEIT (0) ▬▬▬daagt uit/biedt weerstand blinde loyaliteit


VERWANTSCHAP (1) ▬▬▬ondernemend ten koste van alles

loyaal aan organisatie

l= is a match with Success Profileþ l = participant's behavior score = desired range based on Success Profile▬n = eigen gedragscore van de


Devine Inventory®-profiel

powered by The Devine Inventory®

11/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

Growth & Development Review

Well Developed Strengths

There are certain behavior patterns that contribute to high-level performance. Knowledge about these behavior patterns can be

especially useful when making choices about challenges-both now and in the future. Each strength that is well developed serves

as a positive model or example for others. Analysis of your completed Devine Inventory indicates strengths in the following areas:

Behavior Strength: Assertiveness (7)

You are self-confident and have strong conviction when expressing your opinions, even if it creates disagreements. You accept others as equals and are respectful

when considering their opinions and ideas. As an action-oriented person who is always striving to create productive relationships and get ahead, you act

assertively without being overbearing. Others tend to respond positively to you as a leader and are comfortable in your presence.

Behavior Strength: Conflict Management (6)

In your eyes, conflict is both a challenge and something that occurs as a natural part of doing business. You are not intimidated by disharmony and, in fact, believe

that this is the stuff from which good relationships are formed. Your position is that real progress occurs only by testing out ideas and opinions with others.

You approach life with a strong degree of conviction and willingness to learn from everyone. Encouraging each person to offer his or her opinion in an effort to

resolve conflict creates a situation from which everyone can benefit. This type of openness and spirit of adventure builds confidence in others.

Behavior Strength: Creativeness (6)

You are inventive, imaginative and open to new ideas. Creative people like you have evolved from mere innovation to respectfully challenging current values and

practices. Always optimistic about the future, you want to be involved in improving the work environment to its best possible level. You also realize that good ideas

need to be tested and challenged, an effort that stretches your own thinking as well as that of others.

In the face of criticism, you will persevere as well as defend the right of others to express their ideas. You feel it is important to allow others to freely explore and

expand their individuality. Finally, you are energetic and diligent in your search for the means, methods and people needed to accelerate progress on a large


Behavior Strength: Decisiveness (6)

The rapid pace of some work environments requires fast decision-making skills and a willingness to take risks. Like most individuals able to function in this

manner, you pride yourself on being knowledgeable about your work and believe it is important to reach objectives quickly. You are able to evaluate situations

quickly, identify competent people whom you may need to call on later for expertise, and know the proper questions to ask. You have a strong desire to help the

business grow—and grow quickly—in order to maintain and enhance your organization’s competitive advantage.

Behavior Strength: Ego (6)

You exhibit personal confidence and self-esteem, especially with those in authority. You put forth a conscious and deliberate effort to let others notice your

presence. You believe that being adaptable as well as accommodating to new people reflects pride in your values, work activity and associations. Because you

communicate comfortably and openly with all decision-makers, you regularly receive acknowledgement for your contributions. Your confident presentation style

tends to impress people and helps in commanding, rather than demanding, attention from others.

powered by The Devine Inventory®

12/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

Behavior Strength: Goal Orientation (7)

You optimistically see the world as it could be rather than as it is. As soon as you accomplish one goal, you immediately set a new and more demanding one. You

have strong ambition and belief in the ability to overcome both seen and unforeseen obstacles. In your opinion, it is better to fail in accomplishing a great and

challenging goal than not to have tried. Periodically, you evaluate and update your skills in a desire to be the best. Because you are not easily satisfied and

continually push yourself to accomplish more, you have no qualms about putting pressure and demands for excellence on others.

Behavior Strength: Influence (8)

You confidently express and push your ideas and views, especially with authority figures, in a way that does not alienate others. You always seem to know what to

say to various individuals and exactly how to say it, to the point of using language that the other person will find appealing. You also do not waste the time of the

person whom you are attempting to influence.

Refusing to be intimidated by skeptics who ask questions, you do not easily give up. In fact, you expect tough questions and will ask plenty of your own. Your core

belief is that ideas expressed convincingly, openly and honestly have a good chance of materializing.

Behavior Strength: Learning (7)

You are an active learner, always seeking new information that can add value to your efforts. Each person is a potentially valuable source of knowledge, in your

eyes. This belief stimulates you to make contacts, ask questions and take mental or written notes about pertinent information. Sharing information with others is

important to you and you are able to openly admit when you lack knowledge in a particular area.

You make a point of expressing appreciation for others’ contributions to the learning process, and you strongly relate to well-informed colleagues. In your opinion,

being knowledgeable is essential for anyone who wishes to contribute to the accomplishment of goals and objectives.

Behavior Strength: Mobility (8)

You prefer to be on-the-go and consider travel or frequently moving around necessary and useful for both work productivity and personal satisfaction. You are

willing to meet extensive travel requirements in order to expedite results. You realize that being mobile is a service that must be given to an organization or activity.

Not only are you ready to travel at a moment's notice, you also believe that travel broadens one's outlook on life. This may be why you consistently look for

opportunities to travel or stay on-the-go in your job or personal life.

Behavior Strength: Planning (7)

You are future-oriented, believing there must be long-term plans as well as alternatives and options to consider in solving problems. Utilizing a well-defined list of

objectives, having clear definitions of duties, and implementing proper organization and resource applications are important to you. You understand the necessity

of being flexible and staying aware of the actions others are taking so as not to repeat mistakes. Asking questions of others and working to prevent problems,

rather than just reacting to and correcting them, is of utmost importance because you are focused on the future of your organization. This behavior is important for

success in a high-level position.

Behavior Strength: Presentation Style (6)

You seek out opportunities to present ideas and ask for periodic reviews of your presentation style in order to make modifications and improvements. By planning

well and paying close attention to the environment you are trying to create, you make others feel comfortable and encourage communication during your

presentations. Because you show your enthusiasm, you infuse excitement into your audience. Your personal appearance, mannerisms and gestures are all

carefully orchestrated, are frank and relevant, and are successful at stimulating the audience. Most great presenters like you have a sincere theatrical flair that

makes your message more attractive and easier to understand.

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13/19 Afgedrukt maandag 8 augustus 2011

Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

Behavior Strength: Response to Change (6)

You are seen as a “change agent.” Change, in your opinion, is inevitable and typically brings good things to an organization. You are eager to experiment with new

ideas that may improve the current situation. You readily anticipate and accept new challenges and value making a contribution to your organization. You speak

enthusiastically and with a sense of deep dedication and confidence about progress. This behavior increases employee morale.

From time to time, you will carefully review what has been done. Those who continually question and resist change will be questioned themselves and sometimes

pushed aside in an effort to accelerate progress through the introduction of new ideas and technologies.

Behavior Strength: Self Responsibility (8)

You are very much aware of your responsibilities as well as the responsibilities of others involved in completing a project. You eagerly take on challenges beyond

your job requirements and work to reach goals quickly. This proactive approach includes taking the time to monitor operations and analyze accomplishments. You

raise morale when you step into a situation and take responsibility. Moreover, you recognize that learning can be acquired by volunteering to be reassigned to

different roles.

Behavior Strength: Time Competency (6)

You exercise good time management and have an ability to correctly gauge the amount of time required to accomplish goals and objectives. Skillful prioritizing is

important to you and you do not allow your attention to be unnecessarily diverted. You also project a professional attitude and are able to discover more efficient

ways of completing work and apply them without seeking management's approval.

The effort you put forth helps maintain a competitive advantage, both for yourself and for the organization. Those in higher authority admire the contributions that

you are able to make.

Behavior Strength: Vitality (8)

Maintaining physical health and wellness is high on your list of priorities. You maintain a consistent exercise routine, exhibit a high energy level and are able to

remain alert for significant periods of time. Though you have boundless energy, you are aware of the varied energy levels of others and do not place unrealistic

demands on them. You also realize that it may be necessary to adapt work requirements to accommodate different energy rhythms. Encouraging good health

practices among friends and colleagues is important to you. In fact, you regularly seek professional advice about how to optimize your health and eagerly share

this information with others.

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Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

Development Opportunity: Affiliation (1)

Current Behavior

You have an entrepreneurial spirit and are committed to your personal values—though not always to the organization. Your independence may be

the result of previous situations in which you were treated unfairly. Still, you are optimistic that fair treatment can be maintained. Rather than be a

“yes” or “me, too” person, you prefer the freedom to think on your own. You also value the opportunity to try new approaches and you refuse to jump

on the bandwagon. If problems arise, you will not hesitate to seek advice with higher authority.

New Behavior Models

It is quite appropriate for you to indicate to others that you enjoy an association, whether that association is with a company, friends or with an

activity outside of work. In the course of allowing yourself flexibility to make choices about what you intend to do with your time, talent and energies,

it is best not to give all of your energies to one activity because your growth may be limited. Before making a Affiliation, be sure to question so as to

find out the nature of the demands that will be made upon you. Give yourself some latitude so you can readjust your Affiliations as conditions

warrant. From time to time, take a hard look at your goals, both on and off the job, so you don't go overboard either way. Always allow enough time

to set your goals and to evaluate your progress, not because you are reacting to problems, but because you intend to prevent them. Before making

a Affiliation, give yourself some time to think and to rearrange your present Affiliations without creating imbalances.

The fact that you are trusting of the motives of persons in higher authority makes it possible for you to think in terms of a long-term association.

What this means is that you are confident that you will be treated fairly and that promises made to you will be faithfully observed. However, you will

not be so naive as to function without questioning some of the decisions made by higher authority. Through your questioning, you help make it

possible for higher management to be in the position of improving its decisions. The same holds true for the manner in which you would prefer

others to relate to you. Such adaptability demonstrates your willingness to grow and to contribute. By accepting challenges, your asset value

constantly improves. However, you will not allow your Affiliation to your job or profession to interfere with your Affiliations in other areas of your life.

Growth Suggestions

Read available literature on the history of your company and seek out conversation with employees who have had long term association with the


Search out information about future growth of the company and the skills that will be required.

Be responsive and supportive of ideas that will improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Familiarize yourself with company policies, rules and regulations and observe proper protocol and tactfulness when relating to others.

Volunteer to participate in the orientation of new employees or to assist in any manner that will enhance learning and morale.

Attend organization sponsored activities and speak positively to others about your association with the organization.

Express to your supervisor your career goals and your interest in exposing yourself to new learning opportunities.

The Loyalty Effect: The Hidden Love Behind Growth, Profits and Lasting Value, by Frederick F. Reichheld.

Creating Contagious Affiliation: Applying the Tipping Point to Organizational Change, by Andrea Shapiro.

Getting to Affiliation: Overcoming the 8 Greatest Obstacles to Lasting Connection, by Steven Carter.

Art of Winning Affiliation: 10 Ways Leaders Can Engage Minds, Hearts and Spirits, by Dick Richards.

The Brand You 50: Or Fifty Ways to Transform Yourself from and "Employee" into a Brand That Shouts Distinction, Affiliation and Passion!, by Tom


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Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

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Development Opportunity: Authority Relationships (0)

Current Behavior

You desire the freedom to differ with authority figures and do not hesitate to challenge direct orders. If you feel that a decision made by a higher

authority is wrong, you will question that decision to the point of being too provocative and overstepping your boundaries. You are not a “yes” or “me,

too” kind of person; rather, you directly say what you feel others need to know, anytime or place. This may be perceived as insubordinate,

challenging and/or resistant.

New Behavior Models

When you ask questions in an effort to better understand the reasons for orders or directions, it is possible for you to feel more comfortable in

carrying out your duties and responsibilities. Such behavior also helps higher authority to feel that you have more than just a superficial interest in

what you are asked to do. Better and more complete understanding sometimes results in being sought out for advice and explanation by other

employees. This will represent an effort on your part to be taken more completely into the confidence of higher authority. By being better informed, it

becomes possible for you to initiate action more quickly and to better focus your energies.

Upper management depends upon the cooperation of each person in the organization in order to achieve good results. Each time you demonstrate

your willingness to be cooperative, higher authority will feel positive that you can be trusted, and there will be a stronger identification with you as

part of the team. However, this does not mean you should not ask questions. Cooperation means you place importance on the goals of the

company, and, if the occasion requires you to make some personal sacrifice, you will do so. Keeping the company healthy will be a matter of

importance to you, and you will offer encouragement to people who question the motives of their leaders. In effect, you will consciously desire to

assist your leaders to be successful. When speaking of the organization, you will indicate your support and belief in the future of the business so as

to bring about goodwill attitudes toward those in authority and the business. If you do have differences with higher authority, you will not express

these differences in a manner which will undermine confidence in the company. However, by expressing these differences, you will help in designing

good solutions. Such openness should always be a matter of great importance to you because you will recognize that the best possible effort is

accomplished by offering all those involved a chance to contribute their ideas.

Growth Suggestions

Listen carefully to directions; make mental or written notes of instructions; be polite and indicate willingness to be cooperative; use proper form when

addressing others.

Do not assume that higher authority is operating on the basis of desiring to be hurtful to you; assume that criticism is offered as a means of helping

you perform better.

Do not allow concerns about “who might be the favored person” overrule your attention for meeting the standards of performance for your own


Rather than constantly presenting your concerns or criticism to management, think through issues and offer constructive positive action suggestions.

Do not interrupt and think that only your concerns are of top priority; express your appreciation of constructive criticism about your performance.

Familiarize yourself with policies, procedures and any rules and regulations that have been established; in addition, adhere to such guidelines.

If you have differences with your supervisor, discuss these privately in a joint problem solving manner.

Ask higher authority if you can be of assistance when higher authority is overloaded with work.

Communicate through personal contact rather than depending on memos.

Avoid emotionalism in dealing with problem solving situations.

Ask the Right Question!, by Rupert Eales-White.

Mindset Management: The Heart of Leadership, by Samuel Culbert.

Don't Kill the Bosses!: Escaping the Hierarchy Trap, by Samuel A. Culbert and John Ullmen.

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Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

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Development Opportunity: Detail Orientation (1)

Current Behavior

You prefer to focus on broad, principled concepts rather than technical details. Your need to see the big picture may at times obscure the need to

identify and review complex issues. Over-simplifying things can result in your having to revisit decisions or resources to reach your objectives.

Learning to identify the pertinent details from the trivial ones will ensure that you review priorities prior to making decisions.

New Behavior Models

When presenting information, it is important that the message be clearly stated. Sometimes too much detail overshadows the message that you

wish to give. Before writing or talking, you should think about what you have to say and evaluate what the receiver needs or wishes to read or to

hear. Asking about these needs will help in focusing on what is really important. Decide on what and how the details will be presented before

presenting. Afterwards, ask for any suggestions that could help the message be more readable or understandable. Set some limit on the amount of

time or space that you are going to devote to the message. Quite often, wordiness can be boring to the other person, even though our own words

are like music to our ears. Carefully observing how the receiver of your messages talks or writes will give you some picture of what would be

positively received. Your awareness of the responses of your receiver will give some clues as to what part of your message is "getting through" and

what is not. Keeping detailed information close at hand will help you to provide whatever level of information may be required. Reviewing backup

detail before face-to-face meetings will help in responding to questions you might not ordinarily anticipate.

Using detail to overpower another person is not only bad manners, it is also bad business practice. Individuals who are knowledgeable about details

can make a lasting and positive impact on others because use of details when presenting information helps in projecting yourself as a

knowledgeable person. Too much detail makes for difficulty in remembering what is said. Of course, when you ask your audience to let you know

what detail they need, you are in a good position to relate your presentation to their needs. In many instances, individuals may already know what

you are saying. Encouraging people to ask questions during your presentation will help because people will ask for more detail, if needed, for better

understanding. Ask yourself how much time the individual or group will have to get your message, and this will give you a good perspective on how

to arrange the details in a most efficient manner.

Growth Suggestions

Use computer and software communications technology to help you to quickly and accurately “pin down” details for future retrieval and presentation


Ask questions when you do not understand.

Have your reading skills analyzed by a reading specialist, including speed, word recognition, comprehension and span.

Make written notes of discussion to which you can refer at a later date; identify the key points, dates and special information in writing.

Understand the difference between making inquiry and conducting an inquisition; let the other person know ahead of time the information that you

will be requesting.

What are the most important details about the job that you are doing? Does your view match up well with that of your supervisor? Sit down with your

supervisor and make comparisons.

Refer to charts, diagrams or other useful, visually prepared items; visually inspect items with which you are working, remember that visual inspection

is extremely important as a source of learning.

Choosing the Future , by Stuart Wells.

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Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

Your Growth & Development Plan


1. Read your Devine Inventory Develop Report™.

2. Complete each of the three sections below.

3. Be clear, specific and realistic on what you expect from yourself and your supervisor.

4. Meet with your supervisor to discuss your development plan ideas.

5. Listen for understanding.

6. Commit to development actions with your supervisor.

7. Establish a follow-up date with your supervisor.



From Devine Inventory® results, list the top 3-5 strengths you consider most critical for successful job performance. Provide

on-the-job examples.

Behavioral Strengths Work Examples

From your Devine Inventory® results, list below the top two growth and development needs related to your job requirements.

Next, select and list 1 or 2 Growth Suggestions activities from the Devine Inventory Develop Report™ for each behavior listed

below. Growth Tips are development actions that you and your supervisor agree will be most important for your growth over the

next year. Also reflect back on growth and development needs identified during your last performance review.

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Copyright © 2011 The Devine Group. All rights reserved.

Horbach Reinforcement

Maurits Horbach

Unique Value Sales

Develop Rapport

Follow-Up Date: _____/_____/_____

Behavioral Needs Growth Suggestions*/Action Items (completed by employee)

Lage marginale score hoge marginale score

* May be selected from your DI Develop Report™


Identify help and support your supervisor can provide to enhance your performance on the above development needs.


___________________________________________ ________________________________

Employee Signature Moet worden ontwikkeld

___________________________________________ ________________________________

Supervisor Signature Date

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