Develop a Social Media Strategy that Delivers Results for your Business

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Transcript of Develop a Social Media Strategy that Delivers Results for your Business

Develop a Social Media Strategy that Delivers Results for Your Business

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Remember the trees, please enjoy digitally.

Explanatory notes are in plain text.

1Monday, October 12, 15

Social Media Strategy

1 - Our Approach2 - Why Social Media Matters3 - The Prospect & Customer Journey4 - 5 Social Media Platforms5 - Q&A

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

2Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Charlie ConardCo-Founder and Principal Social Go To245 W 29th Street, Suite #1202New York, NY 10001

We help businesses get more and better customers fromwhere their prospects are spending their time... on social media.

3Monday, October 12, 15

The SBDC is a program supported by the U.S. Small Business Administration and is extended to the public on a non-discriminatory basis. SBA cannot endorse any products, opinions or services of any external parties or activities.

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Special thanks to the seminar organizers:

4Monday, October 12, 15

New York State SenatorMarty Golden

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Special thanks to the seminar sponsor:

5Monday, October 12, 15

1 - Our ApproachWe aim to teach strategy, not detail without understanding.

6Monday, October 12, 15

The Case of the Frustrated Business OwnerCopyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Entrepreneurs and business owners today have to be more than experts at what they do; they must be content marketers!

7Monday, October 12, 15

Learning how social media works “under the hood”will help you take away more from the seminar and understand more later.

8Monday, October 12, 15

For the mechanics about any social platform, subscribe to

9Monday, October 12, 15 is a great resource for business owners to many social media topics over time. It’s easy to understand. will keep you up-to-date ontechnology, important industry news, and social media trends.

10Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Social media is always changing. You must always be learning.

11Monday, October 12, 15

1 - Congratulations, you’re a CONTENT COMPANY!2 - can teach “how to’s”3 - Avoid YouTube4 - Learn from SocialMediaExaminer.com5 - Keep current with

1 - Our Approach Your Takeaways

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

12Monday, October 12, 15

2 - Why Social Media Matters

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

13Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

It’s where the people are. It’s where people spend their time.

14Monday, October 12, 15

6 degrees of separation 4.74

Social media connects people through networks.The world is a lot closer now.

15Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Social media accelerates and facilitates word-of-mouth, which is the best way to get new business.

16Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Whether or not you’re on social media, people are talking.Perhaps they’re talking about your business!

17Monday, October 12, 15

SocialRecommendation68%More Likely

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

18Monday, October 12, 15

1 - It’s where the eyeballs are2 - Direct dialogue with customers & prospects3 - Social connections influence others!4 - WOM on steroids5 - The conversation is happening with or without you

2 - Why Social Media Matters Your Takeaways

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

19Monday, October 12, 15

3 - The Prospect & Customer Journey

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

You must think like your customers, not through the lens of how you think.

20Monday, October 12, 15



Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Your customers are on a journey. You need to plan steps to nurture them along.

21Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Most businesses have 3-5 customer types. Each one has different problems to solve.Think about what their problems are!

22Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

We use these questions tobetter understand the big picture!

23Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Business owners tend to be too close to their business and see mostly details.

24Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Don’t miss the forest for the trees! Think about the big picture: your goals and the steps to get there, along with your prospects!

25Monday, October 12, 15

1 - Your prospects are on a journey towards purchase.2 - Today, more of the sales cycle happens without you. 3 - You must think like the customer.4 - Different customers have different needs/pain points.5 - Focus on overall business goals; then plan your marketing.

3 - The Prospect & Customer Journey Your Takeaways

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

26Monday, October 12, 15

4 - Social Media Platforms

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

27Monday, October 12, 15

Social media is not a magic solution, nor is it distracting fluff.

Social media is a powerful marketing breakthrough, like the telephone was.

28Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

There are many social media platforms. Choose only the few thatbest fit your business (where your customers are).

29Monday, October 12, 15

30Monday, October 12, 15

“Must Have” platform

Pros• Largest audience• Easy-to-use• Flexible• Great targeting

Cons• Hard to be seen• Have to spend moneyCopyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

31Monday, October 12, 15

Best Businesses

• Almost “Everyone”• Businesses with ad budgets• “Must have”

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

32Monday, October 12, 15

Powerful Conversation platform

Pros• Younger audience• Good for discovery, offers • Discussions & Real Time• Customer Service

Cons• Harder to use• Special language• Character limit / OverwhelmingCopyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

33Monday, October 12, 15

Best Businesses

• Younger audience• More techy• Offers & specials for followers• Restaurants

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

34Monday, October 12, 15

“Dream Board” platform

Pros• Collecting and PASSION!• Drives website traffic• Virality = Pass-a-long• Aspirational = Buying

Cons• Great imagery a MUST• Website connection tricky

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

35Monday, October 12, 15

Best Businesses

• Visual: Weddings, Decor, Fashion• Planning & “Dreams”• Aspirational - Luxury/High Ticket• E-commerce

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

36Monday, October 12, 15

Best B2B platform

Pros• Serious audience / People• Limited Competition• Industry-Specific

Cons• Nobody “hangs out” here• Works best with alternative approach

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

37Monday, October 12, 15

Best Businesses

• B2B• Consulting• Corporate Services/Sales• Industry Trade Groups

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

38Monday, October 12, 15

In-the-moment “Snapshot” platform

Pros• Young, but varied audience• Easy-to-use & fun!• Spreads the word• Fastest growing

Cons• Mostly images; links don’t work• Mostly awareness buildingCopyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

39Monday, October 12, 15

Best Businesses

• “In the Now” with “Buzz”• Events• Aspirational - Fashion / Celebs• Interactive Products

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

40Monday, October 12, 15

“Ghost” platform

Pros• Great support for SEARCH• Similar to Facebook• Motivated users

Cons• Few use it• May be orphonedCopyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

41Monday, October 12, 15

42Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Yelp, Google (Places),Foursquare, and other review and local social media sites cannot be ignored by most small businesses.

43Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

44Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

45Monday, October 12, 15

“Must Have” Platform • Great Targeting • Ad Budget

Younger • Good for Retail, Offers • Special Language 

Informal, Mostly Candid Photos • Happening

Collected Photos • Dream Boards • E-Commerce

B2B • Professionals • Industry-Specific

Reviews • Restaurants • Services • Mostly LocalCopyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

46Monday, October 12, 15

Copyright © 2015 by Social To Go. These copyrighted materials are are authorized solely for your personal, individual private use and are not intended for unauthorized distribution.

Charlie ConardCo-Founder and Principal Social Go To245 W 29th Street, Suite #1202New York, NY 10001

We help businesses get more and better customers fromwhere their prospects are spending their time... on social media.

47Monday, October 12, 15