Detecting Exoplanets Ma Bo, Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University.

Post on 30-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Detecting Exoplanets Ma Bo, Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University.

Detecting Exoplanets

Ma Bo,Department of Astronomy, Nanjing University

 Candidates detected (342) 

by radial velocity 316

 by Transiting methods 58

by microlensing 8

by imaging 11

by timing 7

Radial Velocity ( 51 Pegasi in 1995)

reflex motion of the host star using pulsar timing or precision Doppler measurements

Transiting Method

periodic dimming of the parent star as the planet transits in front


planet-induced perturbations to microlensing light curves in which the host star acts as the primary gravitational lens

Inverse ray-shooting method ( Kayser1986)


Lense plane Amplification image

Discovery of a Jupiter/Saturn Analog

Could this be explained by a planet/satellite pair?

Timing method (for pulsar)

pulses arrive at the telescope with a tiny, variable delay caused by planets around

Direct imaging (first at 2005)

First direct imaging of a giant planet around a brown dwarf

Detection Limits for Planets Around Solar-Like Stars

Future space missions

Space Interferometry Mission

Kepler Terrestrial Planet Finder (TPF)

About Kepler

System Characteristics: Spacebased Photometer: 0.95-m aperture Primary mirror: 1.4 meter diameter, 85% light weighted Detectors: 95 mega pixels (42 CCDs with 2200x1024 pixels) Bandpass: 430-890 nm FWHM Dynamic range: 9th to 16th magnitude stars Fine guidance sensors: 4 CCDs located on science focal plane Attitude stability: <9 milli-arcsec, 3 sigma over 15 minutes.

The End

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