Desktops enviroment a bdus9dhfdsopfcdfdf

Post on 10-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Desktops enviroment a bdus9dhfdsopfcdfdf

Desktops Enviroment

Abdulla Mahmood And Yousef Al Dowais10BB

KDE Enviroment

• KDE is an international community[ producing an integrated set of applications designed to run on modern and Windows systems. It is known for its Plasma Desktop, a desktop environment which is provided as the default work environment on many Linux distributions, such as openSUSE, Mageia, and Kubuntu. It is also the default desktop environment on PC-BSD, a BSD operating system.

Picture of KDA Desktop


• Unity is a graphical shell for the GNOME desktop environment developed by Canonical Ltd. for its Ubuntu operating system. Unity debuted in the net book edition of Ubuntu 10.10.

Picture of unity desktop

Compares between unity and kda
