Designing our logo

Post on 03-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Designing our logo

Designing our logo

The opening of our film will contain a logo/ indent of the production team we have worked with, Fire films.

Fire Films

In the process of designing the logo I tried using a site, one was, this allowed you to select a basic logo and edit as desired

With this idea I aimed at a simplistic, to the point design that had a memroable form.

Using black and orange I feel kept the design clean and simplistic, the two colours worked well together and are actual colours of fire making a visual link between the title and the image.

Although I had experimented and designed a potential logo, this site charged for the use of it so I worked with photoshop and downloaded this image

Working with Photoshop

I then began adding in the text and playing with fonts, font colors and styles

Exploring lighting effects allowed me to highlight certain areas of the image and text, here I have thrown emphasis on the text as the image stands out quite powerfully.

In changing the colours of the image I played with the colour range and levels which allowed me to emphasize some colors more than other for example, the green. However we came to the conclusion that this was to distracting and we lost the link between the colors used and the text ‘ fire’

As we could not get the right balance with the colour image and did not want it to appear tacky we converted to black and white. One reason for this is that our film is in black and white so it will give flow and add to the visuals. The use of black and white is to the point meaning the logo will be more memorable

Adjusting, shadow and highlights

Experimenting with levels of exposure and tone

Shadows and highlights of font

Our final logo design.