Designing a Better Design Studio

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Transcript of Designing a Better Design Studio


Designing a BetterDesign Studio



Creative and Evaluative Sides of Your Brain


Simple Definition = Generate and Evaluate Sketches *

* Design Studios are not simple.




Hidden Agendas






1. Sketching

2. Storytelling

3. Critiquing

4. Presenting

5. FacilitatingJared Spool (2010)

Master UX Designers Do Five Things Well:

For practicing UX Designers, one of the most important Sturgeon's Law, which

tells us that 99% of everything is crap. It's easy to produce a poor quality

result. Master UX Designers disciplines within the UX world—interaction

design, information architecture, user research, copywriting, and visual design.

They had these five things in common:

Sketching, Storytelling, Critiquing, Presenting, and Facilitating



“But, Brian I can’t draw!”



Taking notes? Try this!


Why do we sketch?

1. To Communicate an Idea:

“Here’s what I’m trying to tell you…”

2. To Record What We’re Seeing and Hearing:

“This is what I want to remember…”

3. To Work Through Some Thinking:

“What will this look like?”

4. To Document:

“Here’s what we’ve ended up with”


Why Should YouListen to Me?


Brian Sullivan.


Hi, my name is



Over 20 Years of User Research and Testing Experience


Speaker at Industry Events


Keynote Author on SlideShare (12,000+ Followers)


Wrote the Book on The Design Studio Method


Basics ofSketching


“There is no substitute for good drawing.”

- Walt Stanchfield


Walt Stanchfield (1919 – 2000)


• The Jungle Book

• The Aristocats

• The Great Mouse Detective

• Who Framed Roger Rabbit


• Brad Bird

• John Lasseter

• Don Bluth

• Glen Keane



Let’s keep it simple!


Exercise #1Let’s dot the “eyes”!




“We learn drawing by studying parts; we practice drawing by assembling those parts into a meaningful whole.”

- Walt Stanchfield




Simple Shapes in Familiar Objects• Identify objects or parts of object




Simple Shapes in UX Wireframes• Wireframes are mostly squares, circles, and lines.


Simple Shapes Can Make Complex Objects• Identify objects or parts of object


Simple Rules of Perspective


We’ll Stick to Simple UX Designs


Exercise #2Let’s Get Hands On!


Another Example of a UX Wireframe


Use Some UX Sketch Paper


Setting the Scene

Jared Spool

The $300,000,000 Fix (per Jared Spool):

In the above example, we have a form with two fields,

two buttons, and one link. This form appeared on the

bottom of a Shopping Cart. What are the problems?

Hint: Current and New Customers both had problems.


New Customers:

New customers did not want to register. They resisted clicking the Register

button. New customers wanted to buy what was in their shopping cart.

They did not want a relationship. Most wanted to leave. As it turns out,

customers are not required to register—it is optional.

New Customers Struggled


Existing Customers Struggled

Existing Customers:

Existing customers couldn’t remember their exact email and/or password.

They clicked the “Forgot Password” link. Help Desk logs revealed this link

was clicked about 167,000 each day! According to Spool, 75% of these

people didn’t make a purchase. They did leave!


Sketch Your Solution….5 Minutes!!!


Jared Spool

$300,000,000 Fix:

Make it obvious. The results:

- The number of customers purchasing went up by 45%.

- Extra purchases resulted in 15 million the first month.

- In the first year, there was additional $300 million.

The Actual Solution….Make It a Checkout Button


Evolution of the Checkout Button at Amazon


Customer Widget to Checkout Button to Shopping Cart


Critiquing Best Practices


Simon Criticizes Early, He Critiques Later


Criticism versus Critique

Criticism Critique

Finds Fault Determines Design Intent

Looks for Problems Looks for What Works and Doesn't Work

Condemns What It Doesn't Understand Asks for Clarification

Can Be Abrasive Is Honest and Objective

Is Usually Negative Is Positive Even About What Isn't Working

Is General and Vague Is Concrete and Specific

Is Opinionated Is Collaborative


A UX Critique is a method for evaluating design concepts against

design principles and the collective experience of the participants.

- It’s not a brainstorming session.

- It doesn’t evaluate engineering feasibility.

- It is part Heuristic Inspection and part Art School Critique.

What’s a UX Critique?

UX Critique = Heuristic Inspection + Art School Critique


• A UX Critique differs from a Design Review.

- Design Reviews: peer-based (not part of the delivery team)

- UX Critiques: stakeholder-based (people who implement a design)

• Both groups are important reviewers, but their purposes entirely distinct.

UX Critique is Not a Design Review!






• Invite 5 or 6 people to the UX Critique

- You need open, honest feedback

- Consider the most critical people only

• You can’t be informal with 7+ people

- You can send email after the meeting

- Schedules are a great excuse

• Don’t worry about job titles or hierarchy

- Moving the design forward is the goal

- Don’t play office politics here

Who’s in the Room?

The right people are critical to success.


• Handouts. Each person gets a copy to

enter questions and comments. Sketches

can be used, but Marketers may see the

low-fidelity sketch as low quality idea.

• Hang Pictures on Wall. You can easily

compare different ideas, review branding,

and see inconsistencies this way. Use

post-it notes for questions and comments.

• Project on a Wall. If you have prototype,

demo it. Project on a whiteboard, where

people can make comments and questions.

Take a picture to capture the feedback.

Ways to Show Your Designs

Pick the right room! We recommend a small conference room with

whiteboards. You may need to have a War Room for long projects.

The environment puts people at ease.


• Moderator. Facilitates the Critique. Ensures

everyone is focused, on-track, and on-


• Designer. Presents their work and answers

questions. They must be impartial participant

(like it is someone else’s work). They work

with (not against) reviewers.

• Scribe. Takes notes for the Designer and

socializes the feedback to the larger team.

• Reviewer. Critiques designs with thought

provoking questions. Avoids opinions.

Roles in a UX Critique

The best piece of feedback is not feedback at all, but

a questions that prompts the Designer to think!

Each person plays a specific role.


• Design Intent. You start by exploring the

problem(s) the Designer is trying to solve.

- What problem is the design addressing?

- Is this the essence of the problem?

- What if the problem is worded differently?

• Design Execution. Any design addresses a

problem by its form and function.

What are we Critiquing?

Formal Elements Functional Elements

- Color - Efficiency

- Typography - Effectiveness

- Layout - Discoverability

- UI Text - Readability

- Iconography - Findability

- Transitions - Navigation


• What are the user scenarios the site or app is designed for? Can you

walkthrough through how each design would enable those scenarios?

• What known usability / design / business issues are these sketches

trying to solve?

• What is the intended style of the design, and is it appropriate for the

target audience?

• What is the intention of the style, and does it achieve the desired effect?

• Are there standard brand elements that should be used, and are they

used appropriately?

• Are there similar software products or features that these designs

should relate to?

• What usability heuristics does each design support well? (or not?)

Questions You Might Hear or Ask…


• Where in the design are the most likely places for users to have

trouble? and why?

• Are there reasonable design changes that might avoid these problem


• Does each design idea take advantage of things the user might already

have learned?

• What are the pros and cons of each design idea, relative to each other?

• Are there any hybrid design ideas that are worth exploring, based on the

designs in the room?

• What open issues might best be resolved by a usability study or other


More Questions You Might Hear or Ask…


Exercise #3Critiquing


Let’s Critique This Page…..

Some Background:

This sketch was actually created for a

project that I worked on five years ago.

It is an Air Availability page, which appears

after you do a search for flights.

We were trying to solve the problem of

unused air tickets for companies.

How would you critique this page?


What’s Your Immediate Response?

• What is your first reaction to what you see?

(could be positive or negative)

• What did you notice first?

• Where have you seen something like this

before? Was that successful?

• What stands out to you? How could this

affect users?


Describe What You See Here…

• What do you think see initially?

• What do you think customers will see?


What about Form and Function?

• How are the form factors of this design:

- Color

- Typography

- Layout

- UI Text

- Iconography

- Transitions

• How are the functions of this design:

- Efficiency

- Effectiveness

- Discoverability

- Readability

- Findability

- Navigation


What about Consistency?

• Is the design consistent with other areas of

the product?

• What about other products (web, phone,

tablet, kiosk)?

• Is there deliberate inconsistency? Why?

• What about other products within the

overall portfolio (i.e.branding)?


Where Critiques Fit In Your Design Process?




UX Critique


Design Studio



(3rd Party)

Use the critique guidelines here in other meetings.

Each UX critiquing checkpoint is more formal than the last one.

• Peer Designers

• Style Guides

• Consistency

• Opportunity Finding

• Project Stakeholders

• Form and Function

• Branding and Product Portfolio

• Solution Finding

• Usability Professionals

• Design Guidelines

• Expert Review

• Cognitive Walkthrough


Design Studio:Sketching & Critiquing


1. Sketching

2. Storytelling

3. Critiquing

4. Presenting

5. FacilitatingJared Spool (2010)

Design Studios Use Your Master UX Skills

Do you remember this slide from earlier?


What is a Design Studio Session?

• Designers express and explore

ideas, generate, and evaluate

alternatives to ultimately make

decisions and take action.

• Artists, industrial designers,

graphic designers, and architects

use Design Studio sessions.

• Used to: brainstorm, refine, and

share ideas, build design skills.

• Main purpose is to saturate the

design space with possibilities,

which can be refined.Original Sketch for Flckr

Design Studios Overview


Sketch for Word Processor Program

for One Laptop Per Child

Two excellent sources for design thinking are Bill Buxton’s Sketching the

User Experience and Edward De Bono’s Six Thinking Hats.

- Buxton’s book tells of different ways to perform Design Studio projects

- De Bono’s “Thinking Hats” helps to control the conversation

Sources for a Design Studio


Project Timeline

Buxton talks about

a Design Funnel in

the SDLC, where

the opportunity to

saturate the design

space with ideas

occurs very early.

The design space

is limited (or goes

into a funnel) as

projects move in

the timeline.

Bill Buxton’s Design Funnel


Buxton explains that

opportunities to

saturate the design

space decrease, as

convergence occurs.

Concept generation

narrows the further

you move into the

SDLC, but there are

still opportunities.

Coding limits the

design opportunities.

Sketch Early, Prototype Later


Source: Bill Buxton’s “Sketching the User Experience”

Why Sketches?

• Worth a 1,000 words

• Disposable

• Quick

• Cheap

• No special skills needed

• No coding needed

The goal is to saturate the

design space with ideas…

Why Use Sketches in a Design Studio?


• Participants produce several rough sketches

• Discuss and critique the sketches

• Merge ideas into one design concept

Design Studios Saturate the Design Space


What Makes a Good Sketch?


• You’re making a rough sketch—Use pen & paper, and colored markers.

Don’t use a computer.

• Use large paper and use the whole page—Write BIG. Draw BIG. Only

use fat-nib markers so a roomful of people can see the idea when you

present it.

• “Good enough” is good enough—You’re making a rough sketch.

• Use only enough detail to communicate your main idea.

• Only ONE idea per sketch.

• ANY idea—even crazy or expensive ideas—are OK. Don’t judge your

ideas now, just get five on paper.

• Remember: QUANTITY breeds QUALITY.

How to Do a Good Sketch?


One Idea Per Page (Screen, Flow, etc.)


Don’t Worry Too Much About Details


Sketch Enough Details to Convey Your Idea


You Can Always Start Over


Use Arrows and Annotations


Provide a Title and Brief Description


• Add LABELS and arrows that identify the actions and the results.

Number the labels and responses.

• Always write labels in red, and use red only for labels. (Text in the

GUI and title bars is not a label.)

• Add a SKETCH TITLE to help communicate the idea and to help

people remember what it’s about later on.

• Be able to take about 20 seconds to talk about your sketch.

(Don’t worry—it’s enough time. Remember, a picture is “worth a

thousand words”.)

What Makes a Presentable Sketch?


What Makes a Good Design Studio?


• Do your sketches separately from others on the team.

• Expect to spend 2-4 minutes on each sketch, but don’t expect to do all

your sketches in one sitting.

• FIVE substantially different ideas—five sketches—for each solution.

We need to get out of the common response zone, so five unique

sketches, or else (FUSE).

• Don’t be discouraged if you feel uncomfortable when it’s harder to come

up with sketches after doing your third one. This is “the sticking point.”

Hang in there! Your really creative ideas need a bit more time to come

to the surface. They will come. Talk to other people who’ve done

sketching sessions about their experience.

• QUANTITY breeds QUALITY. We are saturating the design space.

Before You Come to a Design Studio


• You must come with five sketches, or else:

- We are wasting our time.

- We are staying in the common response zone.

- We are not saturating the design space.

• The sketches must be unique, or else:

- You are iterating the same basic idea.

- You risk getting committed to one idea.

- You are still in the common response zone.

Five Sketches, or Else (FUSE)


• De Bono’s Six Hats help team

members think about a problem

in the same way at the same

time, and in a specific


• This allows the team to

complete each step more

quickly, and it ensures that all

essential details get covered.

• The hats are ordered in a

specific way, so we all think

about the designs from various


Six Thinking Hats = Communication Method




• Blue hat: Process (meta-talking). Useful to guide and

focus the group.

• For example: “Now let’s think of yellow-hat thoughts

about this idea” moves the group to the next step, and

“Can you hold that thought? We’ll look at grey-hat thoughts

later” postpones a comment to the right time.

• Things You Might Hear:

- What have we done so far?

- What decision have we reached?

- What do we do next?

- Let’s where a different hat for the next few minutes.

- Let’s summarize what we have learned.

Blue Hat: Process, Organizing


• White hat: Factual (state the facts). Seeking

objective information, without opinions.

• Things you might hear:

- What do we know?

- What don’t we know?

- What information is missing?

- What questions do we need to ask?

- How will we get the information we need?

White Hat: Factual, Neutral


• Green hat: Creative (ideation). For each

problem, sketch five substantially different ideas.

• During green-hat thinking, do not analyze or

judge the ideas; reject nothing; all ideas are

acceptable, even “silly” or “impossible” ones.

• After presenting your sketches to the other

design participants, mash up—or re-sketch—to

add something new and something borrowed.

• Re-sketch one of your sketches, and present it.

Re-sketch one of someone else’s sketches, and

present it.

• Next, synthesize everything you’ve seen into a

few sketches. Present those, and then apply the

next two hats to them.

Rules of Creativity:

1. Defer Judgment

2. Strive for Quantity

3. Freewheel

4. Piggyback

Green Hat: Creative, Generative





• Yellow hat: Positive. What are the

reasons that a green-hat idea may


• Analyze all sketches together, but

ask participants to comment on each

sketch in turn, so that one sketch

never gets two comments in


• Ask participants to start each

comment with the words “This idea

may succeed because….”

• This allows you to probe for value

and benefit of potential ideas.

Things You Might Ask/Hear:

• What are the good points?

• What are the benefits?

• How will it help us?

• Why can it be done?

• Why is this worth doing?

Yellow Hat: Positive, Sunny


• Black hat: Critical. What are the reasons that a green-hat idea may not work?

• Analyze all sketches together, but ask participants to comment on each sketch in turn, so that one sketch never gets twocomments in succession.

• Require participants to start each comment with “This idea may not succeed because….”

• This is a good time for a usability expert to identify unusable features in all sketches.

• If participants get defensive about a comment, refocus them on black-hat thinking (defensive remarks are often yellow-hat), and remind them that one sketch never gets two comments in succession. Follow the black-hat thinking by another round of yellow-hat thinking.

• After the analysis (yellow- and black-hat thinking), do a further round of green-hat thinking.

• Use this round of green-hat thinking to address the grey-hat and yellow-hat thoughts.

Black Hat: Cautious, Critical


• Red hat: Decision. Decision-making based on everything you’ve experienced, based on what you think and feel, using your judgment and opinions.

• No consensus? You may need to follow the process for another round, starting with white-hat thinking. Although frustrating, sketching is cheaper than having a developer code and then discard (or worse—not discard) a poor design.

• Things You Might Hear:

- I feel like this idea has potential.- I feel like this idea is very unusual.- How do I feel about this idea right now?

• NOTE: Everyone feels something, even neutrality or apathy.

Your Feelings Could Be:

• Neutral

• Undecided

• Confused

• Doubtful

• Mixed

Red Hat: Emotional, Intuitive Decisions (Voting)



Case Study:Unused e-Tickets


• Before the Design Studio Session, we

put on our White Hat to determine

design space:

- Two pages identified—Home

and Air Availability pages.

- High-level use cases were in the

Business Requirements Document.

- Affected user personas are

Traveler and Travel Arranger.

• Participants were asked to create five

unique designs for the Home and Air

Availability pages only. BRD delivered day before Design Studio.

White Hat: Understand a Design Space


Green Hat: Sketch Separately


• Before looking at any of the

sketches, we asked the

following question:

“What were your sticking points

as you sketched?”

• The answers were similar:

- Getting to the 5th idea

- Screen real estate

- Considering current state

- Thinking about the future

- General fear (of rejection)

For Your Consideration:

Ideas and thoughts are exposed in

Design Studios, so people can feel

nervous. Acknowledging the

emotions helps us to move forward.

It helps to know that other people

has the same sticking points, too.

Blue Hat: Sticking Points?


Green Hat: Saturate the Design Space


• For the Air Availability pages,

we clustered the designs that

were similar to make them

easier to analyze.

• Three predominant page

designs emerged from the

Design Studio session.

• We still reviewed all of the

pages using the Yellow Hat

(positive) and the Black Hat

(critical). Three pre-dominate designs emerged.

Blue Hat: Cluster Similar Patterns


Yellow Hat: Positive, Sunny


Black Hat: Critical, Cautious


Red Hat: Emotional, Intuitive Decision


Green Hat: Re-sketch the Widget


And the winner is…..

Red Hat: Decision Point (4 of 4 Pick)


• 4 Sketchers/1 Facilitator

• 20 Original Sketches

• 40 Positive Comments

• 40 Critical Comments

• 3 Basic Page Designs Emerge

• 4 Designs go to 2nd Round

• Iterate on 2 of 3 Page Designs

• 4 New Designs for 2nd Round

• 1 Design Voted on 4-4

• 2 Hours to Complete

Final sketch mashes up ideas from all participants.

Blue Hat: Debrief


• Using Final Sketch, a designer

can turn the initial drawing into

a JPG rendering.

• Key things to note here:

- About 2 hours to sketch

- About 2 hours to render JPG

- Further down Design Funnel

Green Hat: Refine the Sketch into a JPG


Design Studio:Exercise


Need to Develop a Widget for a Website


Widget is Main Splash Element of the Page



Create a Widget to Show Light Bulb Savings


1. Break into teams of 6 people.

2. Each person creates two sketches – separately.

3. In 30 minutes, meet as a team.

4. Cluster similar design together.

5. Provide two positive comments.

6. Provide two negative comments.

7. Vote.

8. Re-sketch your ideal design.

9. Present to the entire class, and then go home.

Let’s Do a Design Studio!!!


Create a Widget….Based Upon This Information


The Finished Widget Looked Like This


The Finished Widget Tested Positively in Usability Surveys


Question and Answer