Design theory exploration of line by simphiwe dumengane

Post on 26-Jun-2015

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Exploration of Line in Nature and Design

Transcript of Design theory exploration of line by simphiwe dumengane


Simphiwe Dumengane

Line-A drawing of a straight line, That let along a long, complicated one that forms a work of art. It is so, naturally, I admire stuff like the below image, which adapts a line into three


Continuous- 's "curiously compelling continuous contour drawings" are lively and quite eye-catching:

Spiral-This is an image that was taken at the burning man festival, this spiral structure is being made of joining woods, and the effort that was

taken here is so amazing.

Shoreline- The shore line has been adapted on the mid-section junction of the earring…Wow what a beautiful piece!

Tapered-This jeweler piece has an amazing form of line, with a beautiful Art Deco ridged textured tapered design. A beautiful piece of ready-to-wear jeweler.

Outline- Graphic wall image that shows how out line is being use on wall drawings and its a kind of symmetrical.

Queue- The shadow makes an line that follows this man as queing.

Movement- The lines that has been used in this image they curve nicely and parallel, making different kinds of

graphs(hyperbola and parabola)

Rectilinear-A genetic art flowing cells yellow.

Arabesque- Wow…these lines has more boundary and giving the actually thickness that forms the outline.

Perspective- The lines create a 2 point perspective city scape drawing.

Gradient- The gradient line is used in this illustration to show the viewer that this girl is holding an line

Direction- using your eyes, the lines gives more of the point of perspective

Thickness(depth)- The image gives a greater volume of line which also gives more from the image to give detail.

Geometric lines- These lines are normally used in mathematics and science

Latitude lines- Just love the colours being used


