Design Storyboard Seattle ACMP v 1.1 Define step-by-step elements for brining projects & meetings to...

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Transcript of Design Storyboard Seattle ACMP v 1.1 Define step-by-step elements for brining projects & meetings to...

Design Storyboard Seattle ACMP v 1.1Define step-by-step elements for brining projects & meetings to productive endpoints

Agenda Item Goal LS Micro-Structure Why this LS? Steps / Invitations Facilitator Notes


Clarify purpose together & Introduce LS microstructure

Impromptu Networking + Social Network Webbing

Quickly connects participants + generates purposefulness + strengthens the loose network connections

3 rounds,2 mins each. 3 quick rounds webbing. What is a challenge or bottleneck you bring to this gathering?

Molly WelcomesJulie, Keith

Keith (intro LS), Julie (network webbing)

Assessment of Current State[20]

See the forest and trees of change efforts Ecocycle


Analyze a portfolio of activities to identify obstacles and opportunities for progress

Place your major change efforts in birth, maturity, creative destruction, or renewal + poverty / rigidity traps

KeithMolly links to ACMP themes

Unleashing A More Innovative Culture[35]

Make space for innovation with creative destruction

TRIZ; 1-2-4-All

Identifies & helps people stop counter-productive behavior and activities

3 steps, 7 minutes each. What can you do to be sure your people wait out any and all change initiatives?


Julie links to ACMP themes

Safely Taking More Risks[25]

Generate and sift bolds ideas from the crowd 25/10 Crowdsourcing

Includes and unleashes every person in shaping next steps

5 rounds, 20 minutes. If you were 10 times bolder, what can you stop asking permission to do?

JulieMolly links to ACMP themes

Action Planning[20]

Identify action steps and get imaginative help from peers Troika Consulting;

15% Solutions

Helps people move rapidly from good ideas into action and prototyping

20 minutes. Each participant gets help with a liberating action or uprising they have in mind.



Identify take-away practices & next steps from the session

What, So What, Now What?

Look back on progress & make adjustments together

15 minutes, 3 rounds..What stands out? So what difference does it make? Now what action will you take?

KeithJulie & Molly links to larger themes & next steps Lunch together?

Impromptu NetworkingRapidly share challenges and expectations, building new connections

What is a big challenge or bottleneck you face?

What do you hope to get from

and contribute to this gathering?

Find a partner… 2 minutes sharing… then find another partner… then find another.

Conventional Structures Managed Discussion underway

Ubiquitous, Often UnnoticedPresentation underway

Micro-organizing Design


Make an Invitation

Distribute Participation

Configure Groups

Arrange Space

Sequence & Allocate


PresentationEveryone can hear &

see the same information


Listen to me from start to

finishOne presenter

speaks, everyone else


One person and a large


Presenter in

front, audience facing same


Intro, then 99% presentation,

then “any questions?”

Over-Controlled Presentation/Lecture

• Uniform relationships

• Engaging only one person or a select few in shaping direction

• Flow in one direction


Open DiscussionMany people can

express their opinions one at a time

Respond as you see fit

Anyone can try to jump

in at any time

One undivided


Within a room or a virtual


Intro topic, then 99%

free-for-all discussion

Under-Controlled Open Discussion

• Unstable relationships

• Anyone can jump in

• A false promise of consensus

• Flow too random to shape direction

Conventional Structures

Too Tight or Too Loose

PresentationOver-controlled, too uniform, engaging only a select few in shaping direction

Open DiscussionUnder-controlled, too unstable and too random to shape direction

What ideas do you have?

1 minute alone

2 minutes in a pair

4 minutes in a foursome

5 minutes in the whole group

1-2-4-AllEngage everyone simultaneously in

generating questions/ideas/sug


1-2-4-All in motion. Multiple short cycles are more productive than one longer session.

Distributed (tight & loose)Liberating Structures

• Diverse yet interdependent relationships

• Distributed control, flow from any point, any direction

• As the action unfolds, direction is shaped by participants themselves out of local interaction

Attributes of Liberating Structures

1. Expert-less: requires only a few minutes to introduce; novices can succeed after a first experience

2. Results-focused: likely to generate better-than-expected purposeful results

3. Rapid cycling: fast iterative rounds are very productive

4. Seriously fun: boosts joy, freedom & responsibility

5. Inclusive: together, everyone is invited to shape next steps

6. Multi-scale: works for everyday solutions, projects, strategy, movements

7. Self-spreading: simple to copy without formal training

8. Modular: the parts can be combined & recombined endlessly


Same People

Same Macro-




Better than expected results

enduring cultural change



Simple Rules to Unleash A Culture of InnovationLiberating Structures introduce tiny shifts in the protocols of how we meet, plan, decide and relate to each other. They put the innovative power once reserved for experts only in the hands of everyone.

LS make it possible for everybody with a stake to have a voice, for everybody to have freedom to act and seize opportunities, and for everybody to take into account other peoples voices, mutually shaping next steps together.

Above: a portfolio of market strategies arrayed around the Ecocycle by members of a senior management team. Each number represents a strategy in play or under consideration.

Ecocycle Planning Analyze the full portfolio of activities and relationships to identify obstacles and opportunities for progress

Change Management Activities ListWhat you spend time doing…

1. Training for teams2. Getting buy-in for best practices3. Resolving conflicts 4. Developing talent5. Overcoming resistance6. Motivating tactics7. Coaching sponsors8. Surveying engagement

9. Facilitating meetings10. Finding the best solution11. Liberating with LS 12. Working up the chain of command13. Developing incentives14. Designing user/client research15. Aligning stakeholders to the plan16. …

Ecocycle Planning Analyze the full portfolio of activities and relationships to identify obstacles and opportunities for progress




Creative DestructionHeretic

Rigidity TrapNot letting go

Poverty TrapNot investing

Ecocycle: change management activities

1. Training for teams2. Getting buy-in for best practices3. Resolving conflicts 4. Developing talent5. Overcoming resistance6. Motivating tactics7. Coaching sponsors8. Surveying engagement

9. Facilitating meetings10. Finding the best solution11. Liberating with LS 12. Working up the chain of command13. Developing incentives14. Designing user/client research15. Aligning stakeholders to the plan16. …

Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless

S T E P S• Use or generate a list of your key activities and/or

relationships for your work on this topic• With one partner, coach each other to construct an

Ecocycle map – 4 minutes each (8 minutes total)• In your group of four, decide where to place the

activities on the large wall Ecocycle map or flip chart page (5 minutes)

• Make sticky notes and put them on the map

Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless

Insights• Change is continuous along the cycle

• Renewal requires destruction

• Need for crisis -- root word “to sift”

• Need for firebreaks, don’t burn the whole forest

• Patch dynamics or balance in your activities are key to long term

survival and adaptability

• Create conditions for renewal and more births

Anti-fragility: You gain from disorder

Clockwork: You gain from control

1. First alone, then in your small group, compile a list of to-do’s in answer to:

What can you do to be sure your people wait out any and all change initiatives?

• 7 minutes. Go wild!

2. 3.

TRIZ Steps and ScheduleStop counterproductive activities and behaviors to make space for innovation

What ideas do you have?

1 minute alone

2 minutes in a pair

4 minutes in a foursome

5 minutes in the whole



everyone simultaneously in generating


1-2-4-All in motion. Multiple short cycles are more productive than one longer session.

2. First alone, then in your group, go down your list and ask:

Is there anything we are doing that resembles in any shape or form to-do’s on our collective list?

• Be unforgiving

TRIZ Steps and ScheduleStop counterproductive activities and behaviors to make space for innovation

1. First alone, then in your small group, compile a list of to-do’s in answer to:

How can I/we reliably create…

• Go wild!

2. First alone, then in your group, go down your list and ask:

Is there anything we are doing that resembles in any shape or form to-do’s on our list?

3. Take one item and ask:

How am I and how are we going to stop it? What is your first move to STOP this behavior?

• Be as concrete as you can, try 15% Solutions

• Bonus question: What triggers this behavior?

TRIZ Steps and ScheduleStop counterproductive activities and behaviors to make space for innovation

1. First alone, then in your small group, compile a list of to-do’s in answer to:

How can I/we reliably create…

• Go wild!

What ideas do you have?

1 minute alone

2 minutes in a pair

4 minutes in a foursome

5 minutes in the whole



everyone simultaneously in generating


1-2-4-All in motion. Multiple short cycles are more productive than one longer session.

15% SolutionsDiscover and focus on what each person has the freedom and resources to do now

What can YOU do now?

Where do you have freedom and discretion to act?

Attributes of Liberating Structures

1. Expert-less: requires only a few minutes to introduce; novices can succeed after a first experience

2. Results-focused: likely to generate better-than-expected purposeful results

3. Rapid cycling: fast iterative rounds are very productive

4. Seriously fun: boosts joy, freedom & responsibility

5. Inclusive: together, everyone is invited to shape next steps

6. Multi-scale: works for everyday solutions, projects, strategy, movements

7. Self-spreading: simple to copy without formal training

8. Modular: the parts can be combined & recombined endlessly

Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless

No namesWrite legibly

On index cards, each participant writes:• If you were 10 times

bolder, what would you stop asking permission to do?

• What is your first move?

25/10 Crowd Sourcing: Rapidly generate and sift a group’s most powerful actionable ideas

25/10 CrowdsourcingRapidly generate and sift a group’smost powerful actionable ideas

• Pass cards around while milling• 5 rounds• Rate each card: 1 = ho-hum to 5 =

fabulous, “I’m in!”[adjust scale to the challenge]

• Decide* before looking at other scores Put rating on the back of the card

* Option: before you score your card, confer with one other person for 2 minutes

Final Steps Rapidly generate and sift a group’smost powerful actionable ideas

• Add all the scores* after the last round

• Call out the score on your card (max score 25)

• Post high-to-low scoring ideas on a wall tapestry

If you have more than 5 scores, add them together, divide by the total number of scores, then multiply by 5



Open Discussion

Distributed control

Centralized control



Status Report

Managed Discussion


of o C onte n t

Number of People Included in Shaping Next Steps

33 LiberatingStructures

One Person Everybody

Troika ConsultingGet practical and imaginative help from colleagues immediately

1 minute to select a challenge and action you want help with (it could be a liberating action or bottom-up-rising of any kind)

• Groups of three• 5 minutes per person• Share your action idea – no long explanations!• Invite feedback and advice from your consultants … then

turn your back on them (get ready to take notes)• You are invited to help expand the solutions, ask deeper

questions, and reframe the challenge for your client• Switch to the next person

Observable data and experiences

Actions I take based on beliefs

Beliefs I adopt about the world

Conclusions I draw from assumptions

Assumptions I make based on meanings

Meanings I add (cultural & personal)

Data I select from observations1. What?

2. So What?

3. Now What?

Ladder of InferenceEmphasizes the value of a step-by-step progression in debriefing or after-action conversations. The value of staying LOW on the ladder is visually reinforced. Misunderstandings and arguments can be avoided.

What³ DebriefTogether, look back on progress and decide what adjustments are needed *

• WHAT? [5 minutes]

Looking back, what facts, data, & observations stand out?

• SO WHAT? [5 minutes]

How do you explain those facts? Assumptions? Patterns? What is important?

• NOW WHAT? [5 minutes]

What action may help you move forward? Who else should be here?

* Twist: With use of talking objects

Learning Resources|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Liberating Structures

The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures: Simple Rules to Unleash A Culture of Innovation

by Henri Lipmanowicz & Keith McCandless


LS User Groups

Seattle: Third Thursday (tonight!) in Pioneer Square

Preventing Snapback To Dominant Patterns1-2-4-All: How can we increase the resilience of fragile new habits?


Everyone doing their own local/ functional thing


Direction imposed from the


FragileDirection mutually shaped

with everybody