design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems

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  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems



    t hem. Engn g ,

    ol. 14, No. 4/S, pp. 415426, 1990

    Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved

    0098-I 354/90 $3.00 + 0.00

    Copyright (0 1990 Pergamon Press plc





    and Y.


    School of Chemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0100, U.S.A.

    (Received 23 Oc tobe r 1989; rece ived


    pubk a r ion 29 Novembe r 1989 )

    Abstract-The systems studied in this paper are nonlinear systems perturbed by disturbances which are

    feedback transformable to quasi-linear systems [i.e. i = AZ + Bv + [ ( r ) d with A, B) controllable]. We

    consider the problem of designing stabilizing controllers for perturbed nonlinear systems through their

    equivalent quasi-linear systems. With the addition of integral action, we can guarantee not only ultimate

    d-stabilization but also zero steady state offset for both the output of the quasi-linear system u = Cz)

    and for the equivalent output [y = h x)] of the nonlinear system. Moreover, when the so-called

    disturbance matching condition is satisfied, it is shown that all the states of the quasi-linear system and

    the nonlinear system) will exhibit zero steady state offset. All the results presented here are for single

    control input systems.


    In recent years, the use of differential geometry to

    transform nonlinear systems into linear systems has

    received much attention

    in the control literature.

    Several methods compete and differ in their defini-

    tions and the issues they address. One approach is to

    transform a nonlinear system in an input/output

    sense. This was first investigated by Gilbert and Ha

    (1984) and Ha and Gilbert (1987). Another approach

    is to transform the nonlinear state equations into an

    equivalent linear system without specifying any out-

    put. This technique is known as the feedback linear-

    ization and has been investigated in particular by Su

    (1982) and Hunt er al. (1983). The transformations

    required are state and input transformations with a

    nonlinear state feedback. Finally, feedback lineariz-

    ation with decoupling of outputs was addressed by

    Isidori et al. (1981). Various control applications

    have appeared in aerospace engineering (Meyer et al.,

    1984), robotics (Tarn et al., 1984), power systems

    (Marina, 1984) and chemical engineering (Hoo and

    Kantor, 1987; Kravaris and Chung, 1987; Calvet and

    Arkun, 1988a).

    It should be noted that there is very limited knowl-

    edge about the robustness characteristics of these

    techniques with respect to modeling errors and dis-

    turbances. For example, the pioneering work of

    Kravaris and Palanki (1988a, b) shows that under

    matching conditions it is possible t o design robust

    controllers for a transformed (in the input/output

    sense) nonlinear system with modeling errors. How-

    ever, the design of controllers guaranteeing stability

    of the transformed nonlinear system influenced by

    modeled disturbances has not yet been investigated.

    Our recent work (Calvet and Arkun, 1988a, b) has



    tTo whom all correspondence should be addressed.

    shown that under feedback linearization a perturbed

    nonlinear system is in general no longer transformed

    to a linear system but to a so-called quasi-linear

    system, QLS. The QLS is then affected by nonlinear-

    ities only due to a state-dependent perturbation

    coupled with the modeled disturbance. In this paper

    we address the following problem:

    Given a bound on the set of disturbances affect-

    ing the nonlinear system, we want to design a

    proportional (P) controller for the QLS which will

    ultimately stabilize the original nonlinear system.

    Furthermore, if an output of the non-linear system

    is specified, we want to design a stabilizing propor-

    tional integral (PI) controller for the QLS which

    will guarantee zero steady state offset for the


    The paper is organized as follows. The origin of QLSs

    is given in Section 2. In Section 3, a theorem gives the

    sufficient condition for the design of (P) stabilizing

    gains. The extension to PI stabilization is addressed

    in Section 4. Because of the inherent conservation due

    to the sufficiency of the theorem, a design procedure

    to compute the least conservative stabilizing gains

    possible is given in Section 5. In Section 6, a steady

    state analysis shows that zero steady state offset can

    be guaranteed for

    a l l

    the states of the original non-

    linear system under some disturbance matching con-

    ditions. Finally, in Section 7 we apply the design

    procedure to control an unstable reactor influenced

    by various process disturbances.


    Definition I-A quasi-linear system (QLS) is a

    system which is linear or affine with respect to

    its control input and the modeled disturbances.


  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems





    and Y.


    It is described by:

    i =Az+Bv+

    z d,


    where z E


    are the states, v E


    is the control input,

    d E RP

    is a set of modeled disturbances and c(z) is an

    n x p matrix with sm ooth scalar entries. The pair

    (A , B)

    is a controllable matrix pair. It is usually given

    in the Brunovsky canonical form (BCF):


    It is important to realize that a QLS has the nice

    property to be truly linear w hen free of disturbances

    (d = 0) .

    Also, note that the perturbation term

    c(z )d


    s ta te

    dependen t and not pa rame te r dependen t [i.e.

    I I < D V t > t o } ,

    where /I. 11 h

    S t e usual Euclidean norm and


    is the

    know n bound. Note that the set of disturbances could

    be time varying but should be bounded at all time by

    D .

    We now giv e the definitions of &-stabilization

    (Schmitendorf, 1988) and ultimate bound edness

    (Corless and Leitman n, 1981) as adapted for QLS.


    2-A solution z(-):[t,,

    co]+R, z(t,) = z,,

    (initial condition) of a QLS is said to be ultimately

    bound ed with respect to a closed set

    B(S) =

    {z E R; ) l z [ I

  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems


    Design of P and PI

    This assumption is the most crucial one but can

    always be satisfied in closed balls B(F) for a finite F.

    However, if P tends to infinity, sometimes p and/or cc

    may not be finite implying that Assumption 2 will not

    be satisfied. In other words, this means that Assump-

    tion 2 can always be satisfied locally [in B(6)] but not

    globaly (when i-00). This choice of F is thus very

    important and involves searching for the pair (p, p)

    not in the whole space R but in an adequate ball B(F)

    which must be specified judiciously. Also, this as-

    sumption introduces some inherent conservatism in

    the design of 6 -stabilizing controllers. This point will

    be discussed and illustrated later.

    We now give an important theorem where the

    following notation is used: an eigenvalue of a square

    matrix W is denoted by 1( W). If


    is strictly positive

    definite, then 1 *(W) and 1 *(W) are its maximum

    and minimum


    respectively. Also

    yw = E, (

    W)/ , l * ( W

    is its condition number.

    Theorem-Given 6 such that J 2 6 B 0; if there

    exists a P > 0 (strictly positive definite) solving the

    algebraic Riccati equation (ARE):

    PA + Ar P - PB(2R- - I )B TP + H /E =O,

    for some 6 > 0,

    N=HT )O




    with i , (H ) - I_c~D%~ > 0, then the control law:

    v(l)= -R- B=Pz( t ) ,

    (7 )

    is a a-stabilizing control for the QLS, for all initial

    conditions in

    B ( r / & )

    with r -c F.

    Proof-See Calvet and Arkun (1989). The proof of

    the theorem is based on the inspection of the sign of

    the derivative of a candidate Lyapunov function

    V(z) = zTPz; where P is the solution of an algebraic

    Riccati equation whose form is different depending

    on whether or not the disturbance matching condi-

    tion is satisfied.

    Note that when the QLS is a single control input

    system, the parameter R is a scalar. Assumption 1 is

    a disturbance matching condition similar to the one

    given in Corless and Leitmann (1981). However, this

    assumption can be relaxed. Indeed, if Assumption 1

    is not satisfied, one must verify the following assump-

    tion instead of Assumption 2:

    Assump t i o n ?-The perturbation term itself must

    be bounded in a ball B(F) :

    3 (p , p ) E R2 (both finite) s.t.


    T* .

    (8 )

    4 .1 . Selec t ion o f the ou tpu t

    It is known that in general an a p r i o r i specified

    output of the original nonlinear system (2):

    Y(l) = h]x(r)l,


    will not depend linearly on the transformed states of

    the QLS, z,, , z,.

    This has been recognized as a

    disadvantage of the feedback linearization transfor-

    mation (Kravaris and Chung, 1987). In the proposed

    method, however, the output of the QLS must be a

    linear combination of the states as:




    We also consider that the output C[z(t)] will render

    the unforced QLS observable. Hence without loss of

    generality, we can set the output of the QLS to be

    Z, ,

    i.e. C = [I, 0, . . , 01. Indeed, the unforced QLS can

    be easily transformed to such a form through linear

    transformation and feedback (Kailath, 1980).

    The critical requirements for the output of the QLS

    to satisfy simultaneously (9) and (10) can be tackled

    in different ways:

    Given a desired output (9) for the original

    nonlinear system, choose a manipulated vari-

    able u which will admit feedback transformation

    (4, 5) that gives a QLS with a linear output (10).

    This is called an a p r i o r i output selection.

    Apply the feedback linearization (4, 5) and then

    select a linear output of the QLS (IO) which has

    a physical meaning in the original nonlinear

    system. This is called an a pos te r io r i output


    If these two approaches fail, one should resort to

    partial linearization (Krener et a l . , 1984) or input/

    output linearization (Kravaris and Chung, 1987)

    which will not be addressed here. The option of

    selecting an output a p r i o r i (before applying the

    feedback transformation) or Q po s t e r i o r i (after) has

    been investigated in Kantor (1986) and applied by the

    authors in Calvet and Arkun (1988a). In the reactor

    application here, the selection of the output will be

    done according to the procedure given above.

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    J. P. CALVET and Y. ARKIJN

    4 .2 . Th e fo rm u l a t i on o f the con t r o l l er design p rob lem

    The design problem we investigate is then the


    Given the bound D of the set of disturbances, and

    specifying 8, construct a control law which will:

    1. a-stabilize the QLS (i.e. the norm of the states

    will be ultimately bounded by 6).

    2. Guarantee zero steady state offset of the output

    of the QLS [under ultimately time invariant

    perturbations (8)].

    It is also important to realize that a-stability for a

    QLS will automatically guarantee stability for the

    original nonlinear system in a closed contour called

    a 6-contour. This contour is obtained through the

    inverse transformation [X = T-(z)] of the ball B(6).

    Therefore, if stability of the original nonlinear system

    is addressed through its equivalent QLS, the choice of

    6 should be done judiciously so that it corresponds to

    a desired region of stability, the 8-contour for the

    original states x [see an application in Calvet and

    Arkun (1989)].

    The approach we suggest is to augment the dimen-

    sion of the QLS and apply the P stabilization results

    given in the previous section. First, we introduce an

    additional state as:

    z,+,(t) =


    z,( t)dz.



    Next, we obtain an augmented QLS described by:

    t = ;ir + Bv + c(z )d ,


    with i = [zl..

    . . .z,, z,,,]~.



    0 1

    . . . 0 0


    : . :

    _ij= (j (j

    .I. ; 0


    0 0

    . . . 0 0

    I 0

    . . 0 0



    Finally, the new control law (PI controller) can be


    v(t) = -&Z(t) = -[K,, . . . , K,, K,+, ]g ( t )



    = - c Kjz i ( t ) -K ,+ ,

    z , ( t )d T,




    where (K, , . . . , K,) and K,+,

    are, respectively, the

    proportional and integral gains.

    The theorem given for P stabilization applies to PI

    stabilization as well after replacing A,

    B, c(z )


    1, B, c(z). For example, if the disturbance matching

    condition is satisfied by the augmented system (12);

    then, one will have to solve the following algebraic

    Riccati equation ARE:

    P; i + ; i=P - PB (2R - - Z)z P + H /e2 = 0.

    Otherwise the following Riccati equation ARE must

    be solved:

    Pa + ;i=P - P(2BR - BT - Z)P + H Jc2 = 0 .


    In this section, we give guidelines which will ease

    the search of the b-stabilizing gains. This procedure

    applies for both P and PI stabilization of a QLS. It

    is a graphical approach and is not analytical mainly

    because a closed expression for the condition number

    yp as a function of R, H and L is not available when

    one solves the above algebraic Riccati equations.


    Sol v i n g ARE and ARE

    One can see that the gains of the s-stabilizing

    control K = R - BTP do not depend explicitly on the

    constants p and ZJ ntroduced in Assumption 2 (As-

    sumptions 2 or 2) but rather on the parameters t,


    and R of the algebraic Riccati equation. Assumption

    1 will determine which Riccati equation needs to be

    solved. Then all the possible gains can be computed

    as a function of E (parametrized by R and H ) and

    independently of p and p. In other words, Assump-

    tion 2 need not to be checked before computing the


    If the disturbance matching condition (Assumption

    1) is satisfied, then, there always exists a

    un ique P > 0

    solving the ARE for all H = H > 0 , R = RT with

    2R -- - Z > 0 and t > 0. Indeed, one can recognize

    that in this case the Riccati equation is similar to the

    one encountered in the LQR optimal control prob-

    lem (Kwakemaak and Sivan, 1972). As mentioned

    earlier, the matrix pair (A,

    B )

    is usually in the BCF.

    As an example, for a 2-D BCF and for R = 1 and

    H = Z , we can plot the gains R - BT P as a function

    of L as shown in Fig. 1. Also, in Fig. 2, we give the

    gains obtained when the QLS is augmented with the

    integral action. Note that we can obtain the gains for

    all values of es, and they tend to infinity as L tends

    to zero.

    However, if the disturbance matching condition is

    not satisfied, we may not be able to solve the ARE

    for all the values of the parameters t, H and R .

    Indeed, we can show that for a given H and R there

    exists a value of e, say clim elow which ARE does not

    have a positive solution P . The value of +,,, depends

    on the parameters H and R . In Fig. 3, we give the

  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems


    Design of P and PI stabilizingcontrollers


    Fig. 1. Stabilizing gains from the ARE (for Q S with


    gains we calculated for a 2-D BCF for n = I and

    R = 0.1.

    Also, in Fig. 4 are the gains for the aug-

    mented QLS. The parameter R = 0.1 was chosen

    because it gives the lowest value of c for which ARE

    has a positive solution P with N fixed to the identity

    matrix (the value of R was obtained by trial and

    error). In comparison with the gains obtained from

    the ARE, these gains tend to infinity as t tends to cltm.

    Below Ellrn

    o gains can be computed.

    Clearly, it is more attractive to solve the classical

    algebraic Riccati equation (ARE) than the ARE.

    Therefore the matching condition (Assumption 1) is

    a desired property. In the case that Assumption 1 is

    not satisfied one may wonder if either a similarity

    transformation (change of state coordinate a = Qz)

    or another suitable difleomorphism [z = T(x)]

    would render Assumption 1 satisfied. However, this

    is not true as one can easily show that the matching

    condition Assumption 1 is independent of the


    Fig. 2. Stabilizing ains from the ARE (for augmented QLS

    Fig. 4. Stabilizing gains from the ARE (for augmented

    with disturbance matching condition).

    QLS without disturbance matching condition).


    A 1


    0 urn 2 4

    s 8


    Fig. 3. Stabilizing gains from the ARE (for QLS without

    disturbance matching condition).

    diffeomorphism and the choice of coordinate system

    in the z-domain.

    5.2. Ver i f v i n g Assump t i o n 2

    Assumption 2 is the most crucial assumption. In

    fact, this assumption is the only one dealing with the

    nonlinearities of the QLS. It quantifies in a way the

    magnitude of the nonlinear state-dependent per-

    turbation through the values of the two constants p

    and p. Therefore, the challenge in our design method

    is not to solve the algebraic Riccati equation (ARE

    or ARE) which is usually an easy task; but rather to

    find the constants p and p which are obviously not

    unique and are problem dependent. In the applica-

    tion we will refer to an algorithm which computes

    these constants.

    5.3. Conse rva t i sm

    In general, assuming that the bound of the distur-

    bances D is available and the desired region of







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    J. P. CALVET and Y. ARKUN

    8 values


    Fig. 5. Graphical procedure to select the least conservativegains(with disturbancematchingcondition).

    stabilization (i.e. 6) is specified, the proposed method

    will give higher stabilizing gains than it is necessary.

    Hence, given two pairs of constants @,, p,) and

    &, p2) satisfying Assumption 2, we will say that one

    pair gives less conservative results, if for a given set

    of parameters t, n and

    R ,

    it gives smaller S-stabiliz-

    ation gains than the other pair. We then have the

    following result that will become clearer later on. If:

    a,:.,,(~, H, R) < ap:,,,z(~ H, R),

    where 6* is given by (6); then, the pair @, , p,) will

    give less conservative (smaller) gains than b2, pr). In

    other words (for H and R fixed) if the curve SF,,,, vs

    .E s below the curve 6,:. p2; then, the pair @, , p, ) will

    be preferred. The curve 6 * vs will have the following





    If the disturbance matching condition is satis-

    fied, the 6* curve is strictly increasing with 6.

    Also as L tends to zero, S* tends to zero as well

    (see the schematic plots in Fig. 5).

    If the disturbance matching condition is not

    satisfied; then, the S* curve has a minimum

    (3E s.t. as*/&),_,=

    0) and the 6 curve goes to

    infinity as c tends to tlim see schematic plots in

    Fig. 6).

    Procedu re

    In light of the above results, we give two different

    procedures depending on whether or not the

    disturbance matching condition is satisfied. These

    procedures help the designer to get the smallest

    stabilizing gains once 6 and D are specified. The gains

    obtained will guarantee that the QLS will be ulti-

    mately stable in B(8) , and with no steady sate offset

    for the output if the QLS is augmented.

    With matching condition:

    This procedure is schematically illustrated in Fig. 5

    where each step number is circled.






    Plot the gain curve (K vs C) with usually Ei = I


    R = 1.

    Find @&, , past) so that a&(e) is the lowest

    possible (this will avoid conservatism).

    Locate S and pick 6 * so that S r 6 * (as required

    by the theorem).

    Get E (from 6* vs e curve).

    Get the stabilizing gains K (from K vs L curves).

    One can see in Fig. 5 that for 6 given, we get smaller

    gains as 6* tends to 6. Also it is now clear that if

    another pair @, JJ) gives a 6 * curve above the one

    depicted in Fig. 5 it will give higher gains. Hence Step

    2 in the procedure is the most important step which

    avoids conservatism. It is important to notice that as

    6 tends to zero, then 5* must tend to zero and

    henceforth L. The stabilizing gains will then all tend

    to infinity. As a result, asymptotic stability of all the

    states of the QLS can be guaranteed as K tends to

    infinity. This important result is not true when the

    disturbance matching condition is not satisfied.

  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems


    Design of P and PI stabilizing controllers



    Fig. 6. Graphical procedure to select the least conservative gains (without disturbance matching


    Also for P controllers only, as c increases, K i

    decreases and the amplitude of the overshoot (if it

    exists) and the steady state offset will increase. This

    can be seen from Fig. 1. Since the offset is related to

    S, the steady state offset will decrease as e decreases

    (the K i s increase). Also, the addition of integral

    action in the control law will increase the values of the

    gains. A comparison of Figs 1 and 2 shows that for

    a given c, higher gains are obtained with the use of

    integral action.

    Without matching condition:

    This procedure is schematically illustrated in Fig. 6.







    Plot the gain curves K vs 6 ) with usually N = I



    is tuned so that slim is the smallest


    Find (Pbeat,~,_,) so that 6 ,(s) is the lowest

    possible (thus will avoid conservatism).

    Obtain 6 zin


    [from 3C s.t. X ~_~

    = 0 then S&, = S*(C)].

    Select 6* > ~5% and 6 > 6* from the theorem).

    Get L (from 6* vs c curve).

    Get the stabilizing gains K (from K vs 6 curves).

    Hence, for all S > 6 * z=- tin such gains are 6 -stabiliz-

    able. Once again, when 6* tends to S, the gains will

    be smaller. Also the existence of ~5% shows that 6

    cannot be arbitrarily chosen as small as we wish. AS

    a result asymptotic stability of all the states of the

    QLS cannot be guaranteed contrary to results with

    matching conditions.

    Also, if the disturbance matching condition is

    satisfied but is not detected by the designer, stabihz-

    ing controller gains can still be obtained through the

    procedure without the matching condition, but in

    general, the results will be more conservative.


    The reason we introduce integral action in the

    control law is to achieve zero steady state offset of the

    controlled output under ultimately time invariant

    disturbances. In this section, we show that when the

    disturbance matching condition is satisfied, the con-

    trol law will lead to zero steady state offset, not only

    for the output but also for the other states of the

    QLS. Equivalently, by virtue of the state transform-

    ation [the diffeomorphism (4)], this means that UN the

    states of the original nonlinear system will exhibit

    zero steady state offset. We illustrate this by perform-

    ing a steady state analysis. With the control law:



    aa = - c Kiz,(t) - Km+,

    21 (rW7,



    the augmented closed loop QLS is given by


  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems



    J . P.




    As an illustration, we first show that the standard

    CSTR model perturbed by fluctuations in the feed

    temperature and the feed concentration falls into the

    category of a nonlinear system described by (2, 3) and

    can be transformed into a QLS by feedback lineariza-

    tion. We will then stabilize the CSTR under the

    influence of these disturbances using PI control. We

    will make use of the plots of the stabilizing gains

    obtained in Section 5.1 and then follow the proce-

    dures given in Section 5.4. The only knowledge

    required about the set of (ultimately time invariant)

    disturbance(s) will be the bounds.


    T r a n s f or m a f i o n o f a

    CSTR model i n t o a QLS

    The dimensionless model of a first-order exo-

    thermic irreversible reaction taking place in a CSTR

    is given by Uppal ef a l . (1976) and Ray (1981):

    zp+ 2 &_,&-)d,=O k -2,. . ..n.




    K.zPq -


    1 1

    n+ ,zz+ +


    LiWM = 0,




    Since the disturbances are all ultimately time invari-

    ant, all the terms df , i = 1 , . . . ,p are considered

    constant in the steady state analysis. Note that the

    last equation is a natural consequence of the fact that

    the control was designed to guarantee zero steady

    state offset of the output

    z, ,

    The above equations do

    not simplify further. In particular z: for i = 2, . . . , n

    cannot be obtained explicitly in terms of the

    disturbances d is . However, if we assume that c(z )d

    satisfies the disturbance matching condition with

    respect to B as:

    3~ (z) E R xp s.t. g ). (17)

    where (

    _ .)

    denotes the inner product. Note also

    that this state space coordinate transformation maps

    xP to the origin in the z-state space [i.e. T(xP) = 01.

  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems


    Design of P and PI stabilizingcontrollers


    Then under these transformations, the CSTR model

    is transformed to the QLS:

    and the algebraic Riccati equation to solve is the

    ARE where we picked n = I and R = I ( see gain

    plots in Fig. 2).

    In order to verify Assumption 2, we inspect the

    inequality in the ball B ( f = 0.2). Among all the


    where the inverse transformation x = T- (z ) is ob-

    tained through the one-to-one mapping of the state


    x, = Z, + x;


    2, +

    z, + x;)p

    x2 = v In

    Da(1 -z, - ~7)




    z2 ,xy

    Da(1 -z, -x9)



    Remark-We will consider X, (i.e. the dimension-

    less composition) to be the output of the nonlinear

    system. According to the state transformation (16)

    such output corresponds to z,. Hence, the required

    conditions (9) and (10) from Section 4.1 are satisfied

    simultaneously and PI stabilization can he applied

    with z, as output. However, if we would have chosen

    x2 as output for the CSTR, then the residence time

    should have been the new manipulated variable r en -

    dering the nonlinear system transformable to a QLS

    with an output z, corresponding to the dimensionless

    temperature. Here, the flexibility to choose a new

    manipulated variable as mentioned in Section 4.1

    indeed exists.

    7.2. P I s t a b i l i z a t i o n unde r f eed t em pe r a t u r e p e r t u r b a -

    t i o n s d , = 0 )

    Consider that the CSTR is subject to feed temper-

    ature perturbations only. With a PI stabilizing con-

    troller we then have the augmented QLS described






    1 -Daexp ~

    1 +x2/v

    X T- 1(Z)


    possible pairs @, p) satisfying Assumption 2, the pair

    giving the lowest 6* curve is:

    (PM, C(M) = (0.45, 1.51).

    An algorithm to compute such a pair was developed

    by the authors and is available in Calvet and Arkun

    (1989). a:__,,.,,

    curves as a function of L and

    parametrized by various bounds D of the disturbance

    d , are displayed in Fig. 7. According to the procedure

    (with matching condition) we can now compute the

    stabilizing gains of the PI controller. Let d = 0.2 and

    6* = 0.199; also we consider ultimately time invariant

    disturbance bounded by

    D =

    0.3. The a-stabilizing

    gains are then:

    [K , , KZ, K,] = [4.93,3.93,2.37].

    A simulation in Fig. 8 with these gains in the control

    law show that as expected b o t h states of the CSTR

    exhibit zero steady offset under a step disturbance of

    d, t ) = 0.3. As a performance criterion we can also

    obtain the integral below the curve z, (t) = x,(t) - xyp

    vs time. Indeed according to the construction of the

    augmented QLS (1 I, 12) and the steady state equa-

    tions (15) we have:

    z? = lim


    z, IT) d r = x od , = 0.048


    Jo ' JG

    Remark Note that under the condition of distur-

    bance matching condition, it is not necessary to

    and the control law is U(Z) = -X:1: K i z i t ) where


    K2 )


    K 3

    are, respectively, the proportional

    specify an a p r i o r i output of the nonlinear system (i.e.

    and integral gains to be determined. In this case, the

    here dimensionless composition or temperature).

    state-dependent perturbation term satisfies the distur-

    Indeed, integral action on z, {no matter what its

    bance matching condition with:

    relationship with the original nonlinear system may


    x) Da exp[*]]_ r_,(Z1

    mean) will guarantee zero steady state offset of all the

    X(z)= (1 +&Iv>2

    states of the QLS and henceforth of the states of the

    original nonlinear system (i.e. here the CSTR).

  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems



    J.-P. CAL~ET and Y.









    00 0.12





    Fig. 7. 6 * curves vs L parametrized by D (with disturbance

    matching condition).

    7.3. PI st a b i l i z a t i o n unde r f eed composi t i o n per t u r b a -

    t i ons (d , = 0)

    If we consider feed composition perturbation only,

    then, with a PI stabilizing controller, the augmented

    QLS is described by:








    i -



    a495 I 1

    I 1

    0 2 4





    Fig. 8. PI stabilization (with disturbance matching condi-


    admissible value of 0.006. Then the stabilizing gains


    [K,, K,, &] =


    1.86, 1.21.

    and the control law is again u(t)= -%I: K,z,(t) .

    One can easily see that the disturbance matching

    condition is not satisfied. Then the algebraic Riccati

    equation to solve is ARE where we picked n = I and

    R = 0.1 (see gain plots in Fig. 4). With the algorithm

    given in Calvet and Arkun (1989) we get the pair

    (p. p) satisfying Assumption 2 in B (P = 0.2) that

    gives the lowest 6* curve (for n = I and R = 0.1) vs

    L. The pair is:


    bcs,,p~brrt) (2.4, 13.22).

    dFbt._ curves as a function of L and parametrized by

    various bounds


    of the disturbance

    d 2

    are displayed

    in Fig. 9. One can see that, as a result of the absence

    of disturbance matching condition, all the 6* curves

    parametrized by


    have a minimum

    S& (D ) .


    fore, 6 cannot be as small as we may wish. For

    example, a-stabilization with 6 = 0.2 cannot be guar-

    anteed for disturbance having a bound larger than

    0.0065. This can be seen in Fig. 10 where we plotted

    S ,& (D ) as a function of D . Indeed, such curve

    gives regions where a-stabilization can or cannot be


    According to the procedure (without matching

    condition), we can now compute the stabilizing gains

    of the PI controller. Let d = 0.2 and 6 = 0.199. As

    a bound D for the disturbance dZ we picked an

    A simulation in Fig. 11 with these gains imple-

    mented in the control law shows that, as expected,

    on ly

    the output of the QLS i.e. z, will exhibit zero

    steady state offset. However, the other state z2 will

    exhibit a steady state offset.

    By virtue of the

    diffeomorphism T , this corresponds to zero steady









    0 10


    I I


    I I

    1 2 3


    5 6 7

    Fig. 9. 6 curves vs c parametrized by D (without distur-

    bance matching condition).

  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems


    Design of P and PI stabilizing controllers


    0 .30 -

    0 .25 -




    0.20 -

    0.15 -

    8 stabilization

    0.10 not possible

    0.00 1

    I I



    0 01


    Fig. 10. Region of d-stability (without matching condition).

    state offset for the dimensionless composition x,

    and a steady state offset for x2 the dimensionless



    The theory and application of the P and PI stabiliz-

    ation of quasi-linear systems (QLS) is presented. The

    origin and practical importance of QLSs is intro-

    duced, and the concept of ultimate boundedness and

    &-stabilization is adapted for such systems. A

    theorem and a procedure are given to compute the

    stabilizing gains in the least conservative sense for the

    proposed methodology. The results permit to stabil-

    ize the class of nonlinear systems with bounded

    disturbances which are feedback transformable to

    QLSs. If the so-called disturbance matching con-

    dition is satisfied, we show that PI stabilization will

    guarantee zero steady state offset, not only for the

    output but also for all the other states of the QLS

    (and henceforth for the original nonlinear system).

    Simulation results on an open-loop unstable (and

    perturbed) CSTR mode1 illustrate and agree with the



    y = h(x) = (Single) output of a system

    R = Set of real numbers

    d E RP = Disturbance vector

    R = Set of real n vectors

    I / x I =

    1. = Absolute value of elements in R

    24= (Single) control input of a system


    Xl_ ,


    (usually nonlinear)

    norm for x E R , I I x I I =


    m =

    All n x m real matrices

    I E R x = Identity matrix

    x E

    R =

    States of a system (usually nonlinear)

    z E

    R =

    States of a system (usually linear or


    zi= (Single) control input of a system

    (usually linear or quasi-linear)

    K E R = Stabilizing gains

    Fig. Il. PI stabilization (without disturbance matching


    (A, B) = A controllable matrix pair (usually the


    f(x), g(x) = Smooth vector fields in R (infinitely

    differentiable i.e. C)

    Y(x) E WXp = Perturbation matrix associated with the


    z = T(x) = A

    nonlinear one-to-one mapping


    dT / a x =

    Jacobian matrix of T

    u = S(.X, U) = A (single) input nonlinear transform-

    ation with state feedback

    B(6) = Ball of radius 6

    r, P = Real positive constants denoting the

    radii of balls E(r), B(T)

    6,6* = Real positive constants denoting the

    radii of balls B(d), B d * )

    p . p = Real positive constants satisfying As-

    sumption 2

    D =

    Real positive number, bound of the


    R, c

    RP =

    Set of disturbances

    c(z) = aT/a x Y x) = Perturbation of the QLS


    rp = Row vector satisfying Assumption I

    L = Real positive number (parameter of the


    R, W = Matrices of the ARE (parameters)

    ,I(~) = Eigenvalue of a square matrix

    ,I*(.), A* (~) = Maximum and minimum eigenvalues

    of a positive definite matrix

    v(.) = 1 *(-)/A * (.) = Condition number

    P z 0 =

    Solution of an algebraic Riccati equa-

    tion (ARE or ARE)

    Abb re v i a t i o n s

    ARE = Algebraic Riccati equation

    BCF = Brunovski canonical form

    QLS = Quasi-linear system

    P = Proportional

    PI = Proportional integral


    Calvet J.-P. and Y. Arkun, Feedforward and feedback

    linearization of nonlinear systems and its implementation

    Calvet J.-P. and Y. Arkun, Feedforward and feedback

    using IMC. Znd . Engng Chem. Rex . 27, 1822-1831

    linearization of nonlinear systems with disturbances. Zn t .


    J . Con t r o l 4 8 , 1551~1559 (1988b).

  • 7/25/2019 design of p and pi controllers for quasi linear systems
