Design June 2015

Post on 18-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Design June 2015


    Stressed Out (Strategic Creativity Series) Design Academy Eindhoven 2015 ISBN 9789491400186 Acqn 24929 Pb 14x22cm 72pp 25ills 20col 9 Stress at work may be unhealthy but is also necessary, at some level, in order to be alert when required how to find the right balance can differ according to the context and situation. This makes stress a typical topic for Product Service System design where designers look for a balance between control over the outcome of their work, and flexibility in accommodating a multitude of changing circumstances and contexts. Such designs follow certain principles and are based on models, but have many different (and sometimes unforeseen) outcomes and results. The service model presented in this book is a prime example.


    Moving Stories (Strategic Creativity Series) Design Academy Eindhoven 2015 ISBN 9789491400179 Acqn 24930 Pb 15x22cm 80pp 36ills 18col 9 Empathy is a key constituent in the way designers approach innovation. As is shown in this book, empathy enables designers to explore and question older people's mobility issues rather than just sympathise with their situation. Such in depth understanding is needed as a stepping stone toward good ideas for developing mobility services for older people for instance. How can designers deploy their empathic skills to support innovators at care organisations towards developing new services?


    Value Pursuit (Strategic Creativity Series) Design Academy Eindhoven 2015 ISBN 9789491400193 Acqn 24931 Pb 15x21cm 80pp 25col ills 9 Designers are usually trained to follow briefs and solve problems, but what happens when the contexts they work in become so complex that there is no clear problem to be solved yet it's obvious that some kind of change is needed? These so-called "wicked" problems need to be tackled at both an organisational and a network level in order for designers to become the instigators of the change that is required. This publication aims to shed some light on what kind of support, approaches and mindset designers require in order to do so.


    Kneeling - Five Years Of Carpet Making MU 2015 ISBN 9789079423071 Acqn 24902 Pb 19x26cm 184pp col ills 31.50 The first retrospective of work by We Make Carpets (Marcia Nolte, Bob Waardenburg, Stijn van der Vleuten) covers five years of expression through repetitive processes of precision, working by hand, and hours upon hours of arranging the most banal categories of objects into richly woven yet temporary tapestries. To produce their pieces, which comprise large quantities of the same things painstakingly laid out in a systematic method, the three must literally be on their knees much of the time. These mandalas of toothpicks, chocolate bars, plastic bottles, sponges, toy soldiers, deflated balloons, and more are testaments to patience: a process both mechanical and meditative.



    The Curly Letter Of Amsterdam Lecturis 2015 ISBN 9789462261174 Acqn 25060 Hb 17x24cm 212pp 91ills 12col 27 What are the origins of the exuberant swash letters that can be found on the windows of many of Amsterdam's most traditional bars? Who painted them? Was it a collective creation, or the work of a lone gifted letter painter? How old is the style? For almost a decade the authors of 'The Curly Letter of Amsterdam' thoroughly researched this lettering style and documented every surviving example in Amsterdam, Maastricht, and Ghent in an effort to answer these questions and raise awareness of the importance of this little known chapter of the Dutch graphical tradition.



    World Styling Book No 2 World Photo Press 2015 ISBN 9784846530570 Acqn 25094 Pb 21x28cm 240pp 450ills 300col 28 Staying true to the pure spirit of creativity in fashion is at the core of World Styling Book. This edition features a range of remarkable individuals who set their own paths in the industry, such as master silversmith Cody Sanderson, jewellery designer Lyly Erlandsson, silkscreen and vintage champion Johnson Hartig, motorcycle jacket innovator Bajowoo, and Ralph Anderl of German eyewear brand onono. Other features include a look inside the specialty boutiques Maxfield (Los Angeles) and Surrender (Singapore), George Bamfords legacy of wristwatches, experimenting with wool button-down shirts, and more.