Design and media 2 - Research

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Design and media 2 - Research

Transcript of Design and media 2 - Research


# Blog address : www.gdnmjackwalden.tumblr.comPassword : jackwaldenPhotos from: www,


In this project I was assigned to use the ethnographic method to explore a person of my choice. Ethnographic research is a method of research which is designed to understand the subjects habits, characteristics and values. This method is mainly practised by using observation, interviews and questionaires. The benifit of observation is ethnograpic research is that one can compare what the subject says and what the subject actually does. I was tasked to delve deep into the research and cover a wide area of meduims ranging from video documentation to audio documentation.

The subject I chose to study was Jonny, my class mate. I chose Jonny due to myself being very interested in im, on face value he comes across as a very inteligent, compitent person who is involved heavily with web design. The main reason I chose Jonny to observe was the fact that I didnt know a lot about him, and I felt that this would a good challenge to get to know Jonny on a personal level. Also, the fact that he lives just above me in my halls of residence helps.Just a quick thing before you read on, nearly all the photos in this report have been taken from Jonny’s clothing company called ‘Make out kids clothing’ All the designs have been designed by Jonny himself.


Jonny is a 19 year old bloke hailing from Shrewsbury. Knowing Jonny as a personal friend im aware that he has a passion for web design, and designing in general. Jonny has many sites out which I have included pictures throughout this report to show Jonny’s design style. w w w . j t t r . c o . u k

w w w . y o u r o n l i n e n o t e b o o k . c o m

w w w . t e e m u p . c o . u k

Jonny also is in charge of a clothing company called Make out kids clothing, this is something that he has set out from scratch. He has designed the shirts, the website and even sends out the orders himself, showing that Jonny really is someone who takes pride in a job and sees it through. Again, I have used images from his site to provide a view of his designing method.

w w w . m a k e o u t k i d s c l o t h i n g . c o m


Age: 19Gender: maleEthnicity: White britishSocial roles : Brother/Son/Boyfriend


M y research methodolgy can be put into a total of 4 parts.

Firstly I wanted to ease Jonny into the process of him opening up to me. To do this Jonny was asked to express his opinions on recent events that happened to him, in this case it was a weekend away. The purpose of this was for him to put across a few small things that make Jonny tick, which people would perhaps overlook.

Knowing Jonny is very much musically inclined the second set of questions that were given to Jonny were to find out what were his favourite music tracks of all time. After completing this set of quesitons he was then asked to elaborate on each choice that he made. The purpose of this was to get a deeper insight into Jonny’s past and his memories which link to his track choices.

The third set of quesitons were a much broader set. The quesitons asked ranged from favourite animal and favourite colours to his biggest regret and fondest memory. These questions were also to find out Jonny’s hobbies, relationships with family members and his current life goals. These personal questions were designed to delve deaper into Jonny’s phsyce and extract personal experiences and emotions. All the answers extracted from this process were considered to be implimented into the environment,

Fourthly, being aware that Jonny is a keen website designer, Jonny was taped answering his methodology when crafting websites. This purpose of this question was to find out Jonny’s thought process when he is working, creating and designing.

I wanted to easy Jonny into the process of me asking him questions as to make the experience natural for him and so I could get truthful answers from him. - The first method I used was to ask Jonny to write two 50 word pieces on something that annoyed him and something that he enjoyed over the course of a weekend.This short task that I asked him to do could give me an insight into what makes Jonny tick. Here are the results:

Something that annoyed me - It was annoying having to buy travel tickets from nottingham to london at such short notice to go to fashion week, despite it being a wicked experience, it was painful to have to fork out the money especially because if we had more notice it wouldve been so cheap!

Something that I enjoyed - It was awesome seeing everyone from my home, they came up to nottingham for ellies birthday, always quality to get everyone together, where I’m from I’ve always been really friend group orientated, like had the same group of friends since primary school, so everyone being at unis is pretty annoying, so its good anytime we get together.

Knowing Jonny as a friend I was previously aware that he is very involved with music and that it is a large part of his life. This being the case, I asked Jonny to device a playlist of his top songs - I did this to try and get an in sight into Jonny’s music taste.

Coffee Shop soundtrack - All time lowFeeling this - Blink 182Whats my age again - Blink 182man overboard - Blink 182baby better believe - Breathe ElectricSummer skin - Death cab for cutiea little less sixteen candles... - fall out boyeighty eights - farewelldear jamie...sincerely me - hellogoodbyebodybag - hit the lightsphantom pt.2 - JusticeNever let me down - Kanye westSmile like you mean it - the killersmy favorite accident - motion city soundtrackmy friends over you - new found gloryon the wing - owl city

# Blink 182, Motion City Soundtrack

While listening to the songs the Jonny had chosen, I then asked him to elaborate on why he chose these songs. To see if they had some connection to a specific memory or feeling in Jonny’s past.

Coffee shop soundtrack - All time low have been a band that ive loved for ages and this song is easily my favourite of theirs, unfortunately quite boring but this one is just because I think its a great song

Feeling this -This track is just incredible, it has loads of them parts in songs that you find yourself singing along to no matter where you are, the chorus (fate fell short this time…..) just always makes me want to sing a long. And also I have never heard as awesome of an ending to a song than this one, proper incredible overlapping of singing

Whats my age again? - Hands down my favourite song ever, it has absolutely everything I want in a song so many memories and so many everythings are with this song. My brother bought the album enema of the state back in the year it came out, because his friend alex taylor told him it was good, and I can remember sitting in my brothers room when he wasn’t in and putting the album in the stereo to listen to. Back then I was mainly interested in the song all the small things, but the artwork has stuck in my brain forever, and not even for the rude reasons you’d expect! something about them colours and everything are just forever burnt into my brain and this song is like the epitome of that album cover for me. I used to play it in a band back in about year 8 and this is the one we always went mental for, its such a great happy fun song and the video is the same. As soon as the guitar picking at the start begins I am just like , yes lets do this, this is a quality song. Favourite ever.

Man overboard -This one is more of the same really, but not as much so as whats my age again, this was always a fun one to play a long to in my room full volume! I can also remember my friend harry being really proud that he could play the start on bass. A lot of memories playing guitar and bass with harry!

Baby better believe -This song is mainly in my favourite songs ever because I can remember this was the song I heard that made me want to make music like it. It was classed as “electronic pop punk” and as a kid who was firmly a “pop punk” kid, but also having a synth and learning to play that, this genre was pretty appealing. This was also the artist that made me want to have american apparel hoodies. haha

Summer skin -I can remember getting iTunes for the first time absolute ages ago, because my brother was lucky enough to get one of the original shuffles and this was when they still had free song of the week (not sure if they do it anymore) and summer skin was the free download for that week. I can remember my dad liking it a lot, maybe I didnt appreciate it back then, but there is something pretty magical about hearing and remembering the first song you heard by a band that you now love so much. Its nice to play on piano as well, at my skill level. It reminds me of sitting in my shed with the barn doors open, doing work at my desk while the wind was nice enough to not chill but just be pleasant, and being down the garden with all of the nature, being far enough away from the road and the houses to not really feel like you are apart of it. It is a sad sounding song, yet I feel like it retains this summer feel

# Death Cab For Cutie, Taking Back Sunday

A little less sixteen candles -A good reason why this is in, is because its my favourite fall out boy song and I definitely wanted them to have one in my favourite playlist. But it is also a song that holds a lot of memories for me. I can remember having just saved up and bought my gibson sg, my dream guitar! and playing it on my marshall amp in my room when everyone was out so that I could pretend to be singing a long and being the front man. and most importantly doing a jump at 1:33.

Eighty eights - This is a track that is once again one that i feel I am all about. It has this bouncy fun pop punk feel to it, with an awesome awesome awesome synth melody to it! This is one of the first songs that made me want to play synth in a band, the fun times a keys player could have all became evident for me! and the singer did all the designs for them and they were definitely one of my first insights into graphics itself, they really made me want to do it, and from then on i did the graphics for my band! I can remember we covered this as a band as well and I recorded it on my 8 track, mixed and mastered it and put it on our myspace and the singer for this band (farewell) put it as his profile song on myspace, we were like holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shit. Small things can be such a big deal if its someone you admire for sure

Makedamnsure -This is mainly just an amazing song, but I can remember that this was the first musical risk I took. It was a shot in the dark , I had heard a bit of the single and saw the advert on tv and I thought fuck it and went into virgin records and bought the cd, and have absolutely loved it ever since

Dear jamie….sincerely me -I can remember hearing this song back at my best friends house (who is coincidently called jamie) way way wayyyy back in the day, before I was interested in the music I like now. His brother jonny was playing it and jonny was about 5 years older than him, and to me he was the coolest person I knew definitely. He liked new found glory and blink 182 while I was still listening to s club 7. He owned an original mark tom and travis show cd, back when they were limited run! and then he liked bands like justice and simian mobile disco, when i was only just discovering blink 182. He was one of them older kids who was ahead of the game and was just so cool for it. And I can remember hearing this song from him, its a great song really, all of its good but I love just listening to it in the same way I do summer skin, and just love the instrumental that takes place from 3:15 onwards, it sounds like they really like playing together and it just works

Bodybag -This is what I would consider to be my ideological generic pop punk song, its so awesome and fun and cool at the same time. It is also important to me because the second gig I ever went to (the first I really wanted to go to) was for new found glory and they had this band (hit the lights) supporting, and the whole gig thing was so new to me and especially the support bands, they were alien to me! And when they came out they put on such an awesome show and it was one of my first experiences of true discovery of music I think. I still hold this album to be one of my favourites Ive ever heard to this day! this was also with their old singer colin, who I got to see luckily, because he has quit now, and theyve never been quite as good

# Fall out boy, Justice

A little less sixteen candles -A good reason why this is in, is because its my favourite fall out boy song and I definitely wanted them to have one in my favourite playlist. But it is also a song that holds a lot of memories for me. I can remember having just saved up and bought my gibson sg, my dream guitar! and playing it on my marshall amp in my room when everyone was out so that I could pretend to be singing a long and being the front man. and most importantly doing a jump at 1:33.

Eighty eights - This is a track that is once again one that i feel I am all about. It has this bouncy fun pop punk feel to it, with an awesome awesome awesome synth melody to it! This is one of the first songs that made me want to play synth in a band, the fun times a keys player could have all became evident for me! and the singer did all the designs for them and they were definitely one of my first insights into graphics itself, they really made me want to do it, and from then on i did the graphics for my band! I can remember we covered this as a band as well and I recorded it on my 8 track, mixed and mastered it and put it on our myspace and the singer for this band (farewell) put it as his profile song on myspace, we were like holyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy shit. Small things can be such a big deal if its someone you admire for sure

Makedamnsure -This is mainly just an amazing song, but I can remember that this was the first musical risk I took. It was a shot in the dark , I had heard a bit of the single and saw the advert on tv and I thought fuck it and went into virgin records and bought the cd, and have absolutely loved it ever since

Phantom pt. 2 -I feel like this wave of music is a new generation for me, but its build on old morales. This music is aggresive but in that way that makes you want to dance. I am a firm believer of if a song makes you feel something, its a good song. If it makes you want to get up and hit someone, its a good song, if it makes you want to cry, its a good song, if it makes you want to jump around its a good song, you get the point! And this song is a perfect example of it, it has this amazingly simplistic beat, yet it commands you to move to dance. I also (being the arrogant twat I am!) appreciate the skill it took to make it, I first heard justice when I was getting a little more clever with all my music making and all my programming so I really started to gain a love for the art of making dance music and electronic music

Never let me down -I must admit I do love this song, but it is definitely in here because I wanted kanye to get a notable mention, he is one of my favourite artists and I listen to his stuff all the time, but in reality I think he is more of a person I like to sit down and listen to a whole album of. This is probably my favourite song of his though, its great, it really shows off the lyrical side to him and the guests he has on the track

My friends over you - This one is insane, just such a feel good song and it always always makes me thnk how lucky I am, with the friend group I have, its an appreciation song (even though the lyrics definitely aren’t) but the unity this song has for friends and for life, I love it. And you cnnot deny that the main riff of this song makes you want to bounce and jump and be happy

# The Killers, Owl City

My favorite Accident -Motion city soundtrack were an odd band because at first I really did not like them, the music was great but I couldnt come round to the singer, but then I listened more and more and they too emerged to be this really fun sounding band, but what I always remember and still think about is that these were probably one of the first bands I liked on my own that were actually musically talented, bands like blink 182 and sum 41 were never a musical stretch, they consited of about 4 chords and maybe a riff, but motion city brought quite an elegance to their music to the table. This was also one of, if not, the reason I started to play synth, it sounded incredible on this song and I still to this day love playing that synth lick its so satisfying. Their synth player jesse johnson coined his own signature move called the “moog stand”. In the gap at 1:50 he would launch himself into the air doing a handstand on his moog synthesizer (a move that I have copied many a time in my room). That to me was ultimately cool

On the wing - I have a lot of love for owl city, back in the day I considered him to be who I aspired to be in a lot of ways, he was doing the whole electropop thing, but it was clever, it was melodic and had such great harmonies and rhythm, it wasnt at all generic from my point of view, and it was technically brilliant. Ive had a lot of good times just sitting and listening over and over for hours on end trying to replicate his songs and his music

The only difference between martydom….. -This song again is odd because when panic at the disco first were around I hated them, really hated them, but the reality of it was, I had never fully listened to them, but now they are one of my favourite bands, and the singer brendon urie, I just want to be him! as gay as that sounds in all seriousness everyone has people they think “if i could trade Id probs be you” and this guy definitely is one. I loved playing and singing this song now, its a really good clever song I think

Summer of 98 - Its funny to think about how you hear songs that you are alien to first, and then how you hear them now, I can remember my friend harry playing me this song off of his phone and esmes house one night and asking me to say who i thought it was, and i was like, it must be hellogoodbye? it sounds just like them! and to the outside ear it probably still does but to me now theyre so different. But yeah another song that made me really want to play music like this, being able to do the whole solo thing with laptops and synths yet have this fun pop punk feel to it was very appealing to me

Care a little for caroline - This band were really important to me when I was in a band I was later in (around year 11), because they were a small band and they used to talk to us and help us out as a band on myspace and to them it was probably not a big deal just some small time kids from shrewsbury talking to them, but to me it was like holy fuck this is so awesome theyre helping us out! I can remember we tried to cover this as a band and it was just a catastrophe, utter catastrophe as well haha. good times

# Collection of Photos from Jonnys room

# Collection of Photos from Jonnys room


Name: Age: Gender: Ethnicity: Social Roles:


I am __ (object) why?I am __ (place) why?I am __ (mythical being or character) why?I am __ (food) why?I am __ (animal) why?

GENERAL//1) What is your earliest childhood memory?

2) 5 things you cannot live without.1:2: 3: 4: 5:

3) Most treasured object.

4)Describe yourself in 5 words.1: 2:3: 4:5:

5) What is your daily routine?

6) Describe your relationship with your:





7) Are you open with your feelings?

8) Do you hold any religious beliefs?

9) What do you do for fun?

10) Do you follow a trend?

11) Biggest current inspiration (either in design or general life)?

12) Current goal in life (do you think it is achievable)

13) Favorite shape

14) Favorite textures (as many as you would like to list)

15) Favorite patterns (as many as you would like to list)

16) Favorite colours (as many as you would like to list)

17) Favorite animal

18) Favorite weather

19) Fondest childhood memory

20) Fondest memory (of the last 2 years)

21) Biggest regret

22) What feature of yourself are you most proud of (physical or mental)

23) What feature of yourself are you least proud of (physical or mental)

PROFILE//Name: Jonny thawAge: 19Gender: maleEthnicity: white britishSocial Roles: Not sure what this means. Being a boss

METAPHORS//I am a computer (object) why? Because I think i run on organisation and logic and rationality. Whether thats true is not the case, but I work best when things just CLICK with me, like if something makes perfect senseI am my bedroom (place) why? I keep myself in my own bubble I think, I just like doing my own thing on the most part. I can have others inside but for the most part I like it to be me.I am Obi wan kenobi (mythical being or character) why? Just always wished I was him, didnt really know any other answerI am sweets (food) why? ermmm cos I like to think im fun and that, a laugh but you cant really stand me in the long run hahahaI am a sloth (animal) why? just do my work dont I but take my time with stuff and just yeah

GENERAL//1) What is your earliest childhood memory?

Seeing an army man at the channel tunnel

2) 5 things you cannot live without.1: The internet2: My guitar3: Music in general4: I guess my girlfriend5: And yeah my family I suppose too

3) Most treasured object.Maybe me my guitar. But in reality in what I use the most and would hate to lose I suppose my computer

4)Describe yourself in 5 words.1: Logical2: Quiet3: Annoying (sometimes on purpose/sometimes by accident)4: Honest5: Hard working

5) What is your daily routine?Ermmm my daily routine here is get up and just get ready like shower and that, some days I can just sit and work on websites all day long as sad as that is, break for lunch and eat it watching family guy/south park/the simpsons and then carry on with work on an average day, maybe a bit of ps3 in there somewhere, then usually watch a film or some show with dinner then do some more work and then retire for the evening. I always listen to my ipod as i sleep, I sometimes reckon I couldnt sleep without doing that now, I listen to podcasts to sleep with

6) Describe your relationship with your: Mother: Really good, when we’re together as a family its usually me and my dad united rather than me and my mum, but Im the youngest in the immediate family so im the last “baby” so my mum has always looked after me really good

Father: Really really good, I definitely feel like im from his strand of genes, hes musical, creative, logical and yeah we talk about everything and get on really well

Brother: The same as my mum really, because I feel he is from my mums side of the family, but yeah hes a lot more smart than me, a lot more caring so has always looked after me being older than me

Girlfriend: yeah real good, in a town as small as mine its crazy to kind of meet some sort of carbon copy of what yuou like, i know thats soppy.

7) Are you open with your feelings?Ermmm yeah I think I can be. I often feel people dont give me the opening to be so I dont go round blurting them out left right and centre, but to the right people I am. This is certainly something I think ive become more comfortable with

8) Do you hold any religious beliefs?Nah, Im the most pick and choose, weighing up all the options without coming to a conclusion person youll ever meet

9) What do you do for fun?You know, watch stuff, play ps3, xbox, make music, do design work, make websites. Bog standard stuff!

10) Do you follow a trend?Hahaha. I think everyone would like to say no right? But yeah probably I guess. I would like to think I’m not openly following a trend of fashion and I do do things my own way, but in reality its probably just old trends and new trends creeping in together and things.

11) Biggest current inspiration (either in design or general life)?Ermm, Mark zuckerberg? David karp, Google!

12) Current goal in life (do you think it is achievable) I would love to launch a site that gets used, genuinely don’t mind about money or anything else, I would just love the satisfaction of people finding something I’ve created useful. In the past when I’ve created various entrepeneurial endeavours, no matter how I felt at the time I look back and feel so proud of what I achieved, every pound earned, every product sent out, every bit of feedback I got, was from things I crafted and created my very self. Really love doing stuff like that

13) Favorite shape?Dodecahedron

14) Favorite textures (as many as you would like to list)Ermmm, Im not sure. I like really subtle textures, I like it when web 2.0 sites have that ever so small amount of noise on their navigations bars, or that ever so small grain on a keyboard so that it feels matte rather than shiny. I like that

15) Favorite patterns (as many as you would like to list) Not sure I can pick out any. I do like this tribal/geometric trend at the moment though. Im a big fan of repeating patterns, like creating a pattern that can be tiled perfectly. I enjoy that

16) Favorite colours (as many as you would like to list) Erm salmon fo sho’. A rich dark red is nice, cranberry colourish. Electric blue (search sapphire blue gildan, thats a colour I really like). In fact being really nerdy I like #333 and #CCC and #e5e5e5 . Really like them too

17) Favorite animalPenguin? I really like red pandas too, Im just not as clued up on them

18) Favorite weather Definitely sun, the mildest of warm days, no breeze just blue sky and a good temperature, cant think of anything more chill than that

19) Fondest childhood memory None really come to mind. Christmas has always been an incredible part of my life, still is. I love everything about it and truly I mean that, far beyond the presents I love the whole event with all my heart. by the fact none came to mind however that doesnt mean I had a bad childhood, I feel like i had the most insanely awesome childhood ever, I had the complete formula of an idealic childhood I feel like

20) Fondest memory (of the last 2 years)

Being in my shed with the barn doors open in the middle of summer, the sun setting and the bats and birds flying around the garden, and everything being so silent and calm while I listen to death cab and do work. Cannot wait to do that again this summer. Not sure whether this is my fondest memory but its certainly one I loved

21) Biggest regretI really couldn’t tell you, everything bad seems to remedy itself I feel like. Maybe I regret not talking enough to my late friend Howard towards the end of his life, but yeah thats that

22) What feature of yourself are you most proud of (physical or mental)

I feel like I have such a shite work ethic unless I’m presented with a task that interests me, where I feel like I go above and beyond day in day out to get the very best result. That sounds like a flaw but I love it

23) What feature of yourself are you least proud of (physical or mental)

Having a shit work ethic to be honest haha. Weirdly contradictory I know

I asked Jonny a few more questions, based on some of the information that I had sorted through his previous questions. I also tried to get Jonny to answer these questions so i could directly implement some of his answers into my environment such as : ‘did you play any video games as a child’ meaning i could potentially implement a series of minigames into my environment.

Do you collect anything/Did you collect anything as a child?Erm nah dont collect anything really As i said warhammer I suppose was the most “collecty” thing I did, I got football stickers but they were obviously a bit more of every 4 years hobby

Do you recall any computer games you used to play as a child?The very first computer game I had was , I also had flight simulator When I really started loving it was when I got my playstation and I had tony hawks pro skater 2, crash bandicoot 2 and destruction derby 2 I mean just look at this game, its incredible:

Are you a competitive person?Yeah I am, definitely a trait I’ve got off my mum, I can understand that theres a time and place for competitiveness, but when there is some serious stuff going down, I really don’t like to lose

# Video documentation

I’m aware that Jonny does a lot of website designing, whether it being for his own sites or commercial sites - baring this in mind I asked Jonny ‘What’s your process when creating a website?’ I then videoed his response.

Right, um so. Probably talking to the people, i ask them - like i know this is ‘cuz obviously there’s different ways of doing it, people want different things stuff like that. But let’s just say - they come to me and they go we want you to design it. We have a logo that’s it yeah, right so i’ll look at the logo and what they currently have, if there’s a colour scheme in the logo then thats obvious you’ve got to go with the colour scheme of the logo.

And then what i tend to do is, cus i dont think im like amazing at like making sort of, i don’t know website for businesses but i think one thing i can do is - see how things can be upgraded into quite like contemporary things. So i’ll look at what they have at the minuet and see how i can use newer technologies and newer systems and things like that to modernize it and things like that which i like doing.

Um so in that sense, do all the photoshop design stuff and that, design the website - um they tend to be quite, you know minimalistic but its like because when i’m designing things i’m designing things in the way of the website - like i don’t want to go ahead and put the header links in a piece of fire coming outwards like sprawling out because the internet is built in squares so everything is in a box.

So even if you want a circle, that circle has to be housed in a box so you have to think about that so you know designs tend to come out like that, like straight down but you have to think about that.

And then when it comes to making the website, it’s quite systematic gotta make index.php, index is the thing that the site calls on first so that is your home page make style.css - i know im going like this is too indepth because it doesn’t matter that much but im just saying its always this : index.php, style.css, includes folder, images folder and then most likely an admin folder. And then in index.php you set the head, so the head brings in style.css then it brings in jquery and then it brings in your actionscript and thats how it always go, it doesn’t matter what kind of site i do.

I like it being systematic in a sense that i always have a constant, ill always start on a level playing field. And then it all gets a bit lack luster i guess - i start off commenting everything cuz you can comment in codes - so you make a box you can put a comment going this box is home box and i’ll start doing that at the start but as it goes on but it drags on a bit so i’ll stop doing that.

When reviewing the research that was gathered over the period of time, there were a few key parts that stuck out for me. Jonny is a very systimatic person, he’s methodical when it comes to his practise (creating websites) and he seems to keep his opinions to himself unless someone asked him.It’s hard to deny that music is a massive part of Jonny’s life, it holds a huge amount of memories for him. Each song that Jonny chose, he seemed to have a story to tell. When asking Jonny about his music taste, his eyes seemed to light up about it when we got onto the subject. This part of the research cannot be ignored and has to be an intergral part of the environment. Showing these feelings that Jonny gets when listening to music will be my priority when crafting the environment as Jonny lives and breathes music.

From looking at the research, Jonny has a precise ritual when creating websites. He knows what he’s doing from a heap of practise and trial and error. I want to explore this area of a ‘trail’ that would be for Jonny to create a website. I want the user to experience what it would be like to be Jonny when he is crafting a site. Perhaps a maze could be implimented into the environment.

Jonny also mentioned that his favourite shape was a dodecahedron. This shape could be key in making a constant theme within the environment . This shape could be the ‘heart’ of Jonny, that players potentially could interact with the shape to activate certain areas in the environment.



# Images taken from

After I completed my environment, I gave the version to Jonny to test out the fuctionalitiy of the environmentAt first Jonny was confused about where to go within the environment. As there was a large amount of blank space at the spawning point. However once Jonny got to grips with the controlls and the feel of the environment, he was exploring the dodecahedrons around the first part of the environment.Jonny was listening to the music as it was playing out of the shapes and I could tell that he was really happy with the inclusion of his favourite music.

Once Jonny entered the second part of the environment he naturally followed the path of the collectables layed out throughout the maze. The character did become stuck when moving over the collectibles which was a shame and made the navigation through the maze pretty difficult for him. This would be something that I would need to address to make the environment flow smoother.Finally Jonny came to the third and last part of the environment, I could tell that once he dropped down onto the neck of his guitar after completing the maze he was instantly gratified with the music choice which occompanied the final part of the environment.Jonny did mention that the environment didn’t have a real ending, which if I were to have more time I would rectify.