Descriptive Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts - … · Descriptive...

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Descriptive Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts

Rhetoric (Ilmul Balaghah) ا����ۃ �( )

Vol. 7

Compiled & Catalogued by

Dr.Mohammad Irshad Nadwi Noganwi

Cataloger of Arabic manuscripts

Assisted by

Dr. Abu Sad Islahi

Library and information Officer

Under the Supervision of

Prof. S.M.Azizuddin Husain


Rampur Raza Library.Rampur

Ministry of Culture.Govt. Of India.


All rights reserved. No Part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilize in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means now or hereafter invented including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage of retrieval system, without prior permission of the publisher, except as brief quotation for academic purpose.

Rampyr Raza Library Publication Series Rampur Raza Library ,2014

Name of the Book : Descriptive Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts Rhetoric (Ilmul Balaghah) Vol. 7 Compiled by : Dr.Mohd Irshad Nadwi Noganwi Published by : Prof. S.M.Azizuddin Husain Director Rampur Raza Library Printed by : Syeds Design & Print Darya Ganj, New Delhi Price : ISBN : Rampur Raza Libray (Ministry of Culture, Government of India) Hamid Manzil (Qila) Rampur-244901 (U.P.) INDIA

Website: E-mial:

Tel : 0595-2325045,Fax: 0595-234054



Preface IV-VIII

Introduction (Prof. S.M.Azizuddin Husain) IX- XIV

Preface in Arabic

Introduction in Arabic (Prof. S.M.Azizuddin


Catalogue Rhetoric (Ilmul Balaghah) 1-226

Index of Titles 227-229

Index of Authors 230-231

Index of Commentator 232-232

Index of Copiers 233-234

Index of Place 235-235


A Tribute


Hakeem Ajmal Khan (1867-1927)



Rampur Raza Library, Rampur Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India



I joined Rampur Raza Libraray on 24/05/1998 and Appointed for cataloging of

Arabic manuscripts. Vol.7 which is related with Ilmul Lisan (linguistics) علم (

) اللسان including Imla(transliteration), Sarf wa Nahv(grammer) ,Balaghah

(Rhetoric), Urooz, Qafiah (Prosody), Insha (the Art of writing), Nazam

(Poetry),and Muhazrat (Lectures),dauratul Maarif (Encyclopedia) Adab

(Literature).etc, and was left undone by Molana Imtyaz Arshi Sahab. I

completed few subjects of Ilmull Liasan (Linguistics) at that time But later it was

given for correction to Prof. Nisar Ahmad farooqi who passed away after

sometime without completing it.

Then I have been given different sort of works like translation of Mughal

Persian farameens (Official Orders) and Documents, Card catalogue of eight

Urdu Registers. And translated few books from Arabic and Persian into Urdu etc.

In the early two years I completed Index to the six volumes of Arabic

Manuscripts catalogue.

I also deciphered and translated Hazrat Ali’s 55 Arabic Miniature paintings

preserved in RRL. But the Cataloguing was almost stopped because of other

typical works under Urgent circumstances by the authorities.

It was only Sayyid Mohammad Azizuddin Husain who opened the door of

cataloguing after joining the Library as a Director and founded complete

“catalogue section” (which was not existed) and he appointed the cataloguers of

all the languages and asked me to guide and supervise them. So I had to train and

guide them be it Persian, Urdu, Arabic, or Sanskrit catalogers. Besides Seminars,

VI Book fairs, Exhibitions, that’s why a bit delay occurred in the preparation of

Arabic Catalogue.

Now I am very much thank full to the Prof. S.M Azizuddin Husain,

Director of Raza Library who provided all the facilities, atmosphere and

encouraged so much so that now the catalogue of Ilmul Balaghah (Rhetoric) is in

your hands.

In the hand list of Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts prepared by Molana

Imtyaz Ali Khan Arshi 116 Books have been mentioned and cataloged in this

Subject out of which following three numbers 5064 , 300,428 B.F, and Faraidul

Fawaid (after 5076,befor 1712) we could not find. So the present catalogue

which is in your hands covers all 113 manuscripts which are bound in 81

Volumes starting from No. 5009 and ends to 5089 under the subject Rhetoric

(Ilmul Balaghajh).

Here I would like to share some Pleasant experiences which I have been

through during the work of cataloging which made me sure that Arabic

collection is really very special and different from other languages in this

Library. It is very difficult and tough job to decipher the seals which are most

common and important in Arabic Manuscripts. And they are interesting as

well. Which show the period, dedication, and ownership of the Book, place

and thinking of the Author, copier, or Commentator. For example I found

some nice Arabic Aqwalls (sayings), Persian couplets, names etc: as under:

,"Glory of the incline and humiliation of greed.”عّز من قنع و ذّل من طمع“

“ �ہ ��ز� ��و� ���� �ہ ��د �ہ ���� � “,And the owners couplet:

�� روز� ��د ��ا��“ � �� ”در )&'&� ���% ہ# � "�ا ا�� = ا!ں ا��

VII 234ر ہ# �ے �� رو1ے !�ر در = /. ��ز� �� -�� ,�ِن �(�ر

And in the seal of Copier Abdus Shakoor: ” و8'7 �6 ��د� ا�/25ر ”

Some of them have been written in the period of Jalaludin Mohd

Akbar, or dedicated to Shah Jahan Badshah, or Mohammad shah Badshah Ghazi.

One Manuscript Number.104 “Zubdatul maani” is really rarest of the rare

because it is a collection of 17 Manuscripts of different subjects, different topics

But the author and copier is the same. And the author himself is the copier of all

the seventeen Manuscripts. Related to Rhetoric, History, Medicines, Geography,

Moral Philosophy, Sufism, Magic, Prosody, etc. Muhazzabuddin Ahmad bin

Abdur Razaq ad-damamini is the author and copier both.

So there are many rare books which deserve special attention on the basis

of oldness, dedication, place, seal, scriber, memory notes, author, etc are


1 Call No: -5010-Nihāyat-ul-Eijāz fi Dirāyat-il-Aij āz. 9!�:� by Fakhruddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad b. Umar ا>!;�ز �= درا!9 ا>;�زb. al Husain ar Rāzi.(d.606AH/1210AD )Scriber used greenish colour in the whole MS. Very beautiful Tughra on the title page: "Maulvi Sultān Hasan Sadar Zila Bareilly". And in the last there is very beautiful calligraphy of name of scriber that: Baqalam Shaikh Masihullah Kātib.'' �&�'> ?�'@ A4�- Bا ".( P.3)

2. Call: - No.2877-Talkhisul Miftah. ..4F'G ا��DE�ح by Jalaluddin Abul Maali,Muhammad b. Abdir Rahman b. Umar. Al

Qazwin “Al-khateeb. (d.739Ah/1338 Ad) copier: Kundan Lal Ashki. there is very beautifull Monograph of Scriber in the shap of Hen.”Kundan Lal Ashki” in red Color. (P.13).


3. Call No: 5025 -al-Ḥāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal- 2لIا�� = 9' ا���by . Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini al Jurjani al Maruf bi " as sayyad ash Shareef (d.819AH/1416AD). The MSS. bearing the Seal of Nawab Kalbe Ali khan with prouding note of him to have this book.

(P. 35).

4. Call No: 5030 -al-Ḥāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal.2لIا�� = 9' ا���

Seal:1133 ه على مظفر خان بادشاه غازى فدوى محمد شاه بادشا copied in the 3rd year of coronet of Mughal Emperor Muhammad Shah

Badshah.( P.45)

5. Call No: 5031-al-Ḥāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal 2لIا�� = 9' ا���By, Peer Muhammad b. Ismaeel b. Husain "al Mufti as Sammani"(d.1088 AH/1674 Ad). written and dedicated by the author to Mughal Emperior Shahjahan as he mentioned in his long preface that he took this MSS to Shahjan and presented to him. (P. 51)

6. Call No: - 5035 -al Ḥāshiah 'al'al Mutawwal al M'arūfah bi Hāshiyat il Chalpi wa bi Hāshiyatil Fanāri. 9و�#J2ل ا��Iا�� = K' ا�����رىE9 ا�' '9 ا�NM= و ������ Bearing some seals.(1) Muhiyuddin 1224AH). (2) Jalauddin Haidar 1243AH. )3(ھجرى 1249عّز من قنع و ذّل من طمع )4(الدعاء مّخ العبا ده (5) ھوهللا الغنى ، مو/نا مرزا على it was in the collection of Hakeem Ghulam Muhayyuddin in Makka Mukarramah then was purchased by Jalaluddin Haidar. b. Haji Muhiyyuddin at Tayyab. (P.73).

7. Call No: 5051-al-Ḥāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī ��� ����أ

� ��� by " Mulla Zadah" Nizāmuddin Usman al Khatāi ����� ا


Copied in the period of Muhammad Akbar Shah Padshah

(Mughal emperor) by Afghan Yousuf Zai.(P.123)

8. Call No:5057-al-Ḥāshiah 'alā Ḥāshiati'l Khat āi ala'l Mukhtasar. 1�IG9 ا�' �( = 9' = ا��3DG# �أ��� by. Najmuddin 'Abdullah b. Shihābiddin al Husaini. al Yazdī (d.981Ah /1573 Ad).Copied by Muhammad Rafī Sanbhli. In 1144AH/1731AD. in 14thcoronation of Muhammad Shah b. Jahāndar Shah b.Bahadur Shāh b.Aurang Zeb.(P.127)

9. Call No: 1712 -Risālatus- Sukriyyah K!#R?ر���9 ا� By,an old Indian writer of 10th century Wajīhud Dīn Aḥmad b. Nasrillah al 'Alwī al Gujrati ( d.998AH/1589AD). (P.163)

10. Call No: 5073-al Farāid fī Sharḥi'l Fawāid. .�12اEح ا�# ا�E#ا�1 �= by,Mahmud b. Muḥammad b. Shāh Muḥammad Fārūqī Jaunpurī (d.1062AH/1652AD) The author dedicated manuscript to the Mughal king Shahābuddin Muhammad Shahjahan Badshah. (P.167)

It is wonderful to see that Arabic Manuscripts of Raza Library are really

very different from other Languages. Being non Arab Indian Scholars made

unforgettable Contribution toward Arabic Literature. You see many Copiers

belong to the Bareilly, Burhanpur, Delhi, Ahmadabad, Gorakhpur, Badayun,

Moradabad,Rampur, Some of them belongs to Hirat, Lahore ,Makkah


Some important Copiers were Like: Kundan Lal Ashki, Haider

Muhammad Sajistani, Mohammad Zaki Hamdani, Syed Muhammad Saeed Qazi

Islamboli, etc.


Some very famous Authors and Commentators were as Zainuddin abul

Hasan “as-Sayyed as-Sharif”, Wajeehuddin Ahmad Alawi al-Gujrati, Shaik

Ahmad Abiwardi, Taqiyyuddin al-Hamavi, Abdul Qadir“al-Mashshat’, Saifudin

Ahmad at-Taftazani, Nizamudin Usmanal-Khatai“Mola zadah”, Muhazazabud

din Abdur raza ad-Damamini.

Here I also would like to thank Dr. Abu sad Islahi Library and information

Officer who provided the manuscripts and solved my problems during cataloging

work time to time because of his long experience as a custodian of Rampur Raza

Library manuscripts.

Also would like to thank to Isbah Ahmad Khan who has been very kind

with me and punctual and Alert towards his duty of taking out manuscripts and

keeping them in their places carefully.

And there is unforgettable contribution of “Nazma be” a seventeen years

senior employee of the Library who typed and feeded the whole data in to the

computer. And also helped in preparation of all five index of this catalogue. Had

she not been there we would really not been able to complete the work, she is the

one who dedicated herself for typing our cataloger in the access Performa

Patiently. I am really very thankful to her.

As well as It is also very important to thank my colleagues Sayyed Naved

Qaisar Shah, and Dr. Tasbassum Sabir to whom we used to discuss our problems

with each other “because the Manuscript itself is a problem”. And I will never

forget the contribution of My friend Muhammad Junaid Shamsi who being a

computer Expert took out his precious time for solving all my problems of setting

the Book format in access and Ms-World both. He expend so many days with us

XI keep trying to manage all the computer soft ware related difficulties and

challenges which was not really easy task.

Dated. 8/9/2014 Dr.Mohd Irshad Nadwi Noganwi

Cataloger & translator.

Arabic, Persian Manusripts

Rampur RazaLibrary.Rampur



The Rampur Raza Library is one of the important libraries of the World. Besides

works relating to different religions, traditions, it is a treasure house of Indo-

Islamic learning and arts. This library was founded by Nawab Faizullah Khan in

1774. The Nawabs of Rampur were great patrons of learning and the learned

ulema, poets, painters, calligraphers and musicians - enjoyed their patronage.

After the indepandence of India and merger of the state in the union of India, the

library was brought under the management of the trust, which was created on 6th

April, 1951. Professor Saiyid Nurul Hasan, former Minister of Education,

Government of India, brought this library under an Act of Parliament on 1st. July,

1975. The Chairman of the board is Honourable Governor of Uttar Pradesh. It is

having around 17000 manuscripts in Arabic, Persian, Pashto, Sanskrit, Urdu,

Hindi and Turkish languages. Moreover, it possesses a good collection of

paintings and palm leaves in various Indian languages. A collection of around

60,000 printed books in various Indian and foreign languages are also available.

There are two landmarks in the Islamic world in the field of Cataloguing –

Ibn Nadeem’s – Al-Fehrist and Haji Khalifa’s – Kashfaz Zanoon. Raza Library is

having rich collection of manuscripts and prepared its catalogues. Ahmed Ali

Shauq wrote a book titled – Kitab Khana-i-Rampur, which was published in

1998. It shows that first, list of the manuscripts and books was prepared during

the period of Nawab Kalbe Ali Khan (1865-87). It seems to be the first proper list

of the collection of Raza Library.

In 1888, Maulana Shibli Nomani visited this library and submitted a

comprehensive report titled – “Report Mutaliq Kutub Khana-i-Riyasat Aliya

XIII Mustafabad, Rampur” dated 14th October, 1888. He pointed out the problems of

the catalogues of Raza Library. Then he again visited Raza Library on 6th April,

1914. On the basis of this report Nawab Mushtaq Ali Khan (1887-89) directed

the staff of the library to prepare the new Catalogue of the Manuscripts of the

library in the light of the suggestions of Maulana Shibli Nomani. This catalogue

bears the following columns.

1. Nam-i-Fan (Name of the subject)

2. Number Shumar (Number)

3. Nam-i-Kitab (Name of the book)

4. Nam-i-Musannif (Name of the book)

5. Zaban (Language)

6. Qalmi/Chhapa (Manuscript or Printed)

7. Kaifiyat (Condition)

Following scholars were deputed to work for the cataloguing of manuscripts and

published books of Raza Library, Maulana Hafeezullah, Maulana Muhammad

Taiyab, Principal of Madarasa-i-Aliya, Maulana Fazl-i-Haq Rampuri, Maulvi

Zahoorul Hasan, Maulvi Majduddin and Maulvi Fasihuz Zaman. This catalogue

was having classification of books on the subject.

In 1897 Haifz Ahmed Ali Shauq was appointed in the library and under the

supervision of Hakim Ajmal Khan, prepared the list of Arabic books based on

subject. There are stock registers and the list of books which was prepared during

the period of Nawab Hamid Ali Khan (1889-1930) by Munshi Amir Meenai,

Munshi Abdur Rahim and Mehdi Ali Khan, Munsarim of Raza Library in 1889.

This register bears the signature of all the three persons. Now this register itself

XIV has become a manuscript. Alphabetic order is followed for the listing of books. It

is having 9347 books. But in 1904 on Nawab Hamid Ali Khan’s suggestion a

new register was prepared. Ahmed Ali Shauq writes that, “During the period of

Nawab Khuld Ashiyhan (Nawab Kalbe Ali Khan) a register was prepared in three

parts.” This list was based on alphabetic order but the classification based on

subject, was not being followed. This register is having both the manuscripts and

published books together. This catalogue was published in 1902. It is having

details about the manuscript. Then he prepared the second and third volumes of

the catalogues with more modifications which were published in 1928. These two

catalogues are more detailed and descriptive. He had taken inspiration from the

Catalogue of manuscripts published by British Museum, London. He himself

mentions that this was done by Maulana Muhammad Nabi, Registrar Kutub

Khana and Maulana Abdullah Amratsari also contributed in this work. But these

catalogues were having manuscripts and books together. These catalogues were

written in Urdu language. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, Former Minister of

Education, Government of India, visited Raza Library in 1952 and he also

suggested for the compilation of catalogue of manuscripts and printed books.

Hakim Ajmal Khan was appointed as Afsar-i-Ala of Raza Library by

Nawab Hamid Ali Khan. Under Hakim Ajmal Khan’s patronage the first volume

of Arabic manuscripts was compiled and published in 1902. Then Hafiz Ahmed

Ali Khan Shauq (b.1862) was appointed as the librarian of Raza Library in 1905.

He worked on Cataloguing of the manuscripts of the library. He compiled the

second and third volume of Arabic manuscripts, which were published in 1928

XV and 1929 in urdu. He prepared this catalogue on the pattern of the catalogue of

manuscripts published by British Museum, London.

In 1932, Maulana Imtiyaz Ali Khan Arshi took over the charge as Nazim-i-

Kutub Khana. He was an eminent scholar and took keen interest in the collection

of the Library. He took up the task of the compilation of Catalogue of Arabic

manuscripts of Raza Library. He compiled and published six volumes of

Catalogues of Arabic manuscripts. Maulana Imtiyaz Ali Khan Arshi rearranged

the collection of the library and separated manuscripts from the published works

based on subject. Instead of doing cataloguing in Urdu, Maulana Imtiyaz Ali

Khan Arshi compiled the catalogue of Arabic manuscripts in English so that

larger section of scholars could be benefitted. Mr. Imtiyaz Ali Khan Arshi, writes

in his preface dated 26th November, 1963 that, “This is the first volume of

Catalogue of Arabic manuscripts preserved in Raza Library, Rampur.” Mr. D.M.

Sinha, IAS, Secretary, Raza Library Trust, writes in his introduction dated 27th

November, 1963 that, “Since long the need for publishing in English a

Descriptive Catalogue of the manuscripts of Raza Library, Rampur, was felt by

oriental scholars all over the world. Fortunately the Ministry of Scientific

Research and Cultural Affairs, Government of India, sanctioned a grant for

publishing a Catalogue of Arabic and Persian manuscripts. With their aid, which

we acknowledge with thanks, we have been able to place before oriental scholars

the first volume of this catalogue of Arabic manuscripts. It is proposed to exhaust

the Arabic manuscripts in four volumes, after which the catalogue of Persian

manuscripts will be issued on the same pattern.” Mr. Sinha highlighting the

scholarship of the compiler of this catalogue records in these words, “The

XVI compiler of this catalogue, Mr. Imtiyaz Ali Khan Arshi is a scholar of repute in

the world of the oriental learning. I am sure, this work of his years labour would

be up to the standard lay down by his co-workers both in this country and

abroad.” Maulana Arshi successfully completed six volumes of the catalogue of

Arabic manuscripts in 1977 but his death in 1981, proved to be a setback in the

compilation of the descriptive catalogues and since then this work suffered a

setback. When I joined as Director of Raza Library on 3rd April, 2012, so I

decided to pay special attention for the compilation of the descriptive catalogues

of manuscripts. Catalogue of Pashto manuscripts was published by Rampur Raza

Library in 2012.Catalogue of Turkish and two volumes of Persian manuscripts

published in 2014.

I am highly grateful to Shri Ram Naik, Honourable Governor of Uttar

Pradesh and Chairman, Rampur Raza Library for his patronage. I am extremely

grateful to Shri Sripad Yesso Naik, Minister of Culture, and Mr. Ravinder Singh,

Secretary, Ministry of Culture for their financial support. I am thankful to

Principal Secretary to Honourable Governor of Uttar Pradesh Mrs Juthika

Patankar for his kind help and support. I am equally indebted to Shri V. Srinivas,

Joint secretary, Ministry of Culture, Government of India, New Delhi for giving

me all the help.

I am highly thankful to Dr.Mohammad Irshad Nadwi Noganwi for the

compilation of XVI th volume of the Catalogue of Arqabic Manuscripts. I am

grateful to my colleagues Dr. Abusad Islahi, Library and Information Officer,

Mr. Isbah Khan, Mr. A.K. Saxena, Ms. Mohini Rani, Ms. Bilqis Farooqi, Mr.

Faisal Khan whose valuable help and hard work has made this work possible.

XVII Dated: 6th January, 2014 Prof. S.M. Azizuddin Husain

Director, Rampur Raza Library

Ministry of Culture, Government of India.


Form No: 1 Call No: 5009

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 14235

Old No: 4114

Title of Work: Asrārul Balāghah

Title of Work in


أار ا�����

Name of Author: Al Imām Abu Bakr Abdul Qāhir b. Abdir Rahmān b.

Muhammad al Jurjāni (d.471AH/1078AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ا���م ��� ا��م ا�� �� ��� ا���ه ------ �����ل ا�

End: �! � و ��'& و �$��ً� ۃ�� ،)�$� إ�+ �*�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nastaliq

Age: 11th AH/17th AD

Size: 29.8x18

Lines: 19

Folio: 140

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not Mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained, Repaired with paper

pasting with new guarding

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving:

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: A copy of a very famous work of Abdul Qāhir

Jurjāni" Asrārul Balāghah"a well known work. The

scriber copied early 36 pages in different size and

with grayish and greenish color. These early 36

pages supported with new paper and guarding.


Form No: 2 Call No/Sr. No: 5010

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8242

S.T.No: 14236

Old No: 4115

Title of Work: Nihāyat-ul-Eejāz fi Dirāyat-il-Aij āz

Title of Work in Urdu: �23/. ا�/��ز 1+ درا/. ا����ز

Name of Author: Fakhruddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad b. Umar

b. al Husain ar Rāzi (d.606AH/1210AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�7>ّ;9 �8 ����2. ا��5�67ت------ ��

End: 8� ��8 �ء ا���م ��ن وا�د 1*��رك ا� ا!�8 ا�=���

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Masihullah Kātib

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1249AH/1833AD

Size: 12x13

Lines: 15

Folio: 122

Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is written: Not Mentioned


Condition: Greenish color paper.

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This is a Very important manuscript on the

subject and scriber used greenish colour in the

whole MS Very beautiful Tughra on the title

page before the text starts: "Maulvi Sultān

Hasan Sadar Zila Bareilly", and in the last there

is very beautiful calligraphy of name of scriber

that: Baqalam Shaikh Masihullah Kātib.'' A��

B�� ���C DE�F �ا "


Form No: 3 Call No: 5011

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2889

S.T.No: 14237

Old No: 4116

Title of Work: Nihāyat-ul-Eejāz fi Dirāyat-ul-Aijāz

Title of Work in Urdu: +1 درا/. ا����ز �23/. ا�/��ز

Name of Author: Fakhruddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad b. Umar

b. al Husain ar Razi (d.606AH/1210AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�7>ّ;9 �8 ����2. ا��5�67ت------ ��

End: ن وا�دG� 8 �ء ا���م��

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age:: 13th AH/20th AD probably

Size: 33.4x21

Lines: 19

Folio: 66

Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is written: Not mentioned


Condition: Slightly worm eaten

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note : Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: red colour has been used in the starting of "Fasl"

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another copy of previous work, but missing

from the last and ended abruptly. The quality of

paper is bad, written in Nastaliq.


Form No: 4 Call No: 5012

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 7985

S.T.No: -

Old No: 4117

Title of Work: Tahrir-ut-T'ahbir fi Ilmil Badee

Title of Work in Urdu: H/ا��� A� +1 � 6E/ ا�*�6

Name of Author: Abu Muhammad Abdul Azeem b.Abdil Wahid

b.Zafir al Misri "Ibne abil Isba" H�'ا�8 ا�+ ا�


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------ IJ*�7إ�+ رّ�� ا� ��Iل ا�$�� ا���

End: ا���ر ��$�دًا K2� وان آ�ن ا���ر

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Probably Ziauddin Mūsa b. Mulham al Kātib

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: Not mentioned

Size: 30x19

Lines: 19

Folio: 133

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten slightly water stand

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note : On title page: it was in the possession of Muhammad

Sultan Hasan

Decorative Ornament: Read color has been used in some sentences.

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The MS is written in 640 AH/1242AD the paper

used old and bad, 26 Folios in the beginning are

different and with new guarding.


Form No: 5 Call No: 5013

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 7778

S.T.No: 14239

Old No: 4118

Title of Work: Talkhisul Miftāh

Title of Work in Urdu: ح�*I7ا� N�=AE

Name of Author: Jalaluddin Abul Ma'ali Muhammad b. Abdir

Rahman b. Umar al Qazwini " Khateebu Dimashq"


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �8 ا����ن------ ��Aّ� و ا�A� � �76+ �� ا$3

End: م��E �7� آK*ا� H� &�G*��� O� 2P/

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: Not mentioned

Size: 20.7x11.5

Lines: 15

Folio: 62

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: It is too much pasted and worm eaten, supported

with another papers

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: Not mentioned

Memory Note: On title page: it was purchased by Muhammad

Sultān Hasan in 1297AH/1879AD in "Mānda"

Decorative Ornament: Red colour has been used in few words.

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: According the notes on title page it came to

Bareilly and it was purchased in 1297AH/1879AD

by Muhammad Sultān Hasan.Very famous work on

rhetoric. It came from Bareilly as mentioned on

title page.


Form No: 6 Call No: 5014

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8938

S.T.No: 14240

Old No: 4119

Title of Work: Talkhisul Miftāh

Title of Work in Urdu: ح�*I7ا� N�=AE

Name of Author: Jalaluddin Abul Ma'ali Muhammad b. Abdir

Rahman b. Umar al Qazwini " Khateebu Dimashq"


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------ 8� Aّ� و ا����نا�A� � �76+ �� ا$3

End: م��E �� ذآ H� &�G*��� O� 2P/

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Sayyad Muhammad Saeed b. Sayyad Ibrahim"al

Qazi al Islamboli" in Qurah Hisar Sahab.

Place of copying: Qura Hisār Sahab

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1175AH/1761AD

Size: 21.5x15

Lines: 17

Folio: 52


Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained, too

much blots smirch on the pages.

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: On most of the pages

Memory Note: On title page one: I have read the book from the

beginning til the end,(by Kausri)

Decorative Ornament: Red Barika

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: There are seven Persian couplets on the title page. 3

of them are sad and 4 of them are related with

“Munajāt" Dua, It is another copy of previous work

Talkhisul Miftāh. Which is a short (a commentary)

on Miftāhul Ulum by Allama Sakaki?


Form No: 7 Call No: 2877

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 1137

S.T. No: 12494

Old No: 2338/4

Title of Work: Talkhisul Miftah

Title of Work in Urdu: ح�*I7ا� N�=AE

Name of Author: Jalaluddin Abul Maali, Muhammad b. Abdir Rahman

b. Umar. Al Qazwin “Al-khateeb”(d.739AH/1338 AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �$� ا� ۔۔۔۔۔ ا�� ا����ۃ و�Eا�$ہ� �8 ا & ا�$�Aم ! ��A� ن�F �7A1

End: N�=A*8 ا�*� E ��� FK*ا� H� &�G*1

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Kundan Lal Ashki

Place of Copying: Not Mantioned

Script: Nastaleeqe

Age: (1236 Ah.1820 AD)

Size: 16x10

Lines: 17

Folio: 28 (33a-60 b)

Quality of Paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not Mentioned


Condition: Worm eaten, water stained , New guarding and pasting

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: Very less

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Double line red barika

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 6/1/1901 ad

About the book: It is bound with 10 other Rsalas: Shafia, Kafia, Insha,

tasawwuf,Tafsir,Hadeeth,Fiqh,Faraiz,Tib,the 3rd one

is“Talkhisul Miftah” starts from F.33. In the end there

is very beautiful Monograph of Scriber in the shape of

Hen.”Kundan Lal Ashki”in red Color, also his name is

written in English.


Form No: 8 Call No: 5015

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 5142

S.T.No: -

Old No: 4120

Title of Work: al Mutawwal (Sharhu Talkhīsil Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: ( �N ا�I7*�ح( ا��T7ل =AE حB

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah at

Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1389AD.)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�Kى ا�UV��! �<72 ا�3�$7+------ ��

End: آ>�2 ا� +A� ع�Yاب �& � /8�7 ا��[��� Aوا� ا� ،��ذى ا�>�Iس ا�Kآ

��بJم ا��$�----

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Nizāmuddin Abdur Razzāq b. al Imām al fāzil

Muhammad al Khateeb at Tirmizi

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 827AH/1423AD

Size: 32x10

Lines: 23

Folio: 259

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained, supported with new

handmade paper

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: On most of the pages

Memory Note: In the possession of Abdul Karim b. Mahmud

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 24-12-1921.

About the Book: There are so many red lines and red notes between the

lines. The colours of many pages become blackish

because of oldness. It is very important MS. There are so

many academic notes on the title page. There is an

additional page having a note in persian about 'Amir

Temuri attack on Khuwarzam'. The name Haji Alauddin

also appears on folio one, it was written in

748AH/1347AD in the city of Hirat, according author's

note in the end.


Form No: 9 Call No: 5016

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8167

S.T.No: 14241

Old No: 4121

Title of Work: al Mutawwal (Sharhu Talkhīsil Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ح( ا��*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin

'Abdillah at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1389AD.)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�Kى ا�UV��! �<72 ا�3�$7+------ ��

End: ب��Jآ>�2 ا� �$�م ا� +A� ع�Y8�7 ا�/ � &�---- �/��E �/وان ار

ا���ب ا�ول -ا'�Tح �1 ���![�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh and Nast'alīq

Age: 9th AH/16th AD probably

Size: 25.5x17.5cm.

Lines: 28

Folio: 173

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Abul Husain Muhammad b. Karat

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding.

Seal: Seal: 1 on title page Sahibus Sultan

Marginal Note: On most of the pages

Memory Note: 1-It was purchased in Meerut by Sultān Ahsān

Afallahu anhu. 2- It came to Bareilly

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another copy of Preceding work in a very bad

condition . The paper colour has changed. Three

irrelevant folios are attached in the end of MS.

However, they are also related with Balaghah. It

seems that it came from Bareilly from the collection

of Sultān Ahsān of Bareilly. earlier it was bought in

Meerut then came to Bareilly.


Form No: 10 Call No: 5017

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: -

Old No: 4122

Title of Work: al Mutawwal (Sharhu Talkhīsil Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ح( ا��*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin

'Abdillah at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1389AD.)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�Kى ا�UV��! �<72 ا�3�$7+------ ��

End: *^وه�ا�_7B7 �رVا� �>ہ و�8 ��7 ۃا� ab7 ۃرA�7ا��8

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Sayyad Abdul Majeed Allahabad

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 981 AH/1573AD

Size: 30 x 19.

Lines: 15

Folio: 435

Quality of paper: good


For whom the MS is


Abul Husain Muhammad Kirt

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: Full of Marginal Notes

Memory Note: The owener of the book is Muhammad Yaseen

according the note on the title page

Decorative Ornament: Very beautiful golden loh and golden Barica on the

whole Mss. double margined

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The author wrote it in Hirat In 748 A.H/1347 AD, It

is a very beautiful copy of preceding work. The text

of Talkhisul Miftah is written in red colour. The Mss.

is full of marginal notes, golden Barica and double

margined and very beautiful loh on P.2.bearing

different rhetoric notes on the first two pages before

the MS Starts. The MS is rarest copy of the subject


Form No: 11 Call No: 5018

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 843

S.T.No: 14242

Old No: 4123

Title of Work: Al Mutawwal (Sharḥu Talkhīsil Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ح( ا��*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah

at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1389AD.)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�Kى ا�UV��! �<72 ا�3�$7+------ ��

End: 2Eو�–ا�Iاغ ��A�3 8 إ�+ ا����ض 1+ /�م اcر�$�ء �

�7ً� آ[�ًا آ[�ًا --A�E Aو

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Haider Muhammad b. Haji Shah Muhammad Sajistani

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1079AH/1668AD

Size: 25x15cm.

Lines: 21

Folio: 271

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Abul Husain Muhammad Kirt

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained with new


Seal: Seal 1- On Page 1:"Sayyad Sharif". b.Jān Muhammad "

2-One Seal of Kutub Khana Rampur on Page.1

Marginal Note: Not mentioned

Memory Note: 1- On Page 1. I have sold this book in Balhor city in

1193AH. Muhammad Shareef. b. Muhammad Haneef

AL Qādri Al Kintori. (2) The meem م is written on

some words is a Symbol of that it is a note of Meer

Sayyad Shareef 1079AH.

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Written by the author in Hirat in 748AH/1347AD,

Moreover, it was started in Jurjāniah Khuwārizm in

742AH/1341AD. It means it took 5 years to complete

writing by the author, Copied after 3 year by the

scriber. The original text of Talkhis is written in red



Form No: 12 Call No: 5019

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 6330

S.T.No: 14243

Old No: 4124

Title of Work: al Mutawwal (Sharḥu Talkhīsil Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ح( ا��*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah at

Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1389AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�Kى ا�UV��! �<72 ا�7$�3+ و د��UV ا����ن------ ��

End: 8�وار�$�8هات '��23 ا� �8 ا�1fت و آ�ن ا�1**�ح /�م ا�5>

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh


Age: 1082AH/1671AD

Size: 25x18

Lines: 16,19 (Different)

Folio: 280

Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, slightly water stained with new guarding

Seal: Old Seal of Rampur Raza Library

Marginal Note: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is written in Hirat 748AH/1347AD, completed within

5 years according the note of author in the end, written

for Abul Husain Muhammad Kurt. Pages 366 to 540 are

very bad, blackish, almost un readable because of



Form No: 13 Call No: 5020

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 1645

Old No: 4125

Title of Work: al Mutawwal (Sharḥu Talkhīsil Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: ( �N ا�I7*�ح( ا��T7ل=AE حB

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah

at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1389AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�Kى ا�UV��! �<72 ا�7$�3+ و د��UV ا����ن------ ��

End: 3+1 ض����ت --- ��A إ�+ ا��A8 ا��� +��$E �ارزم !�7 ه� ا�^

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 11th AH/17th AD

Size: 24x13

Lines: 19

Folio: 340

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, water stained with new guarding.

Seal: : On title page Seal: 1- ايں مھر كتبخانه نواب صاحب ثبت


Marginal Note: Yes

Memory Note: On the last page :it was purchased in 20 Rupees from

Molvi Nawab Sahab. "Muhammad Kalb-e-Ali.

Decorative Ornament: Very beautiful golden Loh on page 1.golden barika in

the first two pages blue designed margin.

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book Very beautiful rare MSS. Original text of Talkhis has

been written in red colour. The whole MSS bears

golden and blue barika and jidwal. It is written on very

old paper but still the MSS is very nice. The name of

scriber is not found. It is another copy of preceding

work. Completed by the author in 5 years in 748AH/ in

Hirat and started in Khuwarzim in 742AH/1341AD.


Form No: 14 Call No: 5021

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 6332

S.T.No: 14244

Old No: 4126

Title of Work: al Mutawwal (Sharḥu Talkhīsil Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: ( �N ا�I7*�ح( ا��T7ل=AE حB

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah

at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1389AD.)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�Kى ا�UV��! �<72 ا�7$�3+ و د��UV ا����ن------ ��

End: 2Eو�� �A�3 8� اغI8--- وا��76 � -- ا�/�Bاء ا��IA^و

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Ārif .b. Muhammad Yusuf

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1118AH/1706AD

Size: 24x13

Lines: 17

Folio: 444


Quality of paper: Good.

For Whom the Mss is


Abul Husain Mohammad Kart

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained, with new guarding and

pasting on some pages.

Seal: Unreadable Seal on page 1

Marginal Note: On few pages

Memory Note: Unreadable name on page 1

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book Some papers are pinkish۔ some are whitish and some

grayish. Another copy of preceding work, written by

the author in "Hirat" and completed within 5 years.

Written in 748AH/1347AD


Form No: 15 Call No: 5022

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 6231

S.T.No: 14245

Old No: 4127

Title of Work: al Mutawwal (Sharḥu Talkhīsil Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ح( ا��*I7ا� N�=AE حB

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah at

Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1389AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ا�Kى ا�UV��! �<72 ا�7$�3+ و د��UV ا����ن------ ��

End: ��� H�Tان ا� U6آ�� ۃوا� Yۃوا�=�ا DA �8 ا��

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: Perhaps 12th AH/18th AD

Size: 28x16

Lines: 21

Folio: 183

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained, with new guarding and pasting,

grayish paper colour.

Seal: Seal of Rampur state on page 1. ثبت فرمود اين مھر كتب خانه والى

رياست رامپور فرزانہ

Marginal Note: On few pages

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book Another copy of previous work. It has been some where under

lined with red. There is blank space between the texts, lines by

scriber almost on 20 pages in the end. He may have planned to

design something but later on, he may have forgotten.


Form No: 16 Call No: 5023

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8976

S.T.No: 14246

Old No: 4128

Title of Work: Qit'atum minal Mutawwal (Sharhu Talkhīsil Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T78 ا�� .$T� )ح�*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin

'Abdillah at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1389AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: --��7�*��� 87� ��ل ا�g<[7 ر!�7 ا� اC**1 آ*�ب �$� ا�*

End: �!رآ� أ��� A1 م�Aا� �<� U�6E �3Gآ

Extent: Incomplete, Ended abruptly

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: Not mentioned

Size: 23x14

Lines: 23

Folio: 7 (93a-100b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, water stained with new guarding

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentione

About the Book It is bound with 7 Risalahs; it is very small Part

.of al Mutawwal, Sharhu talkhisil Miftah (قطعۃ)

Nothing mentioned about scriber or age etc. Most of

these Risalahs are related with Rhetoric.


Form No: 17 Call No: 5024

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 7707

S.T.No: 14247

Old No: 4129

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini Ali b.

Muhammad al Jurjani al Maruf bi “as sayyad ash

Shareef (d.819AH/1416AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: 8 ا�$��د��7E أن H<7/ � ه� hA� وأ��اره

End: � ض /��ل د ��� .T�3 ���� ���]�اب ۃ�اء /Aء وا� ا��T�ر

H 7ا� �� وا�i7ب وا�

Extent: Incomplete , Missing from the beginning

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Zaki b. Haji Muhammad Naseer al


Place of copying: Madarsa Sulaimāniah. Asfahān

Script: Naskh

Age: 1085AH/1674AD

Size: 19x12

Lines: 19


Folio: 120

Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, water stained with new

guarding and pasting

Seal: Not given

Marginal Note: Very less

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is important Hāshiah al Mutawwal of Taftazāni,

written by as Sayyad ash Shareef.


Form No: 18 Call No: 5025

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 885

S.T.No: 1647

Old No: 4130

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini Ali b.

Muhammad al Jurjani al Maruf bi " as sayyad ash

Shareef (d.819AH/1416AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا 9K21 !�اش �A+ ا��ح ا�7��2ر------ ��

End: � ض /��ل د ��� .T�3ء ۃ�T�ر

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Ilyas

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1090AH/1679AD

Size: 26.7x17

Lines: 21

Folio: 133


Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten with title pasting

Seal: Seal 1 one title page: بنده اين مھركتب خانه ثبت فرمود نواب

كلب على خان صاحب جود

Marginal Note: Not mentioned

Memory Note: In Persian sentences on title page: Nawab Kalbe Ali

Khan proud to find this MS

Decorative Ornament: Very beautiful MS with golden and red barika and P.1

bears golden Loh; First two pages have under line

golden fillings with golden and red barica.

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book This is a very important and beautiful MS, bearing the

Seal of Nawab Kalbe Ali khan with his note of proud

to have this book. The whole MS. Has golden barika

and first two pages are full of golden work between

lines and Barika also.


Form No: 19 Call No: 5026

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2328

S.T.No: 14248

Old No: 4131

Title of Work: al-Ḥāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini Ali b.

Muhammad al Jurjani al Maruf bi "as sayyad ash

Shareef" (d.819AH/1416AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �N ا�I7*�ح ------ ��=AE �2ر�9K21 !�اش �A+ ا��ح ا�7

End: ة و��2 !�� _� �<E �A+ اcرض و �

Extent: Incomplete, missing from the last

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh, Nast'alīq, Ruqa (Different)

Age: Not mentioned

Size: 20x12

Lines: Different

Folio: 143


Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained and paper pasting

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: On some pages only

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 3/3/1909

About the Book There are three script writing Naskh, Nast'aliq, and

Ruqa. There is too much pasting on some pages. The

condition is not good. On title page, there are six

lines of rhetoric but it is incomplete from the last.

Most of the first words of Para are in red colour or

under red line.


Form No: 20 Call No: 5027

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 14249

Old No: 4132

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini Ali b.

Muhammad al Jurjani al Maruf bi " as sayyad ash

Shareef (d.819AH/1416AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �N ا�I7*�ح ------ ��=AE �2ر�9K21 !�اش �A+ ا��ح ا�7

End: 9�� +A� ��I����7زاة ا!���3 �1ذا وَ'+�A+ ا�

Extent: Incomplete, missing from the last

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: Probably 10th AH/16th AD

Size: 19x9.5cm

Lines: Different


Folio: 93

Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained, paper pasting and with

new guarding.

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Note: Very Less

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book This is another copy of preceding work and ended

abruptly, Incomplete text, missing from the end.


Form No: 21 Call No: 5028

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2855

S.T.No: 14205

Old No: 4133

Title of Work: al-Ḥāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini Ali b.

Muhammad al Jurjani al Maruf bi “as sayyad ash

Shareef (d.819AH/1416AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �N ا�I7*�ح ------ ��=AE �2ر�9K21 !�اش �A+ ا��ح ا�7

End: 3+ /��ل �� ���]�اب دT�3ہ �Aء وا� ا��T�ر �* �

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh, Ruqa

Age: Probably 13th AH/19th AD

Size: 23x13

Lines: 23

Folio: 100


Quality of paper: Not bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding...

Seal: On title page Seal; Ghulam Shah bnda-e Dargah "

یھجر 1212درگاه ۀغ4م شاه بند "

Marginal Note: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Purchased by Abdul Karim according page 1

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book The MS has been written in two scripts, Nastaliq

and Naskh, badly worm eaten. It is Another copy of

preceding work. Bearing a Seal; on folio 1a:

"Ghulam Shah Banda-e Dargah 1212 AH. غ4م شاه

یھجر 1212درگاه ۀبند So we can guess it was copied

in 1212AH.1797AD


Form No: 22 Call No: 5029

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8518

S.T.No: 14251

Old No: 4134

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini Ali b.

Muhammad al Jurjani al Maruf bi “as sayyad ash

Shareef" (d.819AH/1416AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا 9K21 !�اش �A+ ا��ح ا�7��2ر ------ ��

End: اد�ر��Tء ۃ�1( ��� ض /��ل د � ���ہ/ا��Tہ

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: Probably 13th AH/19th AD

Size: 28x16


Lines: 25

Folio: 70

Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding and

pasting. Few early folios are in very bad condition.

Too much pasting and 5 folios in the beginning are

one fourth torn from upper side and pasted with


Seal: On page 1 Seal of Rampur state: ثبت فرمود اين مھر

كتبخانه نواب صاحب والى رياست فرزانه

Marginal Note: Very less

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book Very beautiful Nastaliq writing and there are four

Persian couplets in the end by the copier apologizing

from the mistakes if found and request for prayers for

him from readers, but he did not mention his name.


Form No: 23 Call No: 5030

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 647

S.T.No: 14252

Old No: 4135

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini Ali b.

Muhammad al Jurjani al Maruf bi " as sayyad ash

Shareef" (d.819AH/1416AD).

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �N ا�I7*�ح ----- ��=AE �2ر�9K21 !�اش �A+ ا��ح ا�7

� �� h<F��Eہ�

End: م أف;A*�/ �6د وا�63]�رEء ا�]�ق و�7& ا��o*�8 ا�

Extent: Incomplete, missing from the last, Ended abruptly

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1133AH/1720AD

Size: 19x10

Lines: 25


Folio: 16

Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding and


Seal: On title page Seal: على مظفر خان بادشاه غازى فدوى محمد

شاه بادشاه

Marginal Note: Very less

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 8/8/1995

About the Book The MS bears very important Seal of mughal period

'Ali muzaffar Khan Fidwi Muhammad Shaikh

Badshah Ghazi 1133AH, Very beautiful Naskh ended

with incomplete sentence يستلزم أف Missing from the

last, copied in the 3rd year of coronation of Mughal

Emperor Muhammad Shah Badshah.


Form No: 24 Call No: 5023

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8976

S.T.No: 14246

Old No: 4128 ق

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini Ali b.

Muhammad al Jurjani al Maruf bi " as sayyad ash

Shareef" (d.819AH/1416AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا /2P أن �� ذهD ا��� ���� و �K2ا ------ ��

End: ا���مKن ه� ����رح �� ��A�3 �7 ا�

Extent: Incomplete, missing from the last and ended abruptly

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: Parhaps 11th AH/ 17th AD

Size: 20x14

Lines: 24

Folio: 65b-93b (28)


Quality of paper: Not bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding, Last 9

folios are in very bad condition.

Seal: Not given

Marginal Note: Not given

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book The MS is bound with a bunch (Majmua) of 6 Risalas

like Mulakhasu Talkhisil Miftah, Risalah fil Istiarah,

Sharhul-lamiah, Hashia Sayyad Razi fi Ilmil Maani

etc. It was from the book of Usman Jarir al Mashhur

ba "Hafeedu Usman".


Form No: 25 Call No: 5023

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8976

S.T.No: 14246

Old No: 4128/2 ق

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in


�. �A+ ا��T7لB�6ا�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abul Hasan b. Ali al Husaini Ali b.

Muhammad al Jurjani al Maruf bi " as sayyad ash

Shareef (d.819AH/1416AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: ���� و �K2ا /2P أن �� ذهD ا��� ------ ا� ��

End: ا���مKن ه� ����رح �� ��A�3 �7 ا�

Extent: Incomplete, missing from the last

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nasta'leeque. Shikastah

Age: Probably 10thAH /17thAD

Size: 20.5x15


Lines: 24

Folio: 29 (64a-93b)

Quality of paper: Not bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten,Slightly water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On few pages

Memory Note: Not Mentioned



Only word قولہ in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book This is an Incomplete manuscript, missing from tha

last, and bound with few other MSS. There are big

blots and smirches on most of the pages, which spoiled

the whole appearances.


Form No: 26 Call No: 5031

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 1648

Old No: 4136

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Peer Muhammad b. Ismaeel b. Husain "al Mufti as

Sammani" (d. 1088 or 1099AH/1674 or 1687AD).

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا��76 � ذى ا���2م وا��2ا/. ��p/ 8/KA>�ن /��>�ن ------ ��

End: &�Aاب و ه� ا��2دى ا���[��� Aوا� ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Perhaps the author himself

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: Probably 1050AH/1640AD

Size: 22x11

Lines: 19

Folio: 352

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Written by the author for Mughal Emperor Shahjahan

Temuri (d.1037-1068AH/1627-1657AD)

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding and

pasting. Early 32 pages has been supported with new


Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On few pages only

Memory Note: Not Mantioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book The importance of the MS is that, ‘it was written and

dedicated by the author to Mughal Emperior

Shahjahan as he mentioned in his long preface that he

took this MS to Shahjahan and presented to him. He

himself may be scriber of the MS.


Form No: 27 Call No: 5032

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8516

S.T.No: 1649

Old No: 4137

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Shaikh Ahmad al abiverdi (d.950AH/1543AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا هK/��3ت �27 وا��2Iو �$� K21ا ---ا��76 � ا�Kى ------ ��

End: �ً6/' آ�رًاK� _� ان ��2��AT ه� ا�Kآ و ه� �A�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Shareef al Hafizi al Haravi

Place of copying: Hirat

Script: Naskh

Age: 866AH/1461AD

Size: 18x12

Lines: 21

Folio: 78

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, water stained with little


Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Very less almost on 3 or 4 pages

Memory Note: Not Mentioned

Decorative Ornament: The word قوله written in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book Folio 28, 29 are blank in the last. 8 lines on page

156 are Rhetoric but not from the MS. The MS

copied in Hirat as mentioned in the end.


Form No: 28 Call No: 1505

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8508

S.T.No: 11259

Old No: 1209/5

Title of Work: Ar-Risalah fi Mabhasi Maa ana Qultu fil Mutawwal

al-Mashhoor bi Taqzi Mulla Ali

Title of Work in Urdu: ��qا��T7ل ا�7��2ر�*�;���r6��q A ��ا�3�1q 1 hA ۃا�

Name of Author: Alauddin Ali b. Muhammad as Samarqandi al

QaushJi (d.879AH/1474AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ��ل '�!D ا�/�oح و�� ��Eم ------ ��

End: 8Iاا�K�7ء هA� +A� �3 رح��� H<B ىKا ه� ا�Kوه

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 19th AH/17th AD

Size: 24x13

Lines: 19

Folio: 4 (17a-20b)


Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding and


Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not Mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book It is bound with Majmuat ur Rsail of Saduddin

Ghulam Mustafa Ali Qaushji and Abdur Rahman

Jami. It is only 7.5 pages MS by Ali Qaushji which is

known as"Taqze Mulla Ali"


Form No: 29 Call No: 1759

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11091

S.T.No: 11492

Old No: 1436B

Title of Work: Ar-Risalah fi Mabhasi Maa ana Qultu fil Mutawwal

al-Mashhoor bi Taqzi Mulla Ali

Title of Work in Urdu: ��qا��T7ل ا�7��2ر�*�;���r6��q A ��ا�3�1q 1 hA ۃا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: Kا� ۔۔۔ ا��76 � ا� ��s 7 �& A� ا�[>�ء�ہ

End: ��ةو�!�ل و� P$ا� aA$ا���� ا��

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1178 AH/1764 AD

Size: 21.1x15cm.

Lines: 26

Folio: 8


Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stand

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: Not Mantioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: it is bound with "Majmuatur Rasail fi aadabil

Bahs"by Azduddin al-Eiji.The author is not famous

though may be Allauddin as-Samarqandi.But the

paragraph starts with "qalal Fazil as-Samarqandi"

which means someone els collected the thoughts of

Samarqandi on balaghah"fi Mabhas Maa ann Qultu".


Form No: 30 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380B/1

Title of Work: al-Risalatul Insikziyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: ��ا�t�3;/ہ ۃا�

Name of Author: Wajeehuddin Ahmad b. Nasrullah

Gujrati.(d.998AH/1589 AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: ا� D!�' ل��ا� ۔۔۔ ہ�ا��7>� ا� ��م/و�� �oح/��

End: 1�Eو����q A� �ا�����ا3 ہ�hAF�E وا� ہD

Extent: Complete.

Copier’s Name: Malik Ahmad

Place of copying: Ahmadabad

Script: Naskh

Age: 1062AH/1651 AD

Size: 20x11

Lines: 19,20 different

Folio: 7 (39b-45b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stand with new guarding and


Seal: Three on title page: 1.Juzan abul Hasan.Bint-e-

Ghulam Ahmad Mursal.1102 AH.- 2.Malik Ahmad

1062 AH. 3. Malik Ahmad, b.Peer Mohammad. One

seal is in the end of the book. Seal; “Malik Ahmad.b.

Peer Muhammad.1162 AH”.

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: Not Mantioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book It is bound with "Majmuatur Rasail in the reply of

Allmah al-Qoushji.the name on the first page: رسالہ

مبحث ماانا قلت یعل یالفاضل القوشج ۃاجوب یف یحضرت العلو

۔یرحمھماهللا تعال it bears four Seals.One Seal is of a

woman "Zujan abul Hasan" D/o Ghulam Ahmad



Form No: 31 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380B/2

Title of Work: al-Risalatul Insikziyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: ��ا�t�3;/ہ ۃا�

Name of Author: Wajeehuddin Ahmad b. Nasrullah

Gujrati.(d.998AH/1589 AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: ا� D!�' ل��ا� ۔۔۔ ��م/و�� �oح/��

End: ��� ��َا U�1�E �� و ��� &�� hAآ�E ��A�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Shaikh Mustafa

Place of copying: Ahmadabad

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 12th AH/18th AD century

Size: 20x11

Lines: 15

Folio: 14 (1b-14b)

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stand with new guarding and


Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: Not Mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The manuscript is the part of Majmuatur Rasail. It is

the first manuscript of the volume starts 1 to 14 -

before the MSS. Risalah ala Mabhas Maa Ana Qultu.

رساله على مبحث ما انا قلت


Form No: 32 Call No: 5033

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 6859

S.T.No: 14253

Old No: 4138

Title of Work: al Muhākamah alal Hāshiatil Qaushjiyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: ���Bا��� .�B�6ا� +A� .7ا��67آ

Name of Author: Meer Muhammad Hāshim b.Meer Muhammad Qāsim

al Husaini al Jilāni ( 1061AH/1650AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا وا���م �A+ ���د9 ا�K/8 ا'IT+۔ ��ل ا�I7*� إ�+ ------ ��

+<Jر�� ا��I�

End: � إَ� ز/�ًا و h�b �3أ ��A��B�61+ ا� �� N=

Extent: Incomplete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: Perhaps 12th AH/18th AD century

Size: 10.4x11

Lines: 17


Folio: 26

Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stand with new guarding and


Seal: On page 2nd, there is an Unreadable perhaps it is Seal

of Kutub Khana Rampur State.

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: Not Mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The MS is a very important Muhakama on Ali

Qaushji and Wajeehuddin Gujraties 9 'ABHAS'

about" Maa Ana Qubtu fil Mutawwal" few words or

in red or under red line. MSS ended abruptly missing

from the last.


Form No: 33 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380B/3

Title of Work: al Muhākamah alal Hāshiatil Qaushjiyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: ���Bا��� .�B�6ا� +A� .7ا��67آ

Name of Author: Meer Muhammad Hāshim b.Meer Muhammad Qāsim

al Husaini al Jilāni ( 1061AH/1650AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------+IT'8 ا/Kد9 ا���� +A� م�ا��76 � و

End: بi7وا� H 7ا� �� ���]�اب وا�Aوا� ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Malik Ahmad

Place of copying: Ahmdabad

Script: Naskh

Age: 1062AH/1651AD

Size: 20x11

Lines: 19


Folio: 14 (46b-59a)

Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stand with new guarding and too

much pasting

Seal: Three Seals of the scriber himself, two of them are on

title page and third is on the end. Seal; Malik Ahmad

b. Peer Muhammad

Marginal Notes: On most of the pages

Memory Note: Not Mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: There is one more additional page, written by scriber

himself in the end of MS. bearing a Seal of scriber in

the Last and it is also related to the subject Rhetoric.


Form No: 34 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380B/4

Title of Work: Risalah fi Mabhasi Maa ana Qultu

Title of Work in Urdu: 1 �����r6 ��ا �3�q hُAر

Name of Author: Isamuddin Ibrahim b. Arab Shah al Asfaraeeni

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� -----&�6��� U5ل ا��ا���1--- 9���� 8� �76� 8� �ا�اه

ا�IاV>+ ا�7�*2 �$]�م ا��/8

End: Aا� +��$E �وا �� �U�Y +A ا��I*3ء �8 ا��7>� ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Malik Ahmad

Place of copying: Burhanpur

Script: Naskh

Age: 1062AH/1651AD

Size: 20x11

Lines: 24

Folio: 7 (86b-92b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stand with new guarding and too

much paisting

Seal: Two Seals of the scriber. One on title page and the 2nd

is in the end, Seal; “Malik Ahmad b. peer Muhammad


Marginal Notes: Only few Words on different pages

Memory Note: Not Mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is 2nd part of "Risalah fi Mabhasi Maa ana Qultu,

and first part is on folio 70-85 from the same

manuscript bound with Majmuatur Rasail No. 1712

New/1380B old. However, this part was completed in

Burhanpur while first was completed in Banlad,

Ahmadabad by the some scriber. The Author of the

part 1 may be the same Isamuddin al-asfaraeeni, as it

seems from scriber's Seal or may be someone else.


Form No: 35 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380B/5

Title of Work: Risalah fi Mabhasi Maa ana Qultu

Title of Work in Urdu: 1 �����r6 ��ا �3�q hُAر

Name of Author: Probably Isamuddin Ibrahim b. Arab Shah al


Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ��ء----- ��Bا� H�7 +A� /��*��� vB U!ا

End: وراقc9 اKاد9 1+ هارد�3 ا/ �� ^w اKة -ه�A[و ---وا� rA5 .< +1

�H�E 8 ��ة ا��2/.$�E

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Malik Ahmad b. Malik Peer Muhammad

Place of copying: Batlad, Ahmadabad

Script: Naskh

Age: 1062AH/1651AD

Size: 20x11

Lines: 19

Folio: 16 (70b-85a)


Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stand with new guarding and


Seal: Three Seals by the scriber two of them are on the title

page. 3rd is in the end. Seal; “Malik Ahmad b. Malik

Peer Muhamma 1062AH”.

Marginal Notes: On most of the pages

Memory Note: Scriber wrote under one of his Seal: "it is one of my


Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It was written in 963AH/1555AD may be by

Isāmuddin Ibrāhim asfarāini who wrote 2nd part of

Risālah. However, this time he was only 13 years old

and there is no clue of his name neither in the

beginning nor in the end of the part one.


Form No: 36 Call No: 5034

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8518

S.T.No: 14254

Old No: 4139

Title of Work: al Hāshiah 'al'al Mutawwal al M'arūfah bi Hāshiyat il

Chalpi wa bi Hāshiyatil Fanāri

Title of Work in Urdu: رى�<Iا� .�B�6� و +xAyا� .�B�6� .1ول ا�7$�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of


Hasan Chalpi b. Muhammad Shāh b. Muhammad

b.Hamzah al Farahi ar Rumi."al-fazil al-


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا�UV��! �<72 ا�7$�3+ و د��UV ا����ن ------ ��

End: اب�[��� A�3 ^�ر . �8 ا����. وا� ا���� H/��A� ض$*/ ا�73 �

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Ismail b. Musa b. Husain Meer

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1016AH/1607AD

Size: 28x17

Lines: 25


Folio: 197

Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stand with new


Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Last colophon by the scriber in the end

Decorative Ornament: Few words in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is very beautiful MS copied on pinkish paper


Form No: 37 Call No: 5035

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 6082

S.T.No: 14255

Old No: 4140

Title of Work: al Hāshiah 'al'al Mutawwal al M'arūfah bi Hāshiyat il Chalpi wa bi Hāshiyatil Fanāri

Title of Work in


�. ا�I>�رىB�6� و +xAyا� .�B�6� .1ول ا�7$�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator:

Hasan Chalpi b. Muhammad Shāh b. Muhammad b.Hamzah al Farahi ar Rumi."al-fazil al- Chalpi"(d.886AH/1481AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا�UV��! �<72 ا�7$�3+ و د��UV ا����ن ------ ��

End: H/�3 ^�ر . �8 ا������ H/��A� ض$*/ �

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Salih b. Khuwajah Hasan

Place of copying: Sheeraz

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1092AH/1681AD

Size: 25x15.5

Lines: 25

Folio: 229

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stand with new


Seal: Five seals, three are on title page while two are in the end. Title page; 1- Muhiyuddin 1224AH, 2-Jalaluddin Haidar1243AH .3- "ھجرى 1249عّز من قنع و ذّل من طمع " In the End: نا مرزا علىU4(الدعاء مّخ العباده )5(مو( ھوهللا الغنى،

Marginal Notes: On some pages

Memory Note: Note on title page;"It was purchased from the books

of Hakeem Ghulam Muhiyuddin in Makkah

Muazzamah" in 1223- Jalauddin Haidar b. Haji

Muhiyuddin Tayyab".

Decorative Ornament: Few words in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 2/4/1929

About the Book: According the note on page 1st ‘it was in the collection

of Hakeem Ghulam Muhayyuddin in Makka

Mukarramah then was purchased by Jalaluddin Haidar

b. Haji Muhiyyuddin at Tayyab bearing 5 seals, three

of them on page 1. One of Muhiyyuddin, second of

Jalaluddin Haidar, 3rd seal contains an important

Arabic saying, which means “Glory of the incline and

humiliation of greed”.


Form No: 38 Call No: 5036

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 7679

S.T.No: 14256

Old No: 4141

Title of Work: al Hāshiah 'al'al Mutawwal al M'arūfah bi Hāshiyat

il Chalpi wa bi Hāshiyatil Fanāri

Title of Work in Urdu: رى�<Iا� .�B�6� و +xAyا� .�B�6� .1ول ا�7$�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Hasan Chalpi b. Muhammad Shāh b. Muhammad

b.Hamzah al Farahi ar Rumi."al-fazil al-


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا�UV��! �<72 ا�7$�3+ و د��UV ا����ن ------ ��

End: Aا����. وا� ا� A� 8� . �3 ^�ر��� H/��A� ض$*/ ا�73 �


Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 13th AH/19th AD

Size: 23x13

Lines: 19

Folio: 388


Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stand with new


Seal: (1) Page one Seal: Jafar Ali al Alwi. Second In the

end Seal: Jafar Ali al Alwi 1312AH

Marginal Notes: On different pages

Memory Note: (1) Page 1st; the owner of the MS is Jafar Ali (seal)

(2nd) Page 1st; It was purchased in 1283AH/1866Ad

in Bareilly from Allah Yar khan Sahab by Sultan


Decorative Ornament: Word قوله in red colour

Source of Receiving: Probably Sultan Hasan Bareilly

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Very nice copy of previous work bearing two seals

of Jafar Ali al Alwi. One is in the first. 2nd in the

end , according the memory note Sultan Hasan of

Bareilly purchased it from Allah Yār Khan in

Barielly in 1283Ah and Jafar Ali also has been the

owner of this MSS.


Form No: 39 Call No: 5037

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 14257

Old No: 4142

Title of Work: al Hāshiah 'al'al Mutawwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of


Nizāmuddin 'Usmān al Khatāi Mullah Zādah (d.


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------��7�*��� 87�اF C*1>��� �$� ا�*

End: 8 �$>�ه� أو/� ^& ا��5ت��� �

Extent: Incomplete, ended abruptly

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh and Nast'alīq

Age: 11th/18th Century

Size: 24x13,22x14 Different

Lines: 22, 19 different

Folio: 256

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained. Too much repairing with

new guarding of few pages. Early 63 pages have

been supported with handmade paper.

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Few words are in red colour.

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mention

About the Book: Early 31 pages of the MS have been written in Naskh

and the rest of the pages in Nastaleeq. There are some

spaces left by the scriber on few pages like 302,

499,293, and page 30, 31 are half and guarded with

paper like a window and 31 is blank page, may be

two scribers of the MS, ended abruptly.


Form No: 40 Call No:1759

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11091

S.T.No: 11492

Old No: 1436 b

Title of Work: Risālah fī Bayāni'l Hāsili bi'l Maṣdar

Title of Work in Urdu: &'�6ن ا���� a1 ������7]� رر

Name of Author: as Sayyid Mīr Bādshāh

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: ���B ۃهKہ ر�<= U��7ذ ا��*ا�

End: 1 �2<� اغIن ا��F و g�p7ل ا���q <978 ۃ

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Hāshim bin Yahya as Sāmi

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1178AH/1764AD

Size: 22x16

Lines: 29

Folio: 3 (64a-66b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mention

About the Book: Written in 978AH/1570AD, manuscript comprises

only 5 pages. It has been copied by Hashim b. Yahya

as Sāmi but Mr I A Arshi Former director of Raza

library did not mention his name because of

confusion by a note in the beginning. However, there

is no confusion because copying after 125 year is not

a big deal.


Form No: 41 Call No: 468

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 13042

S.T.No: 10465

Old No: 365b

Title of Work: Risālah fī Bayāni'l Hāsili bi'l Maṣdar

Title of Work in Urdu: ن ا��6'& ���7]� ر��� a1 ��� ر

Name of Author: as Sayyid Mīr Bādshāh

Name of


Hasan Chalpi b. Muhammad Shāh b.Ḥamzah


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ��6ن 1 ----- ��q ا�1$�ل �</��E 7]�ر� &[!��

End: بi7وا� H 7ا� �� ���]�اب وا�Aوا� ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 11thAH/17th AD century

Size: 24x15

Lines: 29

Folio: 3(146b-148b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, laminated with new guarding

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mention

About the Book: Written in 978AH/1750AD/ it seems to be the work

of previous Author Mir Bādshāh but scriber name is

not existed... the MS is Laminated


Form No: 42 Call No: 5038

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 14258

Old No: 4143

Title of Work: al Hawāshi'l Muḥammadiyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: �/�767ا� aBا��6ا

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Noor Muhammad b. Ash-Shaikh al-Lahori (d.978AH


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------ A'واq A� A qوا�� A8�ا�7

End: ف ا��o78 ا���� U/�' &اى آ

Extent: Incomplete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1178AH/1764Ad

Size: 25x15

Lines: 26

Folio: 268

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained wih new guarding and

too much paisting.

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Very less, only on few pages

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mention

About the Book: It is incomplete manuscript. Scriber’s name is not

mentioned, so the date is not available. The title page

is almost damage.


Form No: 43 Call No: 5039

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 779

S.T.No: 14259

Old No: 4144

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutawwal

Title of Work in Urdu: +A� .�B�6لا��T7ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Nizāmuddin 'Usmān al Khatāi Mullah Zādah

(d. 901AH/1495AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا 2 ا��76 وا�O�A�<7 ا� ------ ��

End: �� ���]�اب �FK�/�ً6را ' _Aوا� ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Waliyullah b.Shaikh Muhammad al

'Abbāsi al Hāshmi al Quraishi in 1109AH/1697AD

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1109AH/1697AD

Size: 23x13

Lines: 15

Folio: 154

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained, with new


Seal: 3 seals are on title page: 1 and 3 are unreadable and

2nd seal is “Sultan Hasan”

Marginal Notes: 11 lines text is on the title page by shaikh Nooruddin

Mohammad. There are many marginal notes are on

different pages.

Memory Note: According a small note on title page ‘The copy was

purchased in 3.5 (three rupees and fifty paisa) from

Allah Yār khan in 1268AH/1869AD by Sultān


Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mention

About the Book: This is a very important manuscript bearing 3 seals

on title page and purchasing note by Sultān Hasan

and with a big number of marginal notes on so many

pages. A clear ending, there is a colophon by scriber

in the end.


Form No: 44 Call No: 5037

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 14257

Old No: 4142

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutawwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of


Nizāmuddin 'Usmān al Khatāi Mullah Zādah (d.


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا 2 ا��76 وا�7>� و �A+ ر��O�AO ا� ------ ��

End: 7. � �� �8 �$>�ه� أو /�^& ا��5تAآ

Extent: Incomplete

Copier’s Name: probably Khaleequllah al Bariellwi

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 11thAH/17thAD Century

Size: 22.5x14

Lines: 22

Folio: 476

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Few words are in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mention

About the Book: It is incomplete manuscript missing from the last.

There are two much blank spaces found on so many

pages with continuation of the text, but on the folio

251b, there is a blank space which discontinued the

text, may be intentionally, to write the text of al

Mutawwal with different colour but later on copier

could not get time.


Form No: 45 Call No: 5040

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 255

S.T.No: 1650

Old No: 4145

Title of Work: al-Ḥāshiah 'ala'l Mutawwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Saifuddin Ahmad.b. Yahya.b. Muhammad. b.

Saduddin Masud."Hafeedut Taftazani"(d.916

AH/1510 AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: <$� ا�� ا��ہ�م ا���ء UV ��! �<7ہ ا�ہ���ا� ۔۔۔۔ ��q 1q DAا��

End: 3�]8 ا�Iا� Eq 1q ن�� ا�ـ�A�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not Mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 11th/17th Century

Size: 18x13

Lines: 17

Folio: 190


Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Very little worm eaten and water stained

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: With beautiful Golden Loh on the first page, red and

Black Birika, The word قولہ written in red

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 03-04-1898

About the Book: This is a very beautiful and Complete MS. there is a

very important marginal note on Mutawwal by

famous writer grandson of Saduddin Taftazani.

Known as "hafeedu Taftazani "It was Purchased in

nine rupees on 3rd April 1898.


Form No: 46 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380.b

Title of Work: al-Hāshia 'ala'l Mutuwwal (Mabḥath Mā Anā qaltu

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا� "hA� �3ا �� r6�� "

Name of Author: Saifuddin Ahmad .b.Yahya.b.Muhammad.b.

Saduddin Masud."Hafeedut Taftazani"(d.916

AH/1510 AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: A$Iا� اراد ���=� ����q

End: 7وا� ا��وا�7A� U1�7ام �

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Malik Ahmad b. Pīr Muhammad in


Place of copying: Banlad

Script: Naskh

Age: 1062AH/1651AD

Size: 20x11

Lines: 19 and 20


Folio: 3(15a-17b)

Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding

Seal: In the last;“Malik Ahmad b. Peer Muhammad


Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Few words in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Very small Manuscript bound with Majmu'at ur

Rasa'il some other important MSS of Rhetoric.

Bearing some seals, Saifuddin was the grandson of

shaikh Tuftāzāni. This MS is related only with

"Mabhas ma Anā Qultu" ( ُمبحث ما أنا قلت )


Form No: 47 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380.b

Title of Work: al-Ḥāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal۔

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of


Maulana Shāh Haidar 'Alwi

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا qاذ�> ------ ��A$وة ا��!/� F/

End: /H1� �;<� 8� |�Kا'�ات ا�6 ۃ���ا�3ت

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Malik Ahmad b. Pīr Muhammad in 1062AH/1651AD

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1062AH/1651AD

Size: 20x11

Lines: 19

Folio: 17 (18a-34a)

Quality of paper: Not bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Good, slightly worm eaten and water stained

Seal: Bearing two seals on first page, first seal of Zujan

abul Hasan bint Ghulām Ahmad Mursal and second

seal of scriber himself and there are two more Seals

of scriber on the last page.

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Few words in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is very important Mss. Bearing four seals. Three of

them are by Scriber, And one is a seal of Lady

“Zujan” daughter of Abul Hasan Ghulam Ahmad

Mursal. Given two Years 1102 and 34 (may be 1134

the first year of Father and 1134 May be her own



Form No: 48 Call No: 5041

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2853

S.T.No: 14260

Old No: 4146

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal۔

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا�

Name of Author: Mīr Muhammad Ḥāshim. bin Mīr Muhammad

qasim. al Husaini al Jilāni ( 1061AH/1650 AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------ UV��! �<7A� �<72ا��&V��

End: ن�� ا��A� +3�]8 ا�Iا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 12thH/18thAD century

Size: 26x14

Lines: 21

Folio: 1576

Quality of paper: Good/ with new margin, slightly water stained with


new guarding and two much paisting

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Good/ with new margin, slightly water stained with

new guarding and two much paisting

Seal: (1) Ameenul Abdur Rahman 1232 on folio 1a. (2)

Unreadable (on folio 1a) (3) Ghulām Husain (in the


Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: in the end: آ�7ل ���B+ {وا3ہ وارد

Decorative Ornament: With coloured bārika and with some words are under

red lines

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is a first part of this book ended upto Ilm ul

Ma'āni. It seems that there must be a second part of

this book "Ilm ul Bayān".


Form No: 49 Call No: 5042

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 14261

Old No: 4146.b

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal۔

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of


Mulla 'Abdul Hākim b. Shamsid-Dīn as- Siyālkoti al

Hindi (d. 1068AH/1657Ad

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------ ���<F C**19 ،ا-اws ہ ا���7ر��*F

End: A� و ا�73 �اب ا ��زمq ��E/ �<� 8� �3�F

Extent: Incomplete and missing from the last

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 11th/17th century

Size: 25x18

Lines: 17

Folio: 15

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding and


Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: There is a name on marginal note on first page; Hafiz

Mohammad Fāzil Chalpi, missing from the last. It is

an incomplete MS.


Form No: 50 Call No: 5043

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11987

S.T.No: 14262

Old No: 4146 C

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutuwwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of


Mulla 'Abdu'l Hakim b. Shamsid-Dīn as- Siyālkoti(d.


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا 8/ا�� Fq>��� ا���7رs 1اF C**1>��� ا ۂ���------ ��

End: ���A$7ا� &Vوا��� &V1+ ا�دّ��ا��6'& �8 ا���

Extent: Incomplete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 11thAH/17thAD century

Size: 20x13

Lines: 23

Folio: 198

Quality of paper: Not good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding and


Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Supported with new paper pasting and new guarding.

Missing from the last


Form No: 51 Call No: 1759

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11091

S.T.No: 11492

Old No: 1436b

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'ala'l Mutawwal

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�T7ا� +A� ��B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of


'Abdu'l Qādir b. Ahmad

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا أ!�ال ا��V�1q �<�7ة 1 ------ ��

End: ����ا���در ۃ �7F�A>�ہ أوً� �6B�7>� ا�$�� �qh1 !�( ا�67

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: 'Ar. (Naskh)

Age: (1178AH/1764AD) Approximately

Size: 22x16

Lines: 26

Folio: 1 (75a and b)

Quality of paper: Not Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding and


Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Only two pages very small manuscript bound with

some other rare manuscripts in Majmu'at ur Rasāil

(Ādābul Bahs). The scriber mentioned the name of

Author but did not write his name


Form No: 52 Call No: 5044

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8138

S.T.No: 14263

Old No: 4147

Title of Work: Mukhtasar-u'l-Ma'āni ( Sharhu Talkhīsi'l-Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� ح(�=*]�*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin

'Abdillah at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1368AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �B 8ح '�ور�3 �/�763ك ------ ��

End: ا� و *^/�<�� <��w/8 ا��Tه �76�q و�q Aا��Iز ����^ ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Mīr Muhammad Badāyuni in 1006AH/1597AD

Place of copying: Ghajduan

Script: 'Nast'alīq (Shikastah)

Age: 1006AH/1597AD

Size: 19x13

Lines: 19,21 Different

Folio: 177


Quality of paper: Very Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained, 20 pages are in damaging

condition with new margin and guarding support

Seal: Two unreadable Seals

Marginal Notes: On most of the pages

Memory Note: On title page there are 3 notes, one Hadees, 2- it was

in the possession of Sultān Hasan in 516AH.

Decorative Ornament: The words of the text of Talkhis ul Miftāh are under

red line.

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The MS is in very bad condition. A large area is

pasted and with new guarding, the marginal notes are

too much on most of the pages. It was written in

"Ghajduan" in 756AH/1355AD. Sultān Hasan and

Abdulla al Hasan have been the owner if the copy.


Form No: 53 Call No: 5045

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 4718

S.T.No: 14264

Old No: 4148

Title of Work: Mukhtasar-u'l-Ma'āni ( Sharhu Talkhīsi'l-Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� ح(�=*]�*I7ا� N�=AE حB( )

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah

at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1368AD.)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �B 8ح '�ور�3 �/�763ك ------ ��

End: �7E�=ا!�8 ا� +A� ���P<� �6 وE�Iا� �I� +A� .A7*��

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad b. Masud 91038AH/1628AD

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1038AH/1628AD

Size: 21x15

Lines: 19, 21different

Folio: 163


Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, badly water stained, with new guarding

Seal: Unreadable on title page

Marginal Notes: Very Less

Memory Note: Some irrelevant text on the title page

Decorative Ornament: Text of "Talkhisul Miftāh is red colour. Small

designed border around the last colophon

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The MS is written in Gajduan in 756AH/1355AD,

and copied in 1006AH, two hundred years after the

death of author, It is very beautiful hand writing

with beautiful design in the last colophon of the



Form No: 54 Call No: 5046

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 6073

S.T.No: 14269

Old No: 4149

Title of Work: Mukhtasar-u'l-Ma'āni ( Sharhu Talkhīsi'l-Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� ح( �=*]�*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah

at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1368AD.)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �B 8ح '�ور�3 �/�763ك ------ ��

End: � +A� .A7*�� gT<� �6 وE�Iا�Tۃ���7 E�=8 ا��! +A�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Ibne Ibrāhim Sharifullah khauri

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1074AH/1663AD

Size: 20x12

Lines: 19

Folio: 204

Quality of paper: Not bad


For whom the MS is


Maulana Mohammad Mohsina

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, water stained with pasting and

new guarding.

Seal: On title page; ھجرى 1258ايں مھر نير كتبخانه والى رامپور فرزانه

and three other Seals are unreadable.

Marginal Notes: Very Less

Memory Note: On title page, there is a text of irrelevant book of

Arabic. It is passed by the hands of Khalifah

Muhammad Zāhid

Decorative Ornament: The text of "Talkhis" is under red lines

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 1268AH/1851Ad

About the Book: It is an example of very beautiful Naskh. Another

copy of previous work, Copied for Molana

Muhammad Mohsina in 1074AH/1663AD. The

words of Talkhīsi'l-Mift āh are under red lines.


Form No: 55 Call No: 5047

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 24305

S.T.No: 14270

Old No: 4149b

Title of Work: Mukhtasar-u'l-Ma'āni ( Sharhu Talkhīsi'l-Mift āh)

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� ح(�=*]�*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah

at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1368AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �B 8ح '�ور�3 �/�763ك ------ ��

End: ل�b +ا�>�س �1اع إ� gA*^ا��� وان ا���

Extent: Incomplete. Ended abruptly

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: Not mentioned

Size: 28.5x17

Lines: 17

Folio: 32


Quality of paper: good

For whom the MS is


Dedicated to Abul Muzaffar Sultān Mahmood Jāni

Baig khan and written for him by the author

Condition: Not mentioned

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The MS was written for Abul Muzaffar Sultan

Mahmood Jani Baig Khan by the author and ended

abruptly. It seems he was supposed to write more, but

could not get the time.


Form No: 56 Call No: 5048

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2842

S.T.No: 14271

Old No: 5150

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� [*=� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah

at Taftāzāni (d.792AH/1368AD)

Name of



Language: Arabic

Beg: 2 �A------ ا���A�763ك ا�q Tا� ����<*

End: وا� H�ا��ا U1ا�E ورةb ����

Extent: Incomplete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 981AH/1573AD

Size: 16.5x10

Lines: 17

Folio: 70


Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Two Seals of Raza library. One is unreadable.

Second, ‘Mohre Kutub khana Riyasat Rampur

Fazrana,1280AH (1862AD)’

Marginal Notes: Yes

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Word قوله in red color

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 1280AH/1862AD

About the Book: The MS is small copy of al Hashiyah ala

"Mukhtasaril Ma'āni" with too much pasting and new

guarding. Two folios 44, 45 are different.


Form No: 57 Call No: 5049

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 1843

S.T.No: 14272

Old No: 4151

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� [*=� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi "Mulla Zādah


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------A� 2A�763ك ا�q Tا� ����<*

End: 1� ���]�اب 8�ا�$7 �� qإ� 8�ادرك ا�7$ ��لAب۔ وا� ا��T=أو ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: 'Abdush Shakūr b. 'Abdir Razzāq al Badāyūnī

Place of copying: Badayun (Probably)

Script: Nast’aliq

Age: 25 Ramazanul Mubarak 1080AH/16, February


Size: 23x14

Lines: 16

Folio: 89


Quality of paper: Not Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained.

Seal: Two seals. One Seal; of Kutub Khana Rampur on

title page, and second seal: of copier on the last page

" Min Ibādi-yash-Shakur "من عبادى الشكور"

Marginal Notes: Few Ahādeeths on P. 177 and interline explaining

text on most of the pages

Memory Note: Four line Persian Dua and Aamal on the page 177

Decorative Ornament: Word قوله in red colour. and some words under red


Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is too much water stand with new guarding in

very beautiful Nastaliq hand writing


Form No: 58 Call No: 5050

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2918

S.T.No: 14273

Old No: 4152

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� [*=� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of


Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi "Mulla Zādah


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------A� 2A�763ك ا�q Tا� ����<*

End: 1�ا�=�Tب *ك/او 8�ا�$7 �� qا� 8�ا�7$ *ك/ ��ل

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad 'Āqil b. Shaikh Muhammad Ṣālih b.

'Abdil Hāmid in 1088AH/1677 AD)

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast’aliq

Age: Rabius Sani 1088AH/June 1677AD

Size: 21x14

Lines: Different


Folio: 47

Quality of paper: Not Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, too much water stained with new


Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Few words written with red colour and few under red


Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 26/2/1913

About the Book: This is another work of preceding book by the same

author Nizāmuddin 'Usmān known as “Mulla Zadah"

copied by Muhammad 'Āqil b. Shaikh Muhammad

Ṣālih b. 'Abdil Hāmid in 1088AH. /1677 AD)


Form No: 59 Call No: 5052

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 10367

S.T.No: 14274

Old No: 4152/2

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� [*=� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi "Mulla Zādah


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------A� 2A�763ك ا�q Tا� ����<*

End: 1�أو ا�=�Tب 8�ا�$7 �� qإ� 8�ا�7$ *ك/ ��ل

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Rahmat

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast’aliq

Age: 1270AH/1853AD

Size: 10.5x6.5

Lines: 26

Folio: 26(1a-26b)

Quality of paper: Not Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another copy of preceding work with some pasting

and new guarding with some marginal notes, copied

by Muhammad Rahmat in 1270AH/1853AD


Form No: 60 Call No: 5053

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 7682

S.T.No: 14276

Old No: 4153

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� [*=� +A� .�B�6ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi "Mulla Zādah


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------A� �763كq Tا� ����<* �ا�� ا�>$ 8�

End: /كا�7$ *�أو ا�=�Tب 8�ا�$7 �� qإ� 8

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: 'Abdullah

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast’aliq

Age: 1275AH/1858AD

Size: 25x16

Lines: 13

Folio: 104

Quality of paper: Not Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with some pasting work

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On different pages

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another copy of preceding work, copied by

'Abdullah in 1275AH/1858AD


Form No: 61 Call No: 5054

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 14277

Old No: 4154

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī wa Ḥāshiati'l


Title of Work in Urdu: �T=ا� .�B�! و a3�$7ا� [*=� +A� .�B�6أ� Vq

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi "Mulla Zādah"


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------A� 2A�763ك ا�q Tا� ����<*

End: ةو �$��ر ا^s Jظ ا�����Iول ه� ا��c8 اIۃان ا�

Extent: Incomplete, missing from the last

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Shikastah

Age: Not mentioned

Size: 21x15cm.

Lines: Different

Folio: 121 (1a-121b) missing from the last

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Yes

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Missing from the last


Form No: 62 Call No: 5051

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 10531

S.T.No: 14274

Old No: 4152.1

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī

Title of Work in Urdu: a3�$7ا� [*=� +A� .�B�6أ�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi "Mulla Zādah"


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------A� 2A�763ك ا�q Tا� ����<*

End: /كا�7$ *�أو ا�=�Tب 8�ا�$7 �� qإ� 8

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Bahādur 'Ali Khan Afghān Yūsuf Zai copied in the

period of Muhammad Akbar Shah Padshah Ghāzi

Khalladallahu Mulkahu in 1230AH/1814 AD)

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Shikastah

Age: 1230AH/1814AD

Size: 21x19.5

Lines: Different

Folio: 62 (1a-62b)


Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Yes

Memory Note: There is a short note by the scriber that ‘it is copied

in the period of accession to the throne of the king

Mohammad Akbar Shah Padshah Ghazi’

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another copy of preceding work written by “Mulla

Zadah" Nizāmuddin Usman al Khatāi and copied in

the period of Muhammad Akbar Shah Padshah

(Mughal emperor).


Form No: 63 Call No: 5055

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2746

S.T.No: 14278

Old No: 4155

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Ḥāshiati'l Khatāi ala'l Mukhtasar

Title of Work in Urdu: V�T=ا� .�B�! +A� .�B�6أ�q [*=7ا� +A�

Name of Author: Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi"Mulla Zādah"

(d.901AH/ /1495 AD)

Name of


Sādiqe b. Durwesh Muhammad al Halwāi as

Samarqandi (d.1007AH/1598 AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� -----.J�� H7 �ا�� ا�>$ 8�

End: ن/أن�t <$� H�q � �ً�A$*��*ك

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Sharfuddin Lahori

Place of copying: Lahore

Script: Naskh

Age: 1091AH/1680AD

Size: 21x11cm

Lines: 21

Folio: 60


Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: There are two Seals in title page, one is unreadable

and second is : حساب و نصر من هللا ريبغ شآءيمن رزقيان هللا

بيو فتح قر , and 3rd Seal is on Folio 1b: "1303"and not


Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: There are two Seals in title page, one is unreadable

and second is: حساب و نصر من هللا ريبغ شآءيمن رزقيان هللا

بيو فتح قر , and 3rd Seal is on Folio 1b: "1303"and not



Form No: 64 Call No: 5056

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8507

S.T.No: 14279

Old No: 4156

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Ḥāshiati'l Khatāi ala'l Mukhtasar

Title of Work in Urdu: V�T=ا� .�B�! +A� .�B�6أ�q [*=7ا� +A�

Name of Author: Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi"Mulla Zādah"

(d.901AH/ /1495 AD)

Name of Commentator: al Maula Najmuddin 'Abdullah b. Shihābiddin al-

Husain. al Yazdī (d.981AH /1573 AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ��---- UA^ 87� �7 ا��!�7ًاAّا���3ن و���ن

End: *!q �/ت�I 8�6ا� Oذا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Rafī Sanbhli a nephew of late Mulla

'Abdullah Sanbhli copied in 1144AH/1731AD. In

addition, 14 coronation of Muhammad Shāh b.

Jahān dar Shah b. Bahdur Shāh b. Aurang Zeb.

Place of copying: Sambhal

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1144AH/1731AD


Size: 25x15cm

Lines: 25

Folio: 44

Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained.

Seal: Un readable on title page

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Written in Dārul Mulk Shirāz (972AH/1564AD) in al

Madrasatus Sadriyyah al Mansuria, copied in 1144

AH /1731AD and 14th coronation of Muhammad

Shāh b. Jahān dar Shah b. Bahdur Shāh b. Aurang

Zeb. There is a Persian couplet on title page :

کند جان فکار یم یعشق باز - اري ۓدر تصور ھر شبے با رو


Form No: 65 Call No: 5057

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2745

S.T.No: 14280

Old No: 4157

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Ḥāshiati'l Khatāi ala'l Mukhtasar

Title of Work in Urdu: V�T=ا� .�B�! +A� .�B�6أ�q [*=7ا� +A�

Name of Author: Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi"Mulla Zādah"

(d.901AH/1495 AD)

Name of Commentator: Najmuddin 'Abdullah b. Shihābiddin al Husain al

Yazdī (d.981Ah /1573 AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: !�7ًا �UA^ 87 ا���3ن----ا���

End: *!q �/ت�I A���7ۃا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 10th AH/16th AD

Size: 18x10cm

Lines: 17

Folio: 96


Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained.

Seal: Two Seals; one on title page"Hazeem 1303" the

same on the last page

Marginal Notes: Yes

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 1268AH/1851AD

About the Book: Written in 962AH/1554AD in Dārul Mulk Shirāz

Madrasatus Sadriyyah al Mansuriyah


Form No: 66 Call No: 5058

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 7714

S.T.No: 14281

Old No: 4158

Title of Work: al-Hāshiah 'alā Ḥāshiati'l Khatāi ala'l Mukhtasar

Title of Work in Urdu: V�T=ا� .�B�! +A� .�B�6أ�q [*=7ا� +A�

Name of Author: Nizāmuddin 'Uthmān al Khatāi "Mulla Zādah"


Name of


Najmuddin 'Abdullah b. Shihābiddin Yazdī.


Language: Arabic

Beg: B�69 ا�Kه�. A� .�A$7ا�q B�6ا�����7 زاد9 .

End: *!q �/ت�I A���7ۃا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Jaan Muhammad a pupil of Maulana Muhammad

Muhsin in 1245AH/1829AD

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1245AH/1829AD

Size: 21x12

Lines: 19


Folio: 80

Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained.

Seal: On title, page Seal: Sahibus Sultān

Marginal Notes: Yes.

Memory Note: Purchased in "Marmah" in 1274AH/1857 AD. By

Sultān Hasan.

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Copied by Jaan Muhammad a pupil of Maulana

Muhammad Mohsin in 1245AH/1829AD and there is

a note of Sultān Hasan that he had purchased in



Form No: 67 Call No: 5059

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2845

S.T.No: 1651

Old No: 4159

Title of Work: al Hāshiah 'ala Mukhtasaril Maāni

Title of Work in Urdu: 3�$7ا� [*=� +A� ��B�6أ�q

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Saifuddin Aḥmad b. Yahyā b. Muhammad b.

Sa'adud Dīn Masūd Ḥafīdu't Taftāzāni


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------<JE و �ہq A� و�ا�*���+ �

End: ارا� ذ� s +��$ا� OA7ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 886AH/1481AD

Size: 21x17

Lines: 23

Folio: 78

Quality of Paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: On title page; Jalaluddin Haider

Marginal Notes: On different pages

Memory Note: On title page there is a note saying that, "it is

under possession of Jalāluddin b. Hakeem Ghulām

Muhayyudin and purchased by his father from

Makkah Mukarramah

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another note is saying that, 'it was in the library of

Hakeem Ghulam Muhayuddin.


Form No: 68 Call No: 5060

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 239

S.T.No: 14282

Old No: 4160

Title of Work: al Hāshiah 'ala Mukhtasaril Maāni

Title of Work in Urdu: [*=� +A� ��B�6ا�7$�3أ�q

Name of Author: Ahmad b. Yahyā b. Muhammad b.S'adiddin at Taftā

Zāni (d.1916AH/1510AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: A� �76�7 ا�3 ا^*�را�F �763q t�ا�

End: A�q 1 دار ا���م qا� ��!2

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not Mentioned but copied after about 200 years of


Place of copying: Lahore

Script: Shikastah

Age: 1107AH/1695AD

Size: 19x11

Lines: 14

Folio: 83


Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: worm eaten, badly water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another copy of preceding work, written by

Saifuddin Ahmad bin Yahyā, known as grandson of

Taftāzāni "Hafeedut Taftāzāni"


Form No: 69 Call No: 5061

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 769

S.T.No: 14283

Old No: 4161

Title of Work: 'Uqūd-ud-Durar fi Halli abyāt il Mutawwal wal


Title of Work in Urdu: [*=7ل و ا��T7ت ا��� ���د ا�� رر a1 !ّ& أ�

Name of Author: Husain b.Shihabiddin b. Husain ash Shami al Karki

al Amli(d.1076AH/1665AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� .../� 1 HAYّ8 ا�q HVن ��ا���7ء �

End: 1q ةG7ن و ا��$�E و .�1�� . ا��T7ل ^G7�7ة و 3�75 �� �$� H�

A9 و ا� ا�� و�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Turab Ali b. 'Abbās Ali b. Maulwi Ismatullah in Moradabād (1246AH/1830AD) as mentioned on page 186

Place of copying: Morādābad

Script: Nasta'l īq

Age: 1264AH/1847AD

Size: 23x13.5

Lines: 15


Folio: 166

Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: worm eaten, badly water stained and paper pasting

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Yes

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: There is too much pasting work, on different pages

and with new guarding. It is explanation of the

couplets of Mutawwal and Mukhtasar.


Form No: 70 Call No: 5062

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11086

S.T.No: 14284

Old No: 4161/1

Title of Work: 'Uqūd-ud-Durar fi Halli abyāt il Mutawwal wal


Title of Work in Urdu: [*=7ل و ا��T7ت ا��� ���د ا�� رر a1 !ّ& أ�

Name of Author: Husain b.Shihabiddin b. Husain ash Shami al Karki al Amli(d.1076AH/1665AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� .../8�� 1 HAYاq �� ن���7ء �/H .ا�ا��

End: ! و�r 2*3اq م إ��tء ا��<�q 8 ا�=*�م�!

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nasta'l īq

Age: 1239AH/1823AD

Size: 21.7x10.5

Lines: Different

Folio: 118

Quality of paper: not good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, badly water stained with some pasting

work, and new guarding

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Very few on different pages

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another copy of preceding work, copied by

unknown person in 1239AH/1823AD. According a

note on last and title page ‘it was thoroughly studied

and corrected by Zain ul 'Ābidin the owner of MS’.


Form No: 71 Call No: 5063

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 4180

S.T.No: 14285

Old No: 4162

Title of Work: 'Uqūd-ud-Durar fi Halli abyāt il Mutawwal wal


Title of Work in Urdu: [*=7ل و ا��T7ت ا��� ���د ا�� رر a1 !ّ& أ�

Name of Author: Husain b.Shihabiddin b. Husain ash Shami al Karki

al Amli(d.1076AH/1665AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� .../8�� 1 HAYاq �� ن���7ء �/H .ا�ا��

End: A�q 1 �2 q �7Fان ا���7 را���Y/$� 1 ��q 1Pا��.

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Written on the will of 'Abdur Raheem in (1239AH/


Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nasta'l īq

Age: 1239AH/1823AD

Size: 25x16cm

Lines: 15

Folio: 112


Quality of paper: good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: worm eaten, water stained, too much pasting with

new guarding

Seal: Rampur state library seal

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: (1268AH/1851AD) according the seal of Rāmpur

state library

About the Book: It is explanation of couplets of Mutawwal and

Mukhtasar. This MS is another copy of preceding



Form No: 72 Cell No. 5064

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 26853

S.T.No: 14286

Old No: 4162/1

Title of Work: al Hashiyah ala'l Mukhtasar

Title of Work in Urdu: [*=7ا� +A� .�B�6أ�

Name of Author: Lutfullah b. Asadullah al Aligarhi

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: 1 ة�A[ا��76 و ا� �$���ا�$�� ا�o$ ��لg 9w

End: 3ل �& �ء��q 7�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Badruddin al 'Alwi; copied from the speeches of Lutfullah

teacher Mukhtasar ul M'āni

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nasta'l īq

Age: 13th/19th Century

Size: 19x16cm

Lines: 20

Folio: 12


Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: worm eaten, water stained,

Seal: Not available

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is a sort of copy of class notes based on the speeches of

Lutfullah b. Asadullah Aligarhi and marked page Numbers

according published copy of Mukhtasar from Razzāqi press



Form No: 73 Call No: 5065

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2845

S.T.No: 1652

Old No: 4163

Title of Work: al Atwal Sharḥu Talkhīsil Mift āh

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�Ycح( ا�*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Isāmu'd Din Ibrāhim b. Muhammad b. 'Arab Shāh

al Asfrāini(d.953AH/1546AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: A� � �76ا�q �7F ل�! &F/D��*� ل �/�;ا�o1ا�

End: ��<وا/أن ---- 8/وا���ال �8 ا�FK---'�$ا� DE�tا�q ء������


Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1122 AH/1710 AD

Size: 26x19

Lines: 27

Folio: 353

Quality of paper: Not good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained,

Seal: Two Seals on title page; 1- Qutubuddin. (All most

unreadable). 2- 2nd is complete unreadable. 3- On

last page; unreadable.

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: There are 4, 5 notes on title page about possession

and dates etc. but not clear. Purchased in 180 paisa.

Decorative Ornament: Very beautiful golden loh on page one and golden

and colored border and barika on the whole MS.

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Very important MS in Rhetoric bearing few notes

on title page but writing is damage. With two un

readable Seals and the whole MS has been

decorated with golden barika, important text marked

with red line. There is one more note on the last

page about Fazeelat of Imams (Muhaddisin) and one

more seal unreadable on last page.


Form No: 74 Call No: 5066

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 6445

S.T.No: 14287

Old No: 4164

Title of Work: al Atwal Sharhu Talkhīsil Mift āh

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�Ycح( ا�*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Isāmu'd Din Ibrāhim bin Muhammad b.'Arab Shāh

al Asfrāini(d.953AH/1546AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------A� � �76ا�q ل�[I3ا� D��*�E �7F ل�! &F

End: =��� h7E�F*�ب ا�Yل ��وا�1�$

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1122 AH/1710 AD.

Size: 24.5x14.7

Lines: 25

Folio: 324

Quality of paper: Not bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained,

Seal: 1-Seal on title page: Ya Mahmud, 1309. 2- Mohd.

Fazil b. Shaikh Hamid. 3- Kutub Khana Rampur. 4-

Bahadur Shaikh 1095.

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 1168AH/1754 AD as mentioned in seal.

About the Book: Very important MS with new guarding and pasting

work. Very beautiful Naskh script.


Form No: 75 Call No: 5067

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 7524

S.T.No: 14288

Old No: 4165

Title of Work: al Atwal Sharhu Talkhīsil Mift āh

Title of Work in Urdu: ل�Ycح( ا�*I7ا� N�=AE حB(

Name of Author: Isāmu'd Din Ibrāhim b. Muhammad b. 'Arab Shāh al

Asfrāini (d.953AH/1546AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------A� � �76ا�q �7F ل�! &F/D��*� ل �/�;ا�o1ا�

End: ةوارزق ��6و b�6�75/8ره� ا� �V�Jوا��8 |*7!�/� ار!


Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Faizullah Bareillwi in 1284AH/1867AD

Place of copying: Bareilly

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1284AH/1867AD

Size: 30x18

Lines: 20

Folio: 351

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Maulvi Mohammad Husain

Condition: Slightly worm eaten

Seal: State library seal

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Owned by Mohammad Sultan Hasan

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 19/3/1988

About the Book: Another copy of preceding work


Form No: 76 Call No: 5068

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 434

S.T.No: 1653

Old No: 4166

Title of Work: ar Risālah fi Jawābish Shubhātil Wāridah alat


Title of Work in Urdu: +A� �2ت ا��اردة���N ا���. 1+ �اب ا�=A*ا�

Name of Author: As Sayyid Muhammad Ameen “Shehri Hafiz"


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------.A�A�763ك /� �8 $&

End: � ّ�1 ^w /�E و��

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1171AH/1757AD

Size: 30.5x22cm

Lines: 19

Folio: 5

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Sultān Abdul Majeed Khan b. Sultān Ghāzi

Mahmood Khan.

Condition: Not Bad

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Very beautiful colored Loh on page No.1 and

golden Barika on every page .Heading in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 12 May 1988.

About the Book: Very small, beautiful and important manuscript

answers of 22 doubts on Rhetoric.


Form No: 77 Call No: 5023

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8976

S.T.No: 14246

Old No: 4128/4

Title of Work: Mulakhkhas Talkhisil Miftāh

Title of Work in Urdu: ح�*I7ا� N�=AE N=A�

Name of Author: Zainuddin abu Yahya Zakariyyah b. Muhammad b.

Ahmad al Ansari al Misri al Mulaqqab ba "Shaikhul

Islām" (d.926AH/1519AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �A+ �3ا�+ ا���ا��76 � ------ ��

End: 9�$ذى ا�� 2B +11171 ىه�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Bablan Bozqar

Script: Naskh

Age: 1171AH/1757AD

Size: 10x16.5

Lines: 21

Folio: 12

Quality of paper: Not bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained with

new guarding

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On few pages

Memory Note: On title page : ريرالمشھوربحفيد العثمانحملك الفقير عثمان فى

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: According the note on title page the manuscript

contents six Rasalahs. It is collection of eight other

important Arabic manuscripts as 1- Mulakhkhas

Talkhisil Miftah 2- Risalah fil Istiarah 3- Sharahu

Lamiah 4- Hashiyah Min Kitabi Ilmil Maani 5-

Hashiah Sayyid Shareef alal Mutawwal, 6- Risalah

Imam dar Sawalaat wa Jawabat Ishkalate Quran, 7-

Risalah Naaqisah Maj’hulah fi ilmil Maani wal

Bayan 8- Bahsul Asas min Ahmad al-Marashi ash

Shaheer bi “ad-dabbaghi”.


Form No: 78 Call No: 5069

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 3489

S.T.No: 14289

Old No: 4167

Title of Work: Sharhu Tamhīsil Talkhīs

Title of Work in Urdu: 67E حB�N =A*ا��N

Name of Author: Hasan b. Tur Khan b. Daud. known as Hasan Kafi


Name of Commentator: Kami al Aqhasari

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------Kا��76 � ا�s A� ا���3ن qا$3

End: Kهs �A� د��ء/ّ. &��B

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Haji Khalifah

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq and Naskh

Age: 1083AH/1672AD

Size: 19.2x11.3

Lines: 25

Folio: 60

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Water stained and repaired

Seal: State library seal Rampur

Marginal Notes: On few pages

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Red and black ink has been used

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 19/3/1988

About the Book: The text of "Tamhis" is in red colour and "Sharh" is

in black colour.


Form No: 79 Call No: 5070

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 1655

Old No: 4168/1

Title of Work: Kitābul Izāh fil Ma'āni wal Bayān

Title of Work in Urdu: +3�$7ح 1+ ا��o/نآ*�ب ا���وا��

Name of Author: Jalaluddin Abul Maali Muhammad b. Abdir

Rahman b. Umar al Qazwini " Khateebu Dimashq"


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ا����. و�Eا��2$----- ��A� +1 ا آ*�بKه

End: H� �2�1 &� �*��� Oذ� 2P/م �8 ا�'�ل��E�7� آK*ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Basir al Khubaisi and

Nizam b. Abdir Razzaq teacher of Ahmad b.


Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 845AH/1441AD

Size: 25x16

Lines: 15


Folio: 205 (1b-205a)

Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, water stained with new


Seal: On title, page Seal; Abdul Ghaffar. (2) On the some

page Seal: “Abdul Ghaffar Habibullah al

Mutawakkil Alallah.

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: There are many notes on title page about owner ship

one is Abdul Ghaffar Habibullah 2nd Rahmatullah

3- it has been checked by Molvi sadullah

Decorative Ornament: Red colour has been used on some words

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This is a very important and rare manuscript bearing

two seals on title page. One note that it has been

checked and studied deeply by Abdul Ghaffar b.

Saeed. It was also owned by Rahmatullah and seen

by Maulvi Sadullah.


Form No: 80 Call No: 5070

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 1655

Old No: 4168/2

Title of Work: Abyātul īzāh

Title of Work in Urdu: ح�o/ت ا��� ا�

Name of Author: Fakhruddin al Khuwarizmi

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: 7>*�2 ����. ا��*�بoE +*ت ا����cا

End: ��ا1 �� و�ذا�O� h ا��3

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Basir al Khubaisi

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 845AH/1441AD

Size: 25x17.5cm

Lines: 15

Folio: 42 (206b-248a)

Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned


Condition: Worm eaten, water stained, pasting with new


Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Red colour has been used in few words and some


Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This is a very important and another part of previous

rare manuscript. It is the collection of all the Arabic

couplets, which are found in the "Kitabul Eizaah"

with some explanation between the lines of some



Form No: 81 Call No: 5070

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 1096

S.T.No: 1656

Old No: 4169

Title of Work: Hallu itirazātil Qazwini alal Miftāh

Title of Work in Urdu: ح�*I7ا� +A� +</ت ا��;و�bاا�* &ّ!

Name of Author: Imaduddin Yahya b. Ahmad al Kashani

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------Kا��76 � ا�s ا���3ن UA^

End: ح�o/ا� D!�' ت ا�*+ أورده��bاآ�م 1+ !ّ& ا��* ^w اKوه

�A+ ا�I7*�ح

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: Late thirties of 8th centuryAH/14th AD

Size: 22x15.5cm

Lines: 23

Folio: 29(1b-29b)

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained and in bad condition

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: On few pages

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Only few words in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The importance of MS is that, it was written in the

period of al Qazwini (739AH/1338AD) who wrote

some objections on the "Miftah".


Form No: 82 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380/B

Title of Work: Risālatus - Sukriyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: .��ا���/�ر

Name of Author: Wajīhud Dīn Ahmad b. Nasrillah al 'Alwī al Gujrati


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ��م/و�� �oح/��ل '�!D ا�----- ��

End: [=*A� ولcان ا�N 1q I<ا���5ت وا�q ف�=�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Shaikh Mustafa

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 11th AH/16th AD

Size: 20x11.4

Lines: 18

Folio: 14(1b-14b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On the page 3b

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: An important MS. bound with others, written by an

old Indian famous writer of 10th century AH/16th



Form No: 83 Call No: 5072

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 5724

S.T.No: 14290

Old No: 4170

Title of Work: Sharhul Fawāidil Ghayāsiyyah "lil Ījī"

Title of Work in Urdu: a�/�� ��5��Jا� �Vا�Iح ا�B

Name of Author: Azduddin al Eiji d.756AH/1355AD

Name of Commentator: Muhammad b. Nūrud Dīn 'Ali b. Muḥammad al

Ḥusainī al Jurjāni ash Shirāzī (d. 837AH/1434AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------Kا��76 � ا�s ا���3ن UA^

End: اs Kا�s ا� D�3�هKا�7=*] و ه� ہ

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 9th AH/15th AD

Size: 25.5x16

Lines: 13

Folio: 170

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Wazir Ghayasudin

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained

Seal: 1- Muhayuddin 1221AH, 2- Jalaluddin Haider

1243AH, 3- Jalaluddin Haider 1249AH, Azza man

Qanaa wa Zalla man Tamaa عّزمن قنع و ذّل من طمع

Marginal Notes: On few pages.

Memory Note: Note 1- ج4ل نيالمت یربّه القو ۃرحم یإل یمن ممتلکات الراج

۔غفرهللا له وj س4فہ بيّ ط نيالد یمح یابن حاج دريح نيالد

Note 2- مالک نسختھا ۔ ھذا الکتاب المسّمی بشرح فوائد الغياثيہ

نيحكيم غ4م محّى الد حاجى ج4ل الدين ابن محمد عليم الدين ابن

نيج4ل الد یولد منش

Note3- 3rd note contents verses and Aqwals(sayings)

Decorative Ornament: Text under red lines

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This is a very important manuscript dedicated to

Wazeer Ghayasuddin. The main Author Azizuddin

Eiji wrote this book "al Fawāidul Ghayāsiyyah” for

Wazir Ghayasuddin. There are three seals on title

page and four notes. 3rd note contents verses and



Form No: 84 Call No: 5073

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8703

S.T.No: 14291

Old No: 4171

Title of Work: al Farāid fī Sharhi'l Fawāid

Title of Work in Urdu: �Vا�Iح ا�B +1 �VاIا�

Name of Author: Mulla Maḥmud b. Muḥammad b. Shāh Muhammad

al Fārūqī al Jaunpurī (d.1062AH / 1652AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا اC[1 آC**I/ .7A ��2 ا���م------ ��

End: ����*7ت ا��� إن ا ��6*ى آ��3 �>+ ����7ح 1+ ا��

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Probably Delhi

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 12th AH/18thAD century

Size: 26x19

Lines: 14

Folio: 247

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Shahabuddin Muhammad Shahjahan Badshah Ghazi

Mughal Emperor

Condition: Worm eaten, pasted and new guarding

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: On few pages

Memory Note: مالكهُ فى الظاھر عبد الرحمن و فى الحقيقة ھو الرحمن

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Very important MS the author dedicated this

manuscript to the Mughal emperor Shahābuddin

Muhammad Shahjahan Bādhshāh. It is a very

beautiful example of Nasta'liq.


Form No: 85 Call No: 5074

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 14292

Old No: 4172

Title of Work: al Farāid fī Sharḥi'l Fawāid

Title of Work in Urdu: �Vا�Iح ا�B +1 �VاIا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Mulla Mahmud b. Muḥammad b. Shāh Muḥammad

al Fārūqī al Jaunpurī. (d.1062AH/1652AD

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا اC[1 آC**I/ .7A ��2 ا���م------ ��

End: ����*7ت ا��� آ��3 �>+ ����7ح 1+ ا��

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Ahmad Khān Rāmpuri b. Faqīr Khan

Place of copying: Rampur

Script: Nast'alīq Shikastah

Age: 1271AH/1854AD

Size: 25x15

Lines: 13

Folio: 370

Quality of paper: Not Bad


For whom the MS is


Dedicated to Wazeer b. Wazeer Ghayasuddin

Muhammad b. Rashiduddin (d.736AH/1335AD) at-


Condition: Very slightly worm eaten

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: On few pages

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This is a very beautiful and important manuscript. It

is explanation (sharh) of Fawāid Ghayasiyyah,

which named after wazir Ghayasuddin at-Turki.


Form No: 86 Call No: 5075

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 7998

S.T.No: 14293

Old No: 4173

Title of Work: al Farāid fī Sharḥi'l Fawāid

Title of Work in Urdu: حB +1 �VاIا��Vا�Iا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Mahmud b. Muḥammad b. Shāh Muḥammad al

Fārūqī al Jaunpurī (d.1062AH/1652AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: �2 ا���م� C**I/ .7Aآ C[1ا

End: +$ ا� �� و �>� ا���ؤ و ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Maulwi 'Izzat 'Ali Gorakhpurī

Place of copying: Gorakhpur

Script: Nast'alīq Shikastah

Age: 1295AH/1878Ad

Size: 35x29

Lines: 17

Folio: 231

Quality of paper: Not good


For whom the MS is


Maulāna Sultān Hasan Khan Sahab

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained with

pasting work

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On most of the pages

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This is a very important manuscript about

explanation of “Farāid Ghayasiyyah” there is big

memorandum note of the copier in the last of MS

related with dedication of the copy to Maulana

Sultan Hasan Khan.


Form No: 87 Call No: 5076

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 1657

Old No: 4174

Title of Work: Kashful Lisām an Wajhit Tauriyati wal Istikhdām

Title of Work in Urdu: ام�=* آ�g ا�A[�م �8 و � ا�*�ر/. وا�

Name of Author: Taqiyyudin Abu Bakr b. Ali b. Abdillah al Hamvi

“Ibn-e-Hajjah” (d.837AH/1433AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: ا�=*و���Y �7$*� م�8 ا�*�ر/. وا�

End: Aذواق وا� ا�c�2�7 اE 8/ا�� +I'

Extent: Incomplete and missing from the beginning

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 9th AH/16th AD century

Size: 18x12

Lines: 25

Folio: 49 (1a-49a)

Quality of paper: good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On few pages

Memory Note: Not given

Decorative Ornament: Red colour has been used in the end of couplets

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This MS is written in reaction of “Fazzul Khitam"

on the subject “Tauriyah" by another author.

Therefore, the author tried to clear the definition of



Form No: 88 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380B

Title of Work: Farāid ul Awāid al Marufah bir Risalatis


Title of Work in Urdu: �/�<�7ا�� .�� 1ا�V ا�$�ا�V ا�7$و1. ���

Name of Author: Khuājah Nāsiruddin Abul Qāsim b. abi Bakr al Laisi

as Samarqandi (d.962AH/1554AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ----- و�O ا�*$�3. 1+ ا��7Eم /� آ/

End: C�B E 9ا� �1ن �� ه�أ��ى ا^*]�'ً� و �A$Eً� �� �21ا��/>. و��

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Malik Ahmad Fāruqi

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1063AH/1652AD

Size: 20x11

Lines: 21

Folio: 2 (35a-36b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is bound with “Majmuatur Rasāil" of Rhetoric

Risālatus Sukriyah, Tahqiqu Hurufiz Zawāid etc.

Most of them, scribed by Malik Ahmad Fāruqi. It is

a very important Majmuah of manuscripts. One of

them dedicated to Abdur Raheem khan-e-Khana and

most of them bearing the seals of noble man.


Form No: 89 Call No: 5077

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8739

S.T.No: 14294

Old No: 4175

Title of Work: Sharhur Risālatis Samarqandiyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: �<�7ا�� .���/Bح ا�

Name of Author: Mulla 'Isāmu'd Din Ibrāhim bin Muhammad b.'Arab

Shāh al Asfrāini (d.953AH/1546 AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا /��ل ا�$�� ا�I7*� إ�+ ا��Tف ر��------ ��

End: واح�6ء 1+ ا�7]��ح وا�A[ا� .�ATد��ء ا� OA +1

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq, Shikastah

Age: 10th/11th century

Size: 21x13.5

Lines: 22

Folio: 12

Quality of paper: Not bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another "sharah" of proceeding work "ar-Risalatus



Form No: 90 Call No: 5078

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 9950

S.T.No: 14295

Old No: 4175B

Title of Work: Sharhur Risālatis Samarqandiyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: �<�7ا�� .���/Bح ا�

Name of Author: Mulla 'Isāmu'd Din Ibrāhim bin Muhammad b.

'Arab Shāh al Asfrāini(d.953AH/1546 AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------�*I79--- /��ل ا�$�� ا�w

End: ب�Tد��ء ا� OAوا�و��ح ----و E � ا��P*3م �� 1+

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Muhammad Siddīqe b.Shaikh 'Abdir Rasheed in


Place of copying: Delhi

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1096AH/1684AD

Size: 15x11

Lines: 13

Folio: 25 (1b-25a)

Quality of paper: Not bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained.

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This is a very important manuscript on the subject

of rhetoric. It is bound with some other Persian



Form No: 91 Call No: 5079

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 2766

S.T.No: 14296

Old No: 4176

Title of Work: Al hāshiah 'alā Sharḥir Risālati's samarqandiyyah

li'l 'Isām

Title of Work in Urdu: �<�7ا�� .���� �B +Aح ا�B�6م �/أ��[$A�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: ash Shaikh Tūrūn Āfandi

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� -----A� ت�I*ا� ��1 9w�*I7ہ /��ل ا�$�� ا����q

End: 8/آ�� K<1 آ�� ��>�2ء �O و آ8 �8 ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq, Shikastah

Age: 11th AH/17thAD century

Size: 20x14

Lines: 19

Folio: 98

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The MS contents a commentary on the previous

work "Sharhur Risālati's samarqandiyyah li'l 'Isām"

by Torun Āfandi full of marginal notes on various



Form No: 92 Call No: 5080

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 9058

S.T.No: 14297

Old No: 4177/1

Title of Work: Sharhur Risālatis Samarqandiyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: �<�7ا�� .���/Bح ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Qaul Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Khizr (d.950AH /


Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------ +A� ة�A[�76ا��76 � ا�77ّ�� وا�� ���ر

End: ا��6ل +o*�� .���T7� ./ور��

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq, Shikastah

Age: 10thAH/16th AD century

Size: 20x13

Lines: 19

Folio: 12 (1b-12b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Very little worm eaten, slightly water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On most of the pages

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another Rhetoric work, a small commentary on

previous book, contending the text of different

people like Husam, Husain Maulana Sarh (not clear)



Form No: 93 Call No: 5081

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8731

S.T.No: 14298

Old No: 4178

Title of Work: 'Iqdu'd Durari'l Bahiyyah Sharhur Risālatis

Samarqandiyyah al Kabīr

Title of Work in Urdu: �<�7ا�� .��ا���� �/��� ا��رر ا��2�� Bح ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: ash Shaikh Aḥmad b. 'Abdil Fattāh b. Yūsuf al

Malawi (d.1181AH/1767AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا 2 �A+ �� ا�2ت----- ��Aا� O� �7ًا!

End: 8� وا��76 � رّب ا�7��$

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Makkah Mukarramah as seems in the note on P-1

Script: Naskh

Age: 12th/ 18th century

Size: 20x15

Lines: 19

Folio: 61


Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


for the students of Makkah Mukarramah

Condition: Slightly water stained

Seal: On Page-1 Seal; Hafiz Ali b. Ahmad Zadah

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: 1- In the possession of Ali b. Ahmad Yaqub Zadah

1192, 2- Purchased by Mustafa b. Ahmad b.

Muhammad Yaqub Zadah 1206, 3- There is one

longer note on the title page about ‘Bere Zamzam’.

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: According the note on Page-1 The MS is written to

convey the rewards )ايصال ثواب( to deceased Fatmah.

bint. Abdullah b. Hasan Abduhu az Zamzami for the

students of Makkah Mukarramah and in the

supervision of Muhammad Abdullah b. Abdullah



Form No: 94 Call No: 5082

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8733

S.T.No: 14299

Old No: 4179

Title of Work: Sharḥur Risālatis Samarqandiyyah as Saghīr

Title of Work in Urdu: �<�7ا�� .��� �/Bح ا�J[ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: ash Shaikh Aḥmad b. 'Abdil Fattāh b. Yūsuf al

Malawi (d.1181AH/1767AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �8 و �� /$>+و �� ----- ��$*�3

End: ًا�/�E +�وا� .�1��$& ��B+ ا���ح �3

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 12th/ 18th century

Size: 12x5.5

Lines: 21

Folio: 19

Quality of paper: Not bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained, new guarding and

pasting. With red colour headings

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Red colour headings

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another work of preceding book in short by the

same author, explaining Risalah Samarqandiyyah on



Form No: 95 Call No: 1759

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11091

S.T.No: 11492

Old No: (1436B)

Title of Work: Sharhur Risālatis Samarqandiyyah as Saghīr

Title of Work in Urdu: �<�7ا�� .��� �/Bح ا�J[ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: ash Shaikh Aḥmad b. 'Abdil Fattāh b. Yūsuf al

Malawi (d.1181AH/1767AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------Kا��76 � ا�s .���� ا��76 !�

End: بi7وا� H 7ا� �� ���]�اب وا�Aوا� ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: 'Alī b. Muhammad b.'Alī in 19 Jamadi ul Awwal


Place of copying: Not mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1182AH/1768AD

Size: 22x17

Lines: 20

Folio: 15 (29b-43b)

Quality of paper: Not good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with pasting work

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: According the note of copier on title page, he had

studied this book from Abdul Qadir b. Ahmad.

Decorative Ornament: With red colour headings

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is 15 folios MS starts from foli-29b, till 43b,

Another copy of previous work bound with some

other MS of Balaghat “Majmuah ur Rasail fi

Aadabil Bahs”. There are some important Arabic

couplets on the title page folio-29a by different



Form No: 96 Call No: 5083

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 943

S.T.No: 14300

Old No: 4180

Title of Work: al Fawāidu'l Ahmadiyyah al Manzūmat us


Title of Work in Urdu: +1�*7دي ا���TA� �/�<�7ا�� .��P<7ا�!�7/� ا� �Vا�Iه1014ا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: ash Shaikh Aḥmad b. Zaini Dehlan al Misri

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �ا�$�� ا��I ��ل�w----1ہ----- ��

End: �� ^w اKہ/ه� ��$E �اq A�q /� �Iا�� D3K��� �7ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Abdul Qadir b. Ali al Mashshāt

Place of copying: Makkah Mukarramah

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 11th AH/17thAD century

Size: 23x18

Lines: 19

Folio: 20

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: 1-Page-1 “in the possession of Saleh b. Raswan

Abdush Shakur”. 2- On the last page: “gifted to

Shaikh Abdur Rahman b. Abdullah Basqar”.

Decorative Ornament: Beginning of paragraph word "Qaulhu"قولہ written

in red colour.

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: 1/8/1899

About the Book: According the colophon on the last page it was

dictated by Ahmad Zaini Dehlan to Abdul Qadir b.

Ali al Mashshāt al Makki in the Holy place ‘Haram

Shareef infront of Ka'ba in Makkah Mukarramah.


Form No: 97 Call No: 5080

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: -

Old No: (4177/2)

Title of Work: ar Risālah fī Mabāhithi'l Majāz wa'l Isti'ārah

Title of Work in Urdu: رة�$* ا���. r!��� a1 ا���7ز وا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Jamālud Dīn Yūsuf b. al Husain al Kirmashti a'r

Rūmi (d.906AH/1500AD)

Language: Arabic

Beg: ا� ۔۔۔ا��76 � ذ ��s ا�87 وا�!��ن

End: 1 ہ$bن و�q JAء و1 ۃا����A�q د��$A� ع�ةا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not Mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq,

Age: 10thAH /16thAD century

Size: 20x13

Lines: 19

Folio: 4 (13a-16b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Very little worm eaten and water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Somewhere red color has been used in the

beginning of the paragraph

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This is an only 6 pages manuscript dealing with

Majaz and Istiaarah in Rhetoric bound with the MS

number 5080. Old number 4177 and accession

number 9058. Sharhu Risalatis Samarqandyyah.


Form No: 98 Call No: 5080

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: -

Old No: (4177/3)

Title of Work: Sharhur Risalah fi Mabāhisil Majāz wal Istiaarah lil


Title of Work in Urdu: 1 ���* Bqح ا���tA� 9ر�$*r!���q ا���7ز وا�

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ��---- 1 UT<ق ا��T3 �6ن '�ق�q ���ن

End: ع� ان �Fن ا�7A�*� &7$*�7ً� �$ف ا��ع �ن وb$�2 1+ ا�


Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not Mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nasta'līq , Shikastah

Age: 10th AH/16thAD century

Size: 20x13

Lines: 19

Folio: 15 (16b-31b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Very little worm eaten and water stained.

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: red colour on few lines

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This is a very important MS of fifteen folios under

the old number 4177/3 bound with MS number

5080 related with explanation (sharh) of previous

Risalah Majāz wal Isti'ārah.


Form No: 99 Call No: 5084

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 4442

S.T.No: 14301

Old No: 4181

Title of Work: Hallu Uqūdil Jamān fi Ilmil M' āni wal Bayān

Title of Work in Urdu: ن�� ا�7$�3+ وا��A� +1 د ا���7ن��� &ّ!

Name of Author: Jalāluddin b. Abil Fazl 'Abdir Rahmān b. Abi Bakr

as Suyūti (d. 911AH/1505AD)

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ��----.A5�77ا��76 � ا�7>ّ;9 �8 ا�

End: A�� وA� �ا +A' �76� �3�� 9���

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Ali b. Jamāluddin

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nasta'līq

Age: 1048AH/1638AD

Size: 20x14

Lines: 21

Folio: 190

Quality of paper: Not good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with pasting work

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On very few pages

Memory Note: On the title page there is a couplet of Shaikh

Muhammad Azizuddin al khateeb in Haram Pāk

Decorative Ornament: The couplets are written with red colour, the

headings and beginnings of paragraphs are in red.

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This manuscript consists of the commentary on very

important work of Jalāluddin Suyūti on his rhetoric



Form No: 100 Call No: 468

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 13042

S.T.No: 10465

Old No: 365.b

Title of Work: Risālatun fit Taghleeb

Title of Work in Urdu: D�AJ*1+ ا� .�� ر

Name of Author: Ahmad b. Sulaimān b. Kamāl Pāshā


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ��--- ���� و �$� 9ِK21 ر��. ةوا�]�Aا��76 ���ّّ�3 +A�

�6�ى ���7$.E +1U D�AJ*ا�

End: س�< c�7ء ا ��د ا�B*اك 1+ ا� �=�ف ا

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not Mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nasta'līq

Age: 10thAH/16thAD century

Size: 23x14

Lines: 29

Folio: 4 (108b-111b)


Quality of paper: good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Laminated, with guarding and pasting

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is very small treat on "Taghleeb" bound with

many other manuscripts of Asaduddin Dawwāni as

Siddiqui and Jalāluddin Dawwāni.


Form No: 101 Call No: 5085

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 4441

S.T.No: -

Old No: 4182

Title of Work: Duraru'l Funūn fī Ḥalli'l Jauhari'l Maknūn li 'Abdir

Rahmān al Akhḍarī

Title of Work in Urdu: 87!ا��7>�ن �$�� ا� ن 1+ !& ا���ه�<Iىدرر ا�o^ا�

Name of Author: 'Abdur Raḥmān al Akhḍarī

Name of Commentator: as Sayyid Muḥammad Yāsīn b. Abdillah b. Ibrāhīm

Mīr Ganī al al-Husaini al-Hasani as-Siddiqi

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا 8�ا��76 � رّب ا�7��$------ ��

End: *!q /8 1 $�د�Aا�q عoا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: 'Ali b. 'Ali al Muslimi al Yamani ' copied in


Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1241AH/1825AD

Size: 24x17

Lines: 27

Folio: 110


Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On some pages

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Red line on few lines

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is a valuable Manuscript on its subject written in

1237AH/1821AD, it is an explanation of Jauharul

Maknun of Abdur Rahman Akhzari, who lived in



Form No: 102 Call No: 1712

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11111

S.T.No: 11454

Old No: 1380B

Title of Work: Risālah fī Taḥqīqi'l Ḥrūfiz Zawāid

Title of Work in Urdu: �Vوف ا�;واا�6 U��6E q1 ہ�� ر

Name of Author: Sadar

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: ا��ن ���دًا sا��76 � ا�K------ ا���

End: Hbا�� ) وه� �>� �*�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1074AH/1663AD

Size: 20x13

Lines: 21

Folio: 2 (37a-38b)

Quality of paper: Not good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned


Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Red marked on the first word of Paragraph

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The MS is bound with many other manuscripts of

Balaghah. However, the manuscript is complete but

the name of scriber has not been mentioned.


Form No: 103 Call No: 307

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 9091

S.T.No: 10333

Old No: 225/10

Title of Work: al urjūzah fil Ma'āni wa'l Bayān

Title of Work in Urdu: 1 9ر �زcاq 3�$7ا�q وا����ن

Name of Author: ash Shaikh 'Abdu'l Ḥai al Hanafī

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: یو ھو الحنف یعبد الحئ قولي

End: Aّ[� ،�*ُ7P3�� �،�7Aّ�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1029AH/1619AD According the I.A‘Arshi’

Size: 19x11

Lines: 15

Folio: 15(105b-120a)

Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned


Condition: Slightly Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Red colour lines very much

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This MS is bound with "Majmuat ul Manar al

Manzoom" in Usul-i- Fiqh (Arabic). According the

note on the title of al Manar, it was in the possession

of Muhammad Saleh b. Ibrahim al Raees 1209AH /

1794 AD. In addition, it was gifted to Saeed Baguni

b. Usman ad Dawwani by Sayyid… b. Ibraheem b.

al Usman b. Haji Muhammad b…


Form No: 104 Call No: 1479

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 6533

S.T.No: 670

Old No: 1183

Title of Work: Zubdatu'l Ma'āni

Title of Work in Urdu: 3�$7ز��ة ا�q

Name of Author: Muhazzabud-Dīn Aḥmad bin 'Abdir Raḍa ad


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: و اه�A و!�9، �ّ�ا��76 ���. ا�� �$�------ ا���

End: �2رYا� �E*� ا�7=*�ر و �E�I' +A� ة�A[وا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Author himself

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1082AH/1671AD

Size: 25x15

Lines: 9

Folio: 110 (1b-110a)

Quality of paper: Bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: On the title page the seal of author is unreadable

under the note that it is under the possession of

Muhazzabud-Dīn Aḥmad

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: There are few notes on the title page mentioning

the author, scriber, subject and possession etc.

Decorative Ornament: Very beautiful lauh on the first folio

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: There are few notes on the title page which show

that it is collection of 17 Risalas written by

Maulana Muhazzabud-Dīn Ahmad ad Damamini

and this Risalah copied by the Author himself and

this collection was first under the Possession of the

author himself then came in the Possession of the

Sayyid Ahmad, Sayyid Abdur Razzaq b. Sayyid

Ibraheem al Hasani al Husaini al Geelani.


Form No: 105 Call No: 1479

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 6533

S.T.No: 670

Old No: (1183)

Title of Work: Khulāsatuz Zubad

Title of Work in Urdu: ��;ا�.'�^

Name of Author: Muhazzabud-Dīn Ahmad bin 'Abdir Raḍa ad


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا و ��*��6 �ّ�ا��76 ���‘ ا�� �$�------ ��

End: ہ����ہ� ���qAF �w H� qT��ا/ۃ و3ہ�/ۃ 87b q1 /�م و

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Author himself

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1082AH/1671AD

Size: 25x14

Lines: 9

Folio: 35 (110b-145b)

Quality of paper: Not bad


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Very beautiful lauh on the first folio

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: This manuscript is bound with 17 other Risalahs by

the same author on different subjects and authors

himself is a scriber and copier, and the age is

mentioned incolophone of Risalah “Tib”.


Form No: 106 Call No: 4789

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: -

S.T.No: 1604

Old No: 3931/2

Title of Work: Ghunyatu'l Bayān wa Rauzat'ut Tibyān

Title of Work in Urdu: ا�� .�<��وروb. ا�*���ن �ن

Name of Author: Muḥammad 'Alī b. 'Abdil Wāsī

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------Kا��76 � ا��7*$�ن ا�s ا���3ن UA^

End: 87� ���7��1ل/�$��T ات و ا'�ح ا�;�ت�I28 ا���I$ا�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Author himself

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq, Shikastah

Age: 1116AH/1704AD

Size: 20x12.5

Lines: 29, Different

Folio: 20 (28b-48a)

Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned


Condition: Worm eaten, water stained with new guarding and

repairing work

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Yes

Memory Note: It was in the Possession of Jalauddin Haider b. Ali

Decorative Ornament: Some words and lines have been written in red


Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is very important manuscript considering that the

author himself copied and mentioned in the end

about the writing and copying, MS is written in

1116AH/1704AD and copied by the Author himself.


Form No: 107 Call No: 5023

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8976

S.T.No: 14246

Old No: 4128

Title of Work: Rauzat ul hadāiq

Title of Work in Urdu: UVا��6ا .bرو

Name of Author: Abdur Razzāq b. Mustafa al-


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �1ل ا���1+<Jإ�+ ر�ہ ا� ��ا�$�

End: م� �� و�H ا�Iاغ �8 هKا�*���g ا��7

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 12th/18thcentury

Size: 20x15

Lines: Different

Folio: 17(15b-32b)

Quality of paper: Not good


For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Yes

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is part of few manuscripts bound with each other

owned by the same person 'Usmān Hari known as

"Hafīdu 'Usmān" most of them are related with



Form No: 108 Call No: 5023

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 1976

S.T.No: 14246

Old No: 4128

Title of Work: ar Risālah fil Isti'ārah

Title of Work in Urdu: 1 ���ا�*$�رq 9ر

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا أن !اق اداء ---��A��1ادا�7

End: �2<� P</ ح و��<* ا

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 12th/18thcentury

Size: 20x14

Lines: 19

Folio: 5 (13a-14b)

Quality of paper: Bad

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned


Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not mentioned

Marginal Notes: Yes

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Red colour on important words has been used

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Bound with few Rhetoric manuscripts


Form No: 109 Call No: 1759

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 11091

S.T.No: 11492

Old No: 1436B

Title of Work: Risālah fit Tauriyah

Title of Work in Urdu: 1 ���ا�*�ر/. qر

Name of Author: Abdul Qādir b. Ahmad

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا ��---- دا�h �1ا�Vآ*�G

End: ہ�Vا� �1ا ]F �7!ا���در �8 ا��� ���$A� ة� �1ا�V آ[

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 1185AH/1771AD

Size: 21x16

Lines: 23

Folio: 1 (44b)

Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned


Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Yes.

Memory Note: Not mentioned

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: The MS is of just one page manuscript written

in the same year1185AH/1771AD discussing

the "Tauriyah"(a part of rhetoric) and very

important content of Tauriyah. It seems that it

was written to answer the questions of scriber.


Form No: 110 Call No: 5086

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8324

S.T.No: 14302

Old No: 4183

Title of Work: Aijāzu'l Balāghah

Title of Work in Urdu: ا���ز ا�����

Name of Author: Shah 'Abdul 'Aziz. b. ash-Shah Waliyyillah.b. Abdir

Rahīm ad Dehlawi al Muhaddis (d.1239AH/ 1823


Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ا���م ا��1�6------ �����ل ا�

End: ن ا� ذى ا�3$�م�$�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Jalālu'd Dīn Haidar b. Ḥāji Muḥayyud Dīn at Tabīb.

Copied in (1245 AH/1829 AD)

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1245AH/1829 AD)

Size: 25x16.5

Lines: 11

Folio: 5 (118a-121b)


Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, water stained

Seal: On title page; 1243 دريح نيج4ل الد

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: On title page; و انيوالب یالمعان یعلم یمتن اعجاز الب4غہ ف


Decorative Ornament: Few words in red colour

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is a very small and important MS on the subject.

It is written in title page- 381 Mahmood. “٣٨١



Form No: 111 Call No: 5087

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 7819

S.T.No: 14303

Old No: (4183B)

Title of Work: An-Nafaisul Irtaziyyah fi sharhir Risalatil Aziziyyah

Title of Work in Urdu: �/;/;$ا� .���� B +1ح ا�oEا�ر _V�I<ا�

Name of Author: Abu 'Alī Muḥammad al-Mulaqqab ba Irtaza. b.

Aḥmad al Mujtabā “Muṣtafa Ali khān Bahadur

“Aqza'l Quzāt” Gopamavi”

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �� ------Kا��76 � ا�s +3�$7ا� _Vاز/8 �

End: امرة ا��و '��6 ا�� ��w +A� ا�]�ة وا���م و ��A�

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Ahmad 'Ali b. Muhammad Yaqub Ali al Gopamavi

copied from the Author's copy

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq

Age: 1249AH/1833 AD

Size: 21x14

Lines: 11

Folio: 87


Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Nawab Azeemud Daulah Bahadur Ameer ul Hind

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Not mentioned

Memory Note: According the title page the ancestor of the copier

belongs to Sandelah

Decorative Ornament: Headings are in red

Source of Receiving Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It is a very important MS it is an explanation of

Risalah of Shah Abdul Azeez in the subject of Ilme

Maani dedicated to the Nawab b.Azeemud Daulah

Bahadur Ameer ul Hind.


Form No: 112 Call No: 5088

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 9943

S.T.No: 14304

Old No: 4183/2 ج

Title of Work: Hashiyah Manhiyyah Nafāis-e-Irtaziyyah


Title of Work in Urdu: ��oEا�ر _V�I3 ��2<� ��B�!)ت��)ا�2<7

Name of Author: -

Name of Commentator: Abu 'Alī Muhammad Irtazā Ali b. Aḥmad al-

Mujtabā al Mukhātab bi MuṣtafaAli khān “Aqza'l

Quzāt” Gopamavi

Language: Arabic

Beg: �ا �$� ا�*76�� وا�[>�ء � ا��77وح ������ء ------ ��

End: �/�T=A� 8 ا���3/� وا�*�رك� Dا�ا�

Extent: Incomplete, missing from the last

Copier’s Name: Not Mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Nast'alīq, Shikastah

Age: 13th AH/20th AD)

Size: 20x15

Lines: 15

Folio: 29 (1a-29b)


Quality of paper: Good

For whom the MS is


Not Mentioned

Condition: Worm eaten, water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: On folio 22b

Memory Note: Folio 1a:

نزد ماست یايں امانت چند روز= در حقيقت مالك ھر شى خداست

Decorative Ornament: Not mentioned

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: Another important MS from the same author.

These are marginal notes (Hashiyah) on previous

work. MS missing from the last


Form No: 113 Call No: 5089

Subject: Rhetoric

Accession No: 8585

S.T.No: 14305

Old No: 4184

Title of Work: Sharhu Risālatil Isti'ārah

Title of Work in Urdu: 9ر�$* Bح ر��. ا�

Name of Author: Shaikh Abdul Qādir b. Ali "al Mashshāt"

Name of Commentator: -

Language: Arabic

Beg: ن�� ا� !�7ًا �87 ا�1 ض ا����

End: 8� وا��76 � رّب ا�7��$

Extent: Complete

Copier’s Name: Not Mentioned

Place of copying: Not Mentioned

Script: Naskh

Age: 11th AH/17th AD

Size: 22x16

Lines: Different

Folio: 8 (1b-8b)

Quality of paper: Good


For whom the MS is


Not Mentioned

Condition: Slightly worm eaten, slightly water stained

Seal: Not given

Marginal Notes: Very less

Memory Note: In the passion of Ibrahim Adham b. Muhammad


Decorative Ornament: Red colour in few words

Source of Receiving: Not mentioned

Date of Receiving: Not mentioned

About the Book: It seems that it was bound with "al Fawāidul

Ahmnadiyyah bi Manzumatis Samarqandiyyah"

then separated, because الفوائد اjحمديه بمنظومة السمرقنديه

the name of al Fawāidul Ahmnadiyyah is written on

the title page.


Index of Title

1. Abyātul īzāh.159 .

2. Aijāzu'l Balāghah.219,

3. al Atwal Sharḥu Talkhīsil Miftāh.145,147.149

4. al Farāid fī Sharḥi'l Fawāid.167,169,171

5. al Fawāidu'l Aḥmadiyyah al Manzūmat us Samarqandiyyah.191,

6. al Ḥāshiah 'ala Mukhtasaril Maāni.123,

7. al Ḥāshiah 'alā Sharḥir Risālati's samarqandiyyah li'l 'Isām.180,

8. al Ḥāshiah 'al'al Mutawwal al M'arūfah bi Hāshiyat il Chalpi wa bi

Hāshiyatil Fanāri.71,73,75.

9. al Hashiyah ala'l Mukhtasar.143,

10. al Ḥawāshi'l Muḥammadiyyah.83,

11. al Muhākamah alal Hāshiatil Qaushjiyyah.63,65.

12. al Mutawwal (Sharḥu Talkhīsil Miftāh.15,17,19,21,23,25,27,29,

13. al urjūzah fil Ma'āni wa'l Bayān.205,

14. al-Ḥāshia 'alā Ḥāshiati'l Khatāi ala'l Mukhtasar.125,125,129,131,133,

15. al-Ḥāshia 'ala'l Mutuwwal (Mabḥath Mā Anā qaltu.91,

16. al-Ḥāshiah 'ala'l, Mutuwwal. 33,35,37, 39,41, 43,45, 47,49, 51,53, 77, 85,


17. al-Ḥāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī. .111,113,115,117,119,135,

18. al-Ḥāshiah 'alā Mukhtasaril Ma'ānī wa Ḥāshiati'l Khatāi.121,

19. al-Risalatul Insikziyyah.59,61.

20. an Nafāisu'l Irtaziyyah fī sharhhir Risālatil 'Azīziyyah.221,

21. ar Risālah fi Jawābish Shubhātil Wāridah alat Talkhis.151,

22. ar Risālah fī Mabāhithi'l Majāz wa'l Isti'ārah.193,

23. ar Risālah fil Isti'ārah.215,

24. ar-Risalah fi Mabhasi Maa ana Qultu fil Mutawwal al-Mashhoor bi Taqzi

Mulla Ali.55,57.

25. Asrārul Balāghah.1,


26. Duraru'l Funūn fī Ḥalli'l Jauhari'l Maknūn li 'Abdir Raḥmān al


27. Farāid ul Awāid al Marufah bir Risalatis Samarqandiyyah.175,

28. Ghunyatu'l Bayān wa Rauzat'ut Tibyān.211,

29. Hallu itirazātil Qazwini alal Miftāh.161,

30. Hallu Uqūdil Jamān fi Ilmil M'āni wal Bayān.197,

31. Hashiyah Manhiyyah, Nafāis-e-Irtaziyyah (Manhiyyāt).223,

32. 'Iqdu'd Durari'l Bahiyyah Sharḥur Risālatis Samarqandiyyah al Kabīr.185,

33. Kashful Lisām an Wajhit Tauriyati wal Istikhdām.173,

34. Khulāsatuz Zubadah.209,

35. Kitābul Izāh fil Ma'āni wal Bayān.157,

36. Mukhtasar-u'l-Ma'āni ( Sharhu Talkhīsi'l-Miftāh).103,105,107,109

37. Mulakhkhas Talkhisil Miftāh.153,

38. Nihāyat-ul-Eejāz fi Dirāyat-il-Aijāz.35

39. Qit'atum minal Mutawwal (Sharḥu Talkhīsil Miftāh).31,

40. Rauzat ul Ḥadāiq.213,

41. Risālah fit Tauriyah.217,

42. Risālah fī Bayāni'l Ḥāsili bi'l Maṣdar.79,81.

43. Risalah fi Mabhasi Maa ana Qultu.67,69,

44. Risālah fī Taḥqīqi'l Ḥrūfiz Zawāid.203,

45. Risālatun fit Taghleeb.199,

46. Risālatus- Sukriyyah.163,

47. Sharhu Risālatil Isti'ārah .225,

48. Sharḥu Tamhīsil Talkhīs.155,

49. Sharḥul Fawāidil Ghayāsiyyah "lil Ījī"165,

50. Sharhur Risalah fi Mabāhisil Majāz wal Istiaarah lil Kirmāsti.195,

51. Sharḥur Risālatis Samarqandiyyah.177,179,183,

52. Sharḥur Risālatis Samarqandiyyah as Saghīr.187,189,

53. Tahrir-ut-T'ahbir fi Ilmil Badee. 7,

54. Talkhisul Miftāh.9,11,13,


55. 'Uqūd-ud-Durar fi Halli abyāt il Mutawwal wal Mukhtasar.137,139,141,

56. Zubdatu'l Ma'āni.207,


Author Index 1. Abdul 'Aziz b. Waliyyillah b.'Abdir Rahīm ad,

2. 'Abdu'l Ḥai al Hanafī. 205,

3. Abdul Qādir b. Ahmad.101,217,

4. 'Abdur Raḥmān al Akhḍari.201

5. Abdur Razzāq b. Mustafa al-Antaki.213,

6. Abu 'Alī Muḥammad Irtazā Ali b. Aḥmad al Mujtabā al

Mukhātab bi Muṣtafa Ali khān "Aqza'l Quzāt"221,223,

7. Abu Bakr Abdul Qāhir b. Abdir Rahmān b. Jurjāni.1,

8. Abu Muhammad Abdul Azeem b.Abdil Wahid b.Zafir al Misri

"Ibne abil Isba". 7,

9. Ahmad b. Sulaimān b. Kamāl Pāshā.199,

10. Ahmad b. Yahyā b. Muhammad b.S'adiddin at Taftā Zāni.135,

11. Alauddin Ali b. Muhammad as Samarqandi al QaushJi.55,

12. as Sayyid Mīr Bādshāh.79,81,

13. As Sayyid Muhammad Ameen" Shehri Hafiz".151,

14. ash Shaikh 'Abdu'l Ḥai al Hanafī.181,

15. Ash- Shaikh Aḥmad b. 'Abdil Fattāh b. Yūsuf al Malawi,187,185,189

16. Azduddin al Eiji.165,

17. Fakhruddin Abu Abdillah Muhammad b. Umar b. al Husain ar Razi.3,5,

18. Fakhruddin al Khuwarizmi.159

19. Hasan b. Tur Khan b. Daud known as Hasan Kafi.155,

20. Husain b.Shihabiddin b. Husain ash Shami al Karki al Amli. 137, 139,


21. Imaduddin Yahya b. Ahmad al Kashani.161,

22. Isāmu'd Din Ibrāhim bin Muhammad b.'Arab Shāh al-Asfrāini. 67, 69,

145, 147,149,177,179,

23. Jalaluddin Abul Ma'āli Muhammad b. Abdir Rahman b. Umar al

Qazwini " Khateebu Dimashqi".9,11,13,157,


24. Jalāluddin b. Abil Fazl 'Abdir Rahmān b. Abi Bakr as Suyūti.197,

25. Jamālud Dīn Yūsuf b. al Husain al Kirmashti a'r Rūmi.193

26. Khuājah Nāsiruddin Abul Qāsim b. abi Bakr al Laisi as Samarqandi.175,

27. Lutfullah b. Asadullah al Aligarhi.143,

28. Meer Muhammad Hāshim b.Meer Muhammad Qāsim.63,65,95,

29. Muḥammad 'Alī b. 'Abdil Wāsī.211,

30. Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Shāh Muḥammad al Fārūqī al Jaunpurī.


31. Muhazzabud-Dīn Aḥmad bin 'Abdir Raḍa ad Dammamīmī.207,209,

32. Nizamuddin Usmān al Khtāi “Mulla Zadah”77,85,87,111,113,115,


33. Peer Muhammad b. Ismaeel b. Husain "al Mufti as Sammani". 51,

34. Ṣadar b. Husain al Banbānī.203,

35. Sa'dud'din Abu Sa'id Mas'ūd bin 'Umar bin 'Abdillah at Taftāzāni.


36. Saifuddin Ahmad .b.Yahya.b.Muhammad.b.saduddin Masud.

"Hafeedut Taftazani".133, 89,91

37. Shaikh Abdul Qādir b. Ali "al Mashshāt"225,

38. Shaikh Ahmad al abiverdi.53,

39. Taqiyyudin Abu Bakr b. Ali b. Abdillah al Hamvi"Ibn-e-Hajjah"173,

40. Wajeehuddin Ahmab b. Nasrullah,61,163,

41. Zainuddin abu Yahya Zakariyyah b. Muhammad b. Ahmad al Ansari al

Misri al Mulaqqab ba "Shaikhul Islām".15

42. Zainuddin abul Hasan Ali. B. Muhammad. b.Ali. Jurjāni

al Maruf bi"as-Sayyid ash-Shareef”33,35,37,39,41,43,45,47,


Commentator Index

1. 'Abdu'l Qādir b. Ahmad.101,

2. Najmuddin 'Abdullah b. Shihābiddin (al Husain) al Yazdī . 127, 129,131

3. as Sayyid Muḥammad Yāsīn b. Abdillah b. Ibrāhīm Mīr Ganī Hanafi as


4. ash Shaikh Aḥmad b. 'Abdil Fattāh b. Yūsuf al Malawi.185, 187,189

5. ash Shaikh Aḥmad b. Zaini Dehlan al Misri. 191,

6. ash Shaikh Tūrūn Āfandi.181,

7. Hasan Chalpi b. Muhammad Shāh b. Farahi ar Rumi."al-fazil al-Chalpi".


8. Kami al Aqhasari.155,

9. Maulana Shāh Haidar 'Alwi.93,

10. Muḥammad b. Muḥammad b. Shāh Muḥammad al Fārūqī al


11. Muhammad b. Nūrud Dīn 'Ali b. Muḥammad al Ḥusainī al Jurjāni ash


12. Mulla 'Abdul Hākim b. Shamsid-Dīn as- Siyālkoti al Hindi.97,

13. Nizāmuddin 'Usmān al Khatāi “Mullah Zādah”.77,85,87,

14. Noor Muhammad b. Ash-Shaikh al-Lahori.83,

15. Qaul Aḥmad b. Muhammad b. Khizr.183,

16. Sādiqe b. Durwesh Muhammad al Halwāi as Samarqandi.125,

17. Saifuddin Aḥmad b.Yahyā b.Muhammad b. Sa'adud Dīn

Masūd“Ḥafīdu't Taftāzāni.133,


Index of Copiers

Abdul Qadir b. Ali al Mashshāt.191, 'Abdullah.119, 'Abdush Shakūr b. 'Abdir Razz āqe al Badāyūnī.113, A�mad 'Ali b. Muhammad Yaqub Ali al Gopamavi .221, Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Basir al Khubaisi and.157,159, A�mad Khān Rāmpuri b. Faqīr Khan.169, 'Ali b.'Ali al Muslimi al Yamani.201, Ali b. Jam āluddin.197, 'Al ī b. Mu�ammad b.'Alī.189, Badruddin al 'Alwi.143, Bahādur 'Ali Khan Afgh ān Yūsuf Zai.123, Haider Muhammad b. Haji Shah Muhammad Sajistani.21, Haji Khalifah.155, Hāshim bin Yahya as Sāmi.79, Ibne Ibr āhim Khuari.107, Ismail b. Musa b. Husain Meer.71, Jaan Muhammad a pupil of Maulana Muhammad Muhsin.131, Jalālu'd D īn �aidar b.�āji Mu �ayyud Dīn at Tabīb.219, Kundan Lāl Ashki.13, Malik Ahmad b. Peer Muhammad.65,69,91,93, Malik Ahmad b. Pīr Muhammad in 1062AH/1651Ad.69,91,93,175, Malik Ahmad F āruqi.175, Masihullah Kātib.3, Maulwi 'Izzat 'Ali Gorakhpur ī.171, M īr Muhammad Badāyuni in (1006AH/1597AD),103 Muhammad 'Āqil b. Shaikh Muhammad �ālih b. 'Abdil �āmid.115,116, Muhammad Ārif b. Muhammad Yusuf., Muhammad b. Masud.105, Muhammad Faizullah al Bareilly.149 Muhammad Ilyas.35, Muhammad Rafī Sanbhli.127, Muhammad Rahmat.117, Muhammad Salih b. Khuwajah Hasan.73, Muhammad Shareef al Hafizi al Harivi.53, Mu�ammad Siddīqe b. Shaikh 'Abdur Rasheed.179, Muhammad Waliyullah. al 'Abb āsi al Hāshmi al Quraishi.85,


Muhammad Zaki b. Haji Muhammad Naseer al Hamdāni.33, Muhazzabud-Dīn A�mad bin 'Abdir Ra �a ad Dammamīmī.207,209, Nizam b. Abdir Razzaq Ustaz Ahmad b. Muhammad.157, Nizāmuddin Abdur Razzāq b. Muhammad al Khateeb at Tirmizi.15, Peer Muhammad b. Ismaeel.51, Khaleequllah al Bariellwi.87, Ziauddin M ūsa b. Mulham al Kātib.7, Sayyad Abdul Majeed Allahabad.19, Sayyad Muhammad Saeed b. Sayyad Ibrahim " al Qazi al Islamboli.11, Shaikh Mustafa.61,163, Sharfuddin Lahori.125, Turab Ali b. 'Abb ās Ali b. Maulwi Ismatullah in Mordab ād,137,


Place Index



Bablan Bozqar.153,



Batlad. Ahmadabad.69,







Makka Mukarramah.134,185,

Mor ādābad.137, Qurah Hisar.1,

Rampur.22, 24, 30. 64,

