Dep P•L) 6ll number Jc,u - Ci~,. -...

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Transcript of Dep P•L) 6ll number Jc,u - Ci~,. -...

Avd./Enhet/UM Dep .-u,·:i,f P•L)

lnsatsnumrner Contr1tn.,t,0•·1 1'u 'll)t/1

Strateg1 St,Jtegy

Sektor Sectur

Sektorrnal S12cm1 Ob/1 c. t,"'t~

Land C0lHld,r

Avtalspartner(s) Agreer"h .. •l't l)drt~l('"H\~1

Konto Ar:.r,, No


Voelges Cr,p•f •o

Dep Asia.North Afr Hum Assist/ West Bank and Gaza (5211)


Vastbanken/Gaza 2008-2011, forlangd till 2014

lnfrastruktur och samhallsbyggnad

Beaktrnng av m1ljo- och kltmatfragor med sarsk1lt fokus pa tillvaratagande av vattenresurser



Org enhet o,g cooe




Mana Bendel Johan Schaar

Beslutsdatum \J)f ~ \~ / ~~~L ~ Dec1&1on elate Dec,s,on number (

Jc,u - < 3 -Ji 6ll J'i?-i.- ~cqt{ u'1 Arendenummer I 'I\~"\) i ) Ci~,.___ 1,,q Ca$e r1urnbE<r Vj d-_,,V \...,\ CX...°\_ .._.) "'\

Total budget 1 609 120 SEK Total budget

S1das budget 1 609 120 SEK S,da ·s budge I

Sidas budget (per i!lr) 2014 : 1 154 120 SEK S,da·s contribution [per 2015 · 455 000 SEK ycaq

Avrakningskonto 15518 (West bank/Gaza) Arlor..atton account

lmplementerande part(er) lmpIen1enting partner(s)

lnsats/komponent Contr1but,on/cornpo11ent


Kontrakt/aktiv Contract/active

Kontospec Ace spec

52110076 A5211046 MYNDNV

Distribution (datum/ sign) IL o,stributron {datum/sign) <JJ..::, .,1;1u - 3 -_! /

Onom s1gnatur mtygas att den i 1 kap. 9 § regenngsformen grundlagsfasta objekt1v1tetsprinc1pen och bestammelsen om iav i 11 § forvaltningslagen 1akttagits v1d handlaggning av arendet

The signatures certify that the principle of objectivity tn Chapter 1 § 9 of the Instrument of Government and the rule of disqualification in § 11 of the Admin1strat1ve Procedure Act have been observed when handling the matter

Fbredragande App10

.............. >)\~~-....... ~\\1);:~~ ............................. .. R8l10'\"•G \ ~i ~

........... ;· ....................................................................................................................... . I ,sa Ht.'t1'.,''\.~•-., f-i· .h.J .... 1 ,, t\AaP;-jl..fe

Samr~dande In COl"'IS1.1l\clt1Vll W!ll'

..... !\ <;: .L.. .! .\~! .. ~~,c,\..~ ... ~ .. : .. '.!:\.~ .. \~~\ .............................. .

~~gor ~end1x 1 Ut"'as: T1anstekopsciverenskornmelse 1nkl b1lagor

lngr/,Sandstrom, Act,ng Head of Dev Cooperation

Narvarande Present

Referens till tidigare beslut/bemyndiganden GK Jer 2013/27 Study visit by EQA to Swedish EPA


1 Beslut

Mot den bakgrund och av de ska I som anges nedan beslutas:

Att Sida ska bidra till "The inception phase of cooperation between the Swedish Environment Protection Agency (EPA)/Naturv~rdsverket and the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority (EQA) 2014-2015" under tidsperioden 1 april 2014 - 31 mars 2015, i enlighet med uppdragsbeskrivning och budget, till ett totalt belopp om hogst SEK 1 609 120 i enlighet med foljande uppdelning;

Att for andam~let ta i ansprAk SEK 1 154 120 ur avrakniningskonto 15518, ~r 2014,

Att for andamfilet ta i ansprfik SEK 455 000 ur avrakningskonto 15518, for kommande Ars anslag frfin erhallen bemyndiganderam.

Att Ingrid Sandstrom, stallforetradande bistAndsrM, for Sidas rakning undertecknar tjanstekopsoverenskommelsen i huvudsaklig overensstammelse med bilagt utkast.

2 Beslutsskal

Sammanfattning av insatsen:

Naturvfirdsverket har pf¾ forfrfigan frAn Sida ansokt om stod for en forberedelsefas som inkluderar "fact finding missions" och studiebesok mellan svenska NaturvArdsverket och den palestinska motsvarigheten. Palestinian Environment Quality Authority (EQA), for att utrona rnojligheterna tll framtida samarbete. Om relevant och moj!igt ska en flerMg projektansokan tas fram inom ramen for denna insats. Pojektet avses utgora en komponent inom ramverket for Sidas kapacitets- och instituionsbyggande stod till den palestinska m1ijomyndigheten.

Ansokan avser aktivitetsperioden 1 april 2014 - 31 mars 2015 till en budget av SEK 1 609 120

3 Sarn1nanfattande bedonming av insati,;en i fbrhallande till tiWiJnpliga bestammclser

Fordjupad Relevans: Mal och resultat for utvecklingsinsatsen bidrar till att uppna av regeringen beslutade strategimfil elter motsvarande samt ar forenliga med ovriga av regeringen beslutade styrande dokument for bistandet och Sidas verksamhetsplan. Sida bedomer att insatsen:

Insatsen utgor en del i att forbereda opeartionaliseringen av den komrnande strategin dar milj6 kornmer utgora ett eget resultatomrMe inom strategin. Darmed ligger denna forberedande insats val i linje med kommande m~I for utvecklingssamarbetet med Palestina.

Resultat och maluppfyllelse: Utvecklingsinsatsen har mal som mojliggor uppfoljning och rapportering av resu!tat, forutsattningar att uppnA sina mfil och en rimlig budget i forMllande till mAI och forvantade resu!tat. Sida bedomer att insatsen:


lnsatsen ar av forberedande karaktar och darmed begransad i omfattning. Uppsatta aktiv1teter och overgnpande mal bedoms kunna uppfyllas och foljas upp. Men processen kommer endast att leda till en gemensam projektansokan o· om parterna gemensamt anser det relevant och mojligt med ett fordjupat samarbete. Budgeten ar rimlig och . · arvoden i enlighet med Sidas ramavtal med Naturvfirdsverket. '

Samarbetspartens kapacitet: Samarbetsparten har forutsattningar att leverera prestationer (outputs) pa ett effektivt satt och en tillracklig intern styrning och kontroll, inklusive forutsattningar att styra insatsen mot overenskomna mfil. Sida bedomer att insatsen: ~

lnsatsen baseras pA det ramavtal som Sida har med Naturvardsverket och den underliggande bedomning av ~ myndighetens system for styrning och kontroll.

Uppfoijning, inklusive dia!ogfrAgor och avtalade risk~tgarder:

Department/Embassy/Unit. Programme Officer Contribution ID.

Dep Asia.North Afr Hurn Assist/ West Bank and Gaza (5211) Lisa Hellstrom 52110076


Case Number: Date: 2014-03-28

lnsatsens genomfbrande av de olIka akt1v1teterna sker I nara dialog med den palest1nska milJ6myndigheten samt koord1neras med Sida R1sknivan for denna begransade insats bedcims som lag Den storsta risken utgcirs av att msatsen 1r.te resulterar 1 en gemensam, flerarig proJektansokan. Detta ar nagot som alla parter ar infcirstadda med och 1nsatsen kommer da avslutas innan aktiv1tetspenodens slutdatum

Slutligt stalln1ngstagande:

Sida bedomer att Naturvardverkets proJektans6kan "Inception phase of cooperation between the Swedish Environment Protection Agency (EPA) and the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority (EQA) 2014-2015" fcir genornforande under penoden 1 april 2014 - 31 mars 2015 ar relevant, 1 civerensstammelse med Sidas uppdragsbesknvn1ng, krav och tillampliga bestammelser. Givet Sidas bedomning ovan avser Sida bidra till fmans1er1ngen av forberedelsefasen till ett belopp om hogst SEK 1 609 120

Departrent1E1roassy, Un t Prog·arn1ne O'f•cer

Contnbut10,1 ID

Dep As,a Norin Afr Hu11• Assist/ West Bank ana Gaza (5211 l L ,sa Hellstror1

52110075 Case Number

Date 2014-03-28


:\ppraisal of lt1tc1Tention

a. The intervention is of a supportive or preparatory nature. This intervention is of a preparatory nature The Swedish Environment Protection Agency (EPA)/Naturvardsverket has elaborated an 1neception phase through a sequence of fact finding missions, followed by a study vis1ti by the Palestinian Environment Qualtty Authority (EQA) to Sweden 1n order explore different areas for possible future cooperation between the two institutions.

b. This intervention is related to:









Sida has provided 1nst1tut1onal- and capacity bu11d1ng support to the EQA through an agreement with UNDP PAPP as technical partner since 2011 (extended to end of Septemeber 2014). The project aim has been to strengthening the inst1tut1on·s regulatory and enforcement functions. In the original plans of the project there were suggestions that the EQA would be exposed to other national agencies with s1m1lar roles and respons1b1l1t1es in their national settings. for exchange and learning experiences The EOA undertook a study v1s1t to the Swedish EPA in the late autumn of 2013

The ann of the study v1s1t was to expose the Palestinian EOA to the Swedish experience on environmental protection 1n order to contribute to improving their competences in environmental planning, monitoring and enforcement as a component in the larger project mentioned. A second aim of the study visit was also to investigate possible prospects for future cooperation between the two institutions. It turned out well, areas of possible cooperation was Jointly drawn up between the two inst1tut1ons

It was therefore suggested by Sida that the Swedish EPA and Palestinian EOA continue this exploration of future cooperation via an in-depth process. a1m1ng at developing a multi-year proiect proposal. if deemed feasible. that would fit into the larger framework of the Sida funded capacity- and inst1tut1onal building program of the EQA.

Assessment of what development problem the intervention targets and how 1t will contnbute to solving 1t, given the A __ specific context V fhe 1ntervent1on will be a component in the broader institutional- and capacity building support to the Palestinian EQA The 1nst1tu1on is still weak. but has a broad mandate and therfore struggles greatly to carry out its regulatory and enforcement functions This intervention will elaborate in what areas and how the Swedish EPA will be able to contribute to strenghten EQA 1n carrying out its mandate

The development intervention is relevant in relation to the expected results in the Swedish government strategy or other relevant instructions. In the new anticipated strategy environment will cons1tute one of the three resultareas.

Available funds. There are sufficient funds within the relevant appropriation post and authorisation frame for the proposed development intervention

The cooperation partner fulfils the legal requirements to enter into an agreement. The Swedish EPA/ Naturvardsverket, fulfils the legal requirements to enter into agreement (T1anstekops6verenskommels) and 1s based on the framework agreement between EPA/Naturvardsverket and Sida

Objectives of the development intervention

PleasE: see annex 1. ToR for the assignment

The budget appears to be eligible and reasonable. The budget items are eligible and appear to be reasonable, atthougt: still estimates. The actual outcome of time use? and actual co~ts spent will be presented (redovisas) after Q each m1:,s1on and study v1s1t The cost per hour for the different categories of experts and EPA staff 1s in line with the . ..., framework agreement

The development intervention is reasonably cost-effective compared to other alternatives to deliver the same outputs There 1s no other alternative since it is the Swedish equivalent to the Palestinian environment authority tha~ 1s requested for this intervention and support \...I"" The partner organisation ~a~ sufficient capaci_ty to maintain an adequate level of internal control including capacity to manage for results. This l1m1ted prepatory intervention by the Swedish EPA will be earned out under the framework agreement between Sida and EPA, d1anenumber 2010-001795.

Assessment of the partner's capacity is based on:

Department!Embassy/Un1t Programme Officer

Contnbut1on ID·

Dep As,a .Nortt> Afr Hurn Assist , West Bank and Gaza ( 5211)

lrsa Hellstrom



Case Number Date 2014 03-2&

With reference to the previous question above. the partner's capacity and internal control system was assessed as an integral part when establishing the framework agreement

Considering the assessment of the intervention logic, the feasibility and the risks, 1t 1s likely that obJectives will be achieved It 1s most likely that the actual activities be carried out, fact finding missions by the EPA to Palestine and the study v1s1t by the EQA to Sweden. However, the third component of the inception phase will only be earned out 1f deemed feasible. to develop Joint proposal for a multi-year project.

m Reference document(s):

Tjanstekbpsok. draft 1 Inception phase NV and EQA 2014-2015 docx




Programme OfflCN

Contribution 10

Case Number


Oep As,a North Afr Hum.Assist/ Wesl Bank and Gaza (5211)

L,sa Hellstrom




Overenskommelse nr.

Overenskommelse nr Diarienr.

Diarienr Beslut nr.

Beslut nr


Forberedelsefas (inception phase) for samarbete mellan Naturvardsverket och Palestinska miljomyndigheten (EQA)


a) Styrelsen for internationellt utvecklingssamarbete, Sida

Org nr: Attention: Avd/enhet: Adress: Momsregnr: Telefon: Telefax: E-mail:

b) Naturvardsverket Attention: Adress: Momsregnr: Telefon: Fax: Bankgiro nr: E-mail:

202100-4789 Lisa Hellstrom Consulate General of Sweden Jerusalem P.O Box 297, Jerusalem 91002 SE 202100-478901 +972 (0)2 646 58 73 +972 (0)2 646 58 61

202100-1975 PerThege 106 48 Stockholm SE202100197501 +46 (0)10 698 1217 +46 (0)8 20 29 25 5050-0859 Danske Bank

§ 1 Overenskommelsen

Foljande handlingar utgor Parternas fullstandiga overenskommelse avseende det som denna overenskommelse reglerar. Handlingarna som ersatter samtliga tidigare skriftliga och muntliga ataganden kompletterar varandra och skall, savida inte omstandigheterna uppenbarligen foranleder annat, ha foretrade i den ordning som foljer.





beslutsdatum 7 mars 2011, inklusive samtliga bilagor

2) Skriftliga tillagg och andringar till denna overenskommelse

3) Denna overenskommelse

4) Uppdragsbeskrivningen, Terms of Reference, Bilaga A

5) Budget, Bilaga B

Denna overenskommelse, inklusive ovan angivna handlingar, ka!las nedan Overenskommelsen.

§ 2 Sidas Allmanna Villkor for Myndighetssamarbete inkl. tillaggsvillkor

Sidas .Allmanna Villkor for Myndighetssamarbete, inkl. tillaggsvillkor (nedan kallade Allmanna Villkor) ska vara tillampliga.

§ 3 Uppdraget

a) Omfattning

Naturvardsverket skall utfora de tjanster i enlighet med vad som anges i Uppdragsbeskrivningen, (nedan kallade Uppdraget), Bilaga A.

b) Tidsp/an

Uppdraget skall paborjas 1 april 2014 och avslutas senast 31 mars 2015.

c) Rapporlering

Naturvardsverket ska inkomma med bade en narrativ och finansiell rapport. Rapporterna ska insandas Generalkonsulatet i Jerusalem senast den 30 juni 2014, i enlighet med uppdragsbeskrivningen, Bilaga A.

§ 4 Bemanning

Naturvardsverket ska i forsta hand bemanna uppdraget med egen personal, framfor allt avseende den projektledande funktionen och de administrativa funktionerna.

Nar tillampligt, ska Naturvardsverket anlita utomstaende expertis for delar av uppdraget, bl a for att sakerstalla uppdragets komponenter med sadan kompetens som myndigheten inte sjalv besitter. De delar av uppdraget som inte avser den myndighetsunika tjansten/funktionen enligt myndighetens instruktion ska upphandlas och LOU ska tillampas.

§ 5 Budget och Ersattning

a) Budget

Sida ersatter Naturvardsverket for faktiskt havda kostnader f6r planering och genomforande av uppdraget enligt projektansokan inklusive budget, Bilaga B och Allmanna Villkor.

Takbeloppet for det totala arvodet ar SEK 813 000 (?) for samtliga ersattningsgilla kostnader SEK 796 120 (?)

b) Arvode

Arvode for utfort arbete inom ramen for denna overenskommelse framgar av Bilaga B och Allmanna Villkor.

c) Ersattningsgilla kostnader

Ersattningsgilla kostnader ar kostnader som ar direkt kopplade till personal ~. som Naturvardsverket staller till forfogande enligt Allmanna Villkor. Sida '\..JI ersatter sadana kostnader i den man de ej ersatts av samarbetspart. bi.'

d) Arvodesjustering

En eventuell justering av arvodet behandlas vid de arliga overlaggningarna mellan Naturvardsverket och Sida enligt Allmanna Villkor. Arvodesjustering ska goras genom skriftliga tillagg till Overenskommelsen for att nytt arvode ska galla. Myndigheten har inte ratt till justerat arvode retroaktivt.

§ 6 Fakturering och betalning

Betalning skall ske till ovan angivet postgiro, forutsatt att Konsulten meddelat Nordea Bank Sverige AB om overforing.

Vad som i ovrigt galler vid fakturering och betalning, se Allmanna Villkor.

§ 7 Revision

Naturvardsverket ar ansvarig for att projektet/programmet revideras arligen enligt § 16 i Allmanna Villkor.

§ 7 Kontaktperson och andringar av Overenskommelsen

a) Kontaktperson

Kontaktperson avseende fragor och andringar av Overenskommelsen ar for Naturvardsverket Per Thege eller den person som Konsulten satter i dennes stalle och for Sida Lisa Hellstrom eller den person Sida satter i dennes stalle.






Andringar av Overenskommelsen far endast ske skriftligen och skall undertecknas av bada Parter.

§ 8 Forlangning

Parterna kan forlanga Overenskommelsen pa oforandrade grunder med hogst tva pa varandra foljande tidsperioder om 12 manader vardera. Detta skall ske genom en skriftlig overenskommelse mellan Parterna innan overenskommelsetiden lopt ut. Myndigheten har inte ratt till nagon ersattning om en sadan f6rlangning inte kommer till stand.

§ 9 Tvistelosning

Alla tvister, meningsskiljaktigheter eller krav med uppkomst ur denna Overenskommelse ska losas genom enskild forhandling mellan parterna.

§ 10 Giltighetstid

Overenskommelsen skall trada i kraft vid undertecknandet. Overenskommelsen skall vara giltigt t o m 30 september 2015.

Overenskommelsen har upprattats i tva likalydande exemplar av vilka Parterna tagit var sitt.

Jerusalem, Stockholm, Ort och datum ·

. Ort och datum ________ _

For Sida, For Naturvardsverket,

Underskrift ___ ........ --. --· ..

· Undersknft

__ I_Qg_~isLSandstr~.!I.'.! s_tf_~J~!~.r:i-~~E§d _ NamnfOrtydligande och titel NamnfOrtydHgande och titet · · ---



Consul Development Cooperation

Lisa Hellstrom

Naturvardsverket Att: Per Thege 106 48 Stockholm

Terms of Reference for an inception phase of cooperation between

the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the

Palestinian Environment Quality Authority (EQA) 2014-2015

Background Sida has provided institutional- and capacity building support to the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority (EQA) through an agreement with UNDP PAPP as technical partner. The project aim has been to strengthening the institution's regulatory and enforcement functions. The support has been provided since 2011 and has been extended to the end of September 2014. In the original plans of the project there were suggestions that the EQA would be exposed to other national agencies with similar roles and responsibilities in their national settings, for exchange and learning experiences. Apart from visiting the Jordanian counterpart in 2012, the EQA also undertook a study visit to the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the late autumn of 2013.

The aim of the study visit was to expose the Palestinian EQA co the Swedish experience on environmental protection in order to contribute co improving their competences in environmental planning, monitoring and enforcement as a component in the larger project mentioned. A second aim of the study visit was also to investigate possible prospects for future cooperation between the two institutions. This aim turned out well, areas of possible cooperation was jointly drawn up between the two institutions.

It was therefore suggested by Sida that the Swedish EPA and Palestinian EQA continue this exploration of future cooperation. This assignment would complement the review study of the EQA which Sida has commissioned an independent consultant firm to carry out during the spring of 2014. The study includes an organisational review of the

Postal Address: P.O. Box 297

Visitors' address: 58 Nabius Road Sheikh Jarrah

Telephone: +972 2 645 58 60

Fax: +972 2 645 58 60

£-mail. gcne,alkonsu lat JfilusalemOforo,gn min






EQA and the identification of possible partners for future institutional

and capacity building support. It will be guiding Sida in how to program

the future support to the EQA under the next strategy period, which

will have a more explicit environment focus.

Aim On the basis of the first study visit by EQA to Sweden in 2013, the aim

is to jointly continue to explore different areas for future possible

cooperation between the two institutions, through a sequence of

missions and study visits. The second aim is to develop a project

proposal for multi- year cooperation if deemed feasible, raking into

account the results of the above mentioned consultancy study for

maximum relevance of future support.

The assignment The Swedish EPA shall elaborate an inception phase for cooperation

through a sequence of fact finding missions, followed by study visits

between the institutions. The Swedish EPA will be responsible for

carrying out fact finding missions to the EQA in Palestine and

arranging for the study visit by EQA to Sweden. The Swedish EPA is t0

provide the relevant expertise and staff needed to fulfil the different

missions and study visit. If deemed feasible a project proposal shall be

developed jointly with EQA for multi-year support which fits within

the larger framework of the Sida funded capacity- and institutional

building program to the EQA.

Programs for the mentioned activities in the inception phase (fact

finding missions and study visit) shall always be elaborated jointly with

the EQA and be submitted to Sida for information and dialogue. Sida

shall always be provided the opportunity to take part in the different


The inception phase is to start in April 2014 and end at the latest by 31

March 2015.

Reporting The Swedish EPA shall submit a narrative and financial report of the

completed inception phase. The narrative report shall include

information on carried out activities and analyse to what extent the

overall aim was reached.

The reports, shall not exceed 15 pages ( excluding the financial report), be written in English and submitted in a signed, printed copy and one

digital copy.

The report shall be submitted to the Consulate General of Sweden, Jerusalem.



0 '




Thege, Per Phone: +46-10-698 1217 Per.thege

MEMO 2014-03-18 Case number:


Cooperation between the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority (F:QA) and the Swedish Environment Protection Agency (EPA) - Draft Terms of Reference for an inception stage of cooperation.

Background Sida is providing institutional and capacity building support to the Palestinian Environment Quality Authority (EQA) through an agreement with UNDP PAPP as technical partner. The dialogue with the Swedish EPA was initiated by Sida in late spring 2013 when a study visit by EQA to the Swedish EPA was suggested.

During the study visit to the Swedish EPA, which took place in November, a number of different areas for possible cooperation between the two authorities were identified. (See annex 1)

Aim The overall aim of this inception programme 2014-15 is to establish thrust and partnership between EQA and EPA and to pave the ground for a longer cooperation. This implies a mutual understanding of how both institutions are structured and operating in order to identify common grounds for beneficial cooperation.

The immediate aim of the cooperation during the coming year is to identify and specify areas of cooperation thru visits to Palestine and to carry out a study visit to Sweden with focus on selected areas of cooperation. Those activities will form a part of the process to elaborate a multi-year cooperation programme with Palestine, if deemed feasible.

Further details of the cooperation during 2014-15 will not be possible to present at this stage but will be developed during the course of the assignment.



POSTAL ADDRESS' SE-106 48 STOCKHOLM PHOSE. 010-698 10 00 FAX 010-698 JO 99



- .I,. ' ,I l.,;I

fact finding missions and study visit shall be elaborated jointly with EQA and submitted to Sida for dialogue.

Component 1

Two fact finding and projekt formulation missions, each one week, will take place in Palestine. The aim is to enable EPA staff to get a better understanding of EQA organisation and operations. Areas of cooperation will also be discussed and further highlighted during the missions. 2-3 areas of cooperation will be agreed upon, which will be the basis for study visits to Sweden (see Component 2)

Component 2 A study visit in Sweden will be carried out by EQA-staff. Based on the outcome of Component 1, different activities will be organized around the selected areas of cooperation, such as work shops, study visits, training, lectures etc. Discussions and planning of coming stages of the cooperation will also take place.

Component 3 This component will cover project preparation, management support, programme coordination and auditing.

Timing The programme will run between l April 2014 - 31 March 2015

Reporting The Swedish EPA will narratively and financially report when the assigmcnt has been carried out. The narrative report shall include information on carried out activities and analyse to what extent the overall aim was reached. The report shall also include recommendations regarding the future development of the cooperation.

Budget A prelimary budget (in SEK) for the assignment has been attached in annex 2. Considering the inception nature of the programme, where detailed project



activities will be agreed upon in close consultations with EQA during the O programme period, the budget is to be considered an estimation.




Areas of possible cooperation between the Palestinian EQA and Swedish EPA

I. Authority delegation to regional and local bodies seems practical with

proper planning, follow-ups, and lots of procedures. This might be

applicable in Palestine, and the assistance from EPA in implementing a pilot would be useful.

2. Working on development of coordination mechanism with different

stakeholders in the environmental sector in Palestine is a potential. since

EPA has excellent experience in this area.

3. Possible support to EQA in harmonizing the environmental law in Palestine including the development of all necessary bylaws and


4. Organizational structure development of EQA (including its regional

offices) to fulfil its mandate.

5. Learn from the Swedish experience m the management of natural reserves. forests. and parks.

6. Environmental awareness and outreach (environmental awareness and education centers).

7. Possible support and training in the development of an Environmental

Information System can also be considered.

8. The PRTR system applied in Sweden is of interest. Some feedback of

EPA experience/lesson learned might be useful.

EPA during 2014-15

Component Cost Quantity Sum Fee Reimb. Assign Total Component 1 - Fact finding and project Fact finding missions to Palestine (Two visists, each one week)

Mission to Palestine 1 Consultancy fee 1 200 80 96 000 96 000 Consultants per diem 600 7 4 200 4 200 Fee NV 1 050 160 168 000 168 000 Per diem NV 600 14 8 400 8400

International travel - Consultants 10 000 1 10 000 10 000 International travel - NV 10 000 2 20 000 20 000 Hotel in P - Consultants 1 000 7 7 000 7 000 Hotel in P - NV 1 000 14 14 000 14 000 Transport in Palestine 500 7 3 500 3 500

Contingency 20 000 20 000 Total Mission 1 351 100 168 000 42 400 140 700 351 100

0 Mission to Palestine 2 Consultancy fee 1 200 80 96 000 96 000 Consultants per diem 600 7 4 200 4 200 Fee NV 1 050 160 168 000 168 000 Per diem NV 600 14 8 400 8 400

International travel - Consultants 10 000 1 10 000 10 000 International travel - NV 10 000 2 20 000 20 000 Hotel in P - Consultants 1 000 7 7 000 7 000 Hotel in P - NV 1 000 14 14 000 14 000 Transport in P 500 7 3 500 3 500 Continqency 20 000 20 000 Total Mission 2 351 100 168 000 42 400 140 700 351 100

Total Component 1 702 200 336 000 84 800 281 400 702 200

Component 2 - Study visit to Sweden, one week

Consultancy fee 1 200 80 96 000 96 000 Fee NV 1 050 40 42 000 42 000 Travel cost 30 000 30 000 Conference costs 3 000 5 15 000 15 000 Official dinner 600 10 6 000 6 000

Costs for Palestinian delegation (10 people) International travel 10 000 10 100 000 100 000 Allowances 500 70 35 000 35 000 Hotel in Stockholm 1 000 70 70 000 70 000

- ~ - -- - - . ---Total Visit 451 920 42 000 0 409 920 451 920

Total component 2 451 920 42 000 0 409 920 451 920

Component 3 • Management support, coordination and auditing

Fee NV (management, coordination) 1 050 300 315 000 315 000 Fee NV (experts) 1 050 80 84 000 84 000 Fee NV, auxilary staff 900 40 36 000 36 000 Auditing 20 000 20 000

Total Component 3 455 000 435 000 20 000 0 455 000

~ ~tal all components 1 609 120 813 000 104 800 691 320 1 609 120