DentalNewsleer - ·...

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Dental  Newsle+er  Summer  2012  

Newsle+er  In  Brief…  o  P.R.Jones  CQC  approved  

and  part  of  BDA  Good  Prac>ce  Scheme  

o  Dental  Team  updates  o  P.R.Jones  approved  training  

prac>ce  for  the  8th  year  in  a  row!  

o  Cosme>c  treatments  remain  a  focus  

o  Realignment  Cases:  Excellent  results  in  excellent  >me  

o  Implants:  Treatment  solu>ons  for  life!  

o  Smile  Gallery  Update  

Mannington,  Southgate,  Pontefract,  WF8  1QT                                                                                                                                  Tel:    01977  702  051  

P.R.JONES  and  Associates  Dental  Surgery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

As  we  look  towards  the  summer,  in  reflec>on,  2011  and  the  early  part  of  2012,  presented  a  number  of  changes  at  P.R.Jones  and  Associates.    A  lot  of  our   aWen>on   has   been   drawn   to   maintaining   standards   and   complying  with  Care  Quality  Commission  (CQC)  standards.    As  our  prac>ce  has  always  been   part   of   the   BDA   Good   Prac>ce   Scheme,   we   did   find   that   our  standards   and   services   we   strive   to   provide   our   pa>ents   has   remained  high.  Several  audits  and  prac>ce  visits  did  help  to  confirm  this  conclusion.  

We  saw  the  departure  of  our  graduate  den>sts  Dr  Peter  Robbins  and  Dr  Hiba  Al-­‐Diwani  who  both  successfully  completed  a  year  with  our  prac>ce.    Sadly  we  saw  the  departure  of  Dr  Sachin  Soni  earlier  in  the  year,  who  was  with  the  prac>ce  since  2010.    We  wish  them  all   the  best   for  their   future  career  ambi>ons.  

Our  prac>ce  was  approved  as  a  voca>onal  training  prac>ce  for  the  8th  year  in  a  row.    We  welcomed  a  further  three  graduates  to  join  our  prac>ce  –  Dr  Jack  Brazel,  Dr  Katherine  Fisher  and  Dr  Rebecca  NuWer.    Each  of  the  new  den>sts   have   seWled   well   and   are   keen   to   progress   in   their   career   and  provide   quality   treatment   for   our   pa>ents.   One   of   our   long   serving  valuable  nurses,  Keeley  Wilcox,  will  be  leaving  us  to  go  on  maternity  leave.    We  wish  Keeley  all  the  best  throughout  her  leave.    In  response  to  this,  we  welcome   two   new   nurses,   Jessica   Wilson   and   Ka>e  WaWs.   Later   in   the  year,   we   will   also   welcome   Dr   Mayoor   Patel   and   Dr   Jacqueline   Jones,  daughter  of  our  principle  den>st  Dr  Peter  Jones  -­‐  2012  proves  to  be  a  busy  and  exci>ng  year  for  us  all  here  at  P.R  Jones!  

Dr  Fayaz  Ladak  has  con>nued  in  his  focus  in  cosme>c  den>stry  as  well  as  enhancing   the   treatment   op>ons   available   for   our   pa>ents   who   have  wanted   improvements   in   their  den>>on.    Whitening  and   INMAN  aligner  treatments  have  con>nued  to  be  popular,  again  achieving  great  results  in  minimal  >me.  Having  completed  his  Implant  training  and  internally  making  this   treatment   op>on   available   at   P.R.Jones,   Dr   Ladak   has   completed   a  number  of  cases  and  achieved  some  great  results.    Dental  implants  are  the  superior   solu>on   for   missing   teeth   and   the   demand   and   popularity   for  Implants   is   increasing.     Our   pa>ents   have   been   very   pleased  with   their  treatment  and  we  have,  as  a  result,  received  many  recommenda>ons  and  referrals.    Dr  Ladak  con>nues  to  be  a  valuable  asset  at  P.R.Jones.  

Throughout   the   prac>ce   there   has   been  much   aWen>on   drawn   towards  maintenance   of   good   oral   hygiene   and   preven>on   of   decay.   Our  experienced   qualified   nurses,   Sarah   Agar   and   Laurie   Mason,   have  con>nued   to   provide   pa>ent   services   including   fluoride   treatments,  preventa>ve  advice,  oral  hygiene  and  diet  guidance.  

School  and  residen>al  home  visits   for   the  elderly  have  also  con>nued  to  be  a  part  of  our  services.  Our  prac>ce  con>nues  to  be  a  part  of  the  BDA  Good  Prac>ce  scheme.  This  proves  that  our  team  is  commiWed  to  working  to  the  high  standards  set  by  our  profession’s  na>onal  associa>on.    We  aim  to  con>nue  to  provide  the  best  treatments  to  the  highest  standards.  

Check  out  our  website:  

The  below  pa>ent  had  always  wanted  to  have  straighter  teeth  and  was  never  happy  with  her  smile.    All  efforts  were  made  to  relieve  the  crowding  in  her  teeth,  followed  by  fine  adjustments  to  complete  the  perfect  smile.  The   impact  on  her  smile   is  very  no>ceable  and  unbelievable  in  the  >me  taken  to  complete.    She  reported  ager  that  she  wished  she  had  done  this  much  sooner!  

Dr   Ladak   proudly   introduces   The   INMAN  Aligner,  a  rela;vely  new  leading  cosme;c  dental  procedure  that  has  taken  the  UK  by  storm.  This  revolu;onary  concept  enables  the  transforma;on  of  front  teeth  that  are  protruding   or   crowded,   in   a   maDer   of  weeks!  

The  INMAN  aligner   is  one  of  the  greatest  innova;ons  in  den;stry  in  recent  years.  It  is   kind   to   teeth,   fast   and   affordable.   It  really   is   the   best   and  most   effec;ve  way  to   correct   and   straighten   crowded   front  teeth.  

Tooth  Whitening  

Teeth   can   be   restored   to   their   natural  colour   or   beyond   by   tooth   whitening.  We   offer   two   main   treatment   op>ons  to  achieve  the  desired  result.  

For   instant   results   or   for   the   busy  individual,   power   whitening   can   be  carried   out   at   our   prac>ce   using   the  Chairside  Zoom2  Whitening  System,  as  seen   on   the   Extreme   Makeover   TV  series.   This   treatment   is   completed   in  as  liWle  as  45-­‐60  minutes,  producing  an  immediate  result!  

Whitening  can  also  be  completed  using  alterna>ve   take-­‐home   Whitening   kits.  Following   the   instruc>ons  given  by   the  den>st,   you   can   also   achieve   a   great  result  with  this  method.      

Whitening  may   be   used   on   its   own   or  can   be   used   alongside   realignment   of  teeth,   a   smile   make-­‐over,   implants,   or  even   facial   aesthe>c   treatment.   Our  cosme>c   den>st,   Dr   Ladak,   will   give  advice  and  help  you  to  choose  the  best  method   to   achieve   the   best   results.  Don’t   delay,   call   the   prac>ce   today   to  book  in  your  assessment.  

Mannington,  Southgate,  Pontefract,  WF8  1QT                                                                                                                                  Tel:    01977  702  051  

P.R.JONES  and  Associates  Dental  Surgery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Dr  Sachin  Soni  

Excellent Results in Excellent Time  

Having   introduced   the   INMAN   aligner   over   two   years   ago,   many  pa>ents  have  enjoyed  the  excellent  results  achieved.  The  prospect  of   having   fixed   metal   braces   for   extended   periods   of   >me   has  always  been  undesirable  and  ogen  a  hindrance  for  those  wishing  to  have   straighter   teeth.     This  prospect   is  worse   for   those  who  have  already  undergone  extensive  orthodon>c  braces  during  childhood,  and  due  to  relapse,  require  further  work  to  perfect  their  smile.  

Below   are   two   recent   examples   of   crowding   in   den>>on,   which   can   be  corrected   and   perfected   using   the   latest   rapid   orthodon>c   treatment  methods,  such  as   INMAN  and  Clear  Aligner  treatment  by  Dr  Ladak.  These  treatments   were   completed   in   a   maWer   of   weeks   -­‐   the   impact   will  undoubtedly  last  for  many  years!  

Book  in  now  to  improve  your  smile  and  achieve  desired  results,  which  will  last  you  a  life8me…  

Mannington,  Southgate,  Pontefract,  WF8  1QT                                                                                                                                  Tel:    01977  702  051  

P.R.JONES  and  Associates  Dental  Surgery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Implants - Like Natural Teeth

Missing  teeth  should  no  longer  be  a  worry.  For  over  40  years,   dental   implants   have   been   used   successfully   in  millions  of  people  worldwide  as  a   treatment  op>on  for  one  or  more  missing  teeth.  Dental   implants  have  many  advantages  over  tradi>onal  crown  and  bridge  solu>ons.  

Six   reasons  why  you  should  consider   implants   instead  of  other  soluIons:  

1.  They  look,  feel  and  func>on  like  your  natural  teeth  2.  Healthy   teeth   do   not   need   to   be   ground   down   to  

support  the  dental  implants.  3.  Anchoring   dental   implants   in   the   jawbone   s>mulates  

bone   >ssue   and   promotes   gum   stability,   ensuring   an  aWrac>ve   aesthe>c   result   while   helping   to   maintain  facial  structures.  

4.  Dental   implants   do   not   require   any   adhesives   to   hold  the  new  teeth  in  place.  

5.  They  eliminate   the  discomfort  and   insecurity  of   loose,  ill-­‐filng  dentures.  

6.  You  have  a  secure,  permanent  tooth  replacement.  

Chew,   talk,   laugh,   grin,   and   cry.   Dare   to   be   yourself   and  express  your  feelings.  With  dental  implants  you  can  count  on  natural  looking  teeth  and  the  confidence  that  comes  with  it.    

More  and  more  people  are  discovering   that  dental   implants  from   Astra   Tech   look,   feel   and   func>on   like   natural   teeth.  Follow  the  link  below  to  read  stories  about  people  who  chose  dental  implants  –  and  how  it  changed  their  lives.  

You   can   now   have   implant   assessments   at   our   prac>ce.   Dr  Ladak   has   teamed   up   with   Astra   Tech   Implant   System   to  enable   him   to   provide   this   very   exci>ng   op>on   to   our  pa>ents.  If  you  are  interested,  please  see  our  website  or  book  in  for  an  assessment  without  further  delay.  

Implant  OpIons  Replacing  One  Tooth:  

The  need  to  replace  a  missing  tooth  could  be  the  result  of  an  

accident  or  because  there  was  no  predisposi>on  for  a  tooth  at  birth.  

Replacing  Several  Teeth:  If  you  have  lost  several  teeth,  

there  are  two  solu>ons:  separate  crowns  on  dental  implants,  or  a  bridge  aWached  to  several  dental  


Replacing  All  Teeth  With  a  Fixed  Prosthesis:  

If  you  have  lost  all  your  teeth  in  one  or  both  jaws,  you  can  choose  a  permanently  anchored  dental  implant  bridge  as  a  solu>on.  

Replacing  All  Teeth  With  a  Removable  Prosthesis:  

If  you  have  lost  all  your  teeth  in  one  or  both  jaws,  a  removable  prosthesis  that  is  connected  to  two  or  more  dental  implants  can  

be  a  solu>on    

Free  ConsultaIon  Are  you  unhappy  with  your  teeth?  

Is  Cosme>c  treatment,  Whitening,  Realignment,  Implants,  Seda>on  or  Facial  aesthe>cs  for  you?  Are  you  interested  in  improving  your  smile  and  the  overall  appearance  

of  your  teeth?  

Contact  us  now  to  book  in  for  your  FREE  no  obliga>on  


Mannington,  Southgate,  Pontefract,  WF8  1QT                                                                                                                                  Tel:    01977  702  051  

P.R.JONES  and  Associates  Dental  Surgery                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

P.R.JONES  and  Associates  Dental  Prac>ce  Mannington  

Southgate  Pontefract  

West  Yorkshire  WF8  1QT  

Tel:  01977  702051  


Opening  Hours  Monday  8am  –  5pm  Tuesday  9am  –  6pm  Wednesday  8am  –  5pm  Thursday  9am  –  6pm  Friday  8am  –  5pm  

Our  Team  Mr.  Peter  R.  Jones  BDS  Mrs.  Helen  R.  House  BDS  Mr.  Robert  J.  Sproston  BDS  

Mr.  Fayaz  Ladak  BDS  MSc  GDipAesMed  Cert.Impl  Miss  Jacqueline  Jones  BDS  Miss  Rebecca  NuWer  BChD  Miss  Katherine  Fisher  BChD  Mr  Mayoor  Patel  BChD  

Treatment  completed  by  Dr  Fayaz  Ladak  


S M I L E   G A L L E R Y   U P D AT E  

Hyperhidrosis,  Non-­‐surgical  Facial  Rejuvena;on,  An;-­‐wrinkle  treatment  and  Dermal  Fillers  available  

Book  in  for  a  FREE  informal  chat