Demystifying Cloud Computing

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Transcript of Demystifying Cloud Computing

13th March 2010 Cloud Computing - 1/50

Demystifying Cloud Computing


Fazle Abbas Luqmani

Definition of Cloud Computing

• NIST Defines Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction

• IBM considers cloud computing to be a potentially cost-efficient model for provisioning processes, applications and services while making IT management simpler and increasing business responsiveness.

• Microsoft defines Cloud computing is as much a paradigm shift in data center and IT management as it is a culmination of IT’s capacity to drive business ahead. It can be narrowly defined as “just-in-time provisioning and scaling of services on shared hardware.” But really, it’s an opportunity to completely transform how your business and its people work.


First, what the heck is

Cloud Computing?…in simple, plain English please!

Let’s use a simple analogy

Say you just moved to

a city or your family

is growing and you’re

looking for

a place to live

You can either

Build a house or

Rent an apartment

If you build a house, there are a few

important decisions you have to make…

How big is the house?

are you planning to grow a large family?

Remodel, addition typically cost a lot

more once the house is built

But, you get a chance to customize it



Roof floor plan




Once the house is built,

you’re responsible for maintenance

Hire LandscaperElectricianPlumber

Pay property tax

Electricity Water

Gutter CleaningHeating and Cooling House Keeping

How about renting?

Consider a builder in your city builds

a massive number of apartment units

You make a fewer,


You can start with one

unit and grow later, or


A unit can easily be converted into a 2,3,4 or more units

No need to worry about maintenance cost

No need to Hire landscapers,

electricians, plumbers


You do not have

a lot of options to

customize your unit

However, builders provide you with

very high quality infrastructure

high speed Internet

high capacity electricity

triple pane windows

green materials

Just pay your rentand utilities

Pay as You Go

Let’s translate to

Cloud Computing?

Building Enterprise


Stone WallFire-proofMoat

ArmyDeath Hole

is like….




Let’s Hire an Army of IT Engineers

Software UpgradeSupport

Backup/RestoreService Pack

Development Network issues

Let’s Build

Huge Data Center

Capacity Planning

Disaster Plan

Cooling Management

Server Crashes

In the mean time,…

Many things have changed

The enterprise world we live in

2014 and beyond

Global Direct, Open Customers


TransparencyWork Remotely

(e.g. Social Media)

(Customers, Resources, IPs are acquired everywhere)

(Mobility Trend)

(Blogs, Social Computing)

Brief Collaboration(Assemble the best, Disassemble upon completion)

State of the Industry

Platform consolidation

Global commoditization of services

Cloud & services Maturity

IT pressures and paradigm shift



Economy is upside down

Excess Capacity


Can we bridge the gap?


a New Way

of Thinking

Leave it to the expertswho have build giant datacenters

across the globe

Where your data is replicated

3 or 4 times in their data centers

High Availability

Provisioning “servers” is a click away.

Running in just minutes, not days


h T



It can even load balance your server traffic

Expect your Cloud


is always up

Yes, you can even pick

where your data

and “servers” reside

Just reduce your

computing power, storage


My Business Needs…

Data Security



Breaking the Road blocks

Clouds are SOX, PCI DSS, HIPAA compliant

SLAs and penalty clauses

Cloud Security Alliance – Best Practices

OWASP WebScarab Project

Have you ever used

Cloud Computing Services

As an end-consumer, believe it or not

you’ve been using Cloud for long times

Cloud Computing User – I

13th March 2010Cloud Computing - 42/50

Cloud Computing User – II

And you’ve been enjoying

High Reliability Service

Unlimited Storage

Connecting, Sharing …..


Client Server





Evolution of the Cloud Computing

1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Future of ComputingFrom Stand-Alone to The Inter-Cloud

Stand-AloneData Centers

Phase 1

Internal Cloud

Phase 2 Phase 3 Phase 4

Public Cloud

Private Cloud

Public Cloud

Virtual Private Cloud

Open Cloud

PRESENT 2015-2017

Federation / Workload Portability / Interoperability / Security


Public Cloud #1 Public Cloud #2


Definition of Cloud Computing

• NIST Defines Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction

• IBM considers cloud computing to be a potentially cost-efficient model for provisioning processes, applications and services while making IT management simpler and increasing business responsiveness.

• Microsoft defines Cloud computing is as much a paradigm shift in data center and IT management as it is a culmination of IT’s capacity to drive business ahead. It can be narrowly defined as “just-in-time provisioning and scaling of services on shared hardware.” But really, it’s an opportunity to completely transform how your business and its people work.


Cloud Definition from NIST

Public Private Hybrid Community




ModelsSoftware as a Service (SaaS)

Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Infrastucture as a Service (IaaS)


CharacteristicsOn-Demand Self Service

Broad Network Access

Resource Pooling

Rapid ElasticityMeasured Service

Visual Model of NIST’s Working Definition of Cloud Computing

Inside a Cloud

Virtualized CPUs and Storage

Physical Servers across the Globe

Software Platform

The Cloud Platform




Microsoft Cloud Architecture


Cloud computing provides opportunities for businesses

to optimize uptime, agility, and efficiency

New Economics Reduced Management Increased Productivity


Cloud Computing Delivery Models

...service sourcing and service value


Flexible Delivery Models

Public …•Access by Service provider

owned and managed.•subscription.•Delivers select set of

standardized business process, application and/or infrastructure services on a flexible price per use basis.

Private …•Privately owned and

managed.•Access limited to client

and its partner network.•Drives efficiency,

standardization and best practices while retaining greater customization and control

Cloud Services

Cloud Computing Model

.… Customization, efficiency, availability, resiliency, security

and privacy

.…Standardization, capital preservation, flexibility and

time to deploy

Hybrid …•Access to client, partner

network, and third party resources

The layers of Cloud

Infrastructure as a Service

Servers Networking StorageData Center


Shared virtualized, dynamic provisioning

(Deployment platform that abstracts the infrastructure)

Platform as a Service

High VolumeTransactions



Web 2.0 ApplicationRuntime



Developer platform that abstracts the infrastructure, OS and middleware to drive developer productivity

Software as a Service


Business Processes


Industry Applications

Finished applications that you rent and customize

Applications, typically available via the browser:• Google Apps


Hosted application environment for building and deploying cloud applications:•

• Amazon E2C

• Microsoft Azure

Utility computing data center providing on demand server resources:

• HP Adaptive

• Rackspace

• Amazon E2C & S3




Integration-as-a-Service Database-as-a-Service



Closer Look at –as-a-ServicePlatform-as-a-Service




Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)• Compute resources (processors, memory, storage, bandwidth, etc.) are provided

in an as-needed, pay-as-you-go model

• Able to provide from single server up to entire data centers

• Creates new opportunities such as Cloud bursting: shifting usage spike traffic to alternate resources

• Infrastructure scales up and down quickly to meet demand

• Built on a utility computing architecture to host a SOA application layer

What are the benefits & challenges IaaS?

Benefits• Systems managed by SLA should equate to

fewer breaches

• Higher return on assets through higher utilization

• Reduced cost driven by

– Less hardware

– Less floor space from smaller hardware footprint

– Higher level of automation from fewer administrators

– Lower power consumption

• Able to match consumption to demand

• Challenges• Portability of applications

• Maturity of systems management tools

• Integration across the Cloud boundary

• Extension of internal security models

Platform as a Service (PaaS)• Applications are built in the “cloud” on the platform using a variety of


• Simplifies orchestration of cloud services

• Development, testing, and production environments (servers, storage, bandwidth, etc.) are billed monthly like hosting

• Pay-as-you-go model

• Environments scale up & down at the click of a button

• Concerns include code & data privacy, security and scalability

What are the benefits & challenges of PaaS?


• Pay-as-you-go for development, test, and production environments

• Enables developers to focus on application code

• Instant global platform

• Elimination of H/W dependencies and capacity concerns

• Inherent scalability

• Simplified deployment model

• Challenges

• Governance

• Tie-in to the vendor

• Extension of the security model to the provider

• Connectivity

• Reliance on 3rd party SLA’s

Software as a Service (SaaS)• Applications (word processor, CRM, etc.) or application services (schedule,

calendar, etc.) execute in the “cloud” using the interconnectivity of the internet to propagate data

• Custom services are combined with 3rd party commercial services via orchestration (SOA) to create new applications

• Requires investment to build an enabling layer with governance, security and data management functionality

• May require integration with back-office systems

• Pay-as-you-go model

What are the benefits & challenges of SaaS?

Benefits• Speed• Reduced up-front cost, potential for

reduced lifetime cost• Transfer of some/all support

obligations• Elimination of licensing risk• Elimination of version compatibility• Reduced hardware footprint

• Challenges• Extension of the security model to

the provider (data privacy and ownership)

• Governance and billing management

• Synchronization of client and vendor migrations

• Integrated end-user support• Scalability

Cloud Providers – A Birds Eye ViewInfrastructure as a Service

Platform as a Service

Software as a Service

Not So Fast ….

• Not all computing resources should exist in the clouds.

• Cloud computing is not always cost effective.

• Do your homework before making the move.

Why this is so compelling: It’s a disruptive technology

• Doesn’t meet enterprise needs

• Isn’t easy for enterprises to control

• Doesn’t support general enterprise IT practices

• Good enough for startups and SMBs

• “Cheap” compute

Source: upcoming research, Cloud Computing: Not Ready For The Enterprise...Yet.

Preparing for Cloud Computing

1. Learn 2. Pilot

• Technology Workshop

• Identify candidate pilots

• Review existing architecture

• Define target architecture

• Identify technology gaps

• Create high-level pilot

project plan

• Identify required process changes

• Define requirements

• Create estimates

• Define pilot evaluation metrics

• Create business case

• Refine target architecture

• Refine pilot project plan

• Procure technology

• Execute pilot

• Gather metrics and evaluate pilot

• Create recommendation

• Update support knowledgebase

• Update training materials

3. Transform

• Create change management plan

• Build business architecture

• Define business processes

• Build technology blueprints incorporating


• Develop roadmap

• Execute roadmap

Knowledge realization Benefits realizationConcept realization

Getting started Cloud Computing follows a standard technology adoption

methodology as shown below:

