Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Nebraska Democrat (1898... · lng J, told tho l\.lWalllalIL' that...

Post on 30-Jan-2020

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Transcript of Waynenewspapers.cityofwayne.org/Nebraska Democrat (1898... · lng J, told tho l\.lWalllalIL' that...

lng J, told tho l\.lWalllalIL' that would With in ordl'r to federal building nOar future, This Wayne people aro I

and hop<) that It distant future be realized, The Greater Wayne tcrested in the "\1'~~,~lX1J,i~", ,,!,u It may aC'COlnI!:lisll~<I, <)f larger flOW has at

Foll(}wing the men! of A, R,


r'i:i' BfjfnL dlld ('('t'l f)-f J llt!, :; ill, 1 ~,:~ 1

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Dr.~l.arl(t Cl"t·~" of .. kpuctj t

!luI) to NaHonl~11 an,: stlltl' hank i

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~oo" or 1~€~::t::~~uh~~-4f ~~~~~!'~~~~~' ~~; f[;~~l!a',r~ll dfi(;r-~~ ~·n:',-hil'r i}r--t;:0~fio-\l~;-liarn"tl hnnk tlO"'~o1-ttmn~~-:­I!WMr thll.t Ih(I '\h~ve ,l.1ltel1l,'nl. j,j a: Irll\' ml,) eOrl".,d ('oPy ()f ,till' r.eport mado to ~trc 1')('lHtrtllli"lt !If T!'lld.c7'~\nd l'OlJ).Ir~l'rC('.

, II ." In:!lMAN L1'!'."llBfmu, A..T"l."tiST: I Cfll$hl,',

" ILOI.J..lJJl w'l illY, Difl'''['" -~ }1'1-tMD £~. uQnlty. DiTf'l'tOl

I I I SubacribNl ,,ntl ,,won; \,. 1)\"101"1'

(lk.al) I I M 'i;lY '.If JUluwry t~).\li

HiNnfj}H, I\;qtltn r:'u:!lw

snow storm and I ex­bad road~. Latlrt'l ~Xdvo("att'.

Iy, Nebraska, mi the To lhe> ('l'f'ditoJ'l" of ::-;aid E",tatc: runry. 192,1, in :-In actioJ;l pC-tiding in

You an:- H{'l"t'by Notified, That I vw'ill said court wherein n. G. nohrkf!. sit at ,t,h(~ County Court Room in Waynp. in sa.id County. on the 5th day of February, aud on the 5th day of ~!!lY, 192G at 10 J"clock it. m. "<leh


up to" Uli,., ytlar th~' class of ':]3 'was

q\t,' lan.:;t"..,t l'l~ls~ "',"t']" gl'adunt('11 from 'Wayne high school. The, class

, '2Glties them in;nu,mbor •.. -'--

Wayne Cleaning Works * . * *' 10th (~t"l(le ~()t,·~


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ASSNnbl~l Nons

The asscI.'nbJy meeting rO}'

January 5, was ('xN'edhlgiy interc5t-II Ji'I'" '.[. I, •• '

lng, Th" speaker "1'¥'~~!\tl1ir ~te~rn,s: He spoke to us ~m N~w Yenr:'s Res()lu~

" tions. Among other good thoughts IH' -- asked the qll.estion; .

\Vny mal{e many rc:::.olutiol1s not observD-_one or _thnll).? "\Voul it b~ hett-cr to malw one of impor~ tance and keep it? Let it bB "One that will really better Ollr lives? Father

OJ rJ.Ul'op-e .

TIlt, }lj'nglish clllssf'f> have flnishreq "The T)pe~ <If S!lort Stories." \Ved­lH~d[ly thry \ .. Tote ~ht)rt stories on the: tiltPpositiOlr- t-hat people" really fonnd the FOUlltaiIl DC Youth. I

1'-h..:: Cac,sur ,class is pr.ogl'ess~ng

;;;plei19idly ill their prose work lis t~le)' and to I l'~ have finished half the Tcquir?d


to obey our paren~s.

HODS set uS thinking of OUl­this respl'ct. ,\\~ho "~lnY('s than 'Our lHlrent-;;;. greatly so they recUy, Why Bh'}lII(j~,·t"1Vll ~t least the

our lives by not useless doods. our parents. "

er who gave a

Real Estate

. . "' 9th Grade ~,·ws

hasket~)9.ll The "Ijin,glish cla.s~ liaR .cGmplc,tcd :l na.rrow thp interpretation of "Tht1 Lady I


. ~1Ygt1iin/!,'-' i e•

. "'- I

Etse .To Buy

products, but it bunch"of duds or tical axes to grlnij' tax T'ateR ror far,l'I' yoU will read jEre<l it -'for wh-gt'

- try, 'you -may well I wnl'L/!xed., a.nd fC""IWUlOO".

)""t week for Mrs. Jl. Lynll Tuttle. ~ dlnn<lt !\Vas given at: the home of 'MI'. aud Mrs. True Prescott, a dinne,' iat the hO'1'e or ,Mr. and 1\1rs; ·IL B., .lotH'S, a luncheon, by Mr. and Mrs.

Wright, and J! dinner by 1\1r.-

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Mrs. U. s. CIty _Wednesday tbe day.

a Wayne morning.

MJss ~IOllcia attending th;) afternoon for will enter the nurse


know'thnt i. not the -ense. Bllt for IIly.elf 1 ~an't help feeling

that 1 clo Ilke my straight horn. and that the,. help to make me live up to my Ideal. of an '"moe! oateJope of my family.

"I (,Quldn't help .btlt.!eel that there was .ometblng abOut me which waan'! ~o tine -and- frank- if 1- had- ..,rooked